Senate Status:
2024 Statute
WABAUNSEE COUNTY Boundaries, 18-199 Conveyance of state historical society land to Audubon of Kansas, 75-2731 County buildings, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 Zoning, 19-2950 et seq. WAGES Compensation and Salaries, generally, this index Deductions from, 44-319, 44-319a Labor and Employment, generally, this index Migrant workers, payments to, 44-126 Minimum wage and maximum hour law. Labor and Employment, this index Prevailing wages, 19-1417, 68-110 Wage payment act, 44-313 et seq. WAIVER Breach, waiver or renunciation of rights after breach, 84-1-306 Claims, 84-1-306 Municipal accounting procedures. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Sales, this index WALLACE COUNTY Boundaries, 18-1,100 Conveyances, irrigation purposes, 42-616 Sale of certain land, secretary of revenue, 75-5130 Sales, irrigation farms, 42-618 U.S.D. No. 241, land transfer, 72-1559 WAR Emergency interim executive and judicial succession act, 48-1201 et seq. Emergency interim legislative succession act, 48-1301 et seq. Emergency location of governments, Political subdivisions, 48-1401 et seq. State government, 48-1501 et seq. Invasion, generally, this index Military Forces, generally, this index WARD Guardian and Ward, generally, this index WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS See, also, Documents of Title, generally, this index; Warehouses and Warehousemen, generally, this index Generally, 34-238 et seq., 82-201 et seq., 84-7-201 et seq. Accord and satisfaction, delivery of goods excused, 84-7-403 Actions, interpleader, adverse claims, 34-260 Advances made, 84-7-202 Agents, signatures, 84-7-202 Agricultural commodities, 84-7-201 Alcoholic beverages, 84-7-201 Alteration, 34-256, 82-207, 84-7-208 Attachments, 34-265 Blanks, unauthorized alteration or filling, 84-7-208 Bona fide purchaser, 84-7-501 Blanks filled in without authority, 84-7-208 Judicial process lien, 84-7-602 Sale to enforce warehouse lien, 84-7-210 Bonded storage, 84-7-201 Cancellation, 34-246 Negotiable receipts, 34-254, 34-255 Claims, provisions, 84-7-204 Commingling fungible goods, 84-7-207 Common ownership, 84-7-202 Consecutive numbers, 34-242 Consolidation, 34-246 Construction of law, 34-2,103 Conversion, Bailee, 84-7-601 Damages, 84-7-204 Delivery of goods under lost or destroyed documents, 84-7-601 Title and rights acquired by negotiation, 84-7-502 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 34-298 Encumbered grain, negotiation of receipts, 34-295 Fraud, 21-5831 Lien on grain, negotiation of receipts, 34-295 Unauthorized delivery of stored goods, 21-5832 Warehouseman, nondisclosure of ownership, 34-293 Custody of property, 82-205 Description of goods, reliance, 84-7-203 Overissue, 84-7-402 Declaration, contents, 82-202 Defeat of title, 84-7-205 Definition, 84-1-201 Delivery, Justification, 34-252 Negotiation, 84-7-501 Obligation, 34-250 Delivery of goods, Adverse claims, 84-7-603 Bailee's duty, 84-7-403 Conversion, 84-7-601 Demand, 84-7-206 Good faith, liability of bailee, 84-7-404 Indorsements, documents of title, 84-7-506 Statement as to delivery, 84-7-202 Stoppage by seller, 84-7-504 Title based on unaccepted delivery order, 84-7-503 Delivery of grain from special bin, 34-237 Demand, delivery of goods, 84-7-206 Description of goods, 84-7-202 Enforcement of warehouse lien, 84-7-210 Reliance, 84-7-203 Destroyed certificates, 82-207 Duplicates, 34-257a Liabilities, 84-7-403 Deterioration of goods, sale, 84-7-206 Discontinuing operation, 34-299 Distilled spirits, 84-7-201 Distribution, expense of, 34-238 Duplicate receipts, 34-257a, 84-7-402 Warranty of genuineness, 34-258 Endorsement, Guarantor, 34-285 Transfer by endorsement, 84-7-501 Enforcement of lien, 84-7-210 Existence of property, 82-205 Existing laws, continuance, 82-209 False records of accounts, penalty, 34-295a Fees, distribution, 34-238 Field warehousing arrangement, 84-7-202 Approval, 34-238 Part of shipment, 34-246 Fraud, Alterations, 34-256 Encumbered grain, negotiation of receipts, 34-295 Lien on grain, negotiation of receipt, 34-295 Warehouse receipt fraud, criminal code, 21-5831 Fungible goods, 84-7-207 Commingling, effect, 84-7-207 Title, 84-7-205 Good faith delivery of goods, liability of bailee, 84-7-404 Governing law, 34-296 Government bonded storage, 84-7-201 Grade of sample, 34-233 Handling charges, 84-7-202 Holders in due course, Altered receipt, 34-256 Breach of duty, 34-287 Failure to stamp nonnegotiable, 34-245 Receipts not canceled, 34-255 Seller's lien or stoppage in transit, 34-289 Subsequent negotiation, 34-288 Identity preserved grain, 34-241a Indorsement, transfer by, 84-7-501 Injunction, attachment, 34-265 Insertions without authority, 84-7-208 Inspection, 82-204 Insurance, lien of warehouseman, 34-236 Intoxicating liquors, 84-7-201 Irregularity in issue, 84-7-401 Issuance, 34-238, 34-246, 82-201, 84-7-201 Joint ownership, 84-7-202 Laws not repealed, 84-10-101 Licenses, issuance, 84-7-201 Lien of warehouse, 34-267, 84-7-209 Advances, 34-239 Enforcement, 84-7-210 Form, 84-7-202 Insurance, 34-236 Negotiation of receipt, fraud, 34-295 Proceeds of sale, 84-7-206 Limitations, damages, 84-7-204 Location of warehouse, 84-7-202 Lost or destroyed receipts, 34-257a, 82-207 Liabilities, 84-7-403 Misdescription of goods, damages, 84-7-203 Misrepresentation. Fraud, ante Negotiable receipts, 34-244 Encumbered grain, 34-295 Transfer without endorsement, 34-283 Negotiation, 34-280 Endorsement, 34-278 Requisites of due negotiation, 84-7-501 Rights acquired, 34-281 Subsequent negotiation, 34-288 Validity, fraud, mistake or duress, 34-287 Warranties, 34-284 Nonnegotiable receipts, 34-243 Endorsement, 34-279 Marking, 34-245 Nonreceipt of goods, damages, 84-7-203 Notice, termination of storage, 84-7-206 Oil and gas, 82-201 et seq. Omissions, Damages, 34-239 Option, termination of storage, 84-7-206 Overissue, Fungible goods, liability of warehouse, 84-7-207 Liabilities, 84-7-402 Partial delivery, receipt not canceled, 34-255 Pledge, warehouseman, 34-240 Prior receipts, 34-297 Purchaser for value. Holders in due course, ante Rate of storage, 84-7-202 Records and accounts separate from other business, inspection, 34-295b Records of accounts, 34-295a, 34-295b Refusal. Delivery of goods, ante Register, 82-204 Register of deeds, filing declaration, 82-202 Repeal, laws not repealed, 84-10-101 Sale, Deterioration of goods, 84-7-206 Enforcement of lien, 84-7-210 Warehouseman, 34-240 Satisfaction. Lien of warehouse, ante Delivery of goods excused, 84-7-403 Second certificate or receipt, 82-205, 82-207 Separation of goods, 84-7-207 Signature, 84-7-202 Sole ownership, 84-7-202 Statements, Advances made, 84-7-202 Compliance with law, 82-203 Storage and handling charges, terms, 84-7-202 Taxable situs on grain, 79-1006 Termination of storage, 84-7-206 Time, presenting claims and instituting actions, 84-7-204 Title, Acquired by negotiation, 84-7-502 Fungible goods, 84-7-205 Rights acquired by negotiation, 34-281 Transfer of receipt, 34-279 Negotiable receipt without endorsement, 34-283 Rights acquired, 34-282 Warranties, Mortgagee, pledgee, or holder for security, 34-286 Sale of receipt, 34-284 Weight, certificate, 34-233 WAREHOUSES AND WAREHOUSEMEN See, also, Secured Transactions, generally, this index; Warehouse Receipts, generally, this index; Agricultural Products, generally, this index; Grain Inspection Department, this index Generally, 34-223 et seq. Acceptance of shipment to other public warehouse, 34-241 Accounts, Inspection, 34-251 Actions and proceedings, Adverse claims, defense, 34-262 Bonded warehouseman, breach of obligations, 82-168 For possession, grain shortage, 34-2,104 No defense in criminal action, 34-2,105 Interpleader, adverse claims, 34-261 Advancements, remedies, other than liens, 34-271 Adverse claims, defense, 34-262 Advertisements, No defense in criminal action, 34-2,105 Unlawful acts, 82-169 Sale of grain in special bin, 34-237 Annual statement, Grain, 34-2,109 Grain depositors, 34-2,110 Appeal, suspension or revocation of license, 34-230 Attachment, 34-265 Executions or garnishments, 34-264 Auction, grain in special bin, 34-237 Audits and investigations, shortages, 34-2,104 Grain shortages in warehouse, 34-2,104 et seq. Bond, 34-229 Additional bond, Bonded warehousemen, 82-167 Grain shortage, 34-2,104 Bonded warehouseman, 82-165 Additional bond, 82-167 Certificate of information, 34-229 Depreciating value of properties stored, 34-237 Failure to insure, 34-236 Grain purchase contracts, exemption, 34-2,111 Bonded warehouseman, 82-161 et seq. Bonds, amount and contents, 82-165 Licensing, 82-163 Revocation of license, 34-298 Books and papers, examination, 34-230a Business address, application for bonded warehouseman's license, 82-163 Capacity of warehouse, license, application, 82-163 Care of grain required, 34-263 Certificate, Weight, 34-233 Charges. Rates and charges, post Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Cities