Senate Status:
2024 Statute
OATHS AND AFFIRMATIONS Generally, 54-101 et seq., 75-440, 75-4308 Accountancy, board of, 75-1119 Administering, City clerks, cities of second and third class, 54-110 Oaths of office, public officer, 75-4310 Secretary of state, 54-109, 75-440 State treasurer, 54-108 Affirmation in lieu of oath, 60-2605 Arbitration and award, 5-206 Banks and Banking, this index Board of education members, 25-2024 Bureau of investigation, attorney general division, 75-711 Cities of second class, officers, 14-205 Clerks of court, 54-101 Conscientious scruples, 54-103 Constable, 80-202 Constitutional provisions, Kan. Const. Art. 15, § 14 Corporation Commission, this index Correctional institutions, Accounts and return of moneys, 75-5254 Investigations, witnesses, 75-5251 Correctional officers, state correctional institutions, 75-5247 Cosmetology board, power to administer, 74-2702 County attorney, 19-2604 County Clerks, this index County law enforcement agency, superintendent, 19-4408, 19-4431 County Surveyors, this index Crimes, punishments and penalties, 75-4313, 75-4314 Curators for veterans, sureties on bond, 73-508 Declarations, unsworn, 53-601 Discrimination, 44-1004 District Court Clerks, this index Druggists, board, power to administer, 74-1610 Elections, this index Eminent domain, appraisers, 26-505 Employees, public, 75-4308 et seq. Engineers, 74-7007 Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Extension councils, executive board, 2-611 Falsifying, 75-4309 Fire protection, hearings, 31-141 Form, Commencement and conclusion, 54-104 Elected or appointed officers, 54-106 Governor, 75-101 Staff officers, 48-248 Grain Inspection Department, this index Healing arts board, secretary, 65-2821 Health officers, 65-202 Hospital trustees, cities of second class, 14-605 Improvement districts, Assessors, 19-2769 Directors, 19-2759 Industrial districts, directors, 19-3810 Insurance, this index Insurance commissioner, 40-107 Kansas commission on peace officers' standards and training, 74-5607 Law enforcement training commission, 74-5607 Legislature, this index Mayors, authority to administer, 54-101 Method of administering, 54-102 Military Forces, this index Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-405, 49-407, 49-415 Monopolies and unfair trade, investigations, 50-153 Motor carriers, restricted mileage, 8-143 Motor vehicle dealer and sales hearings, 8-2411 Municipal clerks, cities of second and third class, 54-110 Municipal courts, cities of first class, 13-628d Municipal officers, 25-2120 Cities of second class, 14-205 National guard officers, 48-248 Nursing board, 74-1106 Optometry board, power to administer, 74-1504 Perjury, generally, this index Pharmacy board, 74-1605, 74-1610 Police, cities of second class, 14-205 Probate Proceedings, this index Public officers and employees, 75-4308 et seq. Receivers, 60-1302 Regents, board of, municipal universities, 13-13a08 Register of deeds, 54-101 et seq. Salvor of wrecked property, 70-103 School retirement system, statements of birthdays, 72-2626 Schools, Administration for taking testimony, 72-6119 Expulsion or suspension of pupils, 72-6119 Member board of education, 25-2022 Secretary of labor, 44-611, 44-622, 44-635 Wage payment and enforcement proceedings, 44-322 Secretary of state, 54-109, 75-401, 75-440 State bank commissioner, 75-1305 State librarian, 75-2536 State officers and employees, 75-4308 State senate, impeachment of public officers, 37-109 State treasurer, 54-108 Tax appraisers, 19-433 Time for filing, 75-4312 Township officers, 80-202 Trusts and Trustees, this index Turnpike authority members, 68-2003 Unsworn declarations, 53-601 Veterans, curators for, annual accounting, 73-509 Warehouses, suspension or revocation of license, 34-230a Witnesses, this index Workers compensation, Administrative law judges, 44-551 Hearings, 44-549 OATS See, also, Agricultural Products, generally, this index Seeds, sale for planting or seeding, 2-1415 et seq. OBERLIN, CITY OF Transfer of property to, 74-3319a, 74-3322 OBSCENITY Crimes and Punishments, this index Nuisances. Criminal Procedure, this index OBSTRUCTING PROCESS Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES See, also, Diseases, generally, this index Asbestosis, silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq. Cancellation of award, 44-5a04 Claim for compensation, time for filing, 44-5a17 Defenses of employer, 44-5a05 Dermatitis, 44-5a16 Disablement, 44-5a04 Existing diseases, 44-5a20 Fraudulent representation, obtaining employment, 44-5a03 Insurance, 44-5a07 Subrogation, 44-5a08 Ionizing radiation, Defined, limitation of actions, 60-513a Limitation of actions, 60-513 et seq. Latent damage, 60-513c Limitation of actions, 44-5a17 Modification of award, 44-5a19 Modification of award, 44-5a19 Notice, employer, 44-5a17 Payment of compensation, 44-5a07 Silicosis, Compensation rights, 44-5a09 et seq. Silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq. Supplemental provisions, 44-5a22 Waiver, notice to employer, 44-5a17 Workers Compensation, generally, this index X-ray exposure, time for filing claim, 44-5a17 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY See, also, Health Care Providers, generally, this index Generally, 65-5401 et seq. Abbreviatons, 65-5414 Administrative procedure, 65-5403, 65-5416 Aides, supervision of, 65-5419 Board of healing arts, 65-5403 Disposition of moneys, 65-5413 Duties, 65-5405 Educational programs, evaluation, 65-5406 Examinations, post Forms, 65-5406 Procedure, 65-5410 Waiver of requirements, 65-5408 Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Civil fines, unprofessional conduct, 65-5410 Construction of practice act, 65-5418 Council, 65-5404 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-5410, 65-5412, 65-5414, 65-5415 Definitions, 65-5402 Emergency care, liability, 65-2891 Examinations, 65-5407, 65-5408, 65-5411 Fees, 65-5408, 65-5409, 65-5412 Foreign trained therapists, 65-5411 Healing arts fee fund, 65-5413 Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq. Injunctions, 65-5415 Licensure, Application, 65-5406 Cancellation, 65-5412 Censure of licensee, 65-5410 Denial, grounds, 65-5410 Examinations, 65-5406, 65-5407, 65-5408, 65-5411 Experience, 65-5406 Expiration, 65-5412 Foreign trained applicants, 65-5411 Limitations on, 65-5410 Professional liability insurance, 65-5423 Reciprocity, 65-5408 