House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
Standing Committees
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget
- Appropriations
- Calendar and Printing
- Child Welfare and Foster Care
- Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
- Corrections and Juvenile Justice
- Education
- Elections
- Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications
- Federal and State Affairs
- Financial Institutions and Pensions
- General Government Budget
- Health and Human Services
- Higher Education Budget
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Assessment and Taxation
- Commerce
- Confirmation Oversight
- Education
- Federal and State Affairs
- Financial Institutions and Insurance
- Government Efficiency
- Interstate Cooperation
- Judiciary
- Local Government, Transparency and Ethics
- Organization, Calendar and Rules
- Public Health and Welfare
- Transportation
- Utilities
- J. Russell (Russ) Jennings Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight
- Joint Committee on Administrative Rules and Regulations
- Joint Committee on Child Welfare System Oversight
- Joint Committee on Fiduciary Financial Institutions Oversight
- Joint Committee on Information Technology
- Joint Committee on Kansas Security
- Joint Committee on Pensions, Investments and Benefits
- Joint Committee on Special Claims Against the State
- Joint Committee on State -Tribal Relations
- Joint Committee on State Building Construction
- Legislative Budget Committee
- Legislative Coordinating Council
- Legislative Post Audit Committee
- Robert G. (Bob) Bethell Joint Committee on Home and Community Based Services and KanCare Oversight