Senate Status:
2024 Statute
F.O.B. Definition, 84-2-319 Overseas shipments, bill of lading required, 84-2-323 FACSIMILES See, also, Telefacsimile Communications, this index Animal brand, 47-417 Brands of animals, publication, 47-424 Signatures, generally, this index FACTORIES Defined, labor and industry, 44-637 Labor, department of, 75-5701 et seq. See, also, Labor, State Department of, generally, this index Manufacturers and Manufacturing, generally, this index FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT Credit, this index FAIR TRADE Generally, 8-601 et seq. Monopolies and Unfair Trade, generally, this index FAIRS AND EXPOSITIONS Generally, 2-125 et seq., 2-301 et seq. Amusement rides, Amusement ride safety fund, 44-1617 Compliance audits, 44-1602 Construction standards, 44-1604 Contracting requirements, 44-1608 Definitions, 44-1601 Enforcement actions, 44-1619 Injunction, 44-1611 Injuries, reporting of, 44-1618 Inspections, 44-1602 Insurance act, 40-4801 et seq. Insurance requirements, 40-4802 Local regulations, 44-1612 Operator training, 44-1605 Patron responsibilities, 44-1607 Penalties, 44-1610 Permits, 44-1616 Permits for certain rides, 44-1620 Records, 44-1603 Rules and regulations, 44-1614 Safety instructions, posting, 44-1606 Suspension of ride operation, 44-1609, 44-1618 Testing, 44-1604 Boards, 19-1561c Buildings and grounds, 2-127 County free fair, 2-132, 2-133 County tax levies, 2-145a, 19-1561 et seq. Funds, 2-129 No-fund warrants, 2-131e State fair, post Tax levies, 2-131a et seq. Cities, second or third class, tax levy, 2-142, 2-143 Cloud county fair board, 19-2699 Committees, 2-128 County aid, 2-129, 19-1561 et seq. Adjoining counties without fair, 2-132b Annual tax levies, 2-129, 2-129c, 2-129e, 2-129g, 2-129i, 2-131a Election, when, 2-129d, 2-129f, 2-129i Counties over 50,000, 2-301 et seq. No-fund warrants, 2-131e Payment, 2-131, 2-131c, 2-131d Poultry show association, 2-145 Withholding, 2-139 County clerk, tax levy estimate, 2-130 County fair association, Official recognition, revocation by county commissioners, 2-163 County free fair, 2-132 et seq. Appropriations by county, 2-142, 2-143 Cities of second or third class, tax levy, 2-142, 2-143 Official fair association, designation as, 2-144d Tax exemption, 79-201a County property, rental or lease of buildings or grounds, 2-129b County warrants, No-fund warrants, 19-1561e, 19-1561g Poultry show association, 2-145 Courthouses, exchange for fairgrounds, 19-1544 et seq. Crimes, punishments and penalties, trespassing, 2-140 Definitions, 2-125 Directors, County free fair, 2-133 Elections, 2-128 Term of office, 2-128 Domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq. Elections, County free fair, 2-132 Directors and officers, 2-128 Notice and publication, 2-128 Ellis county, acquisition of land, 2-131f Eminent domain, 2-135, 19-1561 Expenses, county free fair, 2-132, 2-142, 2-143 Forfeitures, Benefits and recognition, 2-137 County free fair recognition, 2-132 Fraud, 2-138 Free fair, 2-132 et seq. Funds, Premiums, 2-137 Special fairs, 2-130 Gambling device, operations, 2-139 General fund, Balances, tax levy funds, 2-304 County aid payments, 2-130 Premium payments, adjoining counties, 2-132b State fair, county exhibits, 2-203 Gifts, 19-1561a County free fair, 2-132 Intoxicating liquor, sale, 2-139 Lakes, lease from townships, 80-933 Leases, Counties over 50,000, 2-301 Courthouse property exchanged for fairgrounds, 19-1546 Fairground, county free fairground, 2-132 Township lakes and parks, 80-933 Livestock association, Counties over 50,000, 2-301 Official recognition, revocation by county commissioners, 2-163 Tax levy, 2-131c Livestock show association, county aid, 2-129 Managing officers, 2-128 County free fair board, 2-144 Tax levy estimate, 2-130 Montgomery county, tax levies, 2-129g Mortgages, 2-136 No-fund warrants, 19-1561e, 19-1561g Officers, County free fair board, 2-144 Elections, 2-128 Organization of associations, 2-126, 2-127 Parks, lease from townships, 80-933 Premiums and rewards, 19-1561b Adjoining counties without fair, 2-132b Certification of statement, 2-131 Counties over 50,000, 2-301 County aid, 2-129 et seq. County free fair, 2-132 Poultry show association, 2-145 Speed premiums, 2-303 Racing. Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index Railroads, reduced rates, 66-152 Real estate, 2-127 County free fair, 2-132, 2-133 Tax levy for purchase, 2-131a et seq. Rent or lease of fairgrounds or buildings by county commissioners, 2-129b Reports, Counties over 50,000, 2-305 County aid, 2-129 et seq. Director of accounts and reports, 2-205 Sales tax, rate of tax, 79-3603 Shawnee county fair association, 2-158 et seq. State fair, 2-201 et seq. Abolition of prior board, 74-524b Admission charges, 2-216 Advertisements, 2-205b Unlawful to advertise as, 2-201 Alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-308a, 41-719 Bank deposits, appropriations and fee fund, 2-205 Board, 2-201 et seq., 74-520a et seq. Abolition of prior board, 74-524b Powers and duties transferred, 74-524c Committees, 74-521 Compensation and expenses, 74-521 Composition, 74-520a Conveyance of property, 2-227 Employees, 74-521 Rights, retention of, 74-524d Establishment, 74-520a Expenses, 74-522 Meetings, 74-521 Name change, 74-524a Nonprofit corporation authorized, Fundraising for state fair, 74-520a Officers, 74-521 Powers and duties, 2-221, 2-222, 74-521 Transfer from prior board, 74-524c Quorum, 74-524 Seal, 74-521 Buildings and grounds, Automobile display building, 2-213 Contracts and leases, use for other purposes, 2-202, 2-219 Fire stations, 2-214 Office buildings, 2-214 Razing, repairs, maintenance or remodeling, 2-202b Tax assessment, stored property, 2-202a Wheat, commemorative building, 2-217 Capital improvements, 2-221, 2-226 Fund, 2-223 Self-insurance, 75-3713d Change fund, establishment and use, 2-220 Change funds, 2-205 Committees, 74-521 Compensation and salaries, 2-205 Control and regulation, 74-521 Depository, 2-205 Easements, public utilities, sewers, and streets, 2-215, 2-222 Employees, 74-521 Rights, retention of, 74-524d Fee fund, 2-205 Feed and bedding for livestock, 2-205b General manager, 74-521 Grandstand, self-insurance fund, 75-3713d Hutchinson, city of, 2-201, 2-215, 2-219 Hutchinson community foundation, 2-225 Insurance, 2-224 Labor and employment, 2-205, 2-213 Moneys collected and expended, 2-205 Parimutuel racing agreements, 2-221 Premiums, 74-521 Printing, 74-521 Prizes and awards, 2-205 Reno county, Authority of commissioners, 2-206 Tract conveyed to state, 2-202 Rules and regulations, 74-523 Secretary, 74-521 Shows and attractions, 2-205b State fair debt service special revenue fund, 2-226 Supplies and services, 2-205a Unlawful to conduct or advertise other fairs as, 2-201 Vouchers, 2-205, 2-205a, 2-205b Workers' compensation insurance, 2-224a State fairgrounds, nonfair days activities fee fund, Abolished, 2-205 Taxation, 19-1561 et seq. Buildings and grounds, 2-131a et seq. Certain counties, 2-145a Counties over 50,000, 2-301 et seq. County aid, 19-1561 et seq. County free fair, 2-132, 2-142, 2-143 County levies, 2-129, 2-129c, 2-129e, 2-129g, 2-131a Election, when, 2-129d, 2-129f, 2-129i Free fair, 19-1547 Time, 2-201 Urban area counties, 2-129i Theaters and shows, public morals, 2-139 Township buildings, admission price, 80-104 Trespassing, 2-140 War, discontinuance of state fair, 2-137 Warrants, No-fund warrants, 19-1561e, 19-1561g Poultry show association, 2-145 Wheat show, 2-301 FALSE ALARM Crimes and Punishments, this index FALSE CLAIMS ACT, KANSAS Attorney general, powers and duties, 75-7504 Civil action, 75-7503 Burden of proof, 75-7505 Damages, civil penalties, costs, attorney fees, 75-7503 False claims against state, political subdivision, 75-7503 Private cause of action, 75-7504, 75-7506 Recovered proceeds, disposition, 75-7508 Definitions, 75-7502 Employment retaliation claims, 75-7506 False claims litigation revolving fund, 75-7508 Administration, 75-7508 Authorized expenditures, 75-7508 Joint and several liability, 75-7509 Remedies, act not exclusive, 75-7507 Statute of limitations,75-7505 Venue, civil action, 75-7510 FALSE IMPERSONATION Crimes and Punishments, this index FALSE IMPRISONMENT Statute of limitations, 60-514 FALSE PRETENSES Crimes and Punishments, this index FAMILY Children and Minors, generally, this index Corporation for Change, this index Crime Victims, this index Husband and Wife, generally, this index Marriage, generally, this index Marriage and Family Therapists, generally, this index Relatives, generally, this index FAMILY PLANNING CENTERS Drugs and medicines, keeping and supplying, 65-1648 Establishment and maintenance, 75-5674, 75-5675 Duties of state and local agencies, 75-5675 FAMILY PRACTICE RESIDENCY TRAINING PROGRAMS Generally, 76-366 et seq. Affiliates, 76-367 et seq. Reimbursement of costs, 76-370 Curriculum, 76-369 Definitions, 76-367 Establishment of health education centers not limitation on, 76-372 Policy, 76-366 Reimbursement to affiliates, 76-370 FARM IMPLEMENTS Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, generally, this index FARM PRODUCTS Agricultural Products, generally, this index FARMS AND FARMERS Agriculture, generally, this index FEDERAL AGENCIES United States Agencies, generally, this index FEDERAL AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT Monopolies and unfair trade, defenses, acts done under federal act, 50-157 FEDERAL AID Acceptance of grants, 75-3711a, 75-3711b Advertising control act of 1972, 68-2241 Agriculture, secretary of, 74-550 Airports and Landing Fields, this index Bridges. Roads and Highways, this index Budget limitations in applicable, School districts, 12-1663 Bureau of investigation, Kansas, acceptance of grants, 75-712 Challenging conditions under federal personal responsibility and work opportunity act of 1996, 75-751 Cities, 12-1662 et seq., 68-437 et seq. Cities of first class, military memorial building, 73-444 Cities of second class, public libraries, 12-1251 Cities of third class, streets and alleys, 15-718, 15-719 Colleges and Universities, this index Commitments, limitations on, 75-3711a Community-based teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158 Conservation, 32-824 et seq., 32-827 Correctional institutions, Interstate Corrections Compact, 76-3002 Corrections, secretary of, receipt, expenditure, 75-5205 Counties, 12-1662 et seq. Building for social welfare purposes, 19-1596 Public libraries, 12-1251 Road and street funds, 68-402b Social welfare building, 19-1596 State share payment, 68-434 et seq. County parks and recreation centers, 19-2839 County sewer systems, 27-102 Criminal justice information system, Kansas, 74-5701 et seq. Definitions, 12-1662 Deposit and disbursement, 75-3734 Disabled persons, developmental disabilities, 74-5505 Drainage districts, 24-491 Dust storms, 2-2009 Education, board of regents, 74-32,304 Emergency management, 48-916 Energy conservation, corporation commission, 74-616 et seq. Expenditure, Approval of finance council, 75-3711a Budget limitations inapplicable, 12-1663 Reimbursed expense, 12-1663 Extension councils, 2-608, 2-609 Firefighters, training, university of Kansas, 76-327 Fish restoration, 32-829 Food service programs, 72-17,138, 72-17,143 Governor, approval, 75-3711a Health and environment, state department of, receipt authorized, 65-103a Health and sanitation, 65-103a Highway, road and street funds, municipalities, 68-402b Highway patrol, obtaining benefits of federal legislation, 74-2117 Historic preservation program, 75-2722 Homes for the aged, 19-2111 Counties between 30,000 and 40,000, 19-2118 Hospitals, this index Housing, municipalities, 17-2357 Housing authorities, bonds secured by federal aid pledge, investments, 17-2336 Improvement districts, 19-2765 Interest earned on, payment, 75-3083 Job training partnership act, participation, 74-32,412 Kansas medical facilities survey and construction act, 65-410 Kansas technical institute, deposit of funds, 76-901 Labor, department of, 75-5733 Libraries, 12-1225 Acceptance by counties and cities, 12-1251 Library districts, acceptance of grants, 12-1248 Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2811 Military equipment, governor distributing, 75-110 Military reservations, schools, 72-1208 Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-417, 49-428 Municipal buildings and grounds, 12-1737 Municipalities, 12-1662 et seq., 68-437 et seq. Natural resources, development of, 32-827 New hires information, state directory, 75-5742 Plant or weed blowing, 2-2009 Pregnancy reduction program for teenagers, 65-1,158 Public television and radio services, 75-4924 Rail transportation plan, state, 75-5026 Railroads, generally, this index Regional system of cooperating libraries, 75-2551 Research projects, state education institutions, certain cost reimbursements, 76-739, 76-740 Revenue, state department of, receipt authorized, 75-5135 Roads and Highways, this index Rural water districts, 82a-619 School children with intellectual disability, 72-5539 Schools and school districts, 12-1662 et seq., 72-5537 et seq. Sewer systems, 12-3104, 80-2008 Soil conservation districts, 2-1908, 2-1915 State agencies, 75-3711a, 75-3711b Applications and agreements, 75-3049, 75-3050, 75-3051 Biological survey, university of Kansas, 76-338 Board of health, 65-103a Buildings or property, insurance, 74-4703 Colleges and universities, 76-723 Conservation commission, acceptance of, 2-1904 General budget summary, 75-3721 Historic preservation program, 75-2721 Homeland security budget estimates, 75-3717, 75-3721 Library, 75-2542 Streets and Alleys, this index Taxing districts, 12-1662 et seq. Teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158 Temporary finance, Limitations, 12-1664 No-fund warrants, 12-1664, 12-1665, 12-1666 Refunding, tax levies, 12-1665, 12-1666, 12-1667 Temporary notes, 12-1664, 12-1665, 12-1668 Refunding, tax levies, 12-1665, 12-1667 Townships, 12-1662 et seq. Sewer systems, 80-2008 Townships authorized to administer, urban renewal, 17-4762 Transit Systems, generally, this index Transportation, state department of, 75-5023 Urban renewal, 17-4747, 17-4748, 17-4751 Townships authorized to administer, 17-4762 Vocational education, 74-32,405 et seq. Wastewater management plans, 65-3310 Application of act, 65-3313 Water office, Kansas, 74-2609 Wildlife restoration, 32-828, 32-829 FEDERAL COURTS United States Courts, generally, this index FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE Generally, 9-1301 et seq. Banks and Banking, this index Trust Companies, this index FEDERAL FUNDS Bureau of investigation, 75-711 Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501 Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council on, 74-7801 et seq. Education, board of regents, 74-32,304 Federal cash management fund, interest payments, 75-3082, 75-3083 Grants-in-aid to libraries, 75-2562 Independent application for and receipt of, 75-2562 Job training partnership act, participation, 74-32,412 Labor, department of, 75-5733 Older Americans Act moneys, reception and disbursal by department on aging, 75-5903 Transit Systems, generally, this index FEDERAL GOVERNMENT United States, generally, this index FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS Insurance, this index Savings and Loan Associations, this index FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATOR Banks and Banking, this index Trust Companies, this index FEDERAL PIPELINE SAFETY ACT Fees for inspection and supervision, 66-1,153 et seq. Rules in conformance, corporation commission, 66-1,150 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Banks and Banking, this index FEDERAL RESERVOIRS Waters and Watercourses, this index FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Revenue Sharing, this index FEDERAL TAX LIENS Fees for filing and recordation, 28-115 Tax Liens, this index FEDERAL UNIFORM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICIES ACT Relocation assistance, compliance, 58-3501 FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT Secretary of health and environment, Orders, refuse storage or disposal, water pollution, 65-171d et seq. FEE AGENCY ACCOUNTS State Depositories, this index FEE FUNDS Funds, generally, this index FEED Generally, 2-1004 Commercial Feeds, generally, this index Liens for feeding livestock, 58-241 et seq. FEEDLOTS Generally, 47-1501 et seq. Animals, this index FEES See specific subjects FELONIES Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index Criminal Procedure, generally, this index FENCES Generally, 29-101 et seq. Action for damages, 29-404 Barbed wire fences, 29-105 Cemeteries, 14-1007 Crimes, punishments and penalties, Fence viewers, neglect of duty, 29-202 Interfering with fences or gates, 29-107 Cruelty to animals, 29-409 Electric fences, 29-109 Eminent domain, 26-513 Gates, 29-106 Roads and highways, 68-126, 68-127, 68-128a Irrigation works, 42-348 Landowners, agreements, 29-306 Legal and sufficient fence, 29-104 Legal enclosures, 29-101 et seq. Livestock, Domestic animals, enclosure required, 29-101Running at large, unlawful, 