of first class, regulation, 13-436 Cleaners and launderers, liens, 58-222 et seq. Cleaning grain, 34-237 Commingling goods, fungible goods, 84-7-207 Consignment of personal property, tax situs, 79-201f Tax exemption, 79-201f Construction of law, 34-2,103 Bonded warehouseman, 82-171 Contempt, orders, 34-230a Conversion, Damages, 34-234 Misdelivery, 34-253 Sale to enforce lien, 84-7-210 Credit, Extension of, 34-2,111 Letter of, 34-2,111 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 34-298 Bonded warehousemen, 82-169, 82-170 Certificate of bond, failure to post, 34-229 Encumbered grain, negotiation of receipt, 34-295 Nondisclosure of grain ownership, 34-293 Prosecutions, 34-111 Refusal to withhold grain from storage, 34-234 Warehouse Receipts, this index Damages, Breach of obligation, bonded warehouseman, 82-168 Conversion, 34-234 Excess of insurance, 34-236 Heating in special bins, 34-237 Sale to enforce lien, 84-7-210 Definitions, 34-223 Bonded warehousemen act, 82-161 Documents of title, 84-7-102 Delivery of goods, Justification, 34-252 Misdelivery, conversion, 34-253 Obligation to deliver, 34-250 Refusing delivery, Loss of lien, 34-268 Satisfaction of lien, 34-270 Deterioration of goods, sale, 84-7-206 Disclosure of confidential information, 34-251 Recovery on insurance, 34-236 Discontinuing operation, 34-299 Discrimination, 34-233 Drugs and medicine, access for inspection, 65-674 Drying grain, 34-237 Encumbered grain, negotiation of receipt, 34-295 Examination, Annual, 34-228 Bonded warehouseman, 82-163 Books and papers, 34-230a Grain shortage, 34-2,104 Subpoenas, 34-230a Expenses of action, grain shortages, 34-2,104 Expiration of license. Licenses, post Federal warehouse act, 34-2,101 Fees, Application for licensed bonded warehouseman, 82-163 Functional unit, 34-228 Inspection, sample, 34-233 Financial statement, certification, 34-228 Fines and penalties, see Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Fire protection, 31-132 et seq. Forms, 84-7-202 Fraud, Liens, negotiation of receipt, 34-295 Recovery on insurance, 34-236 Functional unit, defined, 34-228 Goods in storage or transit, tax exemptions, 79-201f Grade of sample, 34-233 Grain bank grain, Rules for operation in public warehouse, 34-227b Storage grain, laws applicable, 34-227b Grain handling facilities, physically monitoring, 34-228 Grain purchase contracts, 34-2,111 Grain sampling by secretary, 34-2,113 Grain shortage, Liability insurance for department and receiver, 34-2,104 Liability of warehousemen and surety, 34-2,104, 34-2,105, 34-2,106 Priority of owner's interest, 34-2,107 Hazardous goods, disposition, 84-7-206 Heating in special bins, damages, 34-237 Holder in due course, 34-289 Identity preserved grain, 34-241a Information, required on demand of secretary, 34-249a Injunctions, 34-230b Attaching receipts, 34-265 Commercial feeds, 2-1008 Fees, sample inspection, 34-233 Grain, 34-101 Perishable grain, 34-273 Insufficient funds check, voidable sale, 34-2,112 Insurance, 34-236 Interpleader, adverse claims, 34-260, 34-261 Launderers and cleaners, liens, 58-222 et seq. Letter of credit, 34-2,111 Licenses, 34-228 Applications, 34-228, 34-229, 34-230 Bonded warehouseman, 82-163 Letters of credit, 34-228, 34-229 Licensee's bond, 34-228, 34-229 Denial of, reasons, 34-228 Discontinuing operation, 34-299 Expiration, bonded warehouseman, 82-164 Failure to obtain, 34-231 Fines and penalties, 34-231 Functional unit, 34-228 Hearing, suspension or revocation, 34-230a Inspection, 34-230 Issue, 34-230 Letters of credit, 34-228, 34-229, 34-237, 34-273, 34-2,104, 34-2,111 Posting, 34-230 Renewal, refusal, 34-231 Sanctions, child support proceedings, contempt, 74-146, 74-147 Schedule of charges, 34-235 Suspension or revocation, 34-230, 34-230a, 34-231, 34-298 Bonded warehouseman, 82-167 Term, 34-230 Unexpired period, 34-228 Waivers, 34-228 Liens, 34-266 et seq., 58-208 et seq., 84-7-206, 84-7-209, 84-7-210 Charges enumerated, 34-269 Cleaners and launderers, 58-222 et seq. Delivery refused, 34-270 Enforcement, 84-7-210 Loss of lien, 34-268 Negotiation of receipt, fraud, 34-295 Notice to satisfy, 34-272 Obligation to deliver, 34-250 Other remedies, 34-271, 34-275 Proceeds of sale, 34-274, 34-276 Sale, 34-276 Satisfaction, 34-272, 84-7-403 Title in warehouseman, 34-259 Management, public warehouses, 34-102 Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-133 Motor carriers, transporting grain from producer, 66-1,109 Negligence, 34-263 Grain in special bin, 34-237 Notice, Condition of grain in special bin, 34-237 Discontinuing operation, 34-299 Grain purchase contracts, 34-2,111 Warehousemen, shortages, 34-2,104 Withholding from storage, 34-234 Oaths and affirmations, hearings, 34-230a Offenses, rates and charges, 34-235 Orders, Contempt, 34-230a Suspension or revocation of license, 34-230 Partial delivery of goods, failure to take up and cancel receipts, 34-255 Partnership members, license application for bonded warehouseman, 82-163 Payments, deferred, 34-2,111 Penalties, see Crimes and penalties, ante Perishable goods, sale, 34-273 Personal property, tax situs, 79-201f Possession of warehouse by secretary, shortages, 34-2,104 Posting, notice, condition of grain in special bin, 34-237 Pricing, delayed, 34-2,111 Priority of owner's interest in grain stored, 34-2,107 Public warehouses, Acceptance of shipment, 34-241 Definition, 65-6a18 Shipments to other warehouse, 34-241 Storage of grain, 34-233 Publication, grain in special bin, 34-237 Rates and charges, Handling for transportation, 34-241 Maximum charges, 34-125 Offense, charges other than listed charges, 34-235 Receipts, 34-239 Remedies other than liens, 34-271 Risk and shrinkage in transit, 34-241 Schedule, 34-235 Transportation charges, 34-241 Receipts. Warehouse Receipts, generally, this index Receivership, grain shortage, 34-2,104 Records and documents, copies, retention, 34-295a Inspection, 34-295b Separate from other business, 34-295b Records of account, 34-295a, 34-295b Refusing delivery of goods, 34-268, 34-270 Remedies. Actions, ante Removing grain for safekeeping, 34-237 Sale of grain, Discontinuing operation, disposition of proceeds, 34-299 Negotiable receipt in possession, 34-288 Perishable grain, 34-273 Proceeds of sale, 34-276 Satisfaction of lien, 34-272, 34-274, 58-208 et seq. Sample, grain offered for storage, 34-233 Schedule of charges, 34-125, 34-235 Secretary of state, bonded warehouseman, 82-163 et seq. Separate warehouses, applications for licenses, 34-228 Shipment to other public warehouse, 34-241 Shortages in warehouses, 34-2,104, 34-2,105, 34-2,106 Shrinkage in transit, charges, 34-241 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Special bins, Drying and cleaning grain, 34-237 Heating, damages, 34-237 Receipt, 34-246 Specified warehouse, shipment, 34-241 Standard of care, 84-7-204 Stop sale orders, 2-1008 Storage charges, lien, statement, 84-7-202 Storage in public warehouses, 34-233 Subpoenas, examinations, 34-230a Supervision, 34-102 Surrender of grain, lien, 34-268 Tax exemptions, personal property stored, tax exemption, 79-201f Tax situs of property, 79-201f, 79-1006 Title in warehouseman, 34-259 Transfers, nonnegotiable receipt, attachment, 34-282 Transportation charges, 34-241 Unpaid balances, 34-2,111 Voidable sale, insufficient funds check, 34-2,112 Warehouse Receipts, generally, this index Weight of grain, certificate, 34-233 Withholding grain from storage, 34-234 Witnesses, hearings, 34-230a WARRANTIES Bank Deposits and Collections, this index Documents of title, Collecting bank, 84-7-508 Negotiation or transfer, 84-7-507 Investment Securities, this index Letters of Credit, this index Limitation of actions, 60-511 Mobile home manufacturers, 75-1221 Mortgages, 58-2303 Motor vehicles, Certificate of title, 8-135 Manufacture and sale, 8-2419 Real property transaction, limitation of actions, 60-511 Recreational vehicle manufacturers, 75-1221 Reimbursement for repair work, 16-120 Sales, this index WARRANTS Bench warrants, appearance before magistrate, 22-2901 Criminal Procedure, this index Habeas corpus, aid of writ, 60-1506 WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT OF MONEY Agricultural extension councils, 2-612 Armories, payments by state, 48-314 Cemetery districts, 17-1344 Cities. Municipal warrants, post County warrants. Municipal warrants, post Drainage Districts, this index Duplicates, issuance, 10-701 et seq. Fire districts, no-fund, 19-3601b General educational development credentials, expenses, 74-32,263 Interest rates, limitation prescribed, 10-1009 Intragovernmental printing service depreciation reserve fund, 75-1004b Irrigation districts, 42-709 Military forces, Issuance by state controller, 48-251 Municipal Warrants, generally, this index Authority for issuance, 10-802 Check, combination warrant and check, 10-801 Cities, sewer connections, property owners, no-fund warrants, 12-631 City manager, signature, 10-803 Claims, uniform procedure for