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Minutes for SB13 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation
Short Title
Establishing notice and public hearing requirements prior to approval by a governing body to exceed its revenue neutral rate for property tax purposes and discontinuing the city and county tax lid, prohibiting valuation increase of real property solely as the result of normal repair, replacement or maintenance of existing structure and establishing a payment plan for the payment of delinquent or nondelinquent property taxes.
Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 12, 2021
The Chairperson opened the hearing on SB 13.
Amelia Kovar-Donohue, Office of Revisor of Statutes, provided a briefing on the bill. (Attachment 1)
Eric Stafford, Kansas Chamber of Commerce, stated support for SB 13. (Attachment 2) The conferee stood for questions.
Dave Trabert, Kansas Policy Institute, testified in support of SB 13. The conferee stood for questions. (Attachment 3)
Daniel Murray, National Federation of Independent Business spoke in favor of SB 13. The conferee stood for questions. (Attachment 4)
Written Only testimony from proponents of SB 13 included:
- Mark Tomb, Kansas Association of Realtors (Attachment 5)
- Lindsay Poe Rousseau, Sedgwick County (Attachment 6)
- Elizabeth Patton, Americans for Prosperity (Attachment 7)
- John Donley, Kansas Farm Bureau (Attachment 8)
The next conferee was Erik Sartorius, League of Kansas Municipalities. Mr. Sartorius presented neutral testimony regarding SB 13. (Attachment 9)
The conferee stood for questions.
Zack Pistora, Sierra Club, Kansas Chapter, testified as a neutral conferee. The conferee stood for questions. (Attachment 10)
Written Only testimony from neutral parties included:
- Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties (Attachment 11)
- Whitney Damron, City of Topeka (Attachment 12)
- Southwest Kansas Coalition (Attachment 13)
The hearing on SB 13 was closed.
There was no further business of the Committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 am.