47-122 Running at large, Unlawfully running at large, 47-122 Trespass, damages for, 29-108 Partition fences, 29-301 et seq., 29-401 Railroads, 66-308 et seq. Removal, fence built by mistake, 29-406, 29-407 Removal by counties, highways and grade crossings, 19-2612 Roads and Highways, this index Trespass, animals breaking fences, 29-402 et seq. Taking possession of animals, 29-408 Viewers, 29-201 et seq. Assessing damages, 29-402, 29-403 Compensation, 29-203 Duties, 29-304 Expenses, 29-405 FERRIES Missouri River, railroads maintaining, 66-523 FERTILIZERS See, also, Agricultural Liming Materials, this index Generally, 2-1201 et seq. Advertisements, false or misleading statement, 2-1208 Affidavits, failure or neglect to file, 2-1208 Agriculture, state department of, 2-1201 et seq. Ammonium nitrate, Dealers, 2-1201c Definitions, 2-1201 Anhydrous ammonia, 2-1212 Defects in equipment, 2-1217 Energy resource, conservation, 74-616 et seq. Inspection of facilities and equipment, 2-1216, 2-1217 Municipal regulation of, 2-1215 Penalties, 2-1219 Safety standards, 2-1212 Unlawful acts, 2-1218 Anhydrous ammonia owners, immunity from civil action, 60-4601 Animal waste, motor carrier exemption, 66-1,109 Bonds, release after seizure, 2-1208 Brands, marks and labels, Containers or packages, 2-1204 Destruction and removal, 2-1208 Misbranding, mutilation and obliteration, 2-1208 Misleading or deceptive, 2-1210 Registration, post Tags, 2-1204 Bulk and commercial, 2-1226 et seq. Construction or alteration of facilities, transferable, 2-1228 Injunctions, 2-1231 Penalties, 2-1231 Rules and regulations, 2-1227 Secretary duties, 2-1228, 2-1229 Stop sale order, 2-1227, 2-1230, 2-1232 Unlawful acts, 2-1230 Bulk lots, Labels, 2-1204 Samples, 2-1207 Certification, sample analysis, 2-1206 Coal or coke gasification nitrogen fertilizer plant property, tax exemptions, 79-228 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 2-1201b, 2-1205 Constitute debts, 2-1205 Evidence, 2-1206, 2-1207, 2-1208 False reports, 2-1205 Second and subsequent offenses, 2-1208 Criminal prosecutions, 2-1208a Custom blended fertilizers, Label or delivery slip, warnings, 2-1201a Licenses and permits, 2-1201a, 2-1201b District courts, Criminal prosecutions, 2-1208a Jurisdiction, 2-1208 Fees, Fertilizer fee fund, 2-1205 Fertilizer research fund, 2-1205, 2-1221 Inspection, 2-1205 Failure or neglect to pay, 2-1208 Penalty, 2-1205 Pesticide use survey, 2-1206 State water plan fund, 2-1205 Guaranteed analysis, 2-1202, 2-1204, 2-1210 Publication, 2-1209 Hearing of violations, 2-1201b, 2-1208a Indebtedness, 2-1205 Inspection and inspectors, 2-1206 Judgments, basis, 2-1205 Manufacturers and manufacturing, 2-1201 et seq. Records of sales, 2-1205 Tonnage reports, 2-1202, 2-1205, 2-1208, 74-505c Nuisance lawsuits, immunity from, 2-3201 et seq. Publications, registered fertilizers, sample analysis reports, 2-1209 Records and recordation, shipments and sales, 2-1205 Cancellation and revocation, 2-1202, 2-1205, 2-1208a Failure of, stop sale orders, 2-1206 Grades, 2-1201a Mistake, 2-1208a Publication, 2-1209 Trademarks, misleading or deceptive, 2-1210 Violations, 2-1208 Rules and regulations, Commercial and bulk fertilizers, 2-1226 Prescribing and enforcing, 2-1210 Violations, 2-1208 Sales tax, ingredient or component part of plants, 79-3602 Samples, Examination, 2-1208a Solid waste, 65-3409. See, also, Waste, this index Specialty fertilizer, 2-1204 Stop sale order, 2-1222 Storage, Anhydrous ammonia, 2-1212 Bulk and commercial, 2-1226 et seq. Liquid fertilizer, 2-1234 Tags, 2-1204 Tonnage reports, 2-1202, 2-1205, 2-1208, 74-505c Trademarks, and trade names, misleading or deceptive, 2-1210 Transportation, anhydrous ammonia, 2-1212 Uniformity of law, State jurisdiction, exclusivity, 2-1235 Weights, label or delivery slip, 2-1201a, 2-1204 FETAL ORGANS AND TISSUES Abortion, minors, 65-67a09 Applicability, when not, 65-67a03 Construction of act, 65-67a02 Definitions, 65-67a01 DNA testing, 65-67a09 Inapplicability of act, 65-67a03 Penalties, 65-67a04, 65-67a05, 65-67a06, 65-67a07, 65-67a09 Prohibited acts, 65-67a04, 65-67a05, 65-67a06, 65-67a07 Severability, 65-67a08 Transfer of tissue, Donor, consent of, 65-67a07 Reports to secretary of health and environment, 65-67a05 FIDUCIARIES Action or defense by, 60-217 Bank, officers and employees, acting as, Dealings with companies having control of bank or trust company, 9-1611 Records, 9-1130 Special permit, 9-1601 Bonds (Officers and Fiduciaries), generally, this index Bribery. Crimes and Punishments, this index Commercial bribery, criminal code, 21-6506 Conservators and Conservatorships, generally, this index Corporations or officers, acting as, 59-1701 Custodians, generally, this index Defined, uniform act for simplification of fiduciary security transfers, 17-4903 Digital assets, revised uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act, 58-4801 et seq. Executors and administrators. Probate Proceedings, this index Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 17-4903 et seq. Guardian and Ward, generally, this index Investments, 17-5001 et seq. Express highway and freeway bonds, 68-2310 Urban renewal bonds, 17-4752 Loans, 17-5001 et seq. Minors, transfers to, 38-1701 et seq. Probate Proceedings, generally, this index Receivers and Receivership, generally, this index Removal and penalties, 59-1711 Trust Companies, generally this index Trusts and Trustees, generally, this index Unclaimed property, 58-3934 et seq. FIDUCIARY ACCESS TO DIGITAL ASSETS ACT, REVISED UNIFORM Generally, 58-4801 et seq. Application, 58-4803 Court orders, 58-4816 Custodian, Compliance with requests, 58-4816 Immunity, good faith compliance, 58-4816 Procedure for disclosing digital assets, 58-4806 Termination of user's account, 58-4815 Terms-of-service agreement, effect, 58-4805 Definitions, 58-4802 Disclosure of digital assets, Conservator, 58-4814 Deceased user, personal representative, Content of electronic communications, 58-4807 Digital assets other than content of electronic communications, 58-4808 Guardian, 58-4814 Power of attorney, agent, Content of electronic communications, 58-4809 Digital assets other than content of electronic communications, 58-4810 Procedure, 58-4806 Trust, trustee, Content of electronic communications, 58-4812 Digital assets other than content of electronic communications, 58-4813 Original user, 58-4811 User direction, 58-4804 Electronic signatures in global and national commerce act, 58-4818 Fiduciary duty and authority, 58-4815 Interpretation, uniformity, 58-4817 Liability, limitations, 58-4816 Severability, 58-4819 Termination of user's account, 58-4815 Terms-of-service agreement, effect, 58-4805 FILM SERVICES COMMISSION, KANSAS Appointment, 74-9201 Composition, 74-9201 Establishment, 74-9201 Meetings, 74-9201 Membership, 74-9201 Appointments, 74-9201 Ex officio, 74-9201 Terms, 74-9201 Vacancies, 74-9201 Officers, 74-9201 Quorum, 74-9201 Terms, 74-9201 Vacancies, 74-9201 FILTH Drugs and medicine, 65-668 Food, adulteration, 65-664 Health nuisances, 65-159, 65-160 Roads and highways, depositing along, erection of signs, 68-422a FINANCE CHARGES Consumer Credit Code, this index FINANCE COMMISSIONER Cities of first class, 13-1708 Cities of third class, 15-1407 FINANCE COMPANIES Insurance Premium Finance Companies, this index Investment Companies, generally, this index Loans, generally, this index Truth-in-Lending, generally, this index FINANCE COUNCIL Agenda of meetings, 75-3710 Allotment system review, 75-3722 Building project defects, investigation, 75-3713c Certificate of indebtedness, duties, 75-3725a Certificate of participation financing arrangements, 75-37,101 Chairperson, 75-3708 Claims against the state, approval of, 75-6106, 75-6116, 75-6117 Compensation, meetings, 75-3212, 75-3213, 75-3710 Compensation of state officers, approval, Bank commissioner, 75-3135 Director of transportation administration, 75-5006 Economic development, department of, Governor in lieu of finance council, 75-3711 Housing, food service and other maintenance, 75-2961a Construction defects recovery fund, 75-3785 Contracts between certain state agencies, approval, 75-3711a, 75-3711b Copies filed with legislative research department, 75-3711b Creation, 75-3708 Emergency fund, state, 75-3712 et seq. Employment security fund, special, 44-716a Expenses, 75-3710 Out-of-state applicants for employment, approval, 75-3218 et seq. Federal grants-in-aid, approval, 75-3711a, 75-3711b Governor, powers and duties, 75-3711, 75-3711b, 75-3711c Health preservation expenditures, 75-3713 Items of appropriation, transfer, 75-3726a Legislative delegations, 75-3711, 75-3711c, 75-3713b, 75-3713c, 75-5046 Approval of federal aid, 75-3711c Expenditure limitations on special revenue funds, increase, 75-3711c Major disasters, Federal disaster reliefs, state share, 75-3713 Limitations on use of funds, 75-3713 Meetings, 75-3710, 75-3711, 75-3714 Members, 75-3708 National guard entitlements, approval, 75-3713b National guard mutual assistance compact expenses, approval, 75-3713b Powers and duties, 75-3711, 75-3711c Exercise by governor, when, 75-3711 Reduction in general fund expenditures and transfers, 75-6704 Quorum, 75-3711 Real estate in Reno county, lease or exchange, approval, 76-183 Sale of surplus state real estate, disposition of certain proceeds, 75-6609 Santa Fe office building, acquisition, Revenue bonds, approval, 75-3653 Terms of loan, approval, 75-3649 Terms of sale agreement, 500 block of Kansas properties, 75-3652 Secretary, 75-3708 State educational institution contracts, certain, Approval, 75-3711b Filing with legislative research department, 75-3711b State emergency fund, use, 75-3713, 75-3713c Loans or grants to municipalities, when, 75-3713a Transfer of items of appropriation, Attorney general, authority, 75-3726b State agencies, approval, 75-3726a Travel expenses, 75-3212, 75-3213, 75-3710 Vacancies in office, 75-3709 Voting, unanimous vote requirement, absentee voting procedure, 75-3711 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS See, also, specific bold subject headings Banks and Banking, generally, this index Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index Loan Brokers, generally, this index Savings and Loan Associations, generally, this index Technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions, genrally, this index Trust Companies, generally, this index FINANCING AGENCY Sales, this index FINANCING STATEMENT Secured Transactions, this index FINES AND PENALTIES See, also, Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index Animal diseases, shipping violations, 47-607c Animal slaughtering, state institutions, operating in vicinity, 76-142, 76-143 Animals, this index Arbitration and award, process, disobedience 5-205 Artesian wells, 42-399 Auctioneers, 58-1022 Barbers, 65-1822 Schools and shops, sanitary provisions, 65-173 Bathrooms, sanitary supervision, 65-173 Blacklisting former employee, 44-118 Bonded warehouseman, 82-170 Bread and flour enrichment, 65-2306 Buildings, Moving on highways, 17-1920 Removed from mortgaged property, 58-2317 Business trusts, 17-2036 Caustic or corrosive substances, 65-647, 65-648 Cemeteries and cemetery companies, Cities of second class, 14-1009 Cities of third class, 15-1003, 15-1009 Forfeiture of cemetery corporation, 17-1312d Child support proceedings, contempt, licensing sanctions, 74-146, 74-147 Children in need of care records, 38-2209 Comfort stations and restrooms, sanitary supervision, 65-173 Contractors, nonresident contractors, tax collection, 79-1015 Corporations, this index Cosmetologists, 65-1909 Counties, this index County Officers and Employees, generally, this index County park districts, 19-2894 County parks and recreation centers, 19-2803a County seats, election offenses, 19-1609, 19-1614, 19-1618, 19-1620, 19-1626 County Treasurers, this index Dairies and Dairy Products, this index Deeds and Conveyances, this index Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1431, 65-1460 Discrimination, employment or public accommodations, 44-1013 Driver training schools, 8-281 Drugs and Medicines, this index Eggs, inspection fee payments, 2-2507 Election Offenses, generally, this index Electric transmission lines, 17-1907, 17-1908 Electrologists, 65-1909 Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-207 Embalming without permission, 65-1707 Emergency planning and community right-to-know, 65-5708 Employment agencies, 44-410 Employment Security, this index Environment, liability for damages to, 65-171u Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Feeds, livestock and poultry, 2-1011 Fences, Gates, leaving open, 29-107 Viewers, neglect of duty, 29-202 Fish and Game, this index Flags, improper use, 73-710 Flour and bread enrichment, 65-2306 Funeral directors and embalmers, grounds for, 65-1751 See, also, Funeral Directors and Embalmers, this index Garnishment, discharge of employee for, 60-2311 Gas stove connections, 36-516 Gates, roads and highways, 68-127 Habeas corpus, correction of criminal sentence, 60-1507 Harvesting lien, disposing of grain, 58-206 Hawkers and peddlers, county licenses, 19-2202, 19-2207 Hazardous household articles, 65-2704 Healing Arts, this index Health care database information, 65-6804 Health nuisance, 65-159 Health officers, failure or neglect of duties, 65-202 Hearing aids, registration act, 74-5824 Historical property, Damaging, 76-2029 House of representatives, removal of property from hall, 75-2207, 75-2208 Household articles, hazardous, 65-2704 Impeachment proceedings, 37-107 Improvement district directors, 19-2779 Income tax, Withholding and declaration of estimated tax, 79-32,107 Failure to furnish statement, 79-3299 Insurance, this index Insurance holding companies, 40-3311, 40-3311a Insurance Premium Finance Company Act, 40-2604, 40-2606 Interest, Default penalty, 16-205 Exceeding limitation on contract rate, 16-207 Jackson county park district, 19-2873 Junkyard and Salvage Control Act, 68-2205, 68-2215 Labor disputes, 44-618, 44-619 Labor investigations, refusal to testify, 44-635 Labor organizations, 44-619, 44-814 Laboratories, Approval to perform certain tests, 65-1,108 Certification to perform environmental analyses, 65-1,109a Leaving scene of motor vehicle accident, 8-1602 Libraries, 12-1228 Licensing bodies, child support proceedings, contempt, sanctions, 74-146, 74-147 Liquefied petroleum gas containers, 55-1105 Mandamus, disobedience, 60-803 Map or plat, 12-405 Masters' proceedings, failure to appear, 60-253 Meat and poultry inspection act, 65-6a56 Medical care facilities, license violations, 65-439 Medical school, dead bodies, use, 65-901 et seq. Military Forces, this index Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act, 49-404, 49-405c, 49-421a Mobile homes, construction standards, 75-1223 Monopolies and restraint of trade, 50-101 et seq. Motor vehicle dealers, 8-2411 Motor Vehicles, this index Municipal accountants, licenses and permits, 75-1128 Municipal accounting, 75-1130 Municipal Bonds, this index Municipal courts, 12-4509 et seq. Schedule of fines, 12-4305 Naturopathic doctor licensure act, 65-7208 News services, discriminating in sale of news, 50-206 Notaries public, 53-106 Nuclear Energy Development and Radiation Control Act, 48-1612, 48-1613 Nuisance, health nuisance, 65-159 Nursing homes, 39-943 Oaths and affirmations, falsifying, 54-105 Occupational therapists, 65-5410 Odometer fraud, 21-5835 Civil penalty, 50-651, 50-653a Oil and gas properties, taxation, false statements, 79-333 Open meeting laws, 75-4320 Optometrists, 65-1513, 65-1526 Ordinances, penal provisions, 12-3011 Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index Parking lots, county violation of regulation, 19-27,151 Perjury, 72-2644 Personal care homes, 39-943 Personal property taxation, annual statement, late filings, 79-1422 Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, 65-2914, 65-2916 Pipelines, rules in conformance with Federal Safety Act, 66-1,151 Pollutant discharge, recovery of cleanup costs, 65-171v Pooling agreements, agricultural products, 50-136 et seq. Prairie dog extermination, 80-1208 Property taxation, public utility, annual statement, late filing, 79-5a14 Public employees retirement system, 74-4924 Public Utilities, this index Public water supply system, permits, 65-163 Environment, liability for damages to, 65-171u Railroads, this index Recreational vehicles, construction standards, 75-1223 Remission, 13-515, 14-310, 15-309 Respiratory therapists, 65-5510 Retail liquor sales enforcement tax, 79-4107 Roads and Highways, this index Safety glass, 8-1743 Safety glazing materials, use, 65-3804 Salvage, 70-104 Sand and gravel, 70a-108 Sanitary codes, counties, 19-3707 School buses, failure of purchaser to modify used, 72-6497 Schoolbooks, rental plan fund, 72-3349 Sewage disposal into waters of state, 65-167 Shipper, agricultural products, fraud, 50-131 Sidewalks, removal or injury, 68-134 State depositories, board of treasury examiners, neglect, 75-4229 State parks, Damaging property, 76-2029 Statehouse parking violations, 75-4510a Street railways, tunnels or viaducts, 