Senate Status:
2024 Statute
VACATING OR SETTING ASIDE Arbitration and award, 5-211 City streets, avenues, alleys and lanes, 12-512a Judgments and Decrees, this index Jury trial waiver, 60-238 Market squares, city of Manhattan, 12-1320 et seq. Platted lands, 58-2613 et seq. Roads and Highways, this index Streets and Alleys, this index Veterans affairs medical centers, 12-510b VACCINATION Administration, Druggists, 65-1635a Pharmacy student or intern, 65-1635a Reporting, 65-2886a Animals, crimes and penalties, 21-1213, 21-1214 Contagious disease, duties of health officers, 65-119 Duties of health officers, contagious disease, 65-119 Employer COVID-19 vaccine requirements, 44-663, 44-664 Influenza, 65-1,251 Pupils, inoculation, 72-6261 VAGRANTS AND VAGRANCY Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index VALIDATING ACTS Curative and Validating Acts, generally, this index VANPOOLS Generally, 75-46a02 et seq. Passengers, 75-46a06, 75-46a07 Fees, 75-46a06 Non-state employees, 75-46a07 Vanpool program review committee, member, 75-46a10 Revenues from program, disposition, 75-4614, 75-46a06 Routes, pickup of passengers, 75-46a07 Rules and regulations, 75-46a08 Termination of program, 75-46a09 Vanpool review committee, composition, duties, 75-46a10 Vehicles, Log of mileage, 75-46a05 Maintenance and repair, 75-46a06 Passenger fees, disposition, 75-46a06 Personal use by driver, prohibited, 75-46a05 Purchase of, 75-4614, 75-46a03 Registration and insurance, 75-46a04 VAULTS Banks and trust companies, time for access, 9-1122 Cemetery corporations, plans and specifications, 17-1324 et seq. VEGETATION Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, Planting, report, 49-413 Reclamation, 49-411 Revegetation of affected areas, 49-409 VEHICLE COMMISSIONER Transfer of powers and duties to director of vehicles, 74-2010 VEHICLES Emergency Vehicles, this index F.O.B., sales act, 84-2-319 Mobile Homes, generally, this index Motor Vehicles, generally this index Recreational vehicles, construction, standard code, 75-1211 et seq. State division of, 75-5110 et seq. Traffic Rules and Regulations, generally, this index Trailers, generally, this index Vehicles, division of. Revenue, State Department of, this index Washing and waxing, sales tax, 79-3603 VEHICULAR HOMICIDE Crimes and Punishments, this index VENDING MACHINES See, also, Food Service and Lodging Establishments, generally, this index Blind Persons, this index Cigarettes, license, 79-3303 Drugs and medicine, 65-650 Leased state real estate, certain, vending facilities laws, application, 75-3686 Licenses, cigarettes, 79-3303 Poisons, 65-650 Sales tax, 79-3603 VENEREAL DISEASES Diseases, this index VENTILATION Air Conditioning, this index Eminent domain, damages, 26-513 Heat and Heating, this index Licensure by cities or counties, Act inapplicable to technical professions, 12-1544 Certificate of competency, 12-1542 Codes, standards and regulations, 12-1543 Continuing education, 12-1542 Definitions, 12-1540 Examinations, 12-1541, 12-1542, 12-1543 Fees, 12-1543 Inspections, 12-1543 Reciprocal agreements, 12-1543 Rules and regulations, 12-1542 Validity of license in other cities or counties, 12-1542 Working conditions, investigations, 44-636 VENTURE CAPITAL COMPANY ACT, KANSAS See, also, Commerce and Housing, State Department of, this index; Kansas, Inc., this index; Kansas Statewide Risk Capital System, this index; Technology Enterprise Corporation, Kansas, this index Generally, 74-8301 et seq. Annual reports, By companies, 74-8308 By secretary, 74-8310 Annual review, 74-8308 Articles of incorporation, review, 74-8306 Articles of partnership, review, 74-8306 Capitalization, level of, 74-8306 Certification of company, 