Reinstatement, 65-5410, 65-5412 Revocation or suspension, 65-5410, 65-5412 Temporary, 65-5408 Waiver of requirements, 65-5408 Paraprofessionals, supervision of, 65-5419 Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915 Physician, supervision of, 65-5402 Practice act, construction of, 65-5418 Practice of occupational therapy, exclusions, 65-5418 Professional corporation, ownership in limited, 65-5421 Reciprocity, 65-5408 Records, 65-5405 Referral, 65-5422 Representation without licensure, 65-5414 Roster of individuals, 65-5405 Rules and regulations, 65-5405, 65-5406, 65-5409 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Supervision of certain personnel, 65-5419 Techs, supervision of, 65-5419 Unprofessional conduct, 65-5410 ODOMETERS Fraud, Civil remedies, 50-647 et seq. Rules and regulations, 74-2135 Mileage on certificate of title, 8-135 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Amercement, 60-2604 Auction of new goods, 58-1023 Banks and Banking, this index Blacklisting former employee, 44-117 et seq. Bonds (Officers and Fiduciaries), generally, this index Bribery and Corruption, generally, this index Business agents, public employment, 75-4336 Cadet Corps, this index Carriers, this index Cemetery districts, 15-1014, 17-1344 Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Cities. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index Civil Service, generally, this index Colleges and Universities, this index Compensation and Salaries, generally, this index Compensation for official acts, Criminal Code, 21-6003 Cooperative Marketing Associations, this index Cooperatives, 17-1510 Corporation Commission, this index Corporations, this index Correctional Institutions, this index County Officers and Employees, generally, this index Depositions, this index Discharge of employee, discrimination, 44-1009 Drainage Districts, this index Employment security, disqualification, 44-706 Extension councils, 2-608 et seq. Fairs and Expositions, this index Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 17-4903 et seq. Health Officers, generally, this index Highway Patrol, generally, this index Injunction, unauthorized contracts, 60-907 Insurance, this index Intergovernmental exchange of, 75-4401 et seq. Intervention, action to determine validity of ordinance, 60-224 Intoxicating Liquors, this index Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index Juvenile correctional facilities, Infectious diseases, Testing, 65-6008 Licensing bodies, child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Malfeasance in Office, generally, this index Military Forces, this index Monopolies and Unfair Trade, this index Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index Oaths and Affirmations, generally, this index Ouster, 60-1205 et seq. Unqualified appointee, 75-714 Public business, interference with. Crimes and Punishments, this index Public Utilities, this index Railroads, this index Replevin, possession of property, 60-1005 Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index Roads and Highways, this index Savings and Loan Associations, this index School Officers and Employees, generally, this index Social security or identification number required, 74-148 State geographic information systems officer, 74-99f06 State Officers and Employees, generally, this index Township Officers and Employees, generally, this index Treasurers, generally, this index Trust Companies, this index United States, this index Veterans' preference, 73-201 Watershed Districts, this index Workers Compensation, generally, this index OFFICIAL BONDS Bonds (Officers and Fiduciaries), generally, this index OFFICIAL HOSPITALITY Expenditures, limits, procedures, executive branch, 75-3731a OFFICIAL STATE PAPER Defined, 75-434 OIL AND GAS See, also, Oil and Gas Leases, generally, this index; Oil and Gas Pipelines, this index; Public Utilities, generally, this index; Severance Tax, generally, this index Generally, 55-101 et seq. Abandoned oil and gas well fund, 55-180, 55-192 Abandoned wells, Complaints, 55-178 Investigations, 55-161, 55-178, 55-179, 55-180 Salt solution mining well, 55-1,120 Testing, 55-161 Abandonment of wells. See subhead Wells, oil and gas, post Actions, venue, 60-601 Advisory committee on oil and gas activity regulation, creation and duties, 55-153 Appeal and review, Decisions of commission, 55-606, 55-707 Disposal of salt and mineralized waters produced from wells, 55-1003 Orders of corporation commission, 66-1215 Assessments, Expenses of plugging wells, 55-609 Petroleum education and marketing program, 55-1630, 55-1631, 55-1632 Attorney general, Actions protecting state property, 70a-104 Enforcement of laws, 55-605, 55-608, 55-706 Bonds, 66-125 et seq. Motor vehicles transporting, 55-508 Brines, disposal, 55-901, 55-1003 et seq. Carbon dioxide injection well and underground storage fund, 55-1638 Carbon dioxide reduction act, 55-1636 et seq. Administration of act, 55-1637 Definitions, 55-1637 Fund, 55-1638 Penalty for violation of act, 55-1639 Right of ingress and egress, 55-1640 Rules and regulations, 55-1637 Cemeteries, drilling wells, 55-211a Certificates, Disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced from wells, 55-1003 Gas well, application and notice, 55-705b Underground storage of natural gas, 55-1204 Cities, 14-1041 et seq., 15-1117 et seq. Development of oil and gas, 55-1610 et seq. Leases. See, Oil and Gas Leases, this index Compact to conserve oil and gas, Extension and amendment, 55-862 et seq. Withdrawal, 55-866 Conservation, 55-601 et seq., 55-701 et seq. Acreage adjustment, 55-604 Appeals, commission orders, 55-606, 55-707 Unitization, 55-1302 Fines and penalties, 55-607, 55-611, 55-708 Injunctions, 55-608 Interstate compact, 55-801 et seq. Orderly development of wells, 55-703a Regulation of production, 55-603 Rules and regulations, 55-602, 55-604 Underground storage of natural gas, 55-1202 Conservation fee fund, 55-143, 55-168, 55-180 Contamination. Pollution, post Contractors, liens, 55-207 et seq. Contracts, 55-1424 et seq. Production taxes defined, 55-1424 Prohibition against inclusion of production taxes in purchase price prohibited, 55-1425 Control and management of wells, 55-102 Corporation commission, 55-601 et seq., 55-701 et seq. Abandonment and plugging of oil and gas wells, 55-150 et seq. Action for costs in plugging, replugging or repair of wells, 