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Minutes for HB2064 - Committee on Health and Human Services
Short Title
Establishing the KanCare bridge to a healthy Kansas program.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 20, 2017
Chairman Hawkins called attention to the revised fiscal note for HB2064 that was distributed after a request was submitted to KDHE. Chairman Hawkins reopened the hearing on HB2064 and called upon Mike Randol, Director State Medicaid and Division of Healthcare Finance, Kansas Department of Healthcare and Environment to explain the revised fiscal note and explained any differences with the revision (Attachment 3). Mr Randol reminded the committee that KDHE operates on a calendar year, which is different from the State and Federal fiscal year.
Chairperson Hawkins closed the hearing on HB2064.
Discussion followed Mr. Randol's presentation which included questions and answers.
Chairperson Hawkins inquired if the committee had the will to proceed with final action on HB2064:
Representative Concannon moved to pass out HB2064 favorably, and Representative Crum seconded the motion.
Representative Dove made a substitute motion to table HB2064 until January 8, 2018, and Representative Powell seconded the motion. The substitute motion to table failed by a show of hands.
Representative Hawkins presented his amendment (Attachment 4).
Representative Hawkins made a motion to adopt a balloon amendment which states to be eligible for medical assistance, add the language on Page 1, "who is a United States citizen or legal resident and who has been a resident of Kansas for at least 12 months", and on Page 2 strike the word "not". The motion was seconded by Representative Dove.
Representative Hawkins closed his amendment.
Representative Wilson requested to divide the amendment into separate, Page 1 and Page 2 amendments. Representative Wilson then made a substitute motion to adopt the Page 1 balloon amendment with Representative Eplee seconding the motion. Representative Wilson closed his amendment, and the motion to adopt the Page 1 balloon amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
Representative Wilson made a substitute motion to adopt the Page 2 balloon amendment with Representative Lakin seconding the motion. Representative Wilson closed the Page 2 balloon amendment, and it failed on a voice vote.
Representative Barker made a motion to table HB2064 until April 3, 2017, veto session. Representative Powell seconded the motion. Since a determination of the vote could not be decided on a voice vote, division was called and the motion to table was adopted with a show of hands.
The next House Health and Human Services Committee is scheduled for March 6, 2017 at 1:30 pm in Room 546-S of the Capitol.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 3:00 pm.