12-1633, 12-1634 Taxation, this index Taxpayer interrogatories, 79-1408 Telegraphs and Telephones, this index Toilets, sanitary supervision, 65-173 Townships, this index Trading stamps, 21-2804 Traffic hazards, private property, failure to remove, 8-2011 Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index Trust companies, 9-1805 Tuberculosis, 65-116g Unclaimed Property Act, failure to comply, 58-3967 Unfair trade practices, 50-101 et seq. Vehicle dealers and manufacturers, 8-2411 Veterans' preference, 73-202, 73-204 Vital statistics, 65-2434 Wages, payment of, 44-323 Warrants for payment of public funds, 10-810 Washrooms, sanitary supervision, 65-173 Water mains and pipelines, 19-2622 Water permits, 65-163 Environment, liability for damages to, 65-171u Water pollution, 65-167, 65-170c, 65-170d, 65-171f Water supply and distribution districts, fraudulent claims against, 19-3519 Watercourse, obstructing, 24-206, 24-307 Waterworks, flowage rights, 12-854 Weights and Measures, this index Wire services, discriminating in sale of news, 50-206 Women's employment, 44-648 FINGERPRINTS AND FINGERPRINTING Bureau of investigation, Kansas, background investigations, 75-712,  75-712i, 75-712j Criminal identification, 21-2501 et seq. Criminal justice employment, generally, 22-4713 Chief of police, 12-1,120 Highway patrol superintendent, 74-2113 Law enforcement officer, 74-5605 Sheriff, 19-926 Employment, licensure, registration, certification or permits, generally, 22-4714 Adult care homes, 39-970 Alcoholic beverages, 41-311b Appraisal management companies, 58-4709 Appraisers, 58-4127 Attorneys, 7-127 Bail enforcement agents, 75-7e03 Banks and trust companies, change of control, 9-1722 Behavioral sciences, 74-7511 Boxing commission, 74-50,184 Child care facilities, 65-516 Commercial motor vehicle, 8-2,142 Concealed carry, 75-7c05 Consumer credit code, 16a-6-104 Credit services organizations, 50-1126 Credit unions, 17-2234 Department of health and environment, 75-5609a Disability services, providers of, 39-2009 Emergency medical services board, 65-6129 Executive branch agencies, 75-7241 Gubernatorial appointments, 75-712 Healing arts, state board of, 65-28,129 Hemp employees, producers and processors, 2-3901 et seq. Home health agency, 65-5117 Information technology, sensitive employees, 75-3707e Insurance agents, 40-4905 Kansas commission for the deaf and hard of hearing, 75-5393a, 75-5393c Kansas racing and gaming commission, 74-8804 Law enforcement training, 74-5607 Lottery vendors, 74-8705 Merchant or security police, 12-1679 Money transmitter, 9-509, 9-513e Mortgage business, 9-2209 Motor vehicles, division of, 75-5156 Nongubernatorial appointments, 75-4315d Nurses, 74-1112 Optometrists, 65-1505 Pharmacists, 65-1696 Physical therapists, 65-2924 Post audit, division of, 46-1103 Private detectives, 75-7b04 Public adjusters, 40-5505 Public employee retirement system, board of trustees, 74-4905 Real estate brokers and salespersons, 58-3039 Revenue, department of, 75-5133c State lottery, 74-8704 Technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions, 9-2302 Tribal gaming, 74-9805 Veterans affairs, office of, 72-1210a Vital statistics, office of, 65-2402 FINNEY COUNTY Boundaries, 18-128 Garfield township, 18-128a Drainage districts, Annexation, 24-138 Directors, terms, 24-139a Easement, Arkansas river, 82a-218 Highway construction, financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 Interlocal cooperation agreement, financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 Sewer districts, 19-27,170 et seq. State land, conveyance to Garden City, water supply purposes, 74-3321 Water districts, 19-3536 et seq. FIRE DEPARTMENTS Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq. See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index Firefighters, generally, this index FIRE DISTRICTS See, also, Fire Protection, generally, this index; Firefighters, generally, this index Generally, 19-3601 et seq., 31-301 et seq., 80-1512 et seq. Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Ambulance service, emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq. Annexation of territory, 19-270, 19-3604 Districts in more than one county, 19-3629 Territory outside county, 19-3630 Audits, 19-3638 Benefit districts, 31-301 et seq. Bids and Bidding, generally, this index Board, school districts, unification, 31-302 Board of directors, 31-302 Board of trustees, 19-3612a Townships over 17,500, 80-1525 Bonded indebtedness, Liability after detachment of territory, 19-3631 Urban area counties, 80-1548 Bonds, Counties, organizations, 19-3601b Detached territory, liability for bonded debt, 19-3631 Districts in more than one county, 19-3625 Land, buildings, trucks and equipment, 80-1543 Land, buildings and equipment, 31-305 Townships, 80-1513 et seq. Alteration of, 19-270, 19-3602a, 19-3604, 19-3613a, 19-3629, 19-3624a, 19-3630 Improvement and industrial districts, inclusion, 80-1512a, 80-1524a, 80-1540a, 80-1547a, 80-2002a Townships, 80-1512 Townships over 17,500, 80-1524 Budget, 19-3606 Adoption, 31-303 Districts in more than one county, 19-3626 Townships over 17,500, 80-1532 Buildings, Reserve fund, 19-3612c Cities, Annexation by, 12-520, 12-520a, 12-521a Inclusion within districts, 19-3605 Claims, payment, 12-105a, 12-105b Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq. See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index Compensation and salaries, 19-3612d Reno county, 19-3612e Sedgwick county, 19-3612e Townships, post Consolidation, Consolidation of operations, generally, 12-3901 et seq. Districts and departments, 12-3910 et seq. Desoto and Johnson County fire district No. 3 governing body, 12-3914 Districts or departments in adjoining counties, 12-3912 Election, 12-3913 Firefighters benefits, 12-3918 Governing body, Appointment, 12-3914 Powers and duties, 12-3915, 12-3919 Initiation of procedure, 12-3911 Resolution, 12-3913 Transfer of assets and liabilities, 12-3916, 12-3917 Urban area counties, 80-1547 et seq. Bonds, 80-1548 County clerks, duties, 80-1551 Election, 80-1547 et seq. Funds of districts at time of, 80-1550 Governing body, powers, 80-1548 Powers and duties of consolidated district, 80-1553 Retirement or relief associates programs not affected, 80-1552 Transfer of records and property, 80-1549 Contracts, Buildings, joint construction with cities, 19-3609 Cities or townships, 19-3608 Districts in more than one county, 19-3625 Existing contracts, 19-3612 Townships, 80-1514a Purchase of equipment, 80-1555 Contracts for service, 31-302 Municipalities, tax levies, 19-3610 Counties, Governing body, 19-3601, 19-3601a, 19-3601b Powers and duties, 19-3601a, 19-3601b, 19-3610 Tax levy, 19-3610 County commissioners, Appeal from district establishment, 80-1513 Appointment of board members, 80-1514 Damages, townships, contracts for fire protection, 80-1517 Detachment of territory, Bonded debts, liability after detachment, 19-3631 Certification of new boundaries, 19-3631 Districts in more than one county, 19-3631 Disorganization, 19-3604 Districts in more than one county, 19-3624 et seq. Board of trustees, 19-3631a Bonds and no-fund warrants, 19-3625 Boundaries, limitation, 19-3624a Contracts, 19-3625 Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, 75-4364 Equipment, Fund for replacement of, 19-3612c Purchase, contract with township, 80-1555 Establishment, board of directors, 31-302 Expenditures by board of directors, 31-304 Governing body, township, 80-1514, 80-1542 Insurance, 80-1516 Townships over 17,500, volunteer firemen, 80-1531 Interlocal cooperation, 12-2901 et seq. Johnson county, 19-3613 et seq. Annexation of land by city, 19-3623f Budget, 19-3622 Consolidation of districts, 19-3619 Creation, 19-3613 Detachment of land from district, 19-3623a, 19-3623c, 19-3623f Equipment, 19-3623e Fund, 19-3623c Fire department, operation of, 19-3620 Governing body, 19-3614, 19-3614a Budget, 19-3622 Contracts for service, 19-3617, 19-3621 Officers, 19-3615 Powers, 19-3616, 19-3617, 19-3620, 19-3622, 19-3623e Removal, 19-3614 Inclusion of new land by district, 19-3623 Bonded indebtedness, effect on, 19-3623d Limitation, 19-3613a Reserve fund, 19-3623 Tax levy, 19-3622 Land, Reserve fund, 19-3612c Loans, firefighters relief act, 40-1707 Lyon county, board of directors, 31-302 Machinery, fund for replacement of, 19-3612c Officers and employees, 19-3612b Organization, 19-3602, 19-3603 Abandonment or alteration of plan, 19-3602 Time, 19-3606 Osage county, board of directors, 31-302 Petitions, 80-1540 Inclusion of cities within district, 19-3605 Organization, 19-3603 Reserve fund, 19-3612c Resolutions, creation of district, 80-1512 Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante State firefighters museum, 73-2701 Supervisors, 19-3612b Urban area counties, 80-1520, 80-1548 Use of proceeds, 19-3610 Taxation, 19-3606 Attachment of territory outside county, 19-3630 Districts in more than one county, 19-3626 Attachment of territory, 19-3629 Townships, post Townships over 17,500, 80-1524, 80-1533 Transmittal of tax moneys, 19-3627, 31-304 Townships, 80-1512 et seq. Annexation of district territory by municipality, 80-1513 Areas in existing districts, 80-1541 Auditing board, duties of, 80-1544 Bonds, 80-1513 et seq., 80-1541 Indemnity bond, contracts for fire protection, 80-1517 Land, buildings, trucks and equipment, 80-1543 Buildings, 80-1513 Bonds issued, 80-1541 Purchase from township, 80-1543 Tax levy in certain, 80-1918a Compensation and salaries, Board members, 80-1514 Employees and volunteers, 80-1516, 80-1544 Governing body, 80-1544 Townships over 17,500, 80-1531 Contracts, 19-3608 Fire protection, 80-1517 Other municipalities, 80-1545 Purchase of equipment, 80-1555 County commissioners, approval, 19-270, 80-1541 Creation, procedure, 80-1512, 80-1540 et seq. Townships over 17,500, 80-1526, 80-1529 Detachment, 19-3604 Dissolution of district, 80-1514 Division of township into two or more, 80-1554 Emergency medical service, 80-1557, 80-1903 Definitions, 80-1557 Eminent domain, 80-1514a, 80-1541 Employees, quarters, 80-1544 Exemptions, contracts for fire protection, 80-1517 Expenses, 80-1514 Tax levy, 80-1520 Fire district reserve fund, 80-1558, 80-1559 Fire hydrants, installation and maintenance, 80-1514a, 80-1904, 80-1917, 80-1921 Governing body, 80-1514, 80-1542 Compensation, 80-1544 Lands in more than one township, 80-1542 Powers and duties, 80-1514a, 80-1521, 80-1544 Inclusion of new lands, 80-1541 Indemnity bond, contracts for fire protection, 80-1517 Insurance on employees and volunteers, 80-1516 Liabilities, 80-1545 Machinery and equipment, 80-1513 Bond issues, 80-1541 Purchase from townships, 80-1543 Notice and hearing, 80-1540 Officers and employees, 80-1516 Operating and maintenance expenses, tax levy, 80-1520 Powers of district, 80-1541 Privileges, immunities and exemptions, 80-1517, 80-1545 Rescue service, 80-1546, 80-1557, 80-1903 Resolution by board, 80-1540 Roads and highways, right-of-way, 80-1518 Sirens on vehicles, 80-1518 Taxation, 80-1514b, 80-1520, 80-1546 Buildings and facilities, certain, 80-1918a Limitation, 80-1546 Counties of 150,000 to 180,000, 80-1546 Urban areas, Approval of budgets, tax levies and improvements, 12-1669, 12-1670 Bonds, 80-1548 Consolidation of districts, 80-1547 et seq. Governing body, powers, 80-1548 Vehicles, 80-1518 Volunteer members, 80-1516, 80-1544 Townships over 17,500, 80-1531 Townships over 17,500, 80-1524 et seq. Accounts and accounting, 80-1530 Bonds, 80-1530 Compensation and salaries, 80-1531 Creation of districts, 80-1524, 80-1526, 80-1529 Emergencies, 80-1534 Lease of special equipment, 80-1534 Management of district, 80-1530 No-fund warrants, 80-1534 Officers and employees, 80-1530, 80-1531 Petition, creation of district, 80-1526 Records, 80-1530 Retirement and pensions, 80-1531 Volunteer firemen, 80-1531 Urban area counties, Consolidation, ante Insurance on employees, 19-3637 Tax levies, 80-1520 Warrants, no-fund warrants, 19-3601b, 31-305 FIRE INSURANCE Generally, 40-901 Insurance, this index FIRE MARSHAL State Fire Marshal, generally, this index FIRE PROTECTION See, also, Fire Districts, generally, this index; Firefighters, generally, this index; Smoke Detectors, generally, this index Generally, 31-132 et seq., 80-1501 et seq. Apartment houses, 31-132a, 31-133 Arson Reporting-Immunity Act. Arson, this index Bottle rockets. Fireworks, this index Building code, compliance, 31-134a Child care facilities, 65-508 Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq. See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index Crimes, punishments and penalties, 31-150a, 31-159 Equipment, Blocking highways, 31-145 Color of vehicles, 80-1518, 80-1906 Following prohibited, 8-1581 Interfering with, third persons, 31-145 Joint operation of department, 80-1501 Housing and operations of apparatus, 80-1523 Purchase of apparatus, 80-1522 Purchase and repair, Cities, 12-110b Emergency, cities, counties and townships, 12-110a Right-of-way on highways, 80-1518 Siren on vehicles, 80-1518 Townships, Counties over 150,000, 80-1917 Red vehicles, 80-1906 Sirens, 80-1906 Trucks, registration, exemption from, 8-128 Fire department, members, powers and duties, 31-145 Fire drills, schools, 31-133 Fire escapes, 31-133 State institutions, 76-125 Working conditions, investigations, 44-636 Fire exits, 31-133 Fire extinguishers, 31-133 Commercial cooking equipment, 31-133a Inspection, installation, servicing, 31-133a Certification, 31-133a Rules and regulations, 31-133a Fire hydrants, Joint fire departments, 80-1501 Stopping or parking vehicles, 8-1571 Township tax for bond costs, determination, 13-1278 Townships, 80-1605 Fire prevention code, 31-134 Fire protection personnel standards and education commission, abolition, 74-131 et seq., 74-137, 74-138 Fire stations, State fairgrounds, 2-214 Stopping or parking vehicles, 8-1571 Great plains interstate fire compact, 31-801 Industrial districts, 19-3808 Injunctions, 31-150a Interlocal cooperation, 12-2904 Maternity centers, 65-508 Police powers, firefighters, 31-145, 31-157 Pyrotechnics, prohibited in certain buildings, 31-170 Roofing materials, Wooden shingles, limitations on, 31-171 Rules and regulations, 31-133 et seq. School Buildings and Grounds, generally, this index State agencies, licensing requirements, 31-159 State fire marshal, powers and duties, 31-133 et seq. State institutions, 76-125 Tax exemption, 79-201a Toll free number, 31-165 Townships, 80-1501 et seq. Tax levy, 13-1278 Townships and cities of third class, certain counties, Fire truck and equipment, garage, 80-1537 Tax levies, 80-1537 Townships in counties of 22,500 to 23,500, contracts with fire district, 80-1556 Violations of code, 31-150a, 31-159 FIREARMS Schools, weapon-free, 72-6131 et seq. Weapons, this index FIREFIGHTERS See, also, Fire Districts, generally, this index; Fire Protection, this index Chief of fire department, 31-137, 31-139 Reports, 31-137 Cities of first class, townships adjacent to, township fire department, 80-1901 et seq. Cities of second class, appointment of chief, 14-1501 Cities of third class, Appointment of chief, 15-1601 Joint operation of fire department with townships, 80-1535 et seq. Clothing, minimum standards, 31-158 Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq. See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index Compensation and salaries, Fighting fires outside city limits, 80-1504 Joint operation of department, 80-1501 Municipal contracts for fire fighting services, 80-1502 Townships, post Contracts, Benefit districts, fire fighting services, 80-1507, 80-1508 Townships, post Counties, Joint operation of department, 80-1501 Municipality furnishing fire-fighting service, 80-1502 Taxation, Joint operation of fire department, 80-1503 Municipality providing firefighting services, 80-1503 Crimes, punishments and penalties, Clothing and equipment, standards, 31-158 Violation of firefighter's order, 31-145 Disability benefits, Cities of first class, 13-14a08, 13-14a09 Prior benefits, continuation, 13-14a03 Cities of second class, 14-10a08, 14-10a09 Prior benefits, continuation, 14-10a03 Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, 75-4364 Emergencies, fire fighting beyond territorial limits, 12-111 Equipment, Fire Protection, this index Minimum standards, 31-158 Fire lines, forming, 31-145 Fire safety standard and firefighter protection act, generally, 31-601 et seq. Cigarette fire safety standard and firefighter protection act fund, 31-609 Cigarette package inspection, 31-605 Cigarette package markings, 31-605 Cigarette testing standards, 31-603 City and county preemption, 31-612 Definitions, 31-602 Federal preemption, 31-613 Fire safety standard and firefighter protection act enforcement fund, 31-604 Inspection by the director of taxation, 31-607 Manufacturer written certification of compliance, 31-604 Penalties for selling non-certified cigarettes, 31-606 Sales outside the U.S. exempt, 31-610 Firefighters Relief Association, 40-1701 et seq. Health insurance, continuation of, 40-1709 Hydrants, townships, 80-1605 Interference with, unlawful, 21-6325, 31-145 