55-179, 55-180 Administration and enforcement, 55-181 Agents, appointment of, 55-175 Assessment of supervision, inspection and enforcement costs, 55-176 Certificates, unitization, form and filing, 55-1313 Documentation to possess crude oil, rules and regulations, 55-1504 Drilling of oil and gas wells, duties, 55-150 et seq. Hearings, conservation of oil and gas, 55-605, 55-706 Judicial review by district court, 55-606, 55-707 Hearings, unitization, Employment of consultant, 55-1309 Proceedings and procedure, 55-1310 Investigations, Pollution complaints, 55-1,122, 55-178, 55-179, 55-180 Underground porosity storage, 55-1,115 Jurisdiction, 74-623 Natural gas price protection act, enforcement, 55-1409 Oil and gas, Exploration and production, regulatory jurisdiction, 74-623 Well plugging, duties, 55-150 et seq. Orders, Enforcement, 55-605, 55-608, 55-709, 55-712 Unitization, 55-1305 Certificates, form and filing, 55-1313 Pipelines, inspection and supervision of safety standards, fees, 66-1,153 et seq. Pollution, annual report on, 55-194 Powers and duties, unitization, 55-1301 et seq. Prevention of waste, 55-604 Protection of surface and groundwaters, jurisdiction, 74-623 Regulation of underground storage, 55-1,115 Rules and regulations, 55-1,115 Correlative rights, unitization, orders of commission, 55-1305 Costs, 55-176 Disposition of costs assessed by corporation commission, 55-609 Supervision, inspection and enforcement by commission, 55-176 County attorney, enforcement of laws, 55-608 Covenant to explore and develop, 55-223 et seq. Authority of court, 55-226 Exception, 55-227 Presumption of breach, 55-224, 55-225 Remedies, 55-226 Substantive rights and remedies, 55-229 Waivers prohibited, 55-228 Crimes, punishments and penalties, Alteration or removal of identifying marks on used oil and gas field equipment, 55-1505 Buying or selling illegally produced oil, 55-611 Cementing in of surface casing, 55-157 Control and management of wells, 55-102 Criminal damage to a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818 Crude oil possession, documentation, 55-1504 Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-207 Failure to remove structures and abutments, 55-177 Intent to drill, failure to give notice, 55-174 Liquefied petroleum gas containers, 55-1105 Notification of commission before setting casing or plugging well, 55-159 Pressure standards, casings and pipes, 55-114 Protection from water pollution, 55-156 Sales of used oil and gas field equipment, records and access, 55-1502 Salt or mineralized waters produced from wells, disposal, 55-904, 55-1004, 55-1005 Submission of bond logs, 55-158 Transfer of jurisdiction, actions not abated, 74-627 Transportation of used oil and gas field equipment, inspection, 55-1503 Trespassing on a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818 Damages, Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-206 Eminent domain, underground storage, 55-1205 Definitions, Person legally responsible, 55-1,120 Petroleum education and marketing act, 55-1626 Production and sale of crude oil, 55-602 Production of natural gas, 55-702 Salt solution mining well, 55-1,120 Secretary, 55-1,117 Surface owner notice act, 55-169a Underground porosity storage, 55-1,117 Underground storage of natural gas, 55-1201 Unitization, 55-1302 Development, Cities, within limits of, 55-1610 et seq. Pools, approval of plans, 55-604 Dig safe, line damage, 66-1801 et seq. Discrimination, pools, 55-603, 55-604 Disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced from wells, 55-901, 55-1003 et seq. Dividends, 66-1214 Drilling wells, Casings, ante Municipally owned land, 55-211a Orderly development, 55-703a Elevator certificates, 82-201 et seq. Eminent domain, 55-1204 Disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced from wells, 55-1003 Powers of corporation, 17-618 Underground storage of natural gas, 55-1203, 55-1205 Evidences of indebtedness, 66-125 et seq. Exemptions, assessments for expenses of investigations, 66-1508 Exit tap on a gas gathering system, 55-1,101 Corporation commission, Review of complaints, 55-1,111 Definitions, 55-1,101 Expenses, plugging wells, assessment, 55-609 Fees, Drilling of wells, 55-151 Environmental assurance fee, 65-34,117 Geological survey fund, credited to, 76-326b Licensure of operators and rigs, 55-155 Proration, expenditures by corporation commission, 66-1503 Returns and time of payment, 79-4230 Field equipment, used, Alteration or removal of identifying marks, unlawful, 55-1505 Carriers, 55-1501 Inspections by law enforcement officers, 55-1503 Unlawful acts, 55-1503 Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Foreign states, interstate compact to conserve oil and gas, 55-801 et seq. Funds, Abandoned oil and gas well fund, 55-192 Carbon dioxide injection well and underground storage fund, 55-1638 Conservation fee fund, 55-168, 55-180 Natural gas underground storage fee fund, 55-1,116 Oil and gas resources fund, 55-1633 Petroleum inspection fee fund, 55-427 Salt solution mining well plugging fund, 55-1,121 Subsurface hydrocarbon storage fund, 55-1,118 Well plugging assurance fund, 55-192 Gas gathering services, 55-1,101 Capacity to serve, notice of lack of, 55-1,109 Certificated territory, dual certificates, 55-1,107 Complaints, 55-1,104 Consumers, direct service to, 66-105a Contracts, amendment, 55-1,108 Corporation commission, Exemptions, rate averaging or pricing systems, 55-1,106 Review, rates and practices, 55-1,104 Rules and regulations, 55-1,105, 55-1,117 Definition, 55-1,101 Exit fees prohibited, when, 55-1,107 Health and environment, department of, Rules and regulations, 55-1,117 Practices, Complaints, 55-1,104 Discrimination prohibited, 55-1,103 Review of, 55-1,104 Standards for, 55-1,103 Prohibitions, 55-1,117 Rates, Complaints, 55-1,104 Discrimination prohibited, 55-1,103 Filing, 55-1,102 Rate averaging on pricing systems, exemptions, 55-1,106 Review of, 55-1,104 Standards for, 55-1,103 Rules and regulations, 55-1,105, 55-1,117 Secretary of health and environment, Contracts, 55-1,117 Permits, 55-1,117 Rules and regulations, 55-1,117 Standards and procedures, 55-1,117 Violations, penalties, 55-1,119 Gas pipeline inspection fee fund, 66-1,155 Gauges, pressure, 66-121 Health and environment, department of, Cleanup of pollution, jurisdiction, 74-623 Penalties for violation of act, 55-1,119 Transfer of regulatory