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Minutes for HB2602 - Committee on Education
Short Title
Substitute for HB 2602 by the Committee on Education - Creating the legislative task force on dyslexia.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 21, 2018
Chairperson Baumgardner called the meeting to order and called for possible final action on Sub for HB2602.
Senator Bollier moved the motion and Senator Sykes seconded. The motion passed.
Senator Bollier distributed a balloon amendment that widens the focus of the task force. (Attachment 1)
Senator Bollier moved the motion to add the balloon amendment that adds the language "and other reading impairments" and Senator Givens seconded. The motion passed. Senator Pyle passed on the vote.
Senator Pettey distributed a balloon amendment that adds support staff for the task force. (Attachment 2)
Senator Pettey moved her amendment and Senator Sykes seconded. The motion passed. Senator Pyle passed on the vote.
Senator Pyle asked for a fiscal note on the Pettey balloon amendment on support staff.
Chairperson Baumgardner distributed and explained a balloon amendment regarding the membership of the task force. (Attachment 3)
Chairperson Baumgardner moved her amendment and Senator Pettey seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Tamera Lawrence, Office of Revisor of Statutes, asked for permission to merge the balloon amendments with the overlapping language in the bill.
Senator Bollier moved to allow staff to merge the amendments with overlapping language and Senator Pettey seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Senator Bollier questioned the time line of the task force. Chairperson Baumgardner stated that having the report from the task force by December 1st allowed time for legislation to be prepared prior to the next legislative session.
Senator Bollier moved to pass Sub for HB2602 as amended and Senator Pettey seconded. The motion passed unanimously.