House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
Concurrent Resolutions
- SCR1601 - Informing the Governor that the two houses of the Legislature are organized and ready to receive communications.
- SCR1602 - Amending the bill of rights of the constitution of the state of Kansas to reserve to the people the right to regulate abortion through their elected state representatives and senators.
- SCR1603 - Amending the Constitution of the State of Kansas to eliminate transfers from the state highway fund.
- SCR1604 - A constitutional amendment allowing for a voter petition process to call the legislature into special session during a state of disaster emergency.
- SCR1605 - Constitutional amendment reserving the powers of initiative and referendum to the people.
- SCR1606 - A constitutional amendment to grant counties home rule powers.
- SCR1607 - Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that locally elected school boards are the only governmental entity with the authority to close schools.
- SCR1608 - Proposing to amend section 3 of the Kansas bill of rights regarding the right to petition the government for the redress of grievances, including by citizen-initiated grand jury.
- SCR1609 - Proposing a constitutional amendment that provides for legislative oversight of rules and regulations adopted by executive branch agencies and officials.
- SCR1610 - Providing for the first adjournment of the Senate and House of Representatives for a period of time during the 2021 regular session of the legislature.
- SCR1611 - Article V Convention to propose amendments to limit federal power.
- SCR1612 - Withdrawn
- SCR1613 - Providing for the adjournment of the Senate and House of Representatives for a period of time during the 2021 regular session of the Legislature.
- SCR1614 - Calling for the creation of a national federalism task force to restore and maintain divisions between national and state governments.
- SCR1615 - Proposing to amend section 13 of article 2 of the constitution of the state of Kansas regarding vote requirements for passage of bills or concurrent resolutions.
- SCR1616 - Urging the Kansas Governor to end Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation in support of Kansas businesses.
- SCR1617 - Constitutional amendment deleting the power of the governor to call special sessions of the legislature or two-thirds of the legislature to require the governor to call a special session and requiring the legislature meet on a monthly basis following adjournment of the regular session.
- SCR1618 - Proposing a constitutional amendment that provides for legislative authority to revoke or suspend rules and regulations adopted by executive branch agencies and officials.
- SCR1619 - Urging the adoption of the conclusions and recommendations of the 2021 Special Committee on Taxation regarding the fiscal future of Kansas.
- SCR1620 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to require a supermajority for passage of certain bills containing new or increased state taxes.
- SCR1621 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide that the governor will appoint supreme court justices subject to senate confirmation and to eliminate the supreme court nominating commission.
- SCR1622 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for partisan, statewide election of justices of the supreme court and abolish the supreme court nominating commission.
- SCR1623 - Urging the President of the United States to stop importing oil and gas from Russia.
- SCR1624 - Amending the constitution of the state of Kansas to require that certain individuals be mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect.
- HCR5001 - Adopting joint rules for the House of Representatives and Senate for the 2021-2022 biennium.
- HCR5002 - Amending the Joint rules of the Senate and House of Representatives for 2021-2022 relating to conference committee reports and floor amendments to bill making appropriations.
- HCR5003 - Amending the bill of rights of the constitution of the state of Kansas to reserve to the people the right to regulate abortion through their elected state representatives and senators.
- HCR5004 - Proposing to amend Section 11 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Kansas regarding the filing of vacancies in the office of Attorney General and the Secretary of State.
- HCR5005 - Honoring COVID-19 frontline workers.
- HCR5006 - A constitutional amendment revising article 3, relating to the judiciary; placing the court of appeals into the constitution; and changing the nomination and appointment process for court of appeals judges to use the existing process for supreme court justices.
- HCR5007 - Constitutional amendment reserving the powers of initiative and referendum to the people.
- HCR5008 - Urging the U.S. congress to extend daylight saving time throughout the year for the whole nation.
- HCR5009 - Making application to the Congress of the United States to call a convention of the states on election integrity.
- HCR5010 - Constitutional amendment to add a new article imposing a limitation on state expenditures.
- HCR5011 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to repeal section 16 of article 15 of the constitution of the state of Kansas that requires marriage to be between individuals of the opposite sex.
- HCR5012 - Revising Article 10 of the Kansas Constitution to establish a redistricting commission.
- HCR5013 - Urging congress to propose the "keep nine" amendment to the United States constitution to prohibit expanding the number of justices on the United States supreme court.
- HCR5014 - Proposing a constitutional amendment that provides for legislative oversight of rules and regulations adopted by executive branch agencies and officials.
- HCR5015 - Urging the United States Congress to reject the For the People Act of 2021.
- HCR5016 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide for the classification and taxation of all-terrain vehicles.
- HCR5017 - Supporting the adoption of the COVID-19 Vaccine Bill of Rights
- HCR5018 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to remove legislative immunity from arrest in going to, or returning from, the place of meeting, or during the continuance of the legislative session and from civil service of process during the legislative session or 15 days prior to the commencement of the legislative session.
- HCR5019 - Providing for the adjournment of the Senate and House of Representatives for a period of time during the 2021 regular session of the Legislature.
- HCR5020 - Informing the Governor that the two houses of the Legislature are organized and ready to receive communications.
- HCR5021 - Providing for joint sessions of the Senate and the House of Representatives for hearing messages from the Governor and the Supreme Court.
- HCR5022 - Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring that a sheriff be elected in each county; exception.
- HCR5023 - Denouncing price gouging and market manipulation in the natural gas marketplace and supporting investigations into the extraordinary price increases of wholesale natural gas during the extreme cold weather event of February 2021.
- HCR5024 - Proposing to amend the constitution of the state of Kansas to provide medical assistance eligibility to the extent authorized under federal law.
- HCR5025 - Constitutional amendment legalizing the recreational use of marijuana on July 1, 2023.
- HCR5026 - Constitutional amendment authorizing the medicinal use of marijuana on July 1, 2023.
- HCR5027 - Applying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention of the states.
- HCR5028 - Proposing to amend section 1 of the Kansas bill of rights to guarantee equal rights for all individuals, including unborn children.
- HCR5029 - Making application to the Congress of the United States to call a convention of the states to establish term limits for members of Congress.
- HCR5030 - Recognizing the growing problem of antisemitism in the United States.
- HCR5031 - Providing for the adjournment of the Senate and House of Representatives for a period of time during the 2022 regular session of the legislature.
- HCR5032 - Honoring Ukrainians fighting against the Russian invasion.
- HCR5033 - Proposing a constitutional amendment imposing consecutive term limits for state legislators.
- HCR5034 - Directing the joint committee on fiduciary financial institutions oversight to study and draft legislation relating to environmental, social and governance standards.
- HCR5035 - Providing for the adjournment of the Senate and the House of Representatives for a period of time during the 2022 regular session of the Legislature.
- HCR5036 - Extending the 2022 regular session of the legislature beyond 90 calendar days and providing for the adjournment of the Senate and House of Representatives for a period of time during such session.
- HCR5037 - Providing for the adjournment of the Senate and House of Representatives for a period of time during the 2022 regular session.
- HCR5038 - Providing for the adjournment sine die of the Senate and House of Representatives during the 2022 legislative session.
- HCR5039 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit partisan and racial gerrymandering when reapportioning congressional and state legislative districts.
- HCR5040 - Proposing a constitutional amendment to revise article 10 of the constitution of the state of Kansas to create a redistricting commission.