powers, property, personnel, 74-623 et seq. Hearings, Abandoned wells, 55-179 Unitization, post Highway, right-of-way. Oil and Gas Pipelines, generally, this index Illegally produced oil, purchase or sale, 55-610, 55-611 Improvement districts, drilling wells, 55-211a Income tax, Oil, gas or mining production payment reports, 79-3222a Disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced from wells, 55-1007 Pressure standards, 55-114 Inspections, Ingress and egress, 55-1,122 Interstate compact to conserve oil and gas, 55-801 et seq. Interstate oil compact commission, 55-865 Investigations, 55-161, 55-178, 55-179, 55-180, 55-605, 55-706, 55-1,115, 55-1,120, 55-1,122 Costs, 55-711 Expenses, 55-609 Salt solution mining well, Kansas oil and gas resources board, Creation and duties, 55-1627, 55-1628 Kerosene, generally, this index Labor and material, liens, 55-207 et seq. Landfill gas and production property, property tax exemption, 79-201 Lapsing and reversion of mineral interest, 55-1601 et seq. Leases. Oil and Gas Leases, generally, this index Licenses, motor carriers, 55-511 Liens, Labor and material, 55-207 et seq. Plugging, replugging or repair of oil and gas well, 55-180 Transporter of oil field equipment, 55-212 et seq. Lines, damage to, 66-1801 et seq. Liquefied petroleum gas, 55-1101 et seq. Crimes and punishments, 55-1105 Definitions, 55-1101 Distribution prohibited, when, 55-1808 Facilities, 55-1810 Marketer, Actions against, 55-1809 Damages, 55-1809 Liability, 55-1809 Negligence, 55-1809 Insurance, proof of, 55-1809 Regulation and licensing programs, 55-1807 Unlawful acts, 55-1102, 55-1103 Mineralized waters, wells producing, disposal, 55-1003 et seq. Motor carriers transporting, 55-506 et seq. Bond, 55-508 Confiscation of vehicle and fuel, sales, 55-516, 55-518 Definitions, 55-525 Enforcement of laws, 55-515, 55-517 Identification on vehicles, 55-512 Licenses, 55-507 Exhibiting on demand, 55-511 Manifest, 55-511 Markings on vehicles, rules, 55-512 Motor fuels defined, 55-525 Prosecution for violations, 55-515 Violations, 55-516 Municipally Owned Utilities, this index Natural gas, 55-701 et seq. Acquisition systems, 12-870 et seq. See, also, subhead Natural gas acquisition systems under Municipally Owned Utilities, this index Conservation, 55-701 et seq. Waste prohibited, 55-701 Contracts, production taxes includable in purchase price, 55-1425, 55-1426 Flaring permitted, 55-102 Natural gas price protection act, 55-1401 et seq. Allocation of natural gas, 55-1411 Contracts to which act applicable, 55-1403 Corporation commission, 55-1409 Category determinations, 55-1406 Duties in emergency or spot sales, 55-1412 Duties when gas diverted, 55-1411 Rules and regulations, 55-1409 Definitions, 55-1402 Distributors, apportionment of savings, 55-1413 Diversion of natural gas, 55-1411 Emergency or spot sales, 55-1412 Pipeline companies, apportionment of profits, 55-1414 Price determination, 55-1404 et seq. Appeals to supreme court, 55-1410 Corporation commission duties, 55-1409, 55-1411 Indefinite price escalator clauses, effect, 55-1404, 55-1405, 55-1406 New wells, reservoirs and stripper wells, 55-1406 Recovery of fees and taxes, 55-1407 Termination of control, 55-1411 Voluntary renegotiation, 55-1408 Supreme court, review of commission orders, 55-1410 Pipelines, material and pressure standards, 55-112 Production, 55-701 et seq. Application for allowable, 55-705b Common source of supply, production from, 55-703 City of second class, exception, 55-703 Costs, assessment, 55-711 Definitions, 55-702 Judicial review, 55-707 Penalties, 55-708 Powers and duties of commission, 55-703, 55-706, 55-712 Rules and regulations, 55-704 Taxes includable in purchase price, 55-1424 et seq. Waste prohibited, 55-701 Well spacing, 55-703a Purchase price may include production taxes, 55-1425, 55-1426 Transportation, material and pressure standards for pipelines, 55-112 Use in motor vehicles, fire marshal regulations, 31-133 Natural gas public utility. Public Utilities, this index Natural gas underground storage fee fund, 55-1,116 Notice, Hearing, unitization, application, 55-1303 Intent to drill, unlawful act, 55-174 Oil spills, 55-186 Surface landowner, abandonment or plugging, 55-173 Surface owner notice act, 55-169 et seq. Unitization, proceedings, form and procedure, 55-1310 Oil and gas conservation, fees and assessments, exclusion from expenditures, 66-1503 Oil and gas conservation funds, 55-865 Oil and gas resources board, Kansas, Assessment, 55-1631 Mutual or required assessments, 55-1634 Purpose, 55-1630 Refund, 55-1632 Oil spills, Corporation commission to adopt rules to require operators to notify landowners, 55-186 One call, line damage, 66-1801 et seq. Orders of commission, Costs, enforcement, 55-711 Disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced from wells, 55-1003 Enforcement, expenses, 55-609 Parks, drilling wells, 55-211a Partition, 60-1003 Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Personal property, taxation, 79-329 et seq. Petroleum, Environmental assurance fee, 65-34,117 Fire protection, regulations, 31-133 Petroleum education and marketing act, Kansas, 55-1625 et seq. Petroleum Products, this index Petroleum products inspection law, 55-422 et seq. Pipelines. See, Oil and Gas Pipelines, this index Platted land outside city, laying and maintaining gas pipes, 55-101 Plugging of wells, 55-150 et seq., 55-179, 55-180 Pollution, Agents, 55-1,122 Complaints, 55-178 Hearings, 55-162 Remedies, 55-162 Corporation commission, regulatory jurisdiction, 74-623 Investigations, 55-1,122 Abandoned wells, 55-161, 55-178, 55-179 Civil penalties, 55-164 Commission access, 55-182 Liability, 55-1,122 Remediation, funding, 55-191 et seq. Rules and regulations, 55-152 Salt solution mining well, 55-1,120 Pools, Discrimination, 55-604 Production regulated, 55-603 Unitization, post Pressure, 66-121 Injecting salt water and other waste into earth, 55-1004 Transportation of gas, 55-112 Production, Payment reports, 79-3222a Regulation, 55-603 Statistics, tax return nondisclosure exception, 75-5133 Taxes includable in gas purchase price, 55-1424 et seq. Production payments, interest, 55-1614 et seq. Applicability to interest governed by federal law, 55-1618 Commencement of interest, 55-1615 Definitions, 55-1614 District court jurisdiction, 55-1617 Rights of payees not affected, 55-1619 Waivers, validity, 