Investigations, 31-137 Joint operation of department, 80-1501, 80-1522, 80-1523 Kansas firefighters memorial, 75-36,102, 75-36,103 Metropolitan transit authority, free transportation, 12-2826 Museum, 73-2701 Personal injuries. Townships, post Privileges and immunities, 12-111 Qualifications, height restriction, 44-1110 Retirement and pensions, 74-4951 et seq. Cities of first class, 13-14a01 et seq. Cities of second class, 14-10a01 et seq. Disability, 13-14a08, 14-10a08 Employer's contribution, 12-5003 Exemption from taxation, attachment or garnishment, 12-111a, 12-5005, 14-10a10 Exception, domestic relations orders, 12-111a Fighting fires outside city limits, 80-1504 Local plans, funding, 12-5001 et seq. Police and firemen's retirement system. Retirement and Pensions, this index Municipal Officers and Employees, this index Roads and highways, right of way, 80-1518, 80-1906 Rural volunteer organizations, contracts to furnish fire-fighting service, 80-1925 State firefighter training coordinator, 75-3137 State firefighters museum, 73-2701 State firemen's association, 12-1617a Taxation, Benefit districts adjacent to or near cities, 80-1509 Joint operation of fire department, 80-1503 Municipality providing fire-fighting services to townships and county, 80-1503 Townships, post Township fire departments in certain counties, 80-1919 et seq. Townships, 80-1501 et seq., 80-1901 et seq. Benefit districts adjacent to or near cities, 80-1507, 80-1508, 80-1509 Cities of third class, joint operation of fire department, 80-1535 et seq. Compensation and salaries, 80-1904 Counties between 75,000 and 155,000, fire protection services, 80-1539 Counties over 150,000, 80-1917 Fire department, 80-1913 Contracts, Cities and other townships, 80-1905 Joint operation of fire department, 80-1501 Cities of third class, 80-1536 Municipality furnishing fire-fighting service, 80-1502 Prior contract, transfer of fund balances after expiration, 80-1908 Township furnishing fire protection services to other townships, 80-1539 Volunteer fire departments, fire-fighting services, 80-1511a Counties between 75,000 and 150,000, 80-1538, 80-1539 Counties over 150,000, 80-1914 et seq. Creation and operation of department, counties over 150,000, 80-1916 Elections, bond issues, 80-1522 Elk township, Osage county, 80-1912, 80-1913 Equipment, counties over 150,000, 80-1916 Indemnity, Contracts for fire protection, 80-1539 Insurance, 80-1904 Counties between 75,000 and 155,000, fire protection services, 80-1539 Counties over 150,000, 80-1917 Municipality furnishing fire-fighting service, 80-1502 Joint operation of department, 80-1501 Cities of third class, 80-1535 et seq. Taxation, 80-1503 Management of department, counties over 150,000, 80-1917 Municipality furnishing fire-fighting service, 80-1502, 80-1503 Personal injuries, Counties over 150,000, 80-1917 Municipality furnishing fire-fighting service, 80-1502 Quarters, 80-1904 Counties over 150,000, 80-1917 Sirens on vehicles, 80-1518, 80-1906 Tax levies, Elk township, Osage county, 80-1912 Taxation, 80-1513, 80-1520, 80-1903 Benefit districts, 80-1509 Counties between 75,000 and 155,000, fire protection services, 80-1539 Counties over 150,000, 80-1916 Elk township, Osage county, 80-1913 Joint operation of department, 80-1503 City of third class, 80-1535, 80-1537 Municipality providing fire-fighting services under contract, 80-1503 Townships in counties with cities of 60,000 to 200,000, 80-1902 et seq. Use of fire station land within municipality, 80-1911a Volunteer firemen, 80-1904 Counties between 14,000 and 16,500, contributions, 80-1511a Counties over 150,000, 80-1917 Fighting outside city limits, 80-1504 Townships over 17,500, 80-1531 Water supply for fire fighting purposes, 80-1605 Wearing apparel, 80-1516 Counties over 150,000, 80-1917 Special clothing, 80-1904 Traffic regulations, 8-1506 Training, University of Kansas, 76-327 et seq. Fire service training commission, 76-327a Duties, 76-327d Fund, 76-327c Training coordinator, state, 75-3137 Trespass, police power to prohibit, 31-145 Volunteer firefighters, Compensation, 80-1501, 80-1514a Discharge of employee, 44-131 Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled volunteer firefighters, 75-4364 Fighting fires outside city limits, 80-1504 Joint operation of department, 80-1501 Townships, ante Wearing apparel. Townships, ante Workers compensation, exemption election, 44-505d FIREFIGHTERS RELIEF ASSOCIATION Generally, 40-1701 et seq. Distribution and use of moneys 40-1706, 40-1707 Fighting fires outside city limits, 80-1504 Insurance companies, Tax assessments, 40-1703 Investment of moneys, 40-1706 Joint operation of department by municipality and township, 80-1501 Plat of service area, filing, 40-1702 Reports, business entity information, Commissioner of insurance, report to, 40-1706 Corporation, report of, exemption, 17-7512 Treasurer, bond, 40-1706 Workers compensation, exemption election, 44-505d FIREFIGHTING ORGANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Rural volunteer organizations, contracts for fire-fighting services, 80-1925 Tax exemption, 79-201a FIRES Bridges, repairs for fire damage, 68-1413, 68-1414 Fire Prevention Code, 31-134 Fire protection, generally, 31-132 et seq. Investigation, 31-137 et seq. Railroad engines, city regulation, 12-1633, 12-1634 Railroads, liability for fire damage, 66-232, 66-233 Records, 75-1505 Roofing materials, Wooden shingles, limitation on, 31-171 State buildings or equipment, state finance council, authorization of expenditures, 75-3713 FIREWORKS Bottle rockets, Registration of manufacturers and wholesalers, 31-508 Sale or use prohibited, 31-507 Explosives regulatory and training fund, 31-512 Fireworks act, Kansas, 31-501 et seq. Administration of, 31-501 et seq. Bottle rockets, sale or use, 31-507, 31-508 Definitions, 31-502 Judicial review, 31-511 Licenses, 31-503 Penalties, 31-510 Rules and regulations, 31-506 Seisure of fireworks, 31-509 Municipal regulations, sale, handling, use and storage, 31-134 Regulations of fire marshal, 31-133 FIRST AID Nursing assistance, 65-1124 FISCAL AGENTS Banks, municipal bonds, 10-606 Co-paying agent, payment of bonds, 10-501, 10-503, 10-505, 10-625 Destruction of municipal bonds, 10-111 Municipal Bonds, this index Redemption of bonds, 10-607 Registration of bonds, 10-606 FISCAL NOTES Legislative bills and resolutions, 75-3715a, 75-3715b FISCAL YEAR Beginning, 75-3002 Cosmetology board, 74-2705 Municipal universities, 13-13a18 Public utilities, 66-129 School districts, 72-1161 FISH AND GAME Boats and Boating, generally, this index Parks, generally, this index Wildlife, generally, this index Wildlife and Parks, Department of, generally, this index Wildlife art series, 74-7901 et seq. FISH AND GAME COMMISSION Wildlife and Parks, Department of, generally, this index FIXTURES Secured Transactions, this index Taxable property, 79-102 FLAGMEN Roads and highways, repairs or improvements, 68-2104 FLAGS Generally, 73-701 et seq. Arbor day, 35-204 Banner, 73-703 Crimes and penalties, 73-710 Description, 73-702 Banner, 73-704 Election day, display, 73-708 Flag day, 73-705 General Pulaski's Memorial day display, 35-205 Mother's day, 35-202 Parochial school, display of state flag, 73-712 Seal of state, 73-702 Secretary of state, purchase and sale, 75-419, 75-420 United States flag, 73-705 et seq. FLAMMABLE LIQUID Agricultural products, transportation, 66-1,129b Defined, traffic regulations, 8-1421 Rules, regulations, storage, sale, transportation, 31-133, 31-146 FLARES Motor carriers, 8-1744, 8-1745 FLEA MARKETS Transient Merchants, this index FLOOD CONTROL Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index FLOODS Alteration of stream channel, acquisition of new channel, 82a-201 Reconstruction and repair of damaged property, 13-10,141 et seq. State buildings or equipment, state finance council, authorization of expenditures, 75-3713 FLOUR Defined, enrichment of flour and bread, 65-2301 Enrichment of flour and bread, 65-2301 et seq. Laws and regulations, notice and hearings, 65-2305 FLOWERS State flower, 73-1801 FOOD See, also, Food Service and Lodging Establishments, this index Generally, 65-655 et seq. Abstracted constituent, 65-664 Access, inspection purposes, 65-674 Additives, food or color, 65-664 Advertisement, false, 65-657, 65-672 Aged person, 39-711a Alcoholic confectionery, 65-664 Bonds, adulterated or misbranded food, correcting, 65-660 Brands, marks and labels, misbranded, 65-665 Bread enrichment, 65-2301 et seq. Canned food, limitation on liability for donations, 65-687 Chemical preservatives, 65-665 Chewing gum, adulteration 65-664 Common name, 65-665 Condemnation, 65-660 et seq. Confectionery, adulteration, 65-664 Confidential information, 65-657 Consumer protection, 65-675 Container, misleading, 65-665 Contamination, 65-664 Cooperation, federal food and drug administration, 65-678 Costs, condemnation proceedings, 65-660 Counterfeiting, labels, 65-657 Crimes and penalties, 65-657 Deceptive competition, 65-665 Decomposed substance, 65-664 Defined, Sports authority, 19-28,105 Deleterious substances, 65-664 Dietary uses, label, 65-665 Dietitians, generally, this index Diseased substance, 65-664 Donations, limitation on liability of donor, 65-687 Economic opportunity office, 74-6901 et seq. Eggs. Poultry and Poultry Products, this index Embargo, 65-657 et seq. Endangering the food supply, 21-6317 Aggravated endangering the food supply, 21-6317 Entry on property, Inspection purposes, 65-674 Establishments, 65-656 Closure of, temporary, 65-690 Dogs permitted, 65-693 Conditions specified, 65-693 Inspection of, 65-674, 65-688 et seq. Fees, 65-688 Fire marshall, 65-692 Municipalities, 65-692 Licenses, 65-688 et seq. Exemptions, 65-689 Expiration of, 65-691 Fees, 65-688 Renewal of, 65-691 Factories, access for inspection, 65-674 Fair dealing, 65-663 False undertaking, 65-657 Federal food and drug administration, cooperation, 65-678 Fees, condemnation proceedings, 65-660 Fill of container,65-663 Filthy substance, 65-664 Flea markets, restrictions, 19-2243 Flour, generally, this index Food processing plant, Agriculture, department of, regulation by, 74-581 et seq. Inspection fees, 65-688, 65-689 License, Temporary suspension of, 65-690 Exception to, 65-689 Food safety. Agriculture, State Department of, this index Forgery, labels, 65-657 Guaranty, false, 65-657 Honesty in dealings, 65-663 Identity standard, 65-663 Imitation, misbranding, 65-665 Information disseminated to public, 65-675 Injunction, 65-658 Inspection, 65-674 Access, 65-674 Refusal to permit, 65-657 Judgments and decrees, 65-675 Labels, 65-657 Optional ingredients, 65-663 Measure, quantity of contents, 65-665 Meat analogs, misbranding, 65-665 Meat and poultry inspection act, 65-6a18 et seq. Meats, generally, this index Mineral properties, 65-665 Minor law violations, 65-662 Misbranded, 65-665 Mutilation, label, 65-657 Natural gum, 65-664 Notice, Minor law violations, 65-662 Nuisance, 65-660 Numerical count, contents, 65-665 Obesity, immunity from liability for claims arising out of, 60-4801 Omitted constituent, 65-664 Optional ingredients, 65-663 Package contents, 65-665 Pectin, 65-664 Perishable food, Condemnation proceedings, 65-660 et seq. Donation of, limitation on liability, 65-687 Pesticide chemicals, 65-664 Poisonous or deleterious substances, 65-664 Processing plants, 65-656 Closure of, temporary, 65-690 Inspection of, 65-674, 65-688 et seq. Fees, 65-688 Fire marshall, 65-692 Municipalities, 65-692 Licenses, 65-688 et seq. Exemptions, 65-689 Expiration of, 65-691 Fees, 65-688 Renewal of, 65-691 Processing plants, inspection and license fees, 65-688, 65-689 Publication, judgments, decrees and orders of court, 65-675 Putrid substance, 65-664 Quality standard, 65-663 Resinous glaze, 65-664 Restaurants, generally, this index Retail food store, Agriculture, department of, regulation by, 74-581 et seq. Inspection fees, 65-688, 65-689 License, temporary suspension of, 65-690 Sale, deceptive practices, 50-901 et seq. Sales Tax, this index Sample, Adulterated or misbranded, 65-660, 65-674 Inspection purposes, 65-674 Refusal to permit taking, 65-657 Sanitary rules and regulations, Counties, 19-3701 et seq. Schools, food service programs. Schools and School Districts, this index Special dietary uses, labeling, 65-665 Specimens, inspection purposes, 65-674 Spices, 65-665 Stamp programs, Duties of secretary of Kansas department for children and families, 39-708c Social welfare assistance, 39-702 Standards, identity, 65-663 State supervision, 44-603 Strength, adulteration to reduce, 65-664 Trade secrets, disclosure, 65-657 Undertaking, false, 65-657 Unfair competition, 65-665 Usual name, 65-665 Vending machines, 65-656 Vitamin properties, label, 65-665 Warehouse, inspection, 65-674 Warnings, minor law violations, 65-662 Warranty sales, 84-2-314 Weights and measures, Adulteration to increase, 65-664 Quantity of contents, 65-665 FOOD AND FOOD INGREDIENTS Rate of tax, 79-3603d FOOD, DRUG AND COSMETIC ACT Generally, 65-655 et seq. FOOD SERVICE AND LODGING BOARD Abolished, 75-5626 et seq. Powers, duties and functions transferred to secretary of health and environment, 75-5626 FOOD SERVICE AND LODGING ESTABLISHMENTS Generally, 36-501 et seq. Advisory committee on food service and lodging standards, Abolition, 74-131, 74-132, 74-137, 74-138 Agriculture, department of, regulation by, 74-581 et seq. Alcoholic beverages. Intoxicating Liquors, this index Civil penalties, 36-515b Contracts for enforcement, 36-510 Inspection fee disallowed, 36-510 Inspection reimbursement fund, 36-512 Credit agreements, 36-208 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 36-515 Civil penalties, 36-515b Definitions, 36-501 Discrimination, generally, this index Dogs, Accompanying disabled persons, 39-1108 Accompanying hard of hearing persons, 39-1107 Physical therapy dogs, qualified handler, rights, 39-1110 Fees, Inspection by municipality, 36-510 Reimbursement fund, 36-512 Licenses, 74-139 Lodging establishments, 36-502 Lodging fee fund, 36-520 Renewal, 36-505 Fire marshal, contract for enforcement, 36-510 Fire protection, 31-132 et seq. Food service inspection reimbursement fund, 36-512 Gas stove connections, requirements, 36-132 Misdemeanor violation, 36-134 Hard of hearing persons, Dogs accompanying persons, 39-1107 Smoke detectors, 36-517 Hearings, Civil penalty, 36-515b Temporary suspension of license, 36-515a Violations, 36-519 Injunctions, 36-515 Inspections, Lodging establishments, 36-518 Reimbursement fund, 36-512 Intoxicating Liquors, this index Licenses, 74-139 Denial, 36-502 Hearing, temporary suspension of license, 36-515a Lodging establishments, 36-502 Renewal, 36-505 Suspension, 36-510, 36-515, 36-515a Temporary suspension without notice or hearing, 36-515a Lodging Establishments, this index Municipalities, contract for enforcement, 36-510 Fee disallowed, 36-510 Inspection reimbursement fund, 36-512 Civil penalty, 36-515b Temporary suspension of license, 36-515a Rules and regulations, 36-506 Secretary of health and environment, Powers, duties and functions of secretary of food service and lodging board transferred to, 75-5626 Smoke detectors, hard of hearing persons, 36-517 Standards, Enforcement, 36-510 Violation, 36-515, 36-515b, 36-519 Transfer of powers and duties, 74-5,104 et seq. FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index Statute of limitations, 60-506 FORD COUNTY Boundaries, 18-129 Conveyances, irrigation purposes, 42-614 Dodge City forestry station, Kansas state university, reversion of title to land to county, 76-433 Electric public utilities, 58-2334 Highway construction, financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 FORECLOSURE See, also, Judicial Sales, generally, this index Agisters' liens, 58-220 Liens and Encumbrances, this index Mechanics' liens, Limitation of actions, 60-1105 Stay, 60-1107 Mortgages, this index School lands, purchase under contract of sale, 72-1539, 72-1540 Security interest, 84-9-501 Civil procedure, 60-1006 et seq. Tax Foreclosure, generally, this index Veterans' curators, bid by curator, 73-522 FOREIGN CORPORATIONS Corporations, this index FOREIGN COUNTRIES See, also, subhead Foreign States and Nations under Constitution of the United States, this index Ambassadors and Consuls, generally, this index Commercial code, uniform, application of, 84-1-301 Dead bodies, transportation, 65-2428a Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index Federal food and drug administration, cooperation, 65-678 Hague convention, documents, 53-401 International meat and livestock program, 76-478, 76-479 Limitation of actions, 60-516 Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq. Political parties, affiliations, 25-116 Probate proceedings, interest of citizens in estate, notice, 59-1705 Public documents, Hague convention, certification, 53-401 Records, authentication of copies, 60-465 State library, documents, 75-2538 Statutes, judicial notice, 60-409 Tax systems, investigation, 79-1404 Trade Show Promotion, generally, this index Transportation of dead bodies, permit, 65-2427 Trusts, devises or bequests to foreign countries or