74-8306, 74-8307 Damages to investors, state not liable, 74-8311 Decertification of company, 74-8308, 74-8309 Definitions, 74-8303 Documents, confidentiality, security, 74-8307 Evaluation of program, 74-8310 Governor, report to, 74-8310 Investments, 74-8307 Damages, state not liable, 74-8311 Majority equity interest, prohibition, 74-8307 Tax credit, 74-8304, 74-8304a, 74-8307 Effects of decertification, 74-8309 Reporting requirements, 74-8308 Legislature, evaluation of programs, reports, 74-8310 Noncompliance with requirements, effect, 74-8308 Purposes, 74-8302 Recommendations, 74-8310 Rules and regulations, 74-8305, 74-8306 Secretary, 74-8303, 74-8305 et seq. Secretary of revenue, duties, 74-8304, 74-8308 Seed Capital, Local Pools, generally, this index Tax credits, Investments, ante Trade or business secrets, security, 74-8307 VENUE See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index; subhead Jurisdiction and venue under Criminal Procedure, this index Generally, U.S. Const. Art. 3, ยง 2, cl. 3, Am. 6; 60-601 et seq. Adverse claims to reality, 60-601 Appropriation of property, action concerning, 60-614 Bonds, official, action on, 60-602 Brands and marks, unlawful branding, 47-421 Business, place of, 60-603 Corporations, 60-604 Car companies, delinquent taxes, 79-915 Carriers, Actions against, 60-606 Review of corporation commission order, 66-118c Change of venue, Carriers, review of commission order, 66-118e Civil actions, 60-609 Criminal actions, 22-2616, 22-2617, 22-2618 Hearing outside county, 60-612 Multiple parties, 60-608 Public utilities, review of commission order, 66-118e Removal for improper venue, 60-611 Time for objections, 60-610 Children in need of care, 38-2204 Communication or transportation services equipment, location, 60-604, 60-605 Construction of law, 60-266 Consumer credit transactions, 16a-6-116 Consumer protection act, Kansas, 50-638 Corporations, Communication or transportation services equipment, location, 60-604, 60-605 Nonqualified corporations, 60-605 Personal property, location, 60-604, 60-605 Cosmetics condemnation proceedings, 65-660 Depositions, perpetuation of testimony, 60-227 Dismissal of action, improper venue, 60-241 Divorce, 60-607 Drugs and medicine condemnation proceedings, demand, 65-660 Ejectment, 60-601 Eminent domain proceedings, 26-501, 60-601 Employment, place of, 60-603 Fine, recovery, 60-602 Food condemnation proceedings, demand, 65-660 Foreign corporations. Corporations, this index Forfeiture, Public utility, 60-606 Recovery, 60-602 Fort Riley military reservation, 60-613 Guardian and Ward, this index Improper venue, Defenses made by motion, 60-212 Dismissal of actions, 60-219, 60-241 Effect, 60-611 Insurance, mutual fire and tornado companies, collection of assessments, 40-1010 Juvenile offenders, 38-2305 Liens, sale of property, 60-601 Marriage, annulment of, 60-607 Mineral leases, 60-601 Mortgages, sale of real property, 60-601 Motion, improper venue, 60-212 Motor vehicles dealers and sales, injunction, 8-2413 Multiple parties, 60-608 Nonresidents, personal property, place of, 60-605 Oil and gas leases, 60-601 Partition of realty, 60-601 Personal property, place of, 60-603, 60-604, 60-605 Place of business, 60-603 et seq. Corporations, 60-604 Probate Proceedings, this index Public officer, neglect of duties, 60-602 Public Utilities, this index Real property actions, 60-601 Residents, personal property, place of, 60-603 et seq. Royalty interests, 60-601 Separate maintenance, 60-607 Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index Specific performance, 60-601 State, real estate interest claim, 75-417 Surety company, 78-103 Transfer of venue. Change of venue, ante Transportation