55-1616 Prohibitions, 55-1,117 Propane education and research act, 55-1801 et seq. Annual report to legislative committees, 55-1803 Assessment on odorized propane, 55-1804 Council, duties, 55-1803 Definitions, 55-1802 Expenditures, 55-1805 Propane safety and licensing act, 55-1807 et seq. Application of, 55-1808 Definitions, 55-1807 Licensure, 55-1812 Liquefied petroleum gas advisory board, abolished, 55-1811a Liquefied petroleum gas facilities, 55-1810 Approval of plans, 55-1810 Proceedings, 55-1809 Violations, 55-1812 Penalties, 55-1812 Property tax exemption, 79-201t Property tax refunds, 79-255 Public agencies, drilling wells, 55-211a Public grounds, laying and maintaining gas pipes, platted land outside city, 55-101 Public utility as meaning, 66-104 Purchase, illegally produced oil, 55-610, 55-611 Quasi-municipal corporations, drilling wells, 55-211a Rates and charges, 66-120, 66-121 Receivership, violations of law, 55-710 Records, sales of used oil and gas field equipment, 55-1502 Refineries, Expediting permit approval, 65-1,247 Oil Refineries, generally, this index Refunds of property tax, 79-255 Regulation of activities, jurisdiction, 74-623 Regulators, installation, 66-121 Reservoirs, disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced by wells, 55-1003 et seq. Reversion and lapsing of mineral interests, 55-1601 et seq. Review. Appeal and review, ante Rights-of-way, disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced from wells, 55-1003 Rivers and streams, state land, 70a-101 et seq. Roads and highways, state highways, land acquired, 68-413, 68-413a Royalties, Annual notice to interest owners, 55-1622a Failure to provide, civil actions, attorney fees, 55-1622b Oil and Gas Leases, this index Production payments, requirements, 55-1620, 55-1621, 55-1622 Unitization, 55-1308 Rules and regulations, Abandoned wells, 55-183 Conservation, 55-602, 55-703, 55-704 Documentation to possess crude oil, 55-1504 Drilling, abandoning and plugging oil and gas wells, 55-152 Emergency rules and regulations, 55-605 Judicial review by district court, 55-606, 55-707 Rates and charges, 66-120 Surface owner notice act, 55-169b Taking, purchasing or selling, 70a-103 Sales, Illegally produced oil, 55-610, 55-611 Proceeds, disposition, county or drainage district, 70a-116 Unitized tract, proceeds, 55-1306 Sales tax, exemption, 79-3606 Salt solution mining well plugging, purpose, 55-1,121 Salt water disposal, or storage, Permit required, 55-171 Security interest, Attachment, 84-9-204 Enforcement, 84-9-203 Leases, 84-9-319 Oil and gas production, 84-9-339a Severance Tax, this index State fire marshal, Kansas propane safety and licensing act, Fees, exemption, 55-1812 Powers and duties, 55-1812 Rules and regulations, 55-1812 Liquefied petroleum gas facilities, 55-1810 Liquefied petroleum gas programs, Regulation and licensing, 55-1807 State property, Actions protecting, 70a-104 Corrections, lease by secretary of, 75-52,136 Drilling contracts, 76-114, 76-115 Storage, Underground crude oil storage, post Underground storage of natural gas, post Storage tanks, this index Subdivisions outside city, laying and maintaining gas pipes, 55-101 Subsurface hydrocarbon storage fund, expenditures, 55-1,118 Supreme court, decisions of corporation commission, appeals, 55-606 Surface owner notice act, 55-169 et seq. Taxation, Penalty for late filing, 79-332a Personal property, 79-329 et seq. Property tax exemption, 79-201t Public utility property, 79-422, 79-5a01 et seq., 79-1404 Refunds, FERC ordered, 55-1624 Returns, nondisclosure of information, exceptions, 75-5133 Severance Tax, this index Township-owned land, drilling wells, 55-211a Transportation, gas, 55-112. See, also, Motor carriers transporting, ante Treatment plants, disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced by wells, 55-1003 et seq. Underground crude oil storage, Regulation, 55-1,117a Secretary of health and environment, Rules and regulations, 55-1,117a Underground storage of natural gas, 55-1201 et seq. Definitions, 55-1201 Eminent domain, 55-1203, 55-1205 Hearing, 55-1204 Leases, state lands, 55-1207 Notice of abandonment, filing and hearings, 55-1208 Plat maps, 55-1209 Porosity storage, 55-1,115 Possession of natural gas, 55-1210 Public interest and welfare, 55-1202 Regulation of, 55-1,115 Storage of hydrocarbons, 55-1,115, 55-1,117 Unit area. Unitization, post Unit operation. Unitization, post United States, Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and Gas, 55-801 et seq. Unitization, 55-1301 et seq. Abandonment of wells, findings of commission, 55-1304 Accounting procedure, orders of commission, 55-1305 Acquisition of property, 55-1306 Agreements, validity and construction, 55-1311 Allocation of production, 55-1305, 55-1306 Application for, 55-1303 Operation without application, 55-1317 Assessment and taxation, 55-1312 Certificates, form and filing, 55-1313 Contracts, stipulated royalty or production payment, 55-1308 Correlative rights, orders of commission, 55-1305 Costs and expenses, orders of commission, 55-1305 Definitions, 55-1302 Economic feasibility, findings of commission, 55-1304 Enlargement of unit area, 55-1306 Hearings, Application for, 55-1303, 55-1304 Consultant, employment of, 55-1309 Findings of commission, 55-1304 Orders of commission, 55-1304, 55-1305 Procedure, 55-1310 Supplemental, plan for unit operations, 55-1305 Interest owners, findings of commission, 55-1304 Leases, 55-1308 Notice, Form and procedure, 55-1310 Required hearing on application, 55-1303 Oil and gas rights, extent and division of ownership, 55-1308 Orders of commission, 55-1305 Amendment and revocation, 55-1305 Certificates, form and filing, 55-1313 Force and effect, 55-1305 Property rights, leases, contracts, 55-1308 Fulfillment of obligations, 55-1306 Operation without order, 55-1317 Plan, amendment and approval, 55-1306 Pool, defined, 55-1302 Intent, 55-1316 Production, Allocation, 55-1306 Liens and encumbrances, 55-1308 Orders of commission, 55-1305 Property, Assessment and taxation, 55-1312 Real or personal, acquisition, 55-1306 Property rights, amendment or modification, extent, 55-1308 Records, orders of commission, 55-1305 Recovery, findings of commission, 55-1304 Royalties, 55-1308 Taxation of property, 55-1312 Termination of operations, filing of certificate, 55-1313 Unit area, Enlargement, 55-1307 Orders of commission, 55-1305 Unit