subdivisions thereof, 59-602 Wills, this index FOREIGN CURRENCY Collecting bank, chargeback or refund, 84-4-214 FOREIGN LAWS Application under state law, 60-5104, 60-5105 Choice of law, 60-5104 Jurisdiction, 60-5105 Religious organizations, 60-5107 Right to contract, 60-5101, 60-5104 Unenforceability of, 60-5103, 60-5104 FOREIGN STATES Accrual of cause of action under laws of, 60-217 Actions originating therein, limitations, 60-516 Acts deposited in state library, 75-406 Airports and landing fields, cooperation with municipalities, 3-801 et seq. Colleges, training teachers, accreditation, 72-2153 Commercial code, uniform, application of, 84-1-301 Compacts, generally, this index Compensating tax, retailer collecting, 79-3705d Correctional institutions of state, sale of prison-made goods to, 75-5273 et seq. Dead bodies, transportation, 65-2428a Deeds and conveyances, 58-2228 Domestic violence protection orders act, uniform interstate enforcement of, 60-31b01 et seq. Federal food and drug administration, cooperation, 65-678 Interstate enforcement of domestic violence protection orders act, 60-31b01 et seq. Limitation of actions, 60-516 Liquefied petroleum motor fuel tax information, 79-34,105 Liquid fuels, motor carriers, transportation, 55-506 et seq. Long Arm Law, 60-308 Mentally ill veterans, ordering to veterans' administration, 73-515b Military forces, foreign forces entering into state, 48-203, 48-506 Motor carriers, transporting liquid fuels from foreign states, 55-506 et seq. Motor fuel tax, Liquefied petroleum motor fuel tax information, 79-34,105 Motor Vehicles, this index Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq. Parties, accrual of cause of action under laws, 60-217 Protection orders act, domestic violence, uniform interstate enforcement of, 60-31b01 et seq. Reciprocity, generally, this index Records, Authentication of copies, 60-465 Criminal identification, bureau of investigations, attorney general division, exchange, 75-712 State guard, service in, 48-505 State library, documents, etc., 75-2538 Support of persons, reciprocity, 23-3601 Tax information, 74-2424 Tax systems, investigation, 79-1404 Teacher training, accreditation of educational institutions, 72-2153 Telegraph companies, leases, 17-1905 Traffic offenses, record of conviction, 8-251 Transportation of dead bodies, permit, 65-2427 Uniform interstate enforcement of domestic violence protection orders act, 60-31b01 et seq. Workers compensation, Injuries sustained in, 44-506 FOREIGN TRADE ZONES Bi-state compact members, establishment, 12-825h Cities, establishment, 12-825h Corporations, establishment, 12-825h Counties, establishment, 12-825h Federal grants, 12-825h Nonprofit corporations, establishment, 12-825h Surplus property authority, establishment, 12-825h FORESTRY, FISH AND GAME COMMISSION Wildlife and Parks, Department of, generally, this index FORESTS AND FORESTRY See, also, Wildlife and Parks, Department of, this index Conservation easements. Easements, this index Deeds and conveyances, City of Oberlin, recreational purposes, conveyance by city, proceeds, 74-3319a Decatur county, city of Oberlin, 74-3322 Finney county wildlife management area, water supply purposes, 74-3321 Grant county, public recreational purposes, 74-3319b Forest resources development, Definitions, 76-425a Purpose of act, 76-425b Kansas forest service, Administration and supervision, 76-425f Assistants, personnel, 76-425c Creation, 76-425c Definitions, 76-425a Location, 76-425c Powers and duties, 76-425d, 76-425f Rules and regulations, 76-425f State forester, 76-425c Lands of state, conveyance to city of Oberlin, 74-3319a Reforestation, 2-1902 et seq. County parks, joint parks, 19-2842 Playgrounds and Recreation Centers, this index FORFEITURE OF OFFICE See, also, Forfeitures, generally, this index Generally, 60-1205 County Officers and Employees, this index Municipal Officers and Employees, this index Quo warranto, 60-1202, 60-1205 State Officers and Employees, this index Tax officials, 79-1426 Veterans' preference violations, 73-202 FORFEITURES Aliens, conveyance to citizens, 58-2238 Appearance bonds, traffic, court costs, 8-2107 Arbitration and award, process, disobedience, 5-205 Asset seizure and forfeiture act, Kansas standard, 60-4101 et seq. Allocation of forfeited property, 60-4117 Application of act, uniform, 60-4124 Asset seizure and forfeiture repository, 60-4127 Citation of act, 60-4101 Civil procedure, code of, 60-4126 Claims, 60-4111 Collateral actions, 60-4122 Commencement of proceeding, 60-4109 Conduct covered by act, 60-4104 Controlled substances, Summary proceedings, 60-4121 Definitions, 60-4102 Enforcement personnel, power, 60-4118 Evidence, Production order, 60-4119 Rules of, applicability, 60-4126 Exempt property, 60-4106 Recognition of exemption petition, 60-4110 Federal adoption of seizure, 60-4107 Fees and court costs, 60-4107, 60-4109, 60-4116 Firearms, 60-4117 Forfeited property, allocation, 60-4117 Funds, state agency, 60-4117 Immunity, 60-4119 Judicial disposition of property, 60-4116 Jurisdiction, 60-4103 Limitation of actions, 60-4120 Offenses covered by act, 60-4104 Ownership claims, 60-4111 Power of enforcement personnel, 60-4118 Proceedings, Commencement, 60-4109 Controlled substances, summary, 60-4121 In personam, 60-4114 In rem, 60-4113 Notice, 60-4109 Probable cause, determination, 60-4109, 60-4112 Provisions relating thereto, 60-4112 Property subject to forfeiture, 60-4105 Exempt, 60-4106 Recognition of exemption petition, 60-4110 Forfeited property, 60-4117 Judicial disposition, 60-4116 Seizure, 60-4107 Substituted property, 60-4115 Remedy, substituted property, 60-4115 Reporting requirements, 60-4127 Sale of property, 60-4117 Seizure of property, 60-4107 Management and preservation, 60-4108 Statute of limitations, 60-4120 Statutory construction, 60-4123 Substituted property as remedy, 60-4115 Summary proceedings, controlled substances, 60-4121 Unconstitutionally excessive, determination, 60-4106, 60-4112 Uniform application of act, 60-4124 Venue, 60-4103 Waiver of rights prohibited, 60-4107 Bonds (Officers and Fiduciaries), this index Cities of second class, remitting, 14-310 Cities of third class, mayor remitting, 15-309 Contraband, 22-2512 Controlled substances. Drugs and Medicines, this index Corporations, this index County Attorneys, this index County Officers and Employees, this index Crimes, seized property, 22-2512 Criminal procedure, bail, extradition proceedings, 22-2718 Ditch, obstructing, 24-206 Drains, obstructing, 24-206 Drug Paraphernalia this index Drugs and Medicines, this index Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index Fairs and Expositions, this index Fire safety standard and firefighter protection act, Inspection/seizure by the director of taxation, 31-607 Non-complying cigarettes contraband, destroyed, 31-606 Guaranteed arrest bond certificate, traffic, 8-2107 Insurance, this index Intoxicating Liquors, this index Militia, refusing to obey call, 13-514 Mineral leases, 55-201 et seq. Oil and gas leases, 55-201 et seq. Railroads, this index Remission, 13-515, 14-310, 15-309 Rural water districts, director, 82a-617 School employees' retirement fund, cities of first class between 120,000 and 200,000, 72-2678 School lands, 72-1517 Simulated drugs. Drugs and Medicines, this index Statute of limitations, 60-514 Teachers' retirement system, cities of first class between 120,000 and 200,000, 72-2678 Traffic violations, bond, 8-2107 Watercourses, obstructing, 24-206 Wildlife violations, 32-1005, 32-1047 FORGERY Crimes and Punishments, this index Food, drugs and cosmetics, 65-657 Healing arts, 65-2859 Lottery, State, generally, this index Unauthorized signature, definition, 84-1-201 FORMS See specific subjects FORT HAYS MILITARY RESERVATION Generally, 27-103 Bids, oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-515 Damages, oil, gas or mineral lessee, 76-516 Jurisdiction, 27-103 Kansas frontier-historical park, 76-2007 Park, Kansas frontier-historical park, 76-2006 Public park, 76-512 Lease of land, city of Hays, 76-2007d et seq. FORT HAYS STATE UNIVERSITY Colleges and Universities, this index FORT LEAVENWORTH MILITARY RESERVATION Barber course, disciplinary barracks, 65-1812 Highways bordering, acceptance of retrocession, certain highways, United States, 68-151p Off-campus instruction, community colleges, 71-205 Unified school district No. 207, application of laws, 72-1210 FORT LEAVENWORTH MILITARY RESERVATION SCHOOL DISTRICT Generally, 72-1209 et seq. Inquiry into agreement between state and federal government, 72-1213 Renewal of agreement, 72-1213 FORT RILEY MILITARY RESERVATION Generally, 27-105 Civil actions, venue, 60-613 County boundaries, Geary county, 18-131 Riley county, 18-181 Countywide retailers' sales tax, Geary county, 12-192 Flood waters, dams, 68-404b Special city and county highway fund, allocation, 79-3425c FORT SCOTT, CITY OF Fort Scott/Bourbon county riverfront authority act, 12-5701 et seq. Definitions, 12-5702 Fort Scott/Bourbon county riverfront authority, Acquisition of property, 12-5706 Agreements, 12-5707 Creation of, 12-5703 Funds, Damage reserve fund, 12-5716 Investment of, 12-5709 Monetary transactions, 12-5712 Special funds, creation of, 12-5712 Governing board, 12-5711 Powers, 12-5714 Grants, 12-5708 Insurance, 12-5710 Leases, 12-5707 Personnel, General manager, 12-5713 Secretary, 12-5712 Treasurer, 12-5712 Planning and design, 12-5705 Power to sue, 12-5704 Reports, 12-5715 Tort claims act, applicability of, 12-5718 FORWARDING MERCHANTS Liens, 58-208 et seq. FOSSILS Commercial hunting without landowner's authorization, 21-5811 FOSTER CARE HOMES Homes for children. Children and Minors, this index FOUNDATIONS Community foundations, Transfer of moneys from school districts, 72-1174 Corporations, defined by internal revenue code, Acts prohibited, 79-4601 Application of act, 79-4603 Authority of courts and attorney general, 79-4604 Distributions required, 79-4602 Trusts, Charitable or split interest as defined by internal revenue code, Acts prohibited, 79-4605 Application of act, 79-4607 Authority of courts and attorney general, 79-4608 Distributions required, 79-4606 4-H CLUBS Board of regents, camp fund, 74-3206 Buildings and equipment, 19-1561 et seq. Extension councils, Member representing 4-H, 2-611 Leases, township lakes and parks, 80-933 FRANCHISE TAX Imposition, 79-5401 FRANCHISES Generally, 12-2001 et seq. Airports and landing fields, 3-128 Authority to grant, 12-2001 Cable television, 12-2006 et seq. Delinquent fee, 12-2008 Carriers, Municipal franchise, 66-133 Transfer, 66-136 Contracts, 12-2001 Definitions, 12-2001 Fees for use of right-of-way, Annexed area, 12-2016 Interurban railroad, 12-824 Jurisdiction, corporation commission, 12-2002 Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2805 Monopolies and unfair trade, forfeiture of corporate franchise, 50-103 Ordinance granting, 12-3001 Public Utilities, this index Railroads, this index Restrictions, 12-2001 Sewer service charges, 12-2003, 12-2004 Telecommunications, Election, 12-2001 Fees, 12-2001 Local exchange service provider, 12-2001 Notice, 12-2001 Telecommunications providers, restrictions, 12-2015 Television, cable, 12-2006 et seq. Video competition act, 12-2021 et seq. Application, 12-2023 Corporation commission, powers and duties, 12-2026 Definitions, 12-2022 Video service provider, Agreement, 12-2024 Fees, 12-2024 Notice, 12-2024 Wireless infrastructure provider, limitations, 12-2001 Wireless services provider, limitations, 12-2001 FRANKLIN COUNTY Boundaries, 18-130 County codes and resolutions, enforcement of, 19-101d Debt limitation, Higher limit, 10-306 Flint Hills advisory council, 32-847 Recreational facilities, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 Township fire departments, 80-1919 Water districts, 19-3502 et seq. Board, 19-3505 Elections, 19-3507 et seq. Enlargement, 19-3504 Powers, 19-3502 FRATERNAL ASSOCIATIONS OR SOCIETIES Generally, 17-1701 et seq. Benevolent Organizations and Societies, generally, this index Boxing and wrestling license, 74-2902 Discrimination law, application, 44-1002 False membership claim. Crimes and Punishments, this index Hazing, criminal code, 21-5418 Reserve or emergency funds, tax exemption, 79-201 FRAUD Agricultural Products, this index Animals, public livestock markets, 47-1005 Arbitration and award, 5-211 Attachments, 60-701 Fraudulent conveyances, 60-713 Banks, False reports, 9-2002 Intent to defraud bank, 9-2012 Barbers, 65-1820a Commercial Code, supplementary, 84-1-103 Compensating tax, 79-3706 Cosmetics, dissemination of information, 65-675 Cosmetologists, 65-1908 Creditors, intent to hinder or delay, service of process by publication, 60-307 Deceptive commercial practices, Criminal Code, 21-6503 Documents of title, title and rights, 84-7-502 Druggists, licenses, 65-1627 Drugs and medicine, dissemination of information, 65-675 Eggs, label, advertise or invoice, 2-2503 Election campaign finance reporting, 25-4168 Election Offenses, this index Employment Security Law, 44-719 Disqualification, 44-706 Equity skimming, 21-6504 Fairs and expositions, 2-138 False claim, Criminal Code, 21-6004 False Claims Act, Kansas, this index Feeds, livestock and poultry, Labels, 2-1011 Reports, 2-1011 Fertilizers, Tonnage report, 2-1205 Fires, defrauding insurance company, 31-137 Food, Dissemination of information, 65-675 Drugs and cosmetics, labels, 65-657 Fraudulent transfer act, 33-201 et seq. Grain trade, 34-102 Harvesting lien, disposing of grain, 58-206 Healing arts, 65-2837, 65-2860 Identity fraud, 21-6107 Identity theft, 21-6107 Income tax returns, 79-3228 Limitation of actions, 79-3230 Insurance, this index Insurance premium finance company, license, obtaining, 40-2606 Investment Securities, this index Irrigation districts, withdrawing name from petition, 42-703, 42-725 Joinder of claims and remedies, 60-218 Limitation of actions, 60-513 Income tax returns, 79-3230 Lottery, State, generally, this index Medicaid fraud control act, 21-5925 et seq. Motor Carriers, this index Motor Vehicles, this index Nurses, 65-1120 Occupational diseases, Modification of award, 44-5a19 Obtaining employment, 44-5a03 Occupational therapists, 65-5410 Physical therapists or physical therapist assistants, 65-2912 Pleadings, 60-209 Podiatrists, 65-2006 Possessing or using scanning device or reencoder, 21-6108 Public employees retirement system, 74-4909, 74-4924 Public livestock markets, 47-1005 Real estate, purchases, 21-6504 Respiratory therapists, 65-5510 Resulting trust, 58-2407 Sales Act, 84-2-721 Retention by seller, rights of seller's creditors, 84-2-402 Secured debts, refund statement, 79-3125 Securities, this index Shipper, agricultural products, 50-131 Social welfare, obtaining assistance, 39-720 Soldiers' home, gaining admission by fraud, 76-1908 Statute of Frauds, generally, this index Surety bond application, 78-102 Survival of actions, 60-1801 Trust, resulting trust, 58-2407 Unemployment compensation, 44-719 Uniform fraudulent transfer act, 33-201 et seq. Vehicle dealers, 8-2411 Warehouse Receipts, this index Warehouses and Warehousemen, this index Weights and Measures, this index Welfare abuse, 39-760 Witnesses, Credibility, 60-421 Privilege waiver, 60-437 Workers Compensation, generally, this index Written instruments, Destroying, Criminal Code, 21-5826 False information, criminal code, 21-5824 FRAUDULENT TRANSFERS Generally, 33-201 et seq. Attachments, 60-713 Cause of action, 33-209 Citation, 33-212 Creditors, present and future, 33-204, 33-205 Defenses, 33-208 Definitions, 33-201 Execution, 33-207 Insolvency, 33-202 Joinder of remedies, 60-218 Liability of transferee, 33-208 Obligation incurred, when, 33-206 Probate proceedings, 59-1411 Remedies, 33-207 Statute of limitations, 33-209 Transfer made, when, 33-206 Value, 33-203 Voidable transfer, 33-208 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index Open public records, 45-215 et seq. FREEPORT LAW Taxation of goods in transit, 79-201f FREEWAYS Roads and Highways, this index FREIGHT C.I.F. and C.