systems, 60-606 Trusts and Trustees, this index VERDICT Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index Trial, this index VESSELS Boats and Boating, generally, this index Ships and Shipping, generally, this index VETERANS See, also, Soldiers' Home, generally, this index; Veterans Affairs Office, Kansas Commission on, generally, this index Veteran's Home, generally, this index 1st Kansas (colored) voluntary infantry regiment, state capitol mural, 75-2264 Age, preference, appointments and employments, 73-201 American Red Cross nurse corps, 73-220 Annuity payments, waiver, 73-206b Appointments, preference, public service, 73-201 Armories, use for meetings and functions, 48-301 Buffalo soldiers, state capitol memorial authorized, 75-2255 Advisory committee, 75-2253 Financing, 75-2254 Burial, 73-201, 73-301 et seq. Civil service, preference, 73-201 Commission. See, Veterans Affairs Office, Kansas Commission on, this index Conscientious objectors, preference, public service, 73-201 Cremated remains, unclaimed, 65-1732 Curators for veterans, 73-501 et seq. See, also, Conservators and Conservatorships, generally, this index Dead bodies, medical school use, 65-902a Dependents, educational benefits, 73-1217, 73-1218 Disabled veterans, Benefit determinations, documentation for, 73-1244, 73-1245 Hunting and fishing licenses, 32-934 Motor vehicle licenses and registration, 8-160, 8-161 Preference, Appointments and employments, 73-201 Civil service, 75-2955 Contracts, disabled veteran business, 73-230 Service-connected disability, Disability determinations, documentation for, 73-1245 Discharge, copies, 73-209 et seq. Dwellings, single-family, Kansas soldiers' home, 76-1941 Employment security, disqualification, 44-706 Employments, preference, 73-201 Fees, vital statistics records, 65-2418 Funeral expenses, 73-301 et seq. Handicapped veterans. Disabled veterans, ante Husband or wife, burial, 73-201 Medical school, dead bodies, use, 65-902a Mentally deficient persons, preference, appointments and employment, 73-201 Mentally ill persons, Commitment to veterans' administration, 73-515a et seq. Disability, preference, appointments and employment, 73-201 Military duty, exemption, 48-102 Monuments and memorials, 73-401 et seq., 73-1233 Motor vehicle licenses and registration, 8-160, 8-161 Organization, false membership claim, 21-6410 Pensions, waiver, 73-206b Persian Gulf War, health initiative act, 73-1221 et seq. Board, Defined, 73-1222 Establishment, composition, 73-1223 Citation of act, 73-1221 Commission on veterans affairs office, director, Duties, 73-1224, 73-1226, 73-1227 Confidentiality of information, 73-1228 Definitions, 73-1222 Expenditure limitation, 73-1224 Fiscal impact study, 73-1227 Fund, establishment and administration, 73-1231 Health and environment, state department of, duties, 73-1226 Information, Confidentiality, 73-1228 Publication of, 73-1224 State and federal agencies, sharing, cooperation, 73-1230 Media, public service announcements, 73-1224 Public service announcements, media, 73-1224 Registry, 73-1226 Rules and regulations, 73-1229 Staff position, appointment, duties, 73-1225 State and federal agencies, Cooperation with, 73-1230 Program information, 73-1226 Confidentiality of information, 73-1228 Preference, 73-201 et seq., 73-231, 75-2955 Audit, 73-201c Conformance with federal requirements, 73-201b Exceptions to preference, 73-201a Private employment, 73-231 Prisoner of war dependents, financial benefits, education, 73-1216, 73-1217 Privileges and immunities, 73-205, 73-206 Records of service, copies, 73-209 et seq. Service grants, 73-1234 Service records, copies, 73-209 et seq. Soldiers' home, single-family dwellings, 76-1941 State