operations, Agreement of parties, 55-1306 Approval of plan, 55-1305 Commencement, 55-1306, 55-1317 Notice, 55-1317 Notice, 55-1317 Operation without order, 55-1317 Orders of commission, 55-1305 Proceedings, 55-1317 Production, allocation of income, 55-1306 Property, acquisition, 55-1306 Sale of tract, proceeds, 55-1306 Supervision, orders of commission, 55-1305 Taxes as costs, 55-1312 Termination, filing of certificate, 55-1313 Working interest owner, obligations and liability, 55-1306 Unit operator, duties, ad valorem taxes, 55-1312 Unleased tracts, owner, 55-1308 Voting procedure, working interest owners, orders of commission, 55-1305 Waste, findings of commission, 55-1304 Working interest owner, 55-1302 Account, property acquired for, 55-1306 Application for unitization, 55-1303 Investments, orders of commission, 55-1305 Liability, 55-1306 Nonoperating, orders of commission, 55-1305 Obligations, 55-1306 Plan for unit operations, approval, 55-1305 Taxes, 55-1312 Unleased tracts, extent of ownership, 55-1308 Voting procedure, orders of commission, 55-1305 Unlawful acts. See Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Venue of actions, 60-601 Warehouse receipts, 82-201 et seq. Waste, 55-601 et seq., 55-701 et seq. Duties of corporation commission employees, 55-604 Findings of commission, unitization, 55-1304 Fines and penalties, 55-607, 55-708 Injunctions, 55-608 Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and Gas, 55-801 et seq. Pools, 55-603 Powers of corporation commission, rules, 55-602, 55-604 Rules and regulations, 55-604 Severability, 55-604a, 55-609a, 55-609b, 55-713 Water, Pollution, See, also, Water Pollution, generally, this index Rules for protection, 65-171d et seq. Protection from pollution by oil and gas production activities, 55-150 et seq. Salt water disposal or storage in surface ponds, 55-171 Salt water or mineralized waters produced from wells, disposal, 55-901, 55-1003 et seq. Wells, oil and gas, 55-150 et seq. Abandonment and plugging of wells, 55-150 et seq. Complaint of pollution, 55-178 Costs, 55-609 Funding, 55-191 et seq. Investigations, 55-161, 55-178, 55-179 Commission access, 55-182 Notice to commission, 55-159, 55-160 Protection of water, 55-156 Removal of structures and abutments, 55-177 Rules and regulations, 55-183 Standards and methods, rules and regulations, 55-152 Unlawful acts, penalties, 55-156, 55-157 Advisory committee on oil and gas activity regulation, 55-153 Application of intent to drill, 55-151 Failure to notify commission, penalty, 55-174 Fees, 55-151 Change in use, requirements, 55-151 Commission access, 55-182 Complaints, Civil penalties, 55-164 Hearings, 55-162 Pollution from abandoned or improperly plugged well, 55-178 Contractors, Financial responsibility, 55-155 Licensure, 55-155 Corporation commission, Pollution, annual report on, 55-194 Wells, database, 55-165 Costs and regulatory expenses, assessment, 55-609 Crimes and punishments, Well seal, removal, 55-162 Data base of, 55-165 Definitions, 55-150 Financial responsibility, 55-155 Investigations, Abandoned wells, 55-161, 55-178, 55-179 Civil penalties, 55-164 Commission access, 55-182 Hearings, 55-162 Licensure, 55-155 Operators, Certification of compliance with law, 55-154 Financial responsibility, 55-155 Licensure, 55-155 Transfer of well operations, reporting requirements, 55-155 Plugging, replugging or repairing, funding, 55-191 et seq. Pollution, ante Restoration of premises, 55-182 Rules and regulations, 55-152, 55-183 Unlawful acts, Cementing in of surface casing, 55-157 Notification of commission before setting casing or plugging, 55-159 Protection of water from pollution, 55-156 Submission of bond logs, 55-158 Working interest owner. Unitization, ante OIL AND GAS LEASES Generally, 55-201 et seq. Actions and proceedings, Minority owner as defendant, residence or address unknown, 55-219 et seq. Possession of real property, 60-1001 et seq. Venue, 60-601 Assignments, voidness, 55-217, 55-218 Attachment, action to obtain release after forfeiture, 55-202 Attorney fees, action to obtain release after forfeiture, 55-202 Bids and bidding, state-owned lands, board of regents, 76-165 Cemeteries, 55-211a Cities of second class, 12-1654, 12-1655, 14-1041 et seq. Cities of third class, 12-1654, 15-1117 et seq. Colleges and universities, state, 76-164 et seq., 76-514 et seq. Contractors, liens, 55-207 et seq. Costs, action to obtain release after forfeiture, 55-202 Counties, 19-110 et seq. Covenant to explore and develop, 55-223 et seq. Curative and validating acts, 55-211b Damages, Failure to execute release after forfeiture, 55-202 State-owned lands, board of regents, 76-166 Definitions, oil field equipment, liens, 55-212 Executions, Manner of levy, 60-2401 Right of redemption, 60-2414 Executors and administrators, 59-1409 Fish and game commission, 76-112f Forfeitures, 55-201 et seq. Fort Hays military reservation, 76-514 et seq. Homestead property, Disposition of proceeds, 59-2319 et seq. Incapacitated persons, 59-2314 et seq. Improvement districts, 55-211a Incapacitated persons, homestead property, 59-2314 et seq. Liens, Enforcement, 55-210 Filing lien statement, District court, 55-209 Transporter of oil field equipment, 55-214 Labor and material, 55-207 et seq. Lease owners, 84-9-319 Redemption after sale, 55-210 Taxes, 84-9-319 Time, filing lien statement, 55-209 Transporter of oil field equipment, 55-212 et seq. Enforcement, 55-215 Extent of lien, 55-213 Municipalities, 55-211a Parks, 55-211a Partition, 60-1003 Probate proceedings, 59-1409, 59-2301 Production payments, interest, 55-1614 et seq. Public agencies, 55-211a Quasi-municipal corporations, 55-211a Quieting title, 60-1002 Records, Assignments prior to certain date as void, 55-217, 55-218 Forfeitures, 55-201 Liens, 55-209 Unrecorded leases as void, 55-216 Regents, board of, 76-112 et seq., 76-164 et seq., 76-514 et seq. Releases, forfeitures, 55-201, 55-202, 55-206 Royalties, Annual notice to interest owners, Failure to provide, civil actions, attorney fees, 55-1622b Requirements, 55-1622a Fort Hays military reservation, 76-514 Production payments, Information required, 55-1620, 55-1621, 55-1622 Interests, 55-1614 et seq. State-owned lands, 76-112 et seq. Unitization, 55-1301 et seq. Venue, 60-601 School property, 55-211 Security interest, 84-9-319 State lands, 76-112 et seq. Colleges and universities, 76-164 et seq., 