payment, 12-105a, 12-105b Clerk, duties, 10-801, 10-803, 10-804 Combination warrant and check, 10-801 Counties over 150,000, petty cash fund, 19-264 County Warrants, generally, this index Crimes and punishments, 10-810 Definitions, uniform procedure for payment of claims, 12-105a Destruction, stamped or marked paid, 12-120 Facsimile signature, 10-803, 10-806 Fines and penalties, 10-810 Hospitals, 13-14b13 Illegal warrants, signing, 10-810 Issuance, 10-801 No-fund warrants, post Payment, 10-806 Preparation, 10-801 Records, 10-805 Required, 10-804 Register, custody, 10-809 Signatures, 10-803, 10-805, 10-806 Unauthorized or illegal warrants, 10-810 Treasurer, duties, 10-805, 10-806 Register, custody, 10-809 Signing illegal warrants, 10-810 Unauthorized warrants, Attesting, 10-810 Signing, 10-810 Warrant register, custody, 10-809 No-fund warrants, 79-2938, 79-2939 Application to state board of tax appeals, 79-2938, 79-2939 Call for redemption, 10-808 Cities. Municipal warrants, ante Clerk, duties, 10-807 County homes, certain counties under 7,000, 19-2106f Endorsement, 10-807 Fairs and expositions, 19-1561e, 19-1561g Federal aid, 12-1664 et seq. Fire department, joint operation by township and city of third class, 80-1535 Fire districts, Townships over 17,500, 80-1534 Form, 79-2940 Hospitals, 13-14b13 Issuance, 79-2940 Jail, 19-15,102 et seq. Law enforcement agency in certain counties, 19-4420, 19-4442 Machinery and equipment, emergency purchase, 12-110a Motor vehicle tax, deficiency in receipts, 79-2939b Notice of hearing, 79-2938, 79-2939 Payment, 10-807, 79-2938, 79-2939 Payment of certain, 10-806 Public utility fund, 79-2939 Reappraisal of property for tax purposes, 79-1413a Receipt for taxes, 10-807 Recording, 10-807 Redemption, call, 10-808 Removal of unsafe structures, 12-1755 Roads and highways, machinery and equipment, 68-516c Sale, 79-2940 Separate fund, tax levy to pay, 79-2940 Service assessment fund, 12-1674 Sewer districts, 19-2752a Special services fund, urban area, 12-1674 Surplus from tax levy, 79-2940 Surplus property and public authority act, 27-323 Taxes, use for payment, 10-807 Taxes paid under protest, refund, 79-2005, 79-2005b Townships, Carnegie libraries, 80-808 Fire department, joint operation with city of third class, 80-1535 Fire districts, townships over 17,500, 80-1534 Treasurer, duties, 10-807, 10-808 Youth camp, youth home, 38-549 Public wholesale water supply districts, 19-3554 Roads and Highways, this index Salvage, sale, 70-103 Secured debts act, 79-3121 et seq. Social welfare programs, state warrants, 39-710 State Warrants, generally, this index Tax appeals, state board of, authorizing issuance of emergency warrants by taxing districts, 74-2439 Townships, fire districts established under, 80-1512 et seq., 80-1514b Vocational rehabilitation disbursements, 76-12c08, 76-12c09 Water plan act, 82a-922 Weed control and eradication, 2-1318 WARRANTY DEEDS Generally, 58-2203 WASHBURN UNIVERSITY OF TOPEKA Municipal Universities, this index WASHINGTON COUNTY Boundaries, 18-1,101 Marshall county, 18-158a Pony express station situated near Hanover, historical property, 76-2017, 76-2017a WASTE See, also, Garbage and Refuse, generally, this index Actions, 58-2523 Appeal and review, 65-3411 Hazardous waste, 65-3440, 65-3458 Solid waste, 65-3412, 65-3417, 65-3419 Central interstate low-level radioactive waste compact, 65-34a01 et seq. Counties, departments of public works, 19-4501 et seq. Hazardous substances, 65-3452a et seq. Administrative procedure, 65-3456a Clean-up costs, liability for, 65-3455 Defined, 65-3452a Environmental response fund, 65-3454a, 65-3455 Secretary of health and environment, Rules and regulations, 65-3453 Hazardous waste, 65-3430 et seq. Administration of program, 65-3431 Agricultural pesticide, collection programs, 65-3460 Appeals, 65-3440, 65-3443, 65-3445, 65-3446, 65-3456a, 65-3458 Applications, Conditions, 65-3435 Contents, 65-3437 Secretary, duties, 65-3433, 65-3435, 65-3437 Burial, underground, prohibitions, 65-3458 Radioactive wastes, prohibition, 48-1620 Civil penalties, 65-3444 Clean-up costs, liability for, 65-3442, 65-3472 Collection programs, 65-3460 Confidential information, 65-3447 Construction plans, 65-3439 Criteria for identifying, 65-3431 Danger to persons, duties of secretary, 65-3443 Definitions, 65-3430 Discharge of hazardous materials, civil liability, 65-3472 Disposal facilities. Facilities, generally, this subhead Emergency involving discharge of, 65-3471, 65-3472 Energy recovery techniques, rules and regulations concerning, 65-3431 Environmental danger, duties of secretary, 65-3443 Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657 Facilities, Injection well, 65-3430 Monitoring, 65-3431 PCB disposal facilities, post Permits, generally, post Standards, 65-3431 Radioactive waste, 65-3449 Funds, Hazardous waste collection fund, 65-3460 Generators, standards for, monitoring of, 65-3431 Grants, collection programs 65-3415, 65-3415a Hazard to public health, 65-3445 Hazardous waste management fund, 65-3431, 65-3441, 65-3491 Civil penalties, 65-3444 Expenditures, 65-3491 Hearings, 65-3439, 65-3440, 65-3446 Household, collection programs, 65-3460 Industrial hemp, 2-3909 Information, collection of, 65-3431 Injection well, 65-3439 Injunctions, 65-3445 Inspections, 65-3431 Management plan, 65-3431 Penalties, 65-3441, 65-3444, 65-3446 Permits, 65-3431 Application, 65-3437 Approval, 65-3433 Requirements, 65-3433, 65-3437, 65-3439 Revocation, 65-3439 Suspension, 65-3439 Term, 65-3439 Plan, statewide hazardous waste management, 65-3431 Pollution, duties of secretary, 65-3443 Property, Radioactive wastes, acquisition by state, 65-3449 Sale or disposal, 65-3431 Radioactive wastes, Central interstate low-level radioactive waste compact, 65-34a01 et seq. Governor, site acquisition, 65-3449 Legislature, site acquisition, 65-3449 Notification of site investigations, 65-3449 Site acquisition, approval, 65-3449 Storage or disposal facilities, fees, 65-3431 Underground disposal prohibited, 48-1620 Records, acquisition of, 65-3431 Research, 65-3431 Rules and regulations, 65-3431, 65-3439, 65-3443 Samples, collection of, 65-3431 Secretary of health and environment, Administrative penalties, 65-3446, 65-3450 Applications, modification or construction of facilities, 65-3433, 65-3435 Burial of waste, prohibitions, 48-1620, 65-3458 Duties, 65-3431, 65-3443, 65-3445 Rules and regulations, 65-3443, 65-3458, 65-3460 Site acquisition, radioactive wastes, 65-3449 Small quantities, collection programs, 65-3460 Title to, 65-3442 Trade secrets, 65-3447 Transportation, 65-3431 Treatment facilities. Facilities, generally, this subhead Underground burial, prohibitions, 65-3458 Unlawful acts, 65-3441 Violations, duties of secretary, 65-3443 Oil and Gas, this index Permits, Limitations on issuance, 65-3407 Plastic containers, labeling, 65-3425 Recyclables, collection and disposal, Cities and counties, powers, 65-3410 Fees, 65-3410 Solid waste, 65-3401 et seq. Advisory council, abolished, 75-5622 Appeals, 65-3412, 65-3417, 65-3419 Cities, 12-2123 Burning operations, 65-3409 Collection and disposal, Cities and counties, powers, 65-3410 State agencies and institutions, 65-3408 Committee, 65-3405 Construction and demolition landfills, 65-3407 Contracts, resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421, 65-3423 Corrective action, costs, 65-3415a County attorney, duties, 65-3414 County solid waste management plan, 65-3405 Definitions, 65-3402 Department of health and environment, Employees, limits, 65-3427 Disposal areas, Cleanup costs, 65-3415a Exemption, small landfills, 65-3406 Fees, permit renewal, 65-3407 Local input, 65-3407, 65-3407c Monitoring costs, 65-3415a Permits, 65-3407, 65-3407a, 65-3407b Exemptions, 65-3407c Standards, 65-3406 Disposal of, Demolition waste, 65-3407c Fee, State, 65-3415b Livestock carcasses, unprocessed, 65-3407c Natural disaster waste, 65-3407c Transportation waste, 65-3407c Dumping or depositing, illegal, 65-3409 Cleanup costs, 65-3415a Emergencies, costs, 65-3415a Enforcement of law, 65-3414, 65-3419 Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657 Fees, Disposal, State, 65-3415b Permits, 65-3407 Tonnage, State, 65-3415b Fund, solid waste management, 65-3415a Garbage and Refuse, generally, this index Generator, liability for, 65-3418 Advisory committee, 65-3426 Hearings, 65-3412 Appeals, 65-3412 Illegal disposal, 65-3409 Cleanup costs, 65-3415a Industrial hemp, 2-3909 Injunction, 65-3419 Inspections, 65-3409 Landfills. Disposal areas, ante Liability of generator, 65-3418 License. Permit, disposal area or processing facility, post Local health departments as state agents, 65-3413 Management plan, statewide, 65-3406 Management system, Conditions and procedure for granting franchises, 19-2677 Definitions, 19-2676 Franchises, 19-2677 Resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 Motor carrier law, exemption, 66-1,109 Orders altering systems, 65-3411 