& F., definitions, 84-2-320 Railroads, generally, this index FREIGHT-LINE COMPANIES See, also, Carriers, generally, this index Bonds, 66-125 et seq. FUEL Environmental assurance fee, 65-34,117 Motor Vehicle Fuel, generally, this indexFUNDS Oil and Gas, generally, this index Transportation of oil and liquid fuels, 55-501 et seq. FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE Extradition, generally, this index Inquisitions, criminal procedure, 22-3101 et seq. FULL FAITH AND CREDIT Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act, 60-3001 et seq. FUND RAISERS Professional, 17-1759 et seq. Solicitation, generally, this index FUNDS See, also Municipal Funds, generally, this index; County Funds, generally, this index 911 federal grant fund, 12-5365 911 state maintenance fund, 12-5366 988 suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline fund, 75-5968 Abandoned mined-land fund, 49-428, 49-433 Abandoned oil and gas well fund, 55-192 Abstracters' fee fund, 74-3903 Access to justice fund, 20-166 Accountancy board, fee fund, 1-204, 75-1119b Accounting services recovery fund, 40-2305, 44-716a, 75-3728b, 75-5533, 75-6210 Ad Astra sculpture fund, 75-2256 Advanced practice registered nurse service scholarship program fund, 74-32,138 Adjutant general death gratuity payment facilitation fund, 48-283 Affordable airfare fund, state, 74-50,150 Agricultural chemical fee fund, 2-2212 Agricultural liming materials fee fund, 2-2911 Agricultural seed fee fund, 2-1421a Agriculture in the classroom royalty fund, 8-1,150 Airports and landing fields, sale, deposits, 3-144o Alcoholic beverage control modernization fund, 41-213 Alcoholic liquor tax refund fund, 41-507 Alcoholism and intoxication programs fund, community, 41-501, 41-1126 All faiths chapel building fund, Lansing correctional facility, 76-2473 Security of time deposits under, 75-4218a Alternative-fuels government fleet loan fund, 75-37,118 Amusement ride safety fund, 44-1617 Animal dealers fee fund, 47-1721 Animal disease control fund, 47-1011, 47-1218, 47-1503, 47-1805, 47-1831 Animal research facility debt fund, 76-831, 76-832 Animal research facility project fund, 76-829 Antitrust special revenue fund, 75-715, 75-716 Transfer of assets from antitrust revolving fund, 75-717 Aquaculture fund, 47-1905 Architectural services recovery fund, 75-1269 Arkansas river gaging fund, 74-5,133 Arkansas river water conservation projects fund, 82a-1801, 82a-1803, 82a-1805 Armories and units general fees fund, 48-273 Asbestos remediation fund, 65-5316 Asset forfeiture funds, 60-4117 Asset seizure and forfeiture fund, 60-4117 Association assistance plan fund, 75-7433 Atchison juvenile correctional facility fee fund, 76-2101a Athlete agent registration fee fund, 44-1533 Athletic commission fee fund, 74-2902a Athletic fee fund, 74-50,188 Attorney general's antitrust special revenue fund, 75-715, 75-716 Attorney general's open government fund, 75-760 Attorney general's state medicaid fraud forfeiture fund, 60-4117 Attracting professional sports to Kansas fund, 74-8793 Attracting powerful economic expansion Kansas residency incentive fund, 74-50,323 Attracting powerful economic expansion new employee training and education fund, 74-50,318 Attracting powerful economic expansion payroll incentive fund, 74-50,316 Audit services fund, 46-1118 Bail enforcement agents fee fund, 75-7e09 Bank commissioner fee fund, 9-1703, 16a-2-302, 75-1308, 75-1313, 75-1318 Bank investigation fund, 9-1111b Banks and financial institutions, privilege tax refund fund, 79-1112 Barbering fee fund, board of, 65-1817a Behavioral sciences regulatory board fee fund, 74-7506 Benefit funds, 75-3728e Kansas neurological institute patient benefit fund, 75-3365 Parsons state hospital patient benefit fund, 75-3365 Bioscience development fund, 74-8963 Board of nursing fee fund, 74-1106, 74-1108 Boating fee fund, 74-7336 Boating safety financial assistance fund, 32-1174 Boiler inspection fee fund, 44-926 Bond retirement fund, Sale of school buildings, 72-1433, 72-1435 School Bonds, this index Waterworks, 13-2406 Bond services fee fund, 10-108, 10-506, 10-603 Bond transcript review fee fund, 75-750 BOTA filing fee fund, 74-2438a Boy Scouts of America royalty fund, 8-1,162 Breast cancer research royalty fund, 8-1,158 Broadband infrastructure construction grant fund, 75-5094 Budget by taxing subdivisions, 79-2925 Balances carried forward, 79-2934 Diversion of moneys prohibited, 79-2934 Budget stabilization fund, 75-6706 Building fund, counties, 19-1561 et seq. Buildings operating fund, 75-3765 Business machinery and equipment tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2978 Cafeteria benefits fund, 75-6506a, 75-6513 Cancer research and public information trust fund, 76-841 Canteen funds, 75-3728e Capital outlay fund, Community colleges, 71-501 et seq. Conservation districts, 2-1920 County health, 65-204 School districts, 72-53,115 Career technical workforce grant discontinued attendance fund, 74-32,427 Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index Cemetery and funeral audit fee fund, 75-441 Cemetery districts, 17-1338, 17-1339 Cemetery maintenance and merchandise, 16-336 Center of innovation for biomaterials in orthopaedic research - Wichita state university fund, 74-99b34 Change funds, 75-3078 Charitable gaming refund fund, 75-5183 Charitable organizations fee fund, 17-1777 Chemical control fund, 65-7012 Chemigation fee fund, 2-3315 Child care center fund, 12-4802 Child care criminal background and fingerprinting fund, 65-516 Child exchange and visitation centers fund, 75-720 Children's advocacy center fund, 8-1345, 20-370, 74-7336 Children's health care programs fund abolished, 38-2102 Children's initiatives accountability fund, 38-2103 Children's initiatives fund, 38-2102, 38-2103 Cigarette and tobacco products regulation fund, 79-3391 Cigarette fire safety standard and firefighter protection act fund, 31-609 Cigarette tax refund fund, 79-3379 Cities. Municipal Funds, generally, this index City and county highway fund, 79-3425 City bond finance fund, 79-3620 Distribution of moneys credited, 79-3620b Civil registration and health statistics fee fund, 65-2418, 65-2418e Closure health insurance fund, 75-4372 Closure term life insurance fund, 75-4373 Clubhouse model program fund, 75-5963 Colleges and Universities, this index Commerce, state department of Applied research and development fund, 74-8106 Applied research matching grant fund, 74-8107 Basic research fund, 74-8106 Seed-capital fund, 74-8109 Technology transfer fund, 74-8106 Commercial driver education fund, 8-280 Commercial driver's license drive test fee fund, 8-2,154, 8-2,155 Commercial vehicle administrative system fund, 8-145f Communication revolving fund, 75-5073 et seq. Communication system revolving fund, 75-5075 Community alcoholism and intoxication programs fund, 8-241, 8-1567, 41-501, 41-1126, 74-7336 Community colleges, capital outlay fund, 71-501 et seq. Community corrections supervision fund, 75-52,113 Community crisis stabilization centers fund, 75-5963 Community mental health center improvement fund, 39-2018 Compensating tax refund fund, 79-3710 Compressed air energy storage fund, 66-1279 Computerized information search services fee fund, 72-272 Conservation fee fund, 55-143, 55-168, 55-180 Construction defects recovery fund, 75-3785 Consumer credit fee fund, 16a-2-302 Coordinated public transportation assistance fund, 75-5035 Correctional industries fund, 75-5282, 75-5289, 75-52,136 Correctional Institutions, this index Correctional institutions building fund, 76-6b09, 79-4803 Correctional services special revenue fund, 75-52,150 Correctional supervision fund, 21-6607 Cosmetology fee fund, 74-2704 Counties. County Funds, generally, this index County and city revenue sharing fund, abolished, 79-2964b County equalization and adjustment fund, 79-3425c Creative industries fund, 74-5208 Credit union fee fund, 17-2236 Crime victims assistance fund, 74-7334, 74-7336, 74-7337 Crime victims compensation fund, 74-7317, 74-7336, 75-5211 Transfers to crime victims assistance fund, 75-752 Criminal appeals cost fund, 22-3612 Criminal background and fingerprinting fund, 74-1112 Criminal history and fingerprinting fund, 65-1505 Criminal justice information system line fund, 74-5707, 74-7336 Dairy fee fund, 65-782 Deaf and hard of hearing registration fee fund, 75-5393d Debt service reserve fund, 12-3721 Security of time deposits, 75-4218a Defined, budgets of taxing bodies, 79-2925 Department of administration audit services fund, 75-37,159 Department of corrections - general fees fund, 75-52,139 Department of corrections alcohol and drug abuse treatment fund, 8-1567, 74-7336 Department of corrections forensic psychologist fund, 12-4117, 75-52,151 Department of corrections victim assistance fund, 75-5211, 75-52,139 Department of labor special projects fund, 75-5733 Department of transportation, federal funds, 75-5023 Deposit of public moneys, 9-1401 et seq. Deposits and Depositories, generally, this index Disability concerns, commission on, fee fund, 74-6708, 75-144 Dispute resolution fund, 5-517 District coroners fund, 22a-245, 65-2418 District magistrate judge supplemental compensation fund, 75-3120k Diversion of moneys prohibited, 79-2934 Division of vehicles modernization fund, 8-145, 75-5159, 75-5160 DNA database fee fund, 75-724 Domestic violence special programs fund, 20-369 Donor intent protection act, 58-3621 et seq. Endowment fund, 58-3623 Drainage Districts, this index Driving under the influence fund, 8-241, 75-5660 Drycleaning facility release trust fund, 65-34,146 Ducks unlimited royalty fund, 8-1,167 DUI-IID designation fund, 8-241 Dwight D. Eisenhower statue fund, 75-2257 Economic development fund, 74-5005 Economic development initiatives fund, state, 79-4804 Education building fund, 76-6b01 et seq. Education conference fund, board of nursing, 74-1109 Educational building fund, Kansas, 76-6b01 et seq. Educational institutions, housing systems, operating funds, 76-762 Educational institutions emblem royalty fund, 8-1,142 Egg fee fund, 2-2507 Electronic databases fee fund, Establishment, 74-2022 Electronic filing and management fund, 20-1a20 Electronic funds transfers. Funds Transfers, this index Emergency fund, state. State emergency fund, post Emergency medical services board operating fund, 75-1514 Emergency medical services operating fund, 65-6129, 65-6151 Emil Joseph Kapaun Memorial Fund, 75-2271 Employee benefits contribution fund, 12-16,102 Employee use funds, 75-3080 Employment security administration fund, created, 44-716 Employment security fund, created, 44-712 EMS revolving fund, 65-6157, 74-7336 Endowment fund for youth, Kansas, 38-2101, 38-2102, 38-2103 Energy conservation improvement fund, 75-37,113 Energy grants management fund, 74-617 Engineering graduate incentive fund, 74-50,236 Abolishment of, when, 74-50,237 Enterprise facilitation fund, 74-50,154, 74-50,155 Entomology fee fund, 2-2128 Environmental response fund, 65-3454a Environmental use control fund, 65-1,231 Escheat proceeds suspense fund, 59-901, 59-902 Ethnic minority fellowship program fund, 74-32,119 Excess monies in funds, 79-2958 Executive mansion gifts fund, 75-131a Expanded lottery act revenues fund, 74-8768 Expanded lottery receipts fund, 74-8766 Explosives regulatory and training fund, 31-512 Export loan guarantee fund, Kansas, 74-5074 Faculty of distinction matching fund, 76-774, 76-775 Faculty of distinction program fund, 76-775 Fairs and Expositions, this index False claims litigation revolving fund, 75-7508 Family and children investment fund, 38-1808, 65-2418 Family and children trust account, 8-1,148, 38-1808 Permanent families account, 38-1808 Family services and community intervention fund, 38-2281 Federal cash management fund, 75-3082 Federal funds, receipt by state agency, 75-3734 Federal indirect cost offset fund, 44-716a Federal registry clearing fund, 58-4107 Federal revenue sharing fund, abolished, 75-4261 Fee funds, Cemetery maintenance and merchandise fee fund, 16-336 Deposit of gift moneys and sale proceeds, state institutions, 75-3316 Ten percent credit to state agencies, purpose, 75-3170a Feed the hungry fund, 32-995 Feeding stuffs fee fund, 2-1012 Fertilizer and pesticide compliance and administration fund, 2-1205 Fertilizer fee fund, 2-1205 Fertilizer research fund, 2-1205, 2-1221 Fire department, retirement and pensions, 13-14a02 Fire marshal fee fund, 75-1514 Fire marshal's gratuities fund, 75-1513 Fire safety standard and firefighter protection act enforcement fund, 31-604 Fire service training program fund, 75-1514, 76-327c Firefighters relief fund, state, 40-1706 Firefighters training fund, 8-1,155 Firemen's pension fund, cities of second class, 14-10a02 et seq. Flag and banner fund, 75-420 Fleet rental vehicle administration fund, 8-145, 8-190 Food safety fee fund, 65-688 Food service fund, school districts, 72-17,139 Food service inspection reimbursement fund, 36-512 Forensic laboratory and materials fee fund, 8-241, 28-176 Fraud and abuse criminal prosecution fund, 75-765 Gaming revenues fund, state, 79-4801 Garbage and trash fund, townships, 80-2201 Gas pipeline inspection fee fund, 66-1,155 General fund, state. See subhead General fund, under State, this index Geological survey fund, 76-326b Governmental ethics commission fee fund, 25-4119e Graduate medical education administration reserve fund, 40-3403 Greyhound promotion and development fund, 74-8842 Greyhound tourism fund, 74-8831 Group-funded pools fee fund, 12-2623 Group-funded pools refund fund, 12-2631 Group-funded workers compensation pools fee fund, 44-587 Gubernatorial inauguration expense fund, 25-4187 Handgun licensure fund, 75-7c13 Hazardous waste, 65-3430 Collection fund, 65-3460 Hazardous waste management fund, 65-3431, 65-3491 Hazmat fee fund, 8-267 HCBS programs fund, 75-4265 Healing arts fee fund, 65-2011, 65-2855, 65-2911, 65-4968, 65-5413, 65-5513, 65-6910, 65-7309, 65-7210 Health and environment publication fee fund, 75-5662 Health care access improvement fund, 65-6207, 65-6217 Health care database fee fund, 65-6809 Health care stabilization fund, 40-3403 et seq. Health committee insurance fund, 40-4702 Health funds, 65-204 Health insurance, uninsurable plan fund, 40-2125, 40-2126 Health occupations credentialing fee fund, 39-979 Hearing aid board fee fund, 74-5805 Helping schools license plate program fund, 8-1,154 Heritage trust fund, 75-2729 High performance incentive fund, 74-50,133 Highway funds, City and county highway fund, 79-3425, 79-34,104 County equalization and adjustment fund, 79-3425 Distribution, 79-3425, 79-34,104 Freeway fund, 79-3425, 79-34,104 Highway special permit fund, 75-5039 Kansas qualified agricultural ethyl alcohol producer incentive fund, 79-3425 State highway fund, 8-241, 68-416, 79-3425, 79-34,104 Highway patrol federal fund, 74-2117 Highway patrol motor vehicle fund, 8-145, 74-2136 Highway patrol training center fund, 74-2012, 74-2134 Historic properties fee fund, 75-2701 Historical society facilities fund, state, 76-2056 Home and community based services savings fund, 39-7,162 Homes for aged funds, 19-2106b Horse fair racing benefit fund, 74-8838 Hospital revenue fund, 76-3,101 Hospitals, special improvements, 13-14b12 Housing system funds, state educational institutions, 76-761 et seq. Human trafficking victim assistance fund, 75-758 Idle funds, investment, 12-1675 et seq. Definitions, 12-1675a Limitation, 12-1676 Municipal investment pool fund, 12-1675, 12-1677a IMPACT program repayment fund, 74-50,109 IMPACT program services fund, 74-50,108 Imprest funds, Cancellation of checks, 75-3076 Change funds, 75-3078 Decreases, approval, 75-3072, 75-3075 Disbursements, 75-3076 Establishment by state agency, 75-3075 Increases, approval, 75-3072, 75-3075 Limitations on use, 75-3072 Losses, reimbursement of, 75-3073 Moneys, deposits in local banks, 75-3076 Payroll errors, correction, 75-3072 Reconciliation statement, 75-3073 Replenishing, 75-3073 Reports, 75-3072 Restoration of, 75-3073 Revolving funds abolished, 75-3077 Transfer of balances from revolving funds to, 75-3077 Transfers to attain balances specified, 75-3077 Travel advances, 75-3072 Use, 75-3072 Improvement districts, investments, 19-2765c Improvement fund, special, 13-10,140 Inaugural expense fund, 25-4187 Incidental fund, secretary of labor, 44-635 Income tax refund fund, 79-32,105 Indigents' defense services fund, 22-4526, 22-4529, 28-172b Individual assistance support trust fund, state, 39-7,123 Industrial development, municipalities, 12-1617h Industrial funds, municipalities, 12-1617i Information and services fee fund, 45-107, 64-103, 75-436, 75-438 Information network of Kansas fund, 74-9308 Information technology fund, 75-4714, 75-4715 Information technology reserve fund, 75-4704a, 75-4716 Information technology security fund, 75-7239 Infrastructure maintenance fund, 76-7,104 Institutions building fund, state, 76-6b05 Insurance collection replacement/reimbursement fund, 75-2728 Insurance company annual statement examination fund, 40-223a Insurance company examination fund, 40-223 Insurance company examiner training fund, 40-223e Insurance department service regulation fund, 40-112 Transfers to fraud and abuse criminal prosecution fund, 75-765 Intergovernmental transfer administration fund, 75-4265 Intergovernmental transfer fund, 75-4265 Interlocal agreements, public agencies, 12-2907 Intermodal transportation revolving fund, 75-5081 et seq. Interstate water litigation fund, 82a-1801, 82a-1802, 82a-1804 Intoxicating liquors, local alcoholic liquor fund, 79-41a03, 79-41a04 Intragovernmental printing service depreciation reserve funds, 75-1001f, 75-1004b Transfers to, 75-1004b Intragovernmental printing service fund, 75-1001f Creation, 75-1022 Transfer to intragovernmental service depreciation reserve fund, 75-1004b Investment, Bond retirement funds, waterworks, 13-2406 Counties, 12-1675 et seq. Firemen's relief association, 12-1675 et seq. Library building fund, cities between 120,000 and 150,000, 12-1255 Quasi-municipalities, 12-1675 et seq. Savings and loan associations, 12-1675 et seq. Schools, 12-1675 et seq. State moneys. State Depositories, generally, this index Townships, 12-1675 et seq. Investor education and protection fund, 17-12a601 Irrigation and irrigation districts, 42-707 Job creation program fund, 74-50,224 Judicial branch education fund, 20-1a11 Judicial branch nonjudicial salary adjustment fund, 20-1a15 Judicial branch nonjudicial salary initiative fund, 20-1a14 Judicial branch docket fee fund, 20-362, 20-1a04, 28-177 Judicial nominating commissions fund, 20-138 Judicial survey and study, 20-154 Judiciary technology fund, 20-1a12 Juvenile correctional complex, Kansas, fee fund, 76-2101a Juvenile alternatives to detention fund, 8-241, 79-4803 KAN-ED fund, 75-7225 Kan-grow engineering funds, 76-7,141 Kansas adult learner grant program fund, 74-32,288 Kansas agricultural remediation fund, 2-3711 Kansas attorney general batterer intervention program certification fund, 75-7d12 Kansas bureau of investigation state forfeiture fund, 60-4117 Kansas campus restoration fund, 76-7,154 Kansas charitable institutions and mental hospitals building fund, Transfer to state institutions building fund, 76-6b07 Kansas conservation reserve enhancement program fund, 2-1933 Kansas creative arts industries commission checkoff fund, 79-3221m Kansas commission on peace officers' standards and training fund, 74-5617 Kansas comprehensive grant funds, 74-32,123 Kansas department for aging and disability services temporary deposit fund, 39-784 Kansas department for children and families enterprise fund, 75-5397a Kansas department for children and families temporary deposit fund, 39-784 Kansas department of corrections state forfeiture fund, 60-4117 Kansas distinguished scholarship fund, 74-3281 Kansas economic opportunity initiatives fund, 74-50,151 Kansas education opportunity scholarship discontinued attendance fund, 74-3289 Kansas educational building fund, 76-6b01, 76-6b02 Kansas educator registered apprenticeship grant program fund, 74-50,234 Kansas endowment for youth fund, 38-2101, 38-2102, 38-2103 Kansas export loan guarantee fund, 74-5074 Kansas fights addiction fund, 75-777 Kansas firefighters memorial fund, 75-36,102 Kansas gold star families memorial fund, 75-2270 Kansas greyhound breeding development fund, 74-8831 Kansas highway patrol motor vehicle fund, 8-145, 74-2124, 74-2136 Kansas highway patrol staffing and training fund, 8-145, 74-2139 Kansas highway patrol state forfeiture fund, 60-4117 Kansas hometown heroes fund, 79-3221k Kansas horse breeding development fund, 74-8829 Kansas insurance coverage for children fund, 38-2009 Kansas intelligence fusion center, 48-3707 Kansas intermodal transportation revolving fund, 75-5084, 75-5087 Kansas juvenile correctional complex fee fund, 76-3205 Kansas juvenile delinquency prevention trust fund, 75-7021 Kansas medical center private practice foundation reserve fund, 40-3403 Kansas national guard counter drug state forfeiture fund, 60-4117 Kansas national guard educational assistance program repayment fund, 74-32,150 Kansas neurological institute fee fund, 76-17c01a Kansas nonprofit apprenticeship grant program fund, 74-50,232 Kansas partnership fund, 74-5055 Kansas pesticide waste disposal fund, 2-3716 Kansas postsecondary education savings expense fund, 75-648 Kansas postsecondary education savings program trust fund, 75-648 Kansas promise scholarship fund, 74-32,277 Kansas public employees retirement fund, 74-4921 Kansas retail dealer incentive fund, 79-34,171 Kansas sheltered workshop transition fund, 75-5748 Expiration of program and abolishment of fund, 75-5749 Kansas sports hall of fame surcharge fund, 74-2916 Kansas transportation revolving fund, 75-5066 Kansas water pollution control revolving fund, 65-3322 Kansas water quality buffer initiative fund, 2-1915 Laboratory equipment fund, 74-554 Laboratory testing services fee fund, 74-5,134 Laetrile enforcement fee fund, 65-6b10 Land reclamation fund, 49-624 Land survey fee fund, 58-2011 Larned state hospital fee fund, 76-1302a Law enforcement memorial fund, 75-2250, 75-2251 Law enforcement training reimbursement fund, local, 74-5620 Lead-based paint hazard fee fund, 65-1,206 Legislative special revenue fund, 46-1207a Legislature employment security fund, 75-5745 Library, buildings, cities between 120,000 and 150,000, 12-1254, 12-1255 Lights and lighting, streets, special lighting fund, 14-535 Live greyhound racing purse supplement fund, 74-8767 Live horse racing purse supplement fund, 74-8767 Livestock brand fee fund, 47-417a Transfers from livestock emergency revolving fund and county option brand fee fund, 47-449 Livestock market brand inspection fee fund, 47-1011a Local ad valorem tax reduction fund, abolished, 79-2959b Local air quality control authority regulation services fund, 65-3008 Local alcoholic liquor fund, 79-41a03, 79-41a04 Lodging fee fund, 36-520 Long-term care loan and grant fund, 75-4265 Lottery, State, this index Lottery gaming facility manager fund, 74-8733 Lottery operating fund, 74-8711 Lower smoky hill water supply access fund, 82a-2303, 82a-2310 Market division fee fund, secretary of agriculture, 74-534 Masonic lodge royalty fund, 8-1,168 Maternity centers and child care licensing fee fund, 65-505 Meat and poultry inspection fee fund, 65-6a45 Medicaid fraud forfeiture fund, 60-4117 Medicaid fraud prosecution revolving fund, 21-5933 Medicaid fraud reimbursement fund, 21-5933 Medicaid match fund—department on aging, 75-4265 Medicaid match fund—SRS, 75-4265 Medical assistance fee fund, 40-3236 Medical loan repayment fund, 76-385 Medical record maintenance trust fund, 65-28,132 Mental health and developmental disabilities special projects fund, 76-12a08 Midwest stem cell therapy center fund, 76-837 Migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund, 32-993 Military fees fund, 48-272 Military honors funeral fund, 73-309 Military service scholarship program fund, 74-32,232 Mined-land conservation and reclamation fee fund, 49-420, 49-433 Mined-land reclamation fund, 49-420 Mineral production education fund, 72-5130 Mineral production tax refund fund, 79-4227 Mobile home and recreational vehicle standards fund, abolished, 75-1222 Mortuary arts fee fund, 65-1718 Motor carrier license fees fund, 66-1,142, 66-1a01 Motor carrier tax refund fund, 79-6a09 Motor fuel tax refund fund, 79-3425 Motor pool service depreciation reserve fund, 75-4614 Motor pool service fund, 75-4611, 75-4614 Transfer of moneys to state highway fund, 75-4611 Motorcycle safety fund, 8-267 Municipal Funds, generally, this index Municipal investment pool fund, 12-1677a Municipal universities, bond payment, 13-13a23 Municipalities fight addiction fund, 75-777 Municipalities. Municipal Funds, generally, this index National bio agro-defense facility fund, 74-99b34 National direct student loan audit dispute fund, 76-744 National direct student loan funds, 76-743 National wildlife refuge system, use, 19-506a Native American veterans' income tax refund fund, 79-32,272 Natural gas underground storage fee fund, 55-1,116 Natural resources damages trust fund, 65-171v, 75-5672 Newborn screening fund, 65-180 New correctional facility and mental health facility or facilities construction fund, 75-52,130 900 Jackson street acquisition fund, 75-3649 900 Jackson street bond and interest sinking fund, 75-3653 900 Jackson street bond proceeds fund, 75-3653 Non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tank system fund, 65-34,136 Nongame wildlife improvement fund, 79-3221e Federal moneys, use of, 79-3221h Norton state hospital fee fund, 76-1502b Noxious weed capital outlay fund, 2-1318 Noxious weed eradication fund, 2-1318 Nurse educator service scholarship program fund, 74-32,226 Nursing, board of, Criminal background and fingerprinting fund, 74-1112 Education conference fund, 74-1109 Grants and gifts fund, 74-1106 Nursing service scholarship repayment fund, 74-32,226 OBGYN medical loan repayment fund, 76-385 OBGYN medical residency bridging fund, 76-387 Office of laboratory services operating fund, 65-157, 65-1,109a, 75-5608, 75-5608a Oil and gas conservation funds, 55-865 Oil and gas lease revenues, 55-211a Oil and gas resources fund, 55-1633 Oil and gas valuation depletion trust fund, 79-4227 Abolishment of fund on July 1, 2016, 79-4232 Optometry education repayment fund, 74-3272a Optometry fee fund, 74-1503 Optometry litigation fund, 74-1503 Osawatomie state hospital fee fund, 76-1201c Osteopathic medical service scholarship repayment fund, 74-3267a Other state fees fund, Kansas department for aging and disability services, 41-1126, 41-2622 Oz theme park fund, created 1999 Omnibus Appro Bill for HB 2166 Park resources general fees fund, security of time deposits under, 75-4218a Parking facilities, off-street, revolving operating fund, 13-1379 Parking fee and fine fund, state institutions, 76-12a15 Parks fee fund, 32-991 Parsons state hospital fee fund, 76-1409a Passenger rail service revolving fund, 75-5089 Patient benefit funds. See Benefit funds, generally, ante Permanent university fund, 76-308 Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative fund, 73-1231 Pesticide fee fund, 2-2464a Pesticide use fee fund, 2-2464a Petroleum inspection fee fund, 55-427 Petroleum storage tank release trust fund, Aboveground tanks, 65-34,129 Underground tanks, 65-34,114 Petty cash funds, Cities, 12-171 State agencies, 75-3052 et seq. Pharmacy benefits manager licensure fee fund, 40-3827 Pharmacy fee fund, 74-1609 Photo fee fund, 8-299 Plant and animal disease and pest control fund, 79-3221h Plant pest emergency response fund, 2-2129 Police department, retirement and pensions, 13-14a02 Policemen's pension fund, cities of second class, 14-10a02 et seq. Pollutant discharge cleanup fund, 65-171v Pooled money investment portfolio fee fund, 75-4235 Prairie dog extermination, 80-1205, 80-1206 Prepaid services fund (of secretary of state), 75-439 Prescription monitoring program act fund, 65-1694a Primary care safety net clinic loan guarantee fund, 65-7406 Printing depreciation reserve fund, transfer to intragovernmental printing service depreciation reserve fund, 75-1001f Printing division, department of administration, transfers, 75-1004b Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institution fee fund, 74-32,182 Private detective fee fund, 75-7b23 Privilege tax refund fund, banks and financial institutions, 79-1112 Problem gambling and addictions grant fund, 39-1907, 79-4805 Proceeds from sale of new channel, disposition, 82a-204, 82a-209 Professional employer organization fee fund, 44-1705 Property contingency fund, 75-3652 Protection from abuse fund, 74-7325 Psychiatry medical loan repayment fund, 76-385 Public employees retirement fund, 74-4921 Public moneys, deposit, 9-1401 et seq. Public service regulation fund, 66-1a01 Public use general aviation airport development fund, 75-5061 Public water supply loan fund, 65-163e, 74-8203 Publications fee fund, Judicial council, 20-2207 Revenue, department of, 75-5132 Quality based community assessment fund, 75-7436 Quality care fund, 75-7435 Quasi-municipal corporations, investments, 12-1675 et seq. Racing applicant deposit fund, 74-8828 Racing investigative expense fund, 74-8835 Racing reimbursable expense fund, 74-8827 Radiation control operations fee fund, 48-1625 Rail service assistance program loan guarantee fund, 75-5047 Rail service improvement fund, 75-5048, 75-5049 Railroad rehabilitation loan guarantee fund, 75-5029, 75-5030 Rainbow mental health facility fee fund, 76-17a11 Real estate fee fund, 58-3074 Real estate recovery revolving fund, 58-3061, 58-3066 Recovery fund for enforcement actions and attorney fees, 75-5162 Refund funds, Alcoholic liquor tax, 41-507 Cigarette tax, 79-3379 Compensating use tax, 79-3710 Income tax, 79-32,105 Liquor enforcement tax, 41-507 Mineral production tax, 79-4227 Privilege tax, 79-1112 Sales tax, 79-3620 Tobacco products tax, 79-3379 Refuse disposal fund, county, 19-2661 Renal disease fund, 65-1,215 Republican river water conservation projects - Colorado moneys fund, 82a-1801, 82a-1804, 82a-1805 Republican river water conservation projects - Nebraska moneys fund, 82a-1801,82a-1804, 82a-1805 Retirement and pensions, Cities of first class, Fire department, 13-14a02 Police department, 13-14a02 Revolving funds, Transportation, department of, 75-5063, 75-5073, 75-5081, 75-5089 Revolving funds of certain state agencies, Abolished, 75-3077 Imprest Funds, generally, this index Roads and Highways, this index Roofing contractor registration fund, 50-6,128 ROTC service scholarships, Program fund, 74-3256, 74-3260a Repayment fund, 74-3260a Rural hospital innovation grant fund, 65-491 Sales tax refund fund, 79-3620 Salt solution mining well plugging fund, 55-1,121 Sand royalty fund, 70a-105 Santa Fe office building renovation fund, 75-3679 Savings and loan fee fund, abolished, 75-1313 School bus safety fund, 72-64,103 School district capital improvements fund, 72-5462 School district capital outlay state aid fund, 72-53,126 School district extraordinary declining enrollment fund, 72-5177 School dormitory fund, transfer of moneys to Kansas educational building fund, 76-6b08 School Funds, generally, this index Scrap metal data repository fund, 50-6,109a Scrap metal theft reduction fee fund, 50-6,109a Seatbelt safety fund, 8-1,181, 74-7336 Secretary of aging, 75-5908 Secretary of state fee refund fund, 76-2613 Securities act fee fund, 17-12a601 Transfers to fraud and abuse criminal prosecution fund, 75-765 Self-insurance reserve fund, 12-3722 Investments, 12-3724 Security of time deposits, 75-4218a Sewage disposal facilities, 12-3722 Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343 Senior services fund, 75-4265 Senior services trust fund, 75-4265, 75-4266 Service assessment, cities in urban areas, 12-1674 Service clearing fund, state educational institutions, 76-754, 76-755 Severance tax, Mineral production education fund, 72-5130 Oil and gas valuation depletion trust fund, 79-4227 Abolishment of fund on July 1, 2016, 79-4232 Special county mineral production tax fund, 79-4227 Sewage disposal facilities, Revenue bonds, state board of health, Debt service reserve fund, 12-3721 Self-insurance reserve fund, transfers to debt service reserve fund, 12-3721 Sewage disposal treatment fund, state, 12-3711 Sexually violent predator expense fund, 59-29a04, 59-29a04a Short line rail improvement fund, 75-5095 Shriner's royalty fund, 8-1,151 Sinking Funds, this index Social welfare fund, 39-710, 75-3320 Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343 Special bequest fund, children with special health care needs, 75-5344 Special fund for developmentally disabled, 75-5344 Soil amendment fee fund, 2-2814 Soil-drifting fund, 2-2007 Soldiers' home fee fund, 76-1906 Solid waste management fund, 65-3415a Southeast Kansas tuberculosis hospital fee fund, 76-1521a Special bequest fund, children with special health care needs, 75-5344 Special city and county highway fund, 79-3425, 79-34,104 Payments, Kansas intermodal transportation revolving fund, 75-5087 Special county mineral production tax fund, 79-4227, 794231 Special employment security fund, 44-716a Special fund for the developmentally disabled, 75-5344 Special highway improvement fund, 68-589, 68-590 Special qualified industrial manufacturer fund, 74-50,122 Special qualified manufacturer fund, 19-4108 Special services fund, cities, urban areas, 12-1674 Specialty court resources fund, 20-173 Sponsored research overhead fund, state educational institutions, 76-753 Sport fish restoration fund, 32-997 Sports wagering receipts fund, 74-8791 SRS enterprise fund, 75-5397a SRS temporary deposit fund, 39-784 State, Active accounts, see State Depositories, this index General fund, see State, this index Inactive accounts, see State Depositories, this index State 911 fund, 12-5390 State 911 grant fund, 12-5389 State 911 operations fund, 12-5388 State affordable airfare fund, 74-50,150 State agency unemployment claims audit fund, 75-3798 State agricultural production fund, 32-809 State agricultural university fund, 76-410a State board of health, 65-103a State buildings depreciation fund, 75-3655 State buildings operating fund, 75-3654, 75-3765 State capitol dome sculpture fund, 75-2249 State charitable gaming regulation fund, 75-5182 State economic development initiatives fund, 79-4804 Kansas capital formation account, 79-4804 Kansas economic development endowment account, 79-4804 Kansas economic development research and development account, 79-4804 State emergency fund, National guard and state guard, 48-261 Payment of claims under National Guard Mutual Assistance Compact, 48-1702 Rewards, 75-113a State facilities gift fund, 75-2265, 75-3683, 75-3684 State fair, Capital improvements fund, 2-223, 79-4108, 79-41a03 Change funds, 2-205 Fee fund, 2-205 Special cash fund, 2-220 State fire marshal liquefied petroleum gas fee fund, 55-1813 State firefighters relief fund, 40-1706 State freeway construction fund, 68-2304. See, also, subhead Express highways and freeways under Roads and Highways, this index State freeway fund, Investments, security of time deposits under, 75-4218a Liquefied petroleum motor fuel tax proceeds, 79-34,104 Motor fuel tax proceeds, 79-3425 State gaming revenues fund, 79-4801 State general fund. State, this index State highway fund, 68-416 Liquefied petroleum motor fuel tax proceeds, 79-34,104 Transfers from freeway fund, 79-3425 Transfers from motor pools service fund, 75-4611 Transfers to coordinated public transportation assistance fund, 75-5035 Transfers to Kansas transportation revolving fund, 75-5065 Transfers to public use general aviation airport development fund, 75-5061 State highway patrol federal fund, 74-2117 State historical society facilities fund, 76-2056 State housing trust fund, 74-8959 Kansas rural home loan guarantee act, 12-5262 State institutions, Building fund, 76-6b05 Trust funds, 76-172 et seq., 76-175, 76-175a State leave payment reserve fund, 75-5542 State library fund, 75-2534, 75-2540, 75-2562, 75-2563, 75-2588 State licensure fee fund, 39-930 State moneys. State Depositories, generally, this index State normal school fund, 76-604 State office buildings and grounds, See, also, State Office Buildings and Grounds, this index Bond proceeds fund, and bond and interest sinking fund, 900 Jackson street, 75-3653 Construction defects recovery fund, 75-3785 Depreciation fund, 75-3655 Operating fund, 75-3654 Property contingency fund, 75-3652 Rental charges from assignment of space, 75-3651, 75-3765, 75-3768 State printer's operating fund, transfer to intragovernmental printing service fund, 75-1001f State printing plant construction fund, 75-3676 State racing fund, 74-8826 State register fee fund, 75-433 State safety fund, 8-267 Distribution, 8-272 State scholarship discontinued attendance fund, 74-32,236 State school dormitory fund, 76-6b08 State tourism fund, 32-1412 State water plan fund, 2-1205, 2-2204, 82a-951 Transfers to water projects grant fund, 82a-955 Transfers to water technical assistance fund, 82a-955 State water pollution control account, 65-3302 State workers compensation self-insurance fund, 44-575 Storage tank release trust fund, Aboveground tanks, 65-34,129 Underground tanks, 65-34,114 Stormont medical library, funds abolished, 75-2525 Student loan guarantee act, 74-32,247 Student loans, institutions under board of regents, 76-728 Subsurface hydrocarbon storage fund, 55-1,118 Sunflower army ammunition plant remediation trust fund, 75-5671 Support trust fund, state individual assistance, 39-7,123 Surplus bond money, transfer, 10-117a Surplus real estate special revenue funds, 75-6609 Surplus tax transfers, certain, 79-2958 Tax increment financing revenue replacement fund, 12-1775a Taxpayer notification costs fund, 79-2989 Taylor grazing fund, distribution, 27-119 Teacher service scholarships, Program fund, 74-32,107 Repayment fund, 74-32,107 Technical professions fee fund, 74-7009 Technology communication fee fund, 75-444 Technology-enabled fiduciary financial insititutions development and expansion fund, 9-2324 Telecommunications and railroad machinery and equipment tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2979 Tobacco products refund fund, 79-3379 Topeka state hospital cemetery memorial gift fund, 75-37,124 Topeka state hospital fee fund, 76-1201b Tort claims fund, 75-6117 Tourism and convention promotion fund, transient guest tax, 12-1694 Tourism fund, 32-1412 Tourist attraction matching grant development fund, 32-1422 Township road funds, county system, 68-593, 68-595 Townships, this index Traffic records enhancement fund, 74-7336, 75-5080 Transfers. Funds Transfers, this index Transient guest tax refund fund, 12-1694a, 12-16,100 Transportation revolving fund, Kansas, 75-5063 et seq. Transportation technology development fund, 75-5093 Trauma fund, 12-4117, 74-7336, 75-5670 Tribal gaming fund, 74-9808 Truck driver training fund, 8-267, 8-272 Trust funds, See, also, Kansas Prudent Investor Act, Uniform, this index Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343 Special bequest fund, children with special health needs, 75-5344 Special fund for developmentally disabled, 75-5344 State individual assistance support, 39-7,123 Unclaimed mineral proceeds trust fund, 58-3977 Trusts for benefit of state or political subdivisions, 58-2433 Tuition waiver gifts, grants and reimbursements fund, 74-32,161 Unclaimed mineral proceeds trust fund, 58-3977 Unclaimed property claims fund, 58-3978 Unclaimed property expense fund, 58-3978 Undistributed assets of defunct credit unions fund, 17-2206a Undistributed assets of defunct institutions fund, 9-1917 Unexpended tax monies, 79-2958 Unified carrier registration clearing fund, 66-1,139a Uniform commercial code fee fund, 75-448 Uniform prudent management of institutional funds act, 58-3611 et seq. Application of act, 58-3618 Appropriation for expenditure or accumulation of endowment fund, 58-3614 Compliance with act, 58-3617 Definitions, 58-3612 Delegation of management and investment functions, 58-3615 Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce act, 58-3619 Release or modification of restrictions institutional fund, 58-3616 Standard of conduct in managing and investing institutional fund, 58-3613 Uniformity, construction, 58-3620 Uninsurable health insurance plan fund, 40-2125, 40-2126 University of Kansas medical center private practice foundation reserve fund, 40-3403 Utilities, municipal, revenue, 10-1204 Vehicle dealers and manufacturers fee fund, 8-2425 Vehicle identification number fee fund, 8-116a Vending facilities account, department for children and families, 75-3339a Veterans memorial fund, 75-2253, 75-2254 Veterans memorials fund, Kansas, 73-1233 Veterans' home fee fund, 76-1953 Veterinary examiners' fee fund, 47-820 Veterinary inspection fee fund, 47-1008 Vietnam war era veterans' recognition award fund, 73-1243 VIPS/CAMA technology hardware fund, 8-145 Creation, 74-2021 Sources, 74-2021 Vocational rehabilitation, 76-12c03, 76-12c06, 76-12c08 Voluntary cleanup fund, 65-34,165 Wage claims assignment fee fund, 44-324 Wards' trust fund, 75-3354 Warehouse fee fund, 34-101 Waste tire management fund, 65-3424g Water appropriation certification fund, 82a-731 Water litigation fund, interstate, 82a-1802 Water marketing fund, 82a-1315c Water office cost fund, 82a-773 Water plan fund, state, 2-1205, 2-2204, 82a-951 Transfers to water projects grant fund, 82a-955 Transfers to water technical assistance fund, 82a-955 Water pollution control revolving fund, Kansas, 65-3322 Water program management fund, 65-166b, 65-167, 65-4514, 82a-1602 Water projects grant fund, 82a-957 Water resources cost fund, 82a-772 Water structures fund, 82a-328 Water supply fee fund, 65-163, 65-163c, 65-163d Water supply storage acquisition financing fund, 82a-1370 Water supply storage assurance fund, 82a-1349 Water technical assistance fund, 82a-956 Water transfer hearing fund, 82a-1503 Water well contractors' licensing fund, 82a-1206 Waterworks, bond retirement fund, 13-2406 Weights and measures fee fund, 83-214 Well plugging assurance fund, 55-192 White collar crime fund, 74-8792 Wildlife and parks nonrestricted fund, 32-998 Wildlife art fund, 74-7905 Wildlife conservation fund, 32-992 Wildlife fee fund, 32-990 Federal moneys, 32-997 Wildlife restoration fund - federal, 32-996 Winfield state hospital fee fund, 76-1614a Work therapy funds, 75-3728e Workers compensation fund, 44-566a Workforce development loan fund, 74-32,152, 74-32,155 Workmen's compensation fee fund, 74-715 FUNDS TRANSFERS Generally, 84-4a-101 et seq. Accounting entries, order of, 84-4a-504 Application of law, 84-4a-102 Supersession by federal law and rule, 84-4a-107, 84-4a-108 Choice of law rules, 84-4a-507 Citation, 84-4a-101 Creditor process, 84-4a-502 Definitions, 84-4a-103, 84-4a-104, 84-4a-105, 84-4a-201, 84-4a-301, 84-4a-401, 84-4a-501, 84-4a-502 Injunction, 84-4a-503 Liability, Failure to accept payment order, 84-4a-212 Failure to execute payment order, 84-4a-305 Late or improper execution of payment order, 84-4a-305 Refusal to pay beneficiary, 84-4a-404 Notice, Acceptance of payment order, 84-4a-404 Erroneous execution, 84-4a-304 Erroneous payment order, 84-4a-205 Objection to payment by customer, 84-4a-505 Rejection of payment order, 84-4a-210 Unauthorized payment order, 84-4a-204 Payment, 84-4a-401 et seq. Beneficiary's bank, Obligations of, 84-4a-404 Payment to beneficiary, 84-4a-405 Date, 84-4a-401 Objections to by customer, 84-4a-505 Originator to beneficiary, discharge of obligation, 84-4a-406 Sender's obligations, 84-4a-402 When payment occurs, 84-4a-403 Payment order, Acceptance, 84-4a-209 Erroneous order, 84-4a-205 Liability for failure to accept, 84-4a-212 Unauthorized order, 84-4a-203 Refund, 84-4a-204 Amendment, 84-4a-211 Authenticity, verification, 84-4a-202 Cancellation, 84-4a-211 Definition, 84-4a-103 Execution, 84-4a-301 Date, 84-4a-301 Erroneous executions, 84-4a-303 Notification by sender, 84-4a-304 Failure to execute, 84-4a-210, 84-4a-305 Late or improper execution, 84-4a-305 Obligations of receiving bank, 84-4a-302 Misdescription, Beneficiary, 84-4a-207 Beneficiary's bank, 84-4a-208 Intermediary bank, 84-4a-208 Receipt, time of, 84-4a-106 Rejection, 84-4a-210 Security procedures, 84-4a-201, 84-4a-202 Time of receipt, 84-4a-106 Transmittal, system agent for sender, 84-4a-206 Verification, 84-4a-202 Process, creditors, 84-4a-502 Rate of interest, 84-4a-506 Refunds, 84-4a-402 Unauthorized payment orders, 84-4a-204 Restraining orders, 84-4a-503 Rights and obligations of parties, governance, 84-4a-501 Security procedures, 84-4a-201 Commercial reasonableness, 84-4a-202 Settlement of item, 84-4-213 Transmittal system, agent for sender, 84-4a-206 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Generally, 65-1701a et seq. Actions, enjoin unlawful practice, 74-1706 Actual embalming, definition, 65-1703 Advertisements, Fraudulent or deceptive, 65-1751 Offenses, 65-1705 Alcoholism, 65-1751 Apprentice, 65-1701a Apprentice embalmers, 65-1703 Assistants, 65-1717 Authorizing agent, cremation authorization, 65-1762, 65-1764 Barber Law, exemptions, 65-1816 Board. Mortuary Arts, Board, post Branch establishments, 65-1713a, 65-1723, 65-1727, 65-1729, 65-1731 Cleanliness, 65-1723 Continuing education, licensed embalmers, 65-1702 Coroners, Permission to embalm, 65-1707 Permit to cremate, 65-1762 Suspicious death, notice, 22a-231, 22a-242 Coroner's inquest, disposition of bodies, 22a-215 Cremated remains, disposal of unclaimed, 65-1732 Cremating dead human bodies, Hazardous implants, 65-1763, 65-1765 Procedures, 65-1763 Crematories, Disciplinary action against, grounds, 65-1751 Inspections, 65-1723 Liability, 65-1763, 65-1764, 65-1765 Licenses, 65-1761, 65-1762, 65-1766, 65-1768 Rules and regulations, 65-1766 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-1703, 65-1705, 65-1706, 65-1707, 65-1712, 65-1726, 65-1729, 65-1731, 65-1751, 65-1766 Injunctions or quo warranto, unlawful practice, 74-1706 Dead human body, Cremation, 65-1762 Disposal of unclaimed cremated remains, 65-1732 Disposition, determination of, 65-1734 Removal and delivery, 65-1753 Violations relating to, 65-1751 Death, Certificates, 65-2412 Coroners, notice when, 22a-231, 22a-242 Infectious or contagious diseases, restrictions, 65-123 Definitions, 65-1713, 65-1713a, 65-1760 Depositions, 74-1704 Disciplinary action by another jurisdiction, 65-1751 Disease prevention, 65-1751 Dishonorable conduct, 65-1751 Drug addiction, 65-1751 Embalming, defined, 65-1703 Embalming dead bodies, rules and regulations, 65-1712 Embalming schools, use of bodies, 65-1706 Employees, 65-1717 Ethics, 65-1723 Examination fee, 65-1702 Eye enucleation, 65-1728 Fees, Failure to pay, penalties, 65-1731 Fixing annual fees, 65-1727 Licenses and permits, 65-1715, 65-1716, 65-1727, 65-1768 Reciprocal license, 65-1701b Mortuary arts fee fund, 65-1718 Renewal of registration, 65-1702 Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Fines, licensees, 65-1751 Fraud, 65-1751 Fund, mortuary arts fee fund, 65-1718 Funeral establishment, 65-1713a Fees, 65-1729 Failure to pay, penalties, 65-1731 Inspections, 65-1723 Liability, disposition of body, 65-1734 License, 65-1729 Payment of KPERS lump-sum death benefit, 74-4989 Rules and regulations, 65-1730 Hazardous implants, cremation, 65-1763, 65-1765 Hearings, 74-1704 Impaired licensee, 65-1751 Incompetency, 65-1751 Injunctions, 74-1706 Inspection of establishments, 65-1723 Inspectors, 74-1704 Insurance, funeral or burial and prearranged funerals, 74-1707 Interment, 65-1713b Law officers, interference with duties, 65-1704 Liability, disposition of body, 65-1734, 65-1764 Licenses and permits, 65-1701 et seq., 65-1760 et seq., 74-139 Assistants, 65-1717 Branch establishments, 65-1729 Censure, grounds for, 65-1751 Condition on, grounds for, 65-1751 Continuing education required, 65-1702 Crematories, 65-1761, 65-1762, 65-1766, 65-1768 Crematory operators, 65-1762 Disciplinary actions, grounds for, 65-1751 Display, 65-1714 Examination, 65-1701a, 65-1710, 65-1714 Expiration date, 65-1702, 65-1717 Fees, 65-1701b, 65-1702, 65-1715, 65-1716, 65-1727 Fines, grounds for, 65-1751 Funeral establishments, 65-1729 Limitation of, grounds for, 65-1751 Reciprocity, 65-1701b Renewal, 65-1702, 65-1716, 65-1717, 65-1766, 65-1768 Special permits, 65-1714 Suspension or revocation, 65-1702, 65-1751, 65-1766 Temporary embalming permits, 65-1702a Mentally impaired licensee, 65-1751 Mortuary Arts, Board, 74-1701a Attorneys, employment by board, 74-1704 Compensation and expenses, 74-1704, 74-1705 Contracts, 74-1704 Disposition of moneys, 65-1718 Expenses, 65-1723 Inspection of establishments, 65-1723 Investigations, 74-1711 Investigator-inspector, employment by board, 74-1704 Oath, Office, 74-1702 Power to administer, 74-1704 Officers and employees, 74-1704 Powers, 65-1723 Qualifications, 74-1701a Quorum, 74-1703 Records, 65-1719 Removal of member, 74-1701a Rules and regulations, post Schools and colleges, approval, 65-1701a Seal, 74-1704 Secretary, 74-1704 Subpoenas, 74-1711 Term of office, 74-1701a Transfer of powers, duties, functions and certain employees, 74-1709, 74-1710 Vacancies, 74-1701a Mortuary arts fee fund, 65-1718 Oath, power of board to administer, 74-1704 Officers and employees, administration of law, 74-1704 Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Prearranged funeral contracts, 16-301, 74-1707 Prearranged funeral agreements, 65-1713a Preparation room, 65-1713a Processions, distance between vehicles, 8-1523 Qualifications, 65-1701, 65-1701a Reciprocity, 65-1721 Quo warranto, unlawful practice, 74-1706 Application fee, 65-1727 Rules and regulations, 65-1701b, 65-1723 Records, 65-1711, 65-1719, 74-1704 Remains. Dead human body, generally, ante Reports, 65-1751 Research, 74-1705 Rules and regulations, 65-1701a, 65-1702, 65-1712, 65-1717, 65-1723, 65-1727, 65-1729, 65-1730, 65-1732, 65-1751, 65-1766, 74-1704, 74-1707 Schools and colleges, approval, 65-1701a Solicitation, prohibitions, 65-1751, 65-1752 Specialty court resources fund, 20-173 Student embalmers, 65-1703 Subpoenas, 74-1704 Supervision, defined, 65-1703 Tax assessments, funeral home or mortuary, 79-207 Transportation of bodies, 65-1703 Infectious or contagious disease, 65-2438 Rules and regulations, 65-1712 Travel expenses, Board members, 74-1705 Unlicensed person, aided to practice, 65-1751 Unprofessional conduct, 65-1751 FUNERALS Chapels, township cemeteries, 80-917 Contracts and plans, 16-301 et seq. Administration of funds, 16-308 Audit and examination, 16-310, 75-442 Cancellation of contract, 16-303 Cemetery merchandise contracts, 16-320 et seq. Crimes, punishments and penalties, 16-305 Deposit of funds in certain financial institutions, 16-301, 16-302 Doing business in state, defined, 16-309 Insurance, group credit life, purchase, 16-303 Nonresidents, service of process, 16-309 Payments, 16-304 Prearranged funeral agreements, public policy, 16-301, 74-1707 Dead bodies, unclaimed, 22a-215, 65-901 et seq. Death from infectious or contagious diseases, 65-123 Funeral processions, City or county conflicts, 8-1352 Definitions, 8-1349 Right-of-way, 8-1350 Conditions and exceptions, 8-1350 Use of headlights, 8-1351 Vehicle spacing, 8-1351 Indigent persons, 39-713d Insurance, supplemental coverages or endorsements, 40-1110 Medical assistance, Recoupment from decedent's estate, 16-304 Notice requirement, 16-304 Liability, limitation, 16-311 Military funerals, ammunition for salutes, 48-217 Motor carrier law, 66-1,109 Liability insurance, 66-1,109, 66-1314 Prearranged funeral agreements, 16-312, 16-313 Definition, 16-314 Duty to inform Kansas department for children and families, 16-311 Requirements, 16-312 Privacy, criminal code, 21-6106 Receiver, appointment, 16-310 Retirants, certain retirement systems, 74-4989 Assignment of benefits, 74-4923 Social welfare, recipients of assistance, 39-713d Recoupment from decedent's estate, 16-304 Veterans, 73-301 et seq. Workers compensation, 44-510b FUNGIBLE GOODS Commingling, effect, 84-7-207 Implied warranties, 84-2-314 Merchantability, 84-2-314 Sales, this index Undivided shares, identification, 84-2-105 FURS Fur dealers. Wildlife, this index Furharvesting. Wildlife, this index FUTURE GOODS Definition, sales act, 84-2-105 Insurable interest, time of acquisition, 84-2-501 FUTURES Board of trade, 2-1602 |