76-514 et seq. Corrections, lease by secretary of, 75-52,136 Notice, publication, 75-430a Subcontractors, liens, 55-208 Taxation as personal property, 79-329 et seq. Term, definite upon recording, 55-205 Townships, 55-211a Transporter of oil field equipment, lien, 55-212 et seq. Venue of actions, 60-601 Void leases, failure to record, 55-216 OIL AND GAS PIPELINES Abstracts of title, 58-2802 Actions and proceedings, venue, 60-601 Bonds, 66-125 et seq., 74-8949 Certificates, issuance to shipper, 55-502 Common carriers, 55-501 Construction, financing, New qualifying pipeline, 74-8949 Contractors, Liens, 55-207 et seq. Nonresident contractors, taxes, 79-1008 et seq. Corporation commission, supervision and control, 55-504 Pressure standards, 55-114 Definitions, underground storage of natural gas, 55-1201 Easements, abandonment, 58-2271 Fines and penalties. See, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Highway right-of-way, pipes in, 55-101 Income tax credits, 79-32,223 et seq. Injunctions, pressure standards, 55-114 Inspection and supervision of safety standards, fees, 66-1,153 et seq. Labor and material, liens, 55-207 et seq. Transporter, 55-212 et seq. Liens, Enforcement, 55-210 Labor and material, 55-207 et seq. Redemption after sale, 55-210 Transporter of oil field equipment, 55-212 et seq. Enforcement, 55-215 Extent of lien, 55-213 Motor carriers, transportation of oil, 55-506 et seq. New qualifying pipelines, Bonds, 74-8949 Defined, 74-8949 Officers, employees and agents, free or reduced rates, 66-109 Public utility, pipelines as, 66-104 Rates and charges, 55-503, 55-504 Public utilities, 66-128 et seq. Receptacles for receiving oil for transportation, 55-502 Rules and regulations, 55-504 State highway system, 68-415 State supervision, 44-603 Subcontractors, liens, 55-208 Tax assessments, 79-5a01 et seq., 79-1404 Tax exemptions, 79-227 Transportation of natural gas, standards for materials and pressure, 55-112 Transportation of oil by motor carriers, 55-506 et seq. Transporter of oil field equipment, lien, 55-212 et seq. Underground storage of natural gas, 55-1201 et seq. Venue of actions, 60-601 OIL REFINERIES Equipment, tax exemptions, 79-226 Expediting permit approval, department of health and environment, 65-1,247 Financing construction, Bonds, 74-8948 Definitions, 74-8948 Income tax credits, 79-32,217 et seq. Environmental compliance expenditures, 79-32,222 Motor carriers transporting liquid fuels, 55-506 et seq. OKLAHOMA Arkansas River Basin Compact, Kansas-Oklahoma, 82a-528 Oil and gas, interstate compact to conserve, 55-801 et seq. OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE Generally, 40-2301 et seq. Accident and health insurance, benefits integrated, 40-2209, 40-2210 Benefits, 40-2303 Cities of first class, 13-1497a, 13-1499a Public utility employees, 13-1250a et seq. Construction of law, 40-2306a Contributions, 40-2303 et seq. Declaration of policy, 40-2301 Deductions for contributions, 40-2304 Definitions, 40-2302 Effective date, 40-2303 Federal and state agreement, 40-2303 Marriage licenses, social security number required, 74-148 Refunds, state employees, 40-2304 Rules and regulations, 40-2308 School employees' retirement fund, cities of first class, 72-2672 State department of civil service, powers and duties transferred to director of accounts and reports, 75-3749 Studies, 40-2309 Taxation, employer contributions, 40-2305 Termination of plan, 40-2305 OLD DENVER TRAIL Designation and marking, 68-1017, 68-1018 OMBUDSMAN Long-Term Care Ombudsman, this index OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS See, Meetings, generally, this index Generally, 75-4317 et seq. OPEN PUBLIC RECORDS Generally, 45-215 et seq. Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index Records and Recordation, this index OPHTHALMOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF (UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS) Certificates of competence, eye enucleation, 65-1728 OPTICAL SCANNING SYSTEMS Elections, Election boards, this index OPTIONS Collateral, requirement at will, 84-1-309 Insurance, this index Payment, accelerate at will, 84-1-309 Release as security, option to purchase, effect, 84-1-201 Sales contracts, performance, 84-2-311 OPTOMETRY See, also, Health Care Providers, generally, this index Generally, 65-1501 et seq., 74-1501 et seq. Administrative proceedings, 65-1518, 65-1520 Admission agreements with students, 74-3270 et seq. Practice commitment, 74-3271 Repayment obligation, waiver, 74-3272 Admission of students to institutions outside the state, contracts, 76-721a Advertisements, 65-1502 Fraud, 65-1517 Age, 65-1505 Alcoholism, 65-1517 Assistants, limitations, 65-2887 Board, 74-1501 et seq. Administrative proceedings, 65-1518 Compensation and expenses, 74-1503 Fee determination, 65-1509 Injunctions, enforcement of act, 65-1523 Interprofessional advisory committee, 74-1505 Officers, 74-1503 Orders and directives, violation of, 65-1517 Qualifications, 74-1501 Quorum, 74-1502 Record of licenses, 74-1502 Violations of rules and regulations, 65-1517 Character and reputation, 65-1505 Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Circulars, 65-1502 Clinics, generally, this index Confidential communications, 65-1525 Contact lenses, Contact lens prescription release act, 65-4965 et seq. Continuing education, 65-1509a Conviction of crime, 65-1517 Corporate practice, 65-1522, 65-1524 County attorneys, prosecutions, 65-1513 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-1504b, 65-1513 Criminal history record check, 65-1505 Definitions, 65-1501, 65-1501a, 65-1502, 65-1516 Delegation of certain procedures to assistants, 65-1508 Disabled licensee, 65-1517 District attorneys, prosecutions, 65-1513 Drug addicts, 65-1517 Education, 65-1505, 65-1509a, 65-1517 Examination, 65-1501 et seq. Application for, 65-1505 Examination of applicants, licenses, 74-1504 False or assumed name, 65-1517, 65-1522 Federal trade relations, 65-1519 Fees, Disposition, 74-1503 Examination fee, 65-1505 Failure to pay, 65-1517 License renewal fee, 65-1509 Licenses, 65-1505 Reinstatement of license, 65-1509 Felony conviction, 65-1517 Fictitious names, 65-1517, 65-1522 Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Franchise agreements, 65-1522 Fraud, 65-1517 Glaucoma treatment, 65-1501, 65-1501a, 65-1505 Healing arts, persons not engaged in practice, 65-2872 