Appeals, 65-3411 Penalties, 65-3419 Permits, Disposal area or processing facility, 65-3407, 65-3407a, 65-3407b Exemptions, 65-3407c Permits, Transfer of, conditions, 65-3407 Plan, County, 65-3405 Conformity with, 65-3407 Grants, 65-3415 Regional, 65-3405 Conformity with, 65-3407 State, 65-3406 Plans or programs, considerations, 65-3417 Plastic bulk merchandise containers Requirements, 65-3428 Municipal recycling programs excepted, 65-3429 Plastic containers, labeling, 65-3425 Policy of state, 65-3401 Processing facilities, Local input, 65-3407, 65-3407c Permits, 65-3407 Exemption, 65-3407c Standards, 65-3406 Regional management, 65-3405 Grants, 65-3415 Reports, legislature, 65-3406 Resource recovery facilities, Contracts, 65-3418, 65-3421, 65-3423 Disposal of materials, 65-3418 Waste control, 65-3418 Rules and regulations, 65-3406 Secretary of health and environment, Report to certain legislative committees Secretary of health and environment, duties and functions, 65-3406 Resource recovery facility, disposal of materials, 65-3418 Small landfill exemption, 65-3406 State institutions and agencies, 65-3408 Tire disposal, post Tonnage fee, State, 65-3415b Townships in counties of 7,800 to 8,300, 80-2205 Unlawful acts, 65-3409 Vesting of title to hazardous waste, 65-3418 Zoning restrictions, conformity with, 65-3407 Storage tanks, generally, this index Tire disposal, 65-3424 et seq. Abatement. Nuisances, abatement, this subhead Appeals, 65-3424l Cleanup. Nuisances, abatement, this subhead Crimes and Punishments. Unlawful acts, this subhead Enforcement, 65-3424k Fund, 65-3424g Grants, 65-3424g Landfilling, 65-3424a Nuisances, abatement, 65-3424k Costs, 65-3424g Permitting system, 65-3424b Retailers, requirements, 65-3424i Review, 65-3424l Rules and regulations, 65-3424h Secretary of health and environment, duties and authorities, 65-3424b Tire derived products, 65-3424g Unlawful acts, 65-3424a, 65-3424b, 65-3424i Wastewater management plans, 65-3308 et seq. WASTEWATER Appeal and review, 65-3312, 65-4509 Committee, 65-3309 Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657 Federal aid, Application of act, 65-3313 Duties and functions of secretary of health and environment, 65-3310 Implementation of plan, recommendations, 65-3311 Industrial siting, regulations and standards, 65-3311 Management committee, 65-3309 Management plans, 65-3308 Plan, preparation and review, 65-3309 Plans, 65-3308 et seq. Secretary of health and environment, Appeals, 65-3312 Duties and functions, 65-3310 Plan approval, 65-3309 Rules and regulations, 65-3308, 65-3310, 65-3311 Septic tanks, regulations and standards, 65-3311 Storage tanks, generally, this index Treatment facilities, Certification of operators, 65-4501 et seq. Correspondence course, fee, 65-4506 Qualifications, 65-4506 Revocation or suspension, 65-4507, 65-4508 Appeals, 65-4509 Hearings, 65-4508 Without examination, 65-4503 Classification, 65-4505 Definitions, 65-4501 Fees, 65-4513 Penalties, 65-4517 Reciprocal certification, 65-4504 Rules and regulations, 65-3311, 65-4512 Secretary of health and environment, powers and duties, 65-4502 WATCHMEN Highways, repairs or improvements, 68-2104 WATER Compacts, Arkansas River, this index Republican River Compact, this index Dams and Reservoirs, this index Funds, Water program management fund, 65-167 Lakes and Ponds, this index Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index Navigable Waters, this index Rivers and Streams, this index Wastewater, this index Water Authority, Kansas. Water Office, Kansas, generally, this index Water Companies, this index Water Conditioning, this index Water Districts, this index Water Impoundments, this index Water Office, Kansas, this index Water Plan, this index Water Plan Act, this index Water Pollution, this index Water program management fund, 65-166b, 65-4514, 82a-1206 Water Resources, Division of, this index Water Skis, this index Water Supply, this index Water Wells, this index Waters and Watercourses, generally, this index Watershed Districts, this index WATER AUTHORITY, KANSAS See Water Office, Kansas, this index WATER BANKING Waters and Watercourses, generally, this index WATER COMMISSION Abolition, 74-506a et seq. Water Resources, Division of, generally, this index WATER COMPANIES See, also, Public Utilities, generally, this index Bonds, 66-125 et seq. Meters, accuracy, 66-119 Officers, employees and agents, free or reduced rates, 66-109 Public utility as meaning, 66-104 Rates and charges, free or reduced rates, 66-109 Unclaimed deposits, 58-3934 et seq. WATER CONDITIONING Generally, 12-3601 et seq. Contractors, 12-3601 Bond and insurance required, 12-3602 Certification, 12-3602 Qualifications, 12-3602 Registration with city, 12-3602 Unlawful acts, 12-3602, 12-3605 Equipment, 12-3601 City regulation, 12-3603 WATER CONSERVATION Kansas water authority. Water Office, Kansas, this index Kansas water office. Water Office, Kansas, generally, this index Water and Watercourses, generally, this index WATER DISTRICTS Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Acquisition by adjoining municipality of rural district system, 82a-649 Actions and proceedings, 82a-619 Adequate water supply, Determination in considering petition, 82a-616 Statement in petition, 82a-614 Annexation of territory, certain counties, 19-3502a, 19-3512 Assets, securing loans financing projects, 82a-619 Attachment of adjoining lands, 82a-622, 82a-624 Findings of board, 82a-624 Notice and hearing on petition, 82a-623 Benefit units, Director, 82a-617 Proceeds, 82a-621 Reinstatement of, 82a-621 Schedules, 82a-621 Bids and bidding, generally, this index Board, Extension of mains, 19-3514 Franklin, Johnson, Miami and Wyandotte counties, 19-3505 Appointment of general manager, 19-3510 Powers, 19-3509 Salary and expenses, 19-3505 Terms, 19-3505 Rules and regulations, 19-3514 Water supply and distribution districts, Financial statements, 19-3521 Meetings and records, 19-3520 Bonds, 19-3516 Construction of works, 82a-625 Refunding, limitations, 19-3516a Agreements to extend, certain counties, 19-3512 Bylaws, 82a-617 Check dams, Construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Necessity of construction and maintenance, 82a-614 Chlorination and fluoridation of supply, 19-3521a Claims, payment of, 19-3519 Condemnation of fee simple title, 82a-619 Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq. Construction of facilities, 82a-619 Construction of works, 82a-625 See, also, Contracts, generally, this index Conversion of cooperative and nonprofit corporations into rural water districts, 82a-631 Benefit units, holders of stock or membership certificates, 82a-634 Dissolution of corporation or cooperative, 82a-635 Duties of county commissioners, 82a-633 Notice and hearing, 82a-632 Supplemental provisions of law, 82a-636 Cooperation with secretary of United States department of agriculture, 82a-619 Corporations not for profit converted to, cost of construction, 82a-619 Counties, Johnson county wholesale water supply act, 19-3522 et seq. Boundaries, limitation, 19-3502a Governing board, 19-3528 et seq. Incorporation, 19-3525, 19-3526 Purposes, 19-3523 Counties under 100,000, 19-3536 et seq. Construction and maintenance along highways, 19-3543 Costs and expenses, 19-3540 Purchase and sale of water, 19-3543 Real and personal property, 19-3542 User charges, 19-3541 Cultivation of submarginal land, 82a-616 Dams and reservoirs, construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Definitions, 82a-612 Cooperative or nonprofit corporation converted into rural water district, 82a-635 Easements, securing loans to finance projects, 82a-619 Elections, Directors, 82a-626 Franklin, Johnson, Miami and Wyandotte counties, 19-3507 Mail ballot, 82a-648 Officers of board, 82a-627 Eminent domain, 82a-619 Water supply and distribution, 19-3511 Employment of labor and services, 82a-620 Equipment, construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Establishment, 19-3503 Estimates, cost of improvement, 82a-621 Federal aid, 82a-619 Financing leases, 19-3516 Finney county, 19-3536 et seq. Fluoridation of supply, 19-3521a Franklin county water supply and distribution districts, 19-3501 et seq. General manager, certain counties, 19-3510 Gifts, acceptance, 82a-619 Groundwater management districts. Waters and Watercourses, this index Hearings, organize, 82a-615 Improvements, 82a-614, 82a-616 See, also, Improvements, generally, this index Inadequate water supply, petition, 82a-614 Incorporation, 82a-616 Petition, 82a-614 Installation of facilities, 82a-619 Insurance, mortgage insurance charges, 82a-619 Interest, notes and mortgages, 82a-619 Interlocal cooperation, 12-2901 et seq. Johnson county water supply and distribution districts, 19-3501 et seq. Johnson county wholesale water supply act, governing board, powers, 19-3531 Joint district, 80-1616 et seq. Rules and regulations, 80-1617 Budget, 80-1617 General manager, 80-1617 Insurance, 80-1617 