capitol memorials authorized, 75-2252, 75-2255 Advisory committee, 75-2253 Financing, 75-2254 Tax exemption, property of veterans' organizations, 79-201 Tuition, 48-3601 Veterans affairs medical centers, Exclusion from cities, 12-510b Veterans claims assistance program, 73-1234 Administration of program, 73-1234 Advisory board, 73-1235 Annual study, 73-1236 Database registry, 73-1234 Performance audit, 73-1237 Service grants, 73-1234 Vietnam conflict, educational benefits, dependents, 73-1218 Vietnam war era medallion program, 73-1238 Administration, 73-1239, 73-1242 Eligibility, 73-1238, 73-1239, 73-1240 Vietnam war era veterans' recognition award fund, 73-1243 Vital statistics records, fees, 65-2418 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Administrator of veterans' affairs, party in interest, veterans' curators proceedings, 73-523 Claims, prosecution by Kansas commission, 73-1211 Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1423 Incapacitated and mentally ill persons, commitment to, 73-515a et seq. Notice, curators proceedings, party in interest, 73-523 Notice of hearing, purchase of real estate for pensioner, 73-522 Payment of benefits to relative of decedent, 59-1507a Veterans, curators for, 73-501 et seq. See, also, Conservators and Conservatorships, generally, this index VETERANS SERVICES, KANSAS OFFICE OF Generally, Board of managers abolished, 76-1938 Bonds, debt service, certain capital improvements, 76-6b05 Cemeteries, establishment and maintenance, 73-1232 Claims, prosecution before veterans administration, 73-1211 Coordination, programs of state agencies, 73-1209 Powers and duties, 73-1208h, 73-1209, 73-1210a Drug screening program, Employees, 75-4362 Duties, 73-1208h Dwellings, single-family, Kansas soldiers' home, 76-1941 Kansas commission on veterans affairs, Abolished,73-1208d, 73-1208g Powers, duties and functions transferred, 73-1208g Rules and regulations, 73-1208g Kansas hometown heroes fund, 79-3221k Kansas soldiers' home, Jurisdiction, 76-1904a, 76-1904b Superintendent, 76-1940 Memorials, veterans, 73-1233 Officers and employees, 73-1210a Persian Gulf War, health initiative act, 73-1221 et seq. See, also, Veterans, this index Rules and regulations, Educational benefits to dependents, 73-1217, 73-1218 Soldiers' home, 76-1901 et seq. Single-family dwellings, 76-1941 Supervision, management and control, 76-1904 State tax levy, 76-6b04, 76-6b05 Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Veterans claims assistance program, 73-1234 Administration of program, 73-1234 Advisory board, 73-1235 Membership, 73-1235 Database registry, 73-1234 Service grants, 73-1234 Veterans unclaimed cremated remains, 65-1732 Veterans' home, 76-1951 et seq. See, also, Veterans' Home, this index Veterans' organizations, duties of executive director, 73-1209 Vietnam war era medallion program, 73-1238 Administration, 73-1239 Application, 73-1240 Deceased veteran, 73-1241 Design of symbols, 73-1242 Disallowance, 73-1242 Eligibility, 73-1238, 73-1239, 73-1240 Fund, 73-1243 Vietnam war era veterans' recognition award fund, 73-1243 Winfield state hospital and training center property, Conveyance by secretary of social and rehabilitation services, 75-3370 Interagency use agreement, 75-3370 VETERANS' HOME Admission, 76-1954 Aging and disability services, secretary, agreement with, 76-1951 Bank deposits, members' funds, 76-1956 Bonds, debt service, certain capital improvements, 76-6b05 Claims for charges, 76-1952 Conduct and discipline, 76-1955 Custodian of members' funds, 76-1956 Discharge from home, 76-1954, 76-1955 Employees, 73-1210a Criminal history records check, 73-1210a Establishment, 76-1951 Forfeiture of rights, 76-1955 Funds, Deceased members, 76-1957 Disposition of moneys, 76-1957 Fee fund, establishment and administration, 76-1953, 76-1957 Members' funds, 76-1956 Furlough from home, 76-1955 Injunctions, restraining orders, 76-1955 Legal proceedings, 76-1952, 76-1954, 76-1955, 76-1957 Location, 76-1951 Long-term care annex, 76-1951 Member, defined, 76-1956 Members' funds, 76-1956 Mental health and developmental disabilities, commissioner, duties, 76-1958 Northeast Kansas home, bonds, debt service, 76-1959 Operation, control, management, 76-1951, 76-1955 Rates and charges, 76-1952 Rules and regulations, 76-1954, 76-1955, 76-1958 State hospitals, transfer of patients from, 76-1958 Superintendent, 73-1210a Appointment, 76-1951 Criminal history records check, 73-1210a Disposition of moneys, 76-1953 Enforcement, 76-1955 Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Trust fund, custodial person, 76-172 Veterans' affairs office, commission on, Powers and authority, 76-1951 et seq. Winfield state hospital and training center property, conveyance, agreement, 75-3370 VETERANS' ORGANIZATIONS Veterans affairs office, commission on, duties of director, 73-1209 VETERINARIANS Administratively contest board action, 47-844 Animals, Abandonment, Kansas veterinary practice act, 47-835 Euthanasia, approved methods, 47-1718 Application of act, 47-845 Assisting livestock commissioner, 47-610 Board, 47-818 Appointment, 47-818 Examinations, 47-825 Meetings, 47-819 Powers of board, 47-821 Qualifications, 47-818 Rules and regulations, 47-824, 47-843 Terms, 47-818 Vacancies, 47-818 Certificates of inspection, 47-1831 Civil penalties, 47-843 Controlled substances act, exemption, 65-4116 Definitions, 47-816 Disclosure of information, 47-839 Examinations, 47-825 Executive director, 47-821 Fines and penalties, 47-834, 47-842, 47-843 Impaired veterinarian, Board or committee investigation, 47-847 Committee responsibilities, 47-848 Confidentiality of reports, records and proceedings, 47-849 Definitions, 47-846 Employer retribution, 47-852 Immunity for report or investigation, 47-848, 47-850, 47-851 License, restricted, 47-848 Reports of, 47-847 Confidentiality, 47-849 Failure to make, 47-851 Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq. Inspection of registered premises, 47-840 Kansas veterinary practice act, 47-815 Enforcement, 47-834 Purpose of act, 47-814 Savings clause, 47-837 Liability, volunteer care, 47-841 Licenses, Application, 47-824 Continuing education requirements, 47-829 Controlled substances act, exemption, 65-4116 Denial of application, 47-824 Exemption from pesticide licensing, 2-2440, 2-2441a Fees, 47-822 Institutional license, 47-855 Application, 47-856 Qualifications, 47-856 Practice without, prohibited, 47-817 Qualifications, 47-824 Record, 47-825 Refusal to issue, revocation or suspension of licenses, 47-830, 47-842 Reinstatement, 47-832 Revocation or suspension of licenses, 47-830, 47-842 Lien for services, preferences, 47-836 Meat and poultry inspection, 65-6a18 et seq. Public livestock market, inspection of livestock, 47-1008 Mobile clinic registration, 47-840 Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index Penalties, 47-834 Pesticide law, exemptions, 2-2440, 2-2441a Privileged information, 47-839 Registered veterinary technician, fee, 47-822 Registration of premises, 47-840 Fee, 47-822 Schools of veterinary medicine, Hospital pharmacy, 65-1662 Definition, 65-1626 Fees, 65-1645 Registration, 65-1643 Institutional license, 47-855 Standards, 47-824 Veterinary prescriptions monitoring program task force, 65-1694 Virulent hog-cholera virus, sale, 47-629a, 47-629b VIADUCTS Cities of first class, Bonds, 13-1026 Commission form of government, railroad viaducts, construction or repair, 13-1903 Construction, bonds, 13-1024a, 13-1024b Parkways and boulevards, improvement and repairs, 13-1330 City regulation, 12-1633, 12-1634 Contractors, nonresident, taxes, 79-1008 et seq. Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index Maintenance, 68-414 State highway railroad grade crossings, 68-414 Trafficways, 12-685 et seq. VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Acting president, disability of president, U.S. Const. Am. 25 Election, 25-101 Succession to presidency, U.S. Const. Am. 25 Vacancy in office, Nomination of successor, U.S. Const. Am. 25 Confirmation, U.S. Const. Am. 25 VIDEO TAPE PHOTOGRAPHS Depositions, 22-3211 Teaching devices, University of Kansas medical school and center, use in discovery proceedings or evidence, 76-355 et seq. VISUALLY HANDICAPPED Blind Persons, generally, this index Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index VITAL STATISTICS See, also, Health and Environment, State Department of, generally, this index Generally, 65-2401 et seq., 65-2433 Abstracts of certificates, 65-2417 et seq. Adoption, children, 65-2423 Annulment of marriage, 65-2422b, 65-2433 Birth certificates, Adoption, 65-2423 Copies, 65-2417 Delayed, 65-2419 et seq. Disclosure of records, 23-2222, 23-2223, 65-2422d Evidence, 65-2416 Fees, 65-2409a Form, 65-2415 Foundlings, 65-2411 Minor corrections, 65-2422c Name change, 23-2223, 65-2422a Parentage proceedings, 23-2222, 65-2409a Preparation, state registrar, 65-2410 Reproductions, 65-2416 Requirements, 65-2409a School retirement system, statements, 72-2626 Social security numbers, 65-2409a, 65-2422d Still birth certificates, post Supplementary reports, 65-2410 Births, registration, supervision, 65-102 Blood tests, prenatal serological tests, 65-153f, 65-153g Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth, 65-2440 Certificates, Birth certificates, ante Death certificates, post Still birth certificates, post Certified copies, disclosure of records, 65-417, 65-2422d Collection of, identification of sex at birth, 77-207 Cremation, coroner's permit, 65-2426a Crimes and penalties, 65-2422d, 65-2434 Cross index, 65-2402 Custodian, 65-2406 Dead bodies, transportation of, notification of infectious or contagious disease, 65-2438 Death certificates, 65-2412 Certified copies, 65-2417 Clerk of the district court, 65-2422d County election officers, 65-2422d Delayed determination of cause of death, 65-2414 Disclosure of records, 65-2422d Evidence, 65-2416 Fact of death information, dissemination of, 65-2422d Form, 65-2415 Joint tenant, 58-501 Minor corrections, 65-2422c Reproductions, 65-2416 Signatures by healing arts practitioner, 65-2886 Verified forms, funeral directors, 65-2412 Deaths, registration, supervision, 65-102 Definitions, uniform vital statistics act, 65-2401 Diseases, transportation of dead bodies, notification, 65-2438 Division of health, 65-2402 Criminal history record check for prospective employees, 65-2402 Director of the division of health, duties, 65-102 Motor vehicle accidents, reports, 8-1610 Enforcement of law, 65-2402 State registrar, 65-2406 Fees, Abstracts of certificates, 65-2418 Birth certificates, 65-2409a Certified copies, 65-2418 Delayed certificate of birth, 65-2420 Searches of records, 65-2418 Veterans, 65-2418 Filing, regulations, 65-2409a, 65-2412 Fines. Crimes and penalties, ante Forms, 65-102 Certificates, 65-2415 Fees, funeral directors, 65-2412 Funeral directors, verification of death, 65-2412 Foundlings, registration, 65-2411 Funds, civil registration and health statistics fee fund, 65-2418e Healing arts, license examination applicant, 65-2808 Inspections, 65-2422d Institution inmates or patients, 65-2425 