Hearings, 74-1504 Impaired providers, reports relating to, 65-4924 Inactive status, 65-1509 Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq. Inspection and inspectors, 74-1504 Insurance, Maintenance of professional liability insurance, 65-1505, 65-1517 Practitioners, reimbursements for services, 40-2,100 Interprofessional advisory committee, 74-1505 Kansas optometric association, nominations, board of examiners, 74-1501 Leases, 65-1502 Action by another state, 65-1517 Examinations, 74-1504 Expiration and renewal, 65-1509 Inactive status, 65-1509 Lapse, 65-1509 Qualifications, 65-1505 Reciprocal licensure, 65-1505 Record, 74-1502 Reinstatement of, 65-1521 Reports, failure to make, 65-4927 Revocation or suspension, 74-1504 Federal trade regulations, 65-1519 Grounds, 65-1517 Professional incompetence, 65-1516 Renewal fee not paid, 65-1509 Unprofessional conduct, 65-1516 Violation, patient's contact lens prescription release act, 65-4968 Surrender of, another state, 65-1517 Therapeutic licensee, 65-1501, 65-1501a Location of practice, 65-1509, 65-1522 Low vision rehabilitation services, 65-1501, 65-1501a Malpractice reporting, immunity, 65-1508 Mental examination, licensees, 65-1517, 65-1520 Mentally impaired licensee, 65-1517 Misrepresentation, 65-1517 Mortgages, entering into, 65-1502 Notice, Education program, 65-1509a Examination for license, 74-1504 Practice of optometry, 65-1509 Oaths, 74-1504 Ophthalmic lenses, 65-1504b Optical dispensing, franchise agreements, 65-1522 Optometry litigation fund, 74-1503 Patient's contact lens prescription release act, 65-4965 et seq. Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915 Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Physical examination, licensees, 65-1517, 65-1520 Physical therapists, approval of treatment, therapeutic licensee, 65-2921 Physicians and surgeons, application of law, 65-1508 Practitioners, 65-1502, 65-1522, 65-1524 Prescriptions, Defined, 65-1501a Ophthalmic lenses, 65-1504b, 65-1517 Patient's contact lens prescription release act, 65-4965 et seq. Professional incompetence, defined, 65-1516 Qualifications, 65-1505 Receipts given patients, 65-1509 Reciprocity, 65-1505 Records, 74-1502 Reports, Fees collected, 74-1503 Licensee, failure to make, 65-1517 Risk management, 65-4923 et seq. Reputation, 65-1505 Rules and regulations, 65-1505, 65-1517, 74-1504 Schools and colleges, approval, 65-1505 Signs, 65-1502 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Standard of care, use of drugs, 65-1501 Students, admission agreements, 74-3270 et seq. Education repayment fund, 74-3272a Practice commitment, 74-3271 Repayment obligation, waiver, 74-3272 Subpoenas, 74-1504 Unlicensed persons, 65-2887 Unprofessional conduct, defined, 65-1516 Witnesses, 74-1504 Yearbook, printing and distribution, 74-1504 ORDINANCES Generally, 12-3001 et seq. Charter ordinances, Kan. Const. Art. 12, § 5 Home rule powers, Exercise of, Kan. Const. Art. 12, § 5 Repeal of statute, effect, 12-3017 Judicial notice, 60-409 Validity, action to determine, 60-224 OREGON TRAIL Highway designation, 68-1032 ORGAN DONATION Generally, Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, 65-3220 et seq. Nondiscrimination, 65-3276 Organ and tissue registry, state, 8-247, 8-1325 Requirements, 65-3239 ORPHANS' HOME Health and sanitation, 65-176 OSAGE COUNTY Boundaries, 18-170 County buildings, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 Elk township, fire department, 80-1912, 80-1913 Fire district, board of directors, 31-302 Flint Hills advisory council, 32-847 OSAWATOMIE, CITY OF Contract with Osawatomie state hospital for water supply, 76-1237 John Brown memorial park, lease by state, 76-2002a et seq. OSAWATOMIE STATE HOSPITAL See, also, Mentally Ill Persons, generally, this index Administration, 76-12a06 Admission, 76-12a07 Records, 76-1202 Drug and alcohol abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Employees, 76-12a05 Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq. Fee fund, deposits and expenditures, 76-1201c Grants and gifts, 76-12a08 Kansas soldiers' home, transfer of patients, 76-1936 Kansas veterans' home, transfer of patients to, 76-1958 Land, Deeds, custody of, 75-3307 Lease of, 75-3307 Title, 75-3314 Medical reports of patients, 76-12a10 Release, fees, 76-12a10 Operation and management, 76-12a01 et seq. Parking and operation of vehicles, 76-12a12 et seq. Physician, 76-12a03 Privatization, prohibition against, 75-3373 Real estate. Land, ante Receipt and expenditure of moneys, 76-12a09 Records, 76-1202 Security police officers, 76-12a16 Training, 76-12a17 Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq. Staff personnel, 76-12a04 Superintendent, 76-12a02 Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Transfer of certain patients to state security hospital, 76-1307 Trust fund, persons under custody, 76-172 et seq. Water supply, contract with city of Osawatomie, 76-1237 OSBORNE COUNTY Boundaries, 18-171 OSTEOPATHS See, also, Healing Arts, generally, this index; Physicians and Surgeons, generally, this index; Health Care Providers, generally, this index Generally, 65-2801 et seq. Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Education, financial assistance, Undergraduate students, 74-3265 et seq. Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq. Licenses and permits, exemption from registration, controlled substances, 65-4116 Practice agreements, financial assistance, 74-3265 et seq. Obligation postponed or satisfied, 74-3268 Repayment obligation, waiver, 74-3268a Social security or identification number required, 74-148 OTTAWA COUNTY Boundaries, 18-172 County buildings, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 Real estate, certain, conveyance by state board of education, 72-281 Conditions, reasons, 72-282 Rock City, historical property, 76-2018 et seq. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Highway traffic signs, 8-1512 OUTPATIENTS State hospitals and training centers, charge for treatment, 76-170 OVERISSUE Documents of title, liabilities of issuer, 84-7-402 Warehouse receipts, Fungible goods, liability of warehouse, 84-7-207 Liabilities, 84-7-402 OVERLAND PARK, CITY OF Urban area, designation, 19-2656 Annexation of territory, 19-2657 OXFORD, CITY OF Transfer of certain money and royalty interest to city, 12-16,118 OZ Land of, 68-1029 Road to, 68-1057 Yellow Brick Road, 68-1029 |