House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
- Rep. Alcala
- Rep. Alford
- Rep. Arnberger
- Rep. Aurand
- Rep. Awerkamp
- Rep. Baker
- Rep. Ballard
- Rep. Barker
- Rep. Becker
- Rep. Bergquist
- Rep. Bishop
- Rep. Blex
- Rep. Brim
- Rep. Burris
- Rep. Burroughs
- Rep. Capps
- Rep. Carlin
- Rep. Carmichael
- Rep. Carpenter
- Rep. Claeys
- Rep. Clark
- Rep. Clayton
- Rep. Concannon
- Rep. Corbet
- Rep. Cox
- Rep. Crum
- Rep. Curtis
- Rep. Davis
- Rep. Deere
- Rep. Delperdang
- Rep. Dierks
- Rep. Dietrich
- Rep. Dove
- Rep. Elliott
- Rep. Ellis
- Rep. Eplee
- Rep. Esau
- Rep. Finch
- Rep. Finney
- Rep. Francis
- Rep. Frownfelter
- Rep. Gallagher
- Rep. Garber
- Rep. Gartner
- Rep. Good
- Rep. Hawkins
- Rep. Helgerson
- Rep. Henderson
- Rep. Hibbard
- Rep. Highberger
- Rep. Highland
- Rep. Hineman
- Rep. Hodge
- Rep. Hoffman
- Rep. Holscher
- Rep. Horn
- Rep. Houser
- Rep. Huebert
- Rep. Humphries
- Rep. Jacobs
- Rep. Jennings
- Rep. Johnson
- Rep. Jones
- Rep. Judd-Jenkins
- Rep. Karleskint
- Rep. Kelly
- Rep. Kessinger
- Rep. Koesten
- Rep. Kuether
- Rep. Landwehr
- Rep. Lewis
- Rep. Lusk
- Rep. Lusker
- Rep. Markley
- Rep. Mason
- Rep. Mastroni
- Rep. Miller
- Rep. Murnan
- Rep. Neighbor
- Rep. Ohaebosim
- Rep. Orr
- Rep. Osterman
- Rep. Ousley
- Rep. Parker
- Rep. Patton
- Rep. Phelps
- Rep. Phillips
- Rep. Pittman
- Rep. Powell
- Rep. Probst
- Rep. Proehl
- Agriculture
- Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget
- Appropriations
- Calendar and Printing
- Children and Seniors
- Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
- Corrections and Juvenile Justice
- Education
- Elections
- Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications
- Federal and State Affairs
- Financial Institutions and Pensions
- General Government Budget
- Government, Technology and Security
- Health and Human Services