Integrated information system, 65-2418c List of deceased residents to clerk of the district court, 65-2422d List of deceased residents to county election officer, 65-2422d Marriages, registration, 23-2507 et seq., 65-102 Maternal and child health surveillance and monitoring, 65-2422d Minor corrections, 65-2422c Municipal agencies, returns, 65-2422d Name change, 65-2422a National office, transcripts or certified copies, 65-2418 Penalties. Crimes and penalties, ante Public inspection, 65-2422d Records, Abstracts of certificates, 65-2417 et seq. Certified copies, 65-2417 Open public records act, 45-215 et seq. Reproduction of, 65-2416 Registration, 65-102 Reports, Annulment of marriage, 65-2422b Divorce, 65-2422b Foundlings, 65-2411 Institution inmates or patients, 65-2425 List of deceased to clerk of the district court, 65-2422d List of deceased to county election officer, 65-2422d Motor vehicle accidents, 8-1610 State registrar, 65-2406 Research, data use, 65-2422d State registrar, 65-2405, 65-2406 Birth certificates, preparation, 65-2410 Monthly list of deceased persons in county, 65-2422d Statewide system, 65-2402 Still birth certificates, 65-2412 Certified copies, 65-2417 Disclosure of records, 65-2422d Evidence, 65-2416 Form, 65-2415 Minor corrections, 65-2422c Reproductions, 65-2416 Supplementary report, birth certificates, 65-2410 Uniform act, 65-2401 et seq. United States agencies and instrumentalities, returns to, 65-2422d VITAMINS Flour and bread enrichment, 65-2301 et seq. Food, label, 65-656 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Career Technical Education, generally, this index VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Children and Families, Kansas Department for, this index Committee on State and Unified School Districts Purchases, generally, this index Compensation, director, 76-12c03 Confidential records, 76-12c03 Cooperation, Plan for, 76-12c04 United States department of health, education and welfare, 76-12c06 Cooperative agreements, 76-12c05 Correctional vocational training center. Correctional Institutions, this index Custodian of funds, 76-12c08 Definitions, 76-12c02 Department of health, education and welfare, cooperation, 76-12c06 Disbursements, funds, 76-12c03, 76-12c08 Division of vocational rehabilitation. See subhead Vocational rehabilitation, under Children and Families, Kansas Deparment for, this index Eligibility, 72-4310 Federal aid, acceptance of benefits, 76-12c06 Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act, acceptance of benefits, 76-12c06 Funds, Custodian, 76-12c08 Disbursement, 76-12c03 Health, education and welfare department, cooperation with, 76-12c06 Hearings, procedure, 76-12c03 Investigations, 76-12c03 Labor commissioner, cooperation plan, 76-12c04 Mental health centers, counties, 19-4001 et seq. Qualifications for rehabilitation, 72-4310 Records, confidential nature, 76-12c03 Reports, secretary for children and families, 76-12c03 Rules and regulations, 76-12c03, 76-12c07 Secretary of labor, 44-714 Social and Rehabilitation Services, State Department of, this index Staff training in instruction, 76-12c03 State treasurer, custodian of funds, 76-12c08 Studies, secretary for children and families, 76-12c03 United States department of health, education and welfare, cooperation and agreements, 76-12c06 Warrants for payments of money, 76-12c08, 76-12c09 Workers compensation, 44-510g VOIDABLE TITLE Motor vehicles, odometer fraud, 50-648 Sales, good faith purchaser, 84-2-403 Transfer, 84-2-403 VOLUNTEERS Liability, immunity, Homeowners organizations, nonprofit, 60-3611 Nonprofit organizations, 60-3601 VOTING MACHINES Elections, this index VOTING TIME ACT (EMPLOYEES) Generally, 25-418 |