Operation, 80-1616 Treasurer, duties, 80-1617 Lakes and ponds, Condemnation of fee simple title, 82a-619 Construction and maintenance, 82a-616, 82a-619 Multipurpose small lakes program, 82a-1601 et seq. Lands, release of, 82a-646, 82a-647 Appeal, 82a-646 Compensation, 82a-646 Factors, 82a-646 Lease-purchases, 19-3516 Levy of taxes, power or authority, 82a-615 Loans for financing projects, 82a-619 Maintenance of facilities, 82a-619 Metes and bounds, 82a-614 Miami county water supply and distribution districts, 19-3501 et seq. Mortgages, 82a-619 Motor vehicles, registration of, 8-1,134 Municipalities, sale of water by, 82a-621 Necessity of facilities, 82a-614 Nonparticipating members, 82a-621 Notes, power to execute, 82a-619 Operation of facilities, 82a-619 Participating members, landowners of attached territory, 82a-624 Perpetual succession, 82a-619 Personal property, power to hold, 82a-619 Pipelines, Annexation by city, 12-528 Construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Proposed installation, 82a-619b Plans and specifications, 82a-621 Ponds, construction and maintenance, 82a-616, 82a-619 Powers, 82a-619 Public wholesale water supply district act. Water Supply, this index Pumping installations, construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Purchase, powers, 82a-619 Quasi-municipal corporations, 82a-616 Sale of water by districts, 82a-621 Rates and charges, 19-3515 Real property, power to hold, 82a-619 Refinancing projects, 82a-619 Rules and regulations, 82a-621 Rural districts, 82a-612 et seq. Acquisition by adjoining municipality, 82a-649 Acquisition of district by another, 82a-650 Actions and proceedings, 82a-619 Annexation of territory by cities, 12-539, 12-540, 12-541 Appraisers, apportionment of, 12-541 Contract for water service, franchise fee, 12-540 Annual meeting of governing body, 82a-618 Assets, securing loans to finance projects, 82a-619 Attachment of adjoining land, 82a-622, 82a-624 Findings of board, 82a-624 Notice and hearing on petition, 82a-623 Audit, 82a-628 Benefit units, 82a-621 Director, 82a-617 Proceeds, 82a-621 Reinstatement of, 82a-621 Schedule, 82a-621 Board of directors, 82a-617 Board of public utilities, 82a-637 Body corporate, 82a-616 Bonds, construction of works, 82a-625 Improvement and industrial districts, inclusion, 82a-602a, 82a-614a Budget, 82a-628 Bylaws, amendments, 82a-617 Chairman of board of directors, 82a-627, 82a-628 Check dams, construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Compensation, 82a-628 Condemnation of fee simple title, 82a-619 Consolidation, 82a-639 et seq. Authorization of members, 82a-640 Board of directors of consolidated district, 82a-644 Election of officers of consolidated district, 82a-644 Hearing, 82a-642 Notice, 82a-641 Liabilities of districts consolidated, 82a-643 Order, 82a-642 Participating members of consolidated district, 82a-645 Petition, 82a-640 Powers, 82a-643 Construction of facilities, 82a-619 Construction of works, 82a-625 Contracts, 82a-619 Board of public utilities, 82a-637 Conversion of cooperative and nonprofit corporations into rural water districts, 82a-631 Benefit units, holders of stock or membership certificates, 82a-634 Dissolution, 82a-635 Duties of county commissioners, 82a-633 Notice and hearing, 82a-632 Supplemental provisions of law, 82a-636 Dams and reservoirs, construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Declaration, conversion of cooperative and nonprofit corporations, 82a-633 Definitions, 82a-612 Directors, 82a-617 Construction of works, 82a-625 Election, 82a-626 Officers of board, election, 82a-627 Petition for attachment, 82a-623 Vacancies, 82a-618 Cooperative or nonprofit corporation converted to rural district, 82a-635 Election, Directors, 82a-626 Officers of board, 82a-627 Eminent domain, 82a-619 Employment of labor and services, 82a-620 Equipment, construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Expenditures from appropriations for water resources board, 82a-922 Federal aid, 82a-619 Forfeiture of office, 82a-617 Gifts, acceptance, 82a-619 Governing body, 82a-618 Hearing on petition to organize, 82a-615 Findings required, 82a-616 Incorporation, 82a-613 Incorporation of certain districts ratified, 82a-616 Installation of facilities, 82a-619 Insurance, mortgage insurance charges, 82a-619 Interest on bonds, 82a-625 Lands, release of, 82a-646, 82a-647 Levy taxes, power or authority, 82a-615 Loans for financing projects, 82a-619 Maintenance of facilities, 82a-619 Metes and bounds, petition by outside landowners, 82a-622 Mortgages, 82a-619 Municipalities, sale of water, 82a-621 Nonparticipating members, 82a-621 Notes, power to execute, 82a-619 Notice, meeting to adopt bylaws, 82a-617 Operation, Contracts with board of public utilities, 82a-637 Facilities, 82a-619 Transfer to board of public utilities, 82a-637 Perpetual succession, 82a-619 Personal property, power to hold, 82a-619 Pipelines, Construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Proposed installation, Alteration of location, 82a-619b Notice to easement grantor, 82a-619b Plans and specifications, 82a-621 Powers, 82a-619 Proposed operating budget, 82a-621 Purchase, powers, 82a-619 Quasi-municipal corporations, 82a-616 Sale of water, 82a-621 Ratification of certain districts, 82a-616 Real property, power to hold, 82a-619 Records, entries, 82a-618 Refinancing projects, 82a-619 Release of lands, 82a-646 Alternative procedure, 82a-647 Reports, records and accounts, 82a-628 Revenue bonds, construction of works, 82a-625 Rights-of-way, securing loans to finance projects, 82a-619 Rules and regulations, 82a-621 Board of directors, 82a-618 Secretary of United States department of agriculture, cooperation, 82a-619 Secured loans, financing projects, 82a-619 Self-liquidating bonds, 82a-625 Storage of water, construction and maintenance of facilities, 82a-619 Subscriptions, Benefit units, 82a-621 Declaration of availability, 82a-621 Landowners of attached territory, 82a-624 Tax exemption, 79-201a Bonds, 82a-625 Time of hearing petition, 82a-615 Utilization of water, construction and maintenance of facilities, 82a-619 Water wells, construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Wills, bequest of property, 82a-619 Rural water supply districts. Water Supply, this index Sale of water supply systems, 19-3517 Schedule of benefit units and unit fees, 82a-621 Security, loans to finance projects, 82a-619 Self-liquidating bonds, 82a-625 State highways, 68-415 Storage of water, facilities, 82a-616 Submarginal land, cultivation, 82a-616 Subscription, benefit units, 82a-621 Landowners of attached territory, 82a-624 Tax exemptions, 79-201a Bonds, 82a-625 Time, hearing on petition to organize, 82a-615 Transportation of water, 82a-614, 82a-616 Construction and maintenance of facilities, 82a-619 Utilization of water, construction and maintenance of facilities, 82a-619 Wastewater management plans, 65-3308 et seq. Water assurance program act, 82a-1330 et seq. Water supply districts. Water Supply, generally, this index Water wells, construction and maintenance, 82a-619 Works, 82a-616 Wyandotte county water supply and distribution districts, 19-3501 et seq. WATER IMPOUNDMENTS Agreements with federal government, payment for water supply storage, 82a-934 Areas surrounding, Healthful and sanitary development, 65-184 et seq. Sanitation zones, 65-187 et seq. Improvements, generally, this index Multipurpose small lakes program, 82a-1601 et seq. Private water fishing impoundments. Fish and Game, this index Sanitation plan, 65-189c et seq. Wastewater management plans, 65-3308 et seq. Water plan storage act, 82a-1301 et seq. Water projects environmental coordination act, 82a-325 et seq. WATER OFFICE, KANSAS Generally, 74-2606 et seq. Appropriations, expenditure, state water plan, 82a-922 Health and environment, department of, transferred, 74-2620 State water plan, 82a-922 Water resources board, transferred, 74-2620 Authority, Kansas water authority, post Bank stabilization, 82a-1101 et seq. Contracts, 74-2609 Cooperation, state or federal agencies, 74-2608, 74-2610 Director, 74-2613 Appointment, 74-2613 Compensation, 74-2613 Duties, 74-2613, 74-2615, 74-2616 Kansas water authority, member and secretary, 74-2622 Water plan storage act, 82a-1301 et seq. Water transfers, 82a-1501 et seq. Weather modification act, 82a-1401 et seq. Revenue bonds, reservoir projects, 82a-1360 et seq. Rules and regulations, Lower smoky hill water supply access programs, 82a-2310, 82a-2324 Streambank easements, 82a-220 Drought, guidelines, 74-2608 Duties, 74-2608 Bank stabilization, 82a-1101 et seq. Conservation practices, guidelines, 74-2608 Drought, guidelines, 74-2608 Health and environment, department of, 74-2616 Revenue bonds, reservoir projects, water storage, 74-2609, 82a-1360 et seq. Water plan storage act, 82a-1319 Water projects grant fund, 82a-957 Water resources board, 74-2615 Water technical assistance fund, 82a-956 Weather modification act, 82a-1401 et seq. Easements, streambank, 82a-220 Appointment and compensation, 74-2614 Kansas civil service, 74-2614 Professional employees, 74-2612 Training, 74-2612 Established, 74-2613 Expenditures from appropriations, water plan act, 82a-922 Federal aid, acceptance, 74-2609 Financial assistance, 74-2609 Health and environment, department of, transfers from, 74-2616 et seq. Kansas governmental operations accountability law, application, 74-2613 Kansas water authority, 74-2622 Advisory committees, citizen, 74-2622 Appointment of members, 74-2622 Approval, matters submitted to legislature, 74-2622 Budget estimates, state agencies, submission, 74-2622 Compensation and expenses, 74-2622 Contracts, water supply access storage, 82a-2302 Duties, powers, 74-2622 Study, 74-2623 Federal agreements, approval, 74-2622 Kansas governmental operations accountability law, 74-2622 Lower smoky hill water supply access program, contracts, 82a-2301 Meetings, 74-2606 Membership, 74-2622 Office, 74-2606 Qualifications, 74-2622 Terms of office, 74-2622 Vacancies in office, 74-2622 Water plan budget recommendations, 82a-955 Lower smoky hill special irrigation district, Authorized, 82a-2316 Costs, fees and assessments, 82a-2319, 82a-2321 Expiration of authority to form district, 82a-2323 Formation, 82a-2317 Fund, 82a-2322 Governing board, 82a-2319, 82a-2320 Membership, 82a-2318 Lower smoky hill water supply access program, 82a-2301 et seq Bonds, financing, 82a-2314 Contracts, Payments for storage capacity, 82a-2310 Renegotiation of contracts for purchase of water supply, 82a-2311 District, Authorized, members, governing body, 82a-2304 Board of directors, 82a-2306, 82a-2307, 82a-2308 Charges imposed against members, 82a-2310 Conservation plans, 82a-2313 Powers of, 82a-2309 Prospective members, 82a-2305 Establishment of programs, 82a-2302 Expriation of program, 82a-2302 Financing, revenue bonds, 82a-2314 Fund, 82a-2303 Lower smoky hill special irrigation district, ante Releases, water supply access water, 82a-2310, 82a-2312 Rules and regulations, 82a-2310, 82a-2324 Suits arising from program, 82a-2310 Transferral of rights to receive access water, 82a-2310 Multipurpose small lakes program, 82a-1601 et seq. Negotiation and agreements with federal government, 82a-933 et seq. Orders and directives, 74-2615, 74-2616 Real property, 74-2615, 74-2616 Research, 74-2608 Revenue bonds, reservoir projects, 82a-1360 et seq. Water storage, 74-2609, 82a-1360 et seq. Rules and regulations, 74-2611, 74-2615, 74-2616 Training for professional employees, 74-2612 Water plan storage act, 82a-1319 Water projects grant fund, 82a-957 Water technical assistance fund, 82a-956 Weather modification, 82a-1403 Rural water finance authority, Ks., 65-163d State water plan, Amendments, prior approval, water authority, 74-2622 Submission to legislature and governor, 82a-906 Water resources, 74-2608 Streambank easements, 82a-220 Study, 74-2623 Training for professional employees, 74-2612 Vouchers, 74-2613 Water appropriation act, acquisition of water rights, 74-2609 Water assurance program act, 82a-1330 et seq. Water conservation practices, guidelines, 74-2608 Water plan, powers and duties, 74-2608, 82a-932 et seq. Water plan act, expenditures from appropriations, 82a-922. See, also, Water Plan Act, generally, this index Water plan storage act, administration, 82a-1301 et seq. See, also, Waters and Watercourses, this index Water projects grant fund, 82a-955 Water right transition assistance program, 2-1930, 2-1931 Water technical assistance fund, 82a-955 Water transfers, 82a-1501 et seq. Water resources board, transfers from, 74-2615 et seq. Water supply access program, lower smoky hill, ante Weather modification act, duties, 82a-1401 et seq. WATER PLAN See, also, Water Plan Act, generally, this index Generally, 82a-927 et seq. Agreements with federal government, Conservation storage features for water supply, 82a-933 et seq. Payment for conservation storage features, 82a-934 Bank stabilization, 82a-1101 et seq. Conservation, State responsibility to manage, 82a-930 Storage features, duties of state board, 82a-933 et seq. Construction of state plan, 82a-943 Coordination of planning, intergovernmental, 82a-931 Disposal of water, 82a-927 Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657 Evidence of need, Conservation storage features, water supply, 82a-933 Federal government, state agreements with, payment for water supply storage features, 82a-934 Flood control and conservation, 82a-927 Flood control features, 82a-930 Funding, Penalty receipts, 82a-952 State economic development initiatives fund, transfer, 79-4804 State general fund transfers, 82a-953a State water plan fund, 2-1205, 2-2204, 82a-951 Transfers to water projects grant fund, 82a-955 Transfers to water technical assistance fund, 82a-955 Water protection fee, 82a-954 Goals and objectives, 82a-928 Implementation of water plan act, 82a-927 et seq. Intergovernmental coordination of planning, 82a-931 Kansas water authority. Water Office, Kansas, this index Long-range goals and objectives, 82a-927 Minimum streamflows, 82a-703a, 82a-703b, 82a-703c Negotiation with federal government for release of water from project, 82a-933 Planning, intergovernmental coordination of, 82a-931 Research related to water resources, 82a-941 Responsibility for water, state, 82a-929 Severability of plan, 82a-944 State agencies, duties, research related to water resources, 82a-941 State responsibility for water, 82a-929 Storage, conservation for supply, duties of board, 82a-933 Storage act, 82a-1301 et seq. See, also, subhead Water Plan Storage Act under Waters and Watercourses, this index Wastewater management, 65-3308 et seq. Water conservation, responsibility, 82a-930 Water Resources Board, generally, this index Water resources of state, Powers of, United States, rights, 82a-942 Research related to, duties of state agencies, 82a-941 WATER PLAN ACT Adoption, 82a-903 Budget request, projected costs, 82a-920 Contracts, federal government, 82a-910 Diversion of waters, 82a-915 Cooperation of state agencies, 82a-903 County clerk, notice of hearings, 82a-905 Definitions, 82a-902 Diversion of waters, federal government, contracts, 82a-915 Formulation, 82a-903 Funds, payments, 82a-922 Health and environment, secretary, cooperation, 82a-903 Hearings, 82a-905 Implementation, state water plan, 82a-927 et seq. Inspection of record, hearings, 82a-905 Kansas water authority. Water Office, Kansas, generally, this index Kansas water office. Water Office, Kansas, this index Legislative declaration, 82a-901a Legislature, plan, 82a-905, 82a-906 Recommendation for inclusion, federal projects, 82a-911 Mail, notice of hearings, 82a-905 Notice, hearings, protest, 82a-905 Payments, warrants, 82a-922 Petition, future water supplies, 82a-910 Plan or sections submitted to governor and legislature, 82a-906 Priorities and preferences, 82a-907 Public hearings, 82a-905 Recommendations, 82a-903 Records, hearing, 82a-905 Rules and regulations, 82a-903, 82a-923 State cost, statements, 82a-913 State treasurer, payment of fund, 82a-922 State water plan, submission to legislature and governor, 82a-906 Summary of plan, notice, 82a-905 Time, hearings, 82a-905 Uses of water, preferences, 82a-907 Warrants, payment of bills, 82a-922 Water Office, Kansas, this index Water resources, division of, cooperation, 82a-903 WATER POLLUTION Generally, 12-3101 et seq. Abatement, stream pollution, 65-171b Abatement and prevention, financial assistance program, 65-3301 et seq. Account. State water pollution control account, post Actions and proceedings, 65-170 Administrative actions, intervention, 65-170e Animal life, detriment, 65-171a et seq. Appeal and review, 65-164, 65-170d, 65-171d Civil penalties, 65-170d Polluting material disposition order, 65-164 Areas surrounding water impoundments, 65-184 et seq. Attorney general, 65-170e Civil actions, intervention, 65-170e Classification of stream segments, 82a-2001 et seq. Cleanup operations, Duties of secretary of health and environment, 65-171d, 65-171v Jurisdiction of department of health and environment, 74-623 Tax increment financing, 12-1771, 12-1771a Complaints and investigations, 65-164 Confined feeding facilities, 65-171d Hogs, 65-1,178 et seq. Conservation programs, 82a-2007 Control and prevention account, 65-3307 Control projects, contributions by municipality, 65-3306 Corporation commission, jurisdiction, 74-623 Crimes and penalties, 65-167, 65-170, 65-170c, 65-170d, 65-170e, 65-171f Damages to environment, liability for, 65-171u Discharge, defined, 65-161 Discharge of sewage, 65-164 Damages to environment, liability for, 65-171u Disclosure of information, 65-170g Domestic wastes, 65-171d et seq. Drinking water standards, 65-171h Effluent standards, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 65-165 Environment, liability for damages to, 65-171u Environmental coordination act, water projects, 82a-325 et seq. Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657 Facilities, access to, investigations, 65-170b Federal water quality and effluent standards, 65-165 Feedlots, exemption from act, 65-171i Financial assistance program, 65-3301 et seq. Fines. Crimes and penalties, ante Freshwater reservoir or farm pond privately owned, exemption, 65-171d Fund, Kansas water pollution control revolving, 65-3321 et seq. Annual report, 65-3328 Audit of fund, 65-3322 Bonds, issuance of, 65-3329 Definitions, 65-3321 Intended use plan, preparation, 65-3325 Interest on moneys, 65-3322 Municipalities, 65-3326 Project accounts, 65-3327 Project priority list, 65-3324 Secretary of health and environment, powers and duties, 65-3323 Use of moneys, 65-3322 User charges, 65-3327 Grants in aid to municipalities, 65-3303 et seq. Industrial wastes, 65-171d et seq. Inspections, access to properties and facilities, 65-170b Investigations, 65-164 Access to properties and facilities, 65-170b Designated agency, 65-171e Director of the division of environment, 65-170 Fees, 65-163 Irrigation works, domestic user, 42-312 Kansas water pollution control revolving fund, 65-3321 et seq. Lawn irrigation system, 65-171y Licenses and permits, 65-165, 65-166, 65-171d, 65-1,178 et seq. Expiration date, 65-166a Fee schedule, 65-166a Fines and penalties, 65-167, 65-170d Violations, liability for damages to environment, 65-171u Livestock, Hogs, 65-1,178 et seq. Mercury discharges, 65-171j Municipalities, 65-3302 Cooperative programs for abatement and prevention, 65-3301 et seq. Grants in aid, limitation, 65-3303 et seq. Oil and gas, 65-171d et seq. Production activities, 55-150 et seq. Salt water disposal, 55-904 Penalties. Crimes and penalties, ante Person, defined, 65-170a Plans, wastewater management, 65-3308 et seq. Pollution, defined, 65-171d Potential sources, registration, 65-171d Privately owned lands, exemption, 65-171d Program for abatement and prevention, 65-3301 et seq. Projects, pledge of revenue by municipality, 65-3306 Recommendations, Director of the division of environment, 65-170 Legislature, 65-171h Records, access to, investigations, 65-170b Registration of potential sources, 65-171d Reports, director of the division of environment, 65-170 Revolving fund, Kansas water pollution control, 65-3321 et seq. Rules and regulations, 65-171d Salt water, Disposal from oil and gas activities, unlawful acts, 55-904 Injection wells, 65-171d et seq. Services, designated agencies, 65-171e et seq. Sewage contamination, 65-171g Sewage disposal, permits, 65-165, 65-166 Administrative appeal, 65-165 Violations, liability for damages, 65-171u Standards, state water quality, 65-165, 65-1,175 et seq. State water pollution control account, Administration and allocation, restrictions, 65-3304 Appropriations to, 65-3306 Contributions by municipality, 65-3306 Encumbering moneys in, 65-3306 Rules and regulations, 65-3305 Storage tanks, generally, this index Stream segments, classification of, 82a-2001 et seq. Surface ponds, privately owned, exemption, 65-171d Tax increment financing, 12-1771, 12-1771a Technical advisors, secretary of health and environment, 65-171c Underground storage reservoirs, 65-171d et seq. United States government, application of effluent standards to, 65-171x Violations. See Crimes and Penalties, ante Wastewater management plans, 65-3308 et seq. Water office, Kansas, duties, 74-2608 Waters of the state, defined, 65-161 WATER RESOURCES, DIVISION OF Generally, 74-506a et seq. Administrative matters, 82a-1901 et seq. Appropriation of water, 82a-706b, 82a-708a Chief engineer, 74-506d Administrative matters, 82a-1901 et seq. Appropriation of water, Beneficial use permits, 82a-708a Rules and regulations, 82a-706a Dams and other water obstructions, regulation, 82a-301 et seq. Dams for collection and storage of water, 82a-405 et seq. Drains and levees, authority concerning, 24-126 Due consideration, 82a-744 Flex account, 82a-736, 82a-774 Floodplain zoning, Approval of ordinances and regulations, 12-766 Rules and regulations, 12-766 Funds, water appropriation certification fund, creation, 82a-731 Groundwater, withdrawal and transportation for use in adjoining states, approval, 82a-726 Groundwater management districts, 82a-1022 et seq. Waters and Watercourses, this index Irrigation districts, 42-701 et seq. Joint drainage districts, approval of organization, 24-661 Kansas water authority, ex officio member, 74-2622 Notification, 82a-1906, 82a-1042 Obstructions in streams, 82a-301 et seq. Orders, 82a-1901 Petition for rural water district, 82a-603, 82a-615 Review, 82a-1901 Rules and regulations, 74-568, 82a-1903, 82a-1904, 82a-1905 Appropriation of water, 82a-706a Lower smoky hill water supply access program, 82a-2310 Water rights conservation program, 82a-741 Rural water supply districts, filing plans, specifications and estimates of cost, 82a-608 State departments and universities, information and assistance, 74-510 Water assurance districts, duties, 82a-1333, 82a-1337 Water plan storage act, 82a-1301 et seq. Filing contracts with, 82a-1312 Water rights conservation program, 82a-741 Water transfers, 82a-1501 et seq. Compensation and salaries, 74-506d Contracts, water plan storage act, filing, 82a-1312 Cooperation, water resources board, 74-2610 Creation, 74-506a Dams and other water obstructions, regulation by chief engineer, 82a-301 et seq. Dams for collection and storage of waters, 82a-405 et seq. Diversion of water, unlawful, directives, 82a-706b Employees, 74-506d Permanent status of certain, 74-505b Experts, employment, 74-506d Flood control, approval of reports for improvements, 12-638 Groundwater management districts, 82a-1020 et seq. Approval of priority areas of concern action plans, 82a-1044 Local enhanced management areas, 82a-1041 Powers and duties, 74-506b Term permits, 82a-736 Water assurance program act, 82a-1330 et seq. Water conservation areas, 82a-745 Water plan act, cooperation, 82a-903 Water rights conservation program, 82a-741 Water supply, jurisdiction, 12-2713 Water transfers, 82a-1501 et seq. Watershed development, 24-901 et seq. Watershed Districts, generally, this index WATER RESOURCES BOARD Abolished, 74-2615 et seq. Water Office, Kansas, this index WATER SKIS Boats and Boating, this index WATER SUPPLY See, also, Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index Generally, 12-2701 et seq. Abandoned holes, failure to seal, 82a-1213 Actions and proceedings, Damaging mains, 19-2622 Health measures, 65-170 Analysis, fees, 65-156 et seq. Appeal and review, Certification of operators, 65-4509 Corporation commission orders, 66-1215 Delivery of water, order withholding, 65-163a Health orders, 65-163 Permit denial, 65-163 Public water supply systems, 65-171s Appropriation of water, preferences, 82a-707 Arkansas river compact, 82a-520 Authority and powers under law, 12-2715 Board of public utilities. See Municipally Owned Utilities, this index Boards and commissions, Eminent domain, 76-147 Financing waterworks, 13-1257 Water supply and distribution districts, Financial statements, 19-3521 Meetings and reports, 19-3520 Cities. See Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index Cleanup operations, pollutant discharge, 65-171v Collection and storage of water, Drought emergency, access, 82a-408 Plans, approval, 82a-406 Contamination, Development of emergency plans, 65-171n Notice of, 65-171o Possibility justifying refusal to deliver, 65-163a Prevention, 65-171g Contractors, nonresident, taxes, 79-1008 et seq. Contracts, 12-2701 et seq., 19-3515 Cities and federal or state agencies, 12-2718 et seq. Exemption from reimbursement limitation, 12-2722 Counties, County parks, financing, 19-2652, 19-2653 Johnson county water district no. 1, easement, 19-3521b Johnson county wholesale water supply act, 19-3522 et seq. Governing board, 19-3528 et seq. Incorporation, 19-3525, 19-3526 Purposes, 19-3523 Townships supplying water to, 80-1605 Counties under 100,000, 19-3537 et seq. County clerk, Dissolved rural district, delivery of record, maps and files, 82a-611 Petition for rural district filed with, 82a-602 Notice, 82a-603 Secretary of rural district, 82a-605 County hospitals, cities of second class, 14-714 Crimes, punishments and penalties, Delivery of water, order to withhold, 65-163a Flowage rights to waterworks, 12-853, 12-854 Permit to supply, 65-163 Pollution, 65-171f Water mains, 19-2620 et seq. Damages, mains and connections, 19-2622 Dams and reservoirs, 12-809 Private water company, powers of drainage districts, 24-407 Rural water supply districts, post Deeds and conveyances, Finney county, state property, 74-3321 Definitions, 65-161 Township sewer systems, 80-2001 Water supply and distribution districts, 19-3501 Design, minimum standards, 65-171h Dissolution of rural water supply districts, 82a-611 Distribution of water, 12-2701 et seq. Joinder of municipalities, 12-2702 et seq. District in Franklin, Johnson, Miami and Wyandotte counties, 19-3509 Board, powers, 19-3509 Districts. Water Districts, generally, this index Dividends, 66-1214 Drainage districts, interference, 24-407, 24-418 Drinking water standards, Exemptions, 65-171q Variances, 65-171p Drought emergency and relief, Access to collections of water, 82a-408 Counties, 19-3001 et seq. Easements, 12-2702, 12-2703, 12-2711 Rights-of-way by state agencies, 75-2130 et seq. Eminent domain, 12-809, 12-2705, 12-2710 Kansas City, Missouri, 79-205 Mains and pipelines, 19-2623 Municipally owned utilities, 12-845 State institutions, 76-147 Water supply and distribution, 19-3511 Employment of labor and services, rural districts, 82a-607 Environment, liability for damages to, 65-171u Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657 Exemptions, primary drinking water standards, 65-171q Facilities, access to, investigations, 65-170b Federal agencies, Contracts, 12-2716 et seq. Reimbursement for storage or impoundment, 12-2719 Federal reservoirs, agreements with federal government to pay for storage features, 82a-934, 82a-1330 et seq. Fees, Analysis, 65-156 Clean drinking water, 82a-2101 Distribution of, 82a-2101 Financing leases, 19-3516 Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Flowage rights, 12-852 Foreign municipal corporation, 12-810 Franchises, 12-2001 et seq. Groundwater, withdrawal and transportation for use in adjoining states, 82a-726 Groundwater exploration and protection act, 82a-1201 et seq. Health and Environment, State Department of, generally, this index Impounding water. Collection and storage of water, ante Improvement districts, 12-2701 et seq. Improvements, generally, this index Industrial districts, 19-3808 Inspections, access to properties and facilities, 65-170b Investigations, 65-163 Access to properties and facilities, 65-170b Director of the division of environment, 65-170 Fees for support, water supply permits, 65-163 Johnson county, wholesale water supply act, 19-3522 et seq. Joint acquisition and maintenance, bonds, revenue, pledge of, 12-2709 Jurisdiction, state agencies, 12-2713 Kansas rural water financing authority, 65-163d Laboratories, water sample analysis, 65-171l Lease-purchases, 19-3516 Leavenworth waterworks board, 13-2414 et seq. Loan programs for municipalities, 65-163d et seq. Mains and pipelines, Annexation by city, 12-528 Construction, highways, 19-2618 et seq. Easements, 12-2711 Maintenance, minimum standards, 65-171h Misdemeanors, pollution, 65-171f Motor carriers, exemption, 66-1,109 Municipality water supply project loan program, 65-163d Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index Operators. See Systems, certification of operators, post Osawatomie, city of, contract to supply Osawatomie state hospital, 76-1237, 76-1238 Person, defined, 65-170a Petition, appropriation of water, 12-809 Pipelines. Mains and pipelines, ante Plans and specifications, 12-2707 Townships, 80-1606 Pollutant discharge, cleanup operations, 65-171u, 65-171v Powers, rural water supply districts, 82a-606 Primary drinking water standards, 65-171m Rules and regulations, 65-171m Public water supply project loan program, 65-163d et seq. Applications for loans by municipalities, 65-163i Authorities and duties of secretary of health and environment, 65-163f, 65-163g, 65-163h, 65-163k Bonds, General obligation, 65-163u Revenue, 65-163l, 65-163m, 65-163n, 65-163o, 65-163p, 65-163q, 65-163r Loan fund, Established, 65-163e Purposes for disbursements therefrom, 65-163e Notice of bond issuance, 65-163t Priority system for projects, 65-163g, 65-163h Repayment sources, 65-163j Reports, 65-163k Public water supply systems, Certification, extension of systems, 65-163 Contamination, notice of, 65-171o Damages to environment, liability for, 65-171u Definitions, 65-162a Fees, clean drinking water, 82a-2101 Injunctions, 65-171t Loan program, 65-163d Meters, 12-2723 Penalties for violations, 65-171s Appeal and review, 65-171s Plans and specifications, 65-163 Prohibited acts, 65-171r Public wholesale water supply districts, 19-3545 et seq. Boundaries, limitation, 19-3547a Definition of terms, 19-3546 General obligation bonds, 19-3557 Tax levy, 19-3557 Governing body, 19-3550 Audits, 19-3551 Meetings, 19-3551 Officers, appointment, 19-3550 Powers, authorities and privileges, 19-3552 Terms of office, 19-3550 No-fund warrants, 19-3554 Organization, conditions, 19-3547a, 19-3549 Powers of public agencies, 19-3547 Agreements, contents, 19-3547 Appropriation of funds, 19-3548 Contracts, purchase or sale of water, 19-3548 Furnishing of services, 19-3548 Purchase of water, 19-3548 Sale of water, 19-3548 Purposes, 19-3545 Revenue bonds, 19-3553, 19-3557 Purification, 65-163 Recommendations, Director of the division of environment, 65-170 Legislature, 65-171h Records, access to, investigations, 65-170b Refusal to deliver, contamination possibility, 65-163a Reports, director of the division of environment, 65-170 Republican river compact, 82a-518 Reservoirs, Federal, Agreements to pay for storage features, 82a-934 Financing of acquisition, 82a-1370 Revenue bonds, 74-2609, 82a-1360 et seq. Storage or impoundment, reimbursement of federal agency, 12-2719 Revenue bonds, reservoir projects, 82a-1360 et seq. River, damming for, 12-809 Rural water supply districts, 82a-601 et seq. Assessments, benefits and costs, 82a-608 Bonds, 82a-609 Boundaries, alteration of, 19-270 Budget, 82a-610 Compensation and salaries, 82a-610 County clerk, Acting as secretary, 82a-605 Dissolved district, delivery of records, maps and files, 82a-611 County treasurer acting as district treasurer, 82a-605 Directors, 82a-605 Officers' term of office, 82a-610 Dissolution, 82a-611 Employment of labor and services, 82a-607 Hearing, petition, 82a-603, 82a-604 Incorporation, 82a-601, 82a-604 Necessity of construction, dams, wells and improvements, determining, 82a-604 Petition, Consideration of, 82a-604 Dissolution, 82a-611 Incorporation and organization, 82a-602 Time fixed for consideration, 82a-603 Plans and specifications, filing, 82a-608 Powers, 82a-606 Quasi-municipal corporations, 82a-604 Records, 82a-605 Repair of works, 82a-610 Secretary, Certificate of dissolution, 82a-611 Filing plans, specifications and estimates, 82a-608 Sale of water, water supply systems, 19-3517 Sales tax, Exempt sales, 79-3606 Rate of tax, 79-3603 Sanitary codes, counties, 19-3701 et seq. Sanitary quality investigation, 65-163 Fees for support, 65-163 Schools and school districts, 12-2701 et seq. Secretary of health and environment, jurisdiction, 12-2713 Standards of design, 65-171h State agencies, jurisdiction, 12-2713 State institutions, eminent domain, 76-147 State supervision, 44-603 Storage for public, water office, acquisition of rights, 74-2609 Storage or impoundment, reimbursement of federal agencies, 12-2719 Systems, certification of operators, 65-4501 et seq. Certification, qualifications, 65-4506 Correspondence course fee, 65-4506 Revocation or suspension, 65-4507, 65-4508, 65-4509 Certification without examination, 65-4503 Classification, 65-4505 Definitions, 65-4501 Fees, 65-4513 Penalties, 65-4517 Reciprocal certification, 65-4504 Rules and regulations, 65-4512 Secretary of health and environment, powers and duties, 65-4502 Tax exemptions, Kansas City, Missouri, 79-205 Works, machinery and fixtures, 79-201a Taxation, 12-2706 Johnson and Wyandotte counties, 19-3505a Reimbursement, Tax loss on acquisition, 12-820a Under contracts with federal agencies, 12-2719 Rural water supply districts, 82a-606 Townships, post Water supply and distribution districts, 19-3508 Townships, 12-2701 et seq., 80-1601 et seq. Adjoining townships, purchasing water from, 80-1601 Bonds, Limitation on bonded indebtedness, 80-1608 Maturity, 80-1604 Payment from revenues, 80-1602 Pledges, 80-1607 Federal government, 80-1602 Refunding bonds, 80-1607, 80-1610 et seq. Sale of bonds, 80-1603 Additional bonds to federal government, 80-1602 Supplemental powers, 80-1609 Surrender of bonds before delivery of refunding bonds, 80-1611 Terms of bonds, 80-1604 Cities of first class, purchasing water from, 80-1601 Construction of water system, 80-1601 Contracts, Adjoining township, purchasing water from, 80-1601 City of first class, purchasing water from, 80-1601 Construction of system, 80-1601 Supplying water, 80-1605 Counties, township supplying water to, 80-1605 Disconnection of service, nonpayment of sewer charges, 80-2018 Elections, bond issues, 80-1602 Extension to system, 80-1602 Federal government, sale or pledge of bonds to, 80-1602 Financing, 80-1602 Fire hydrants, 80-1605 Hearings, bond issue resolution, 80-1606 Improvements, 80-1602 Interest, bonds, 80-1604, 80-1607 Liens, bonds, 80-1602 Municipalities, township supplying water to, 80-1605 Rates and charges, Extensions to system, 80-1602 Fixing, 80-1606 Refunding bonds, 80-1607, 80-1610 et seq. Repairs to system, 80-1602 School districts, supplying water to, 80-1605 Taxation, 80-1605 Bond payments, 80-1608 Transfer to city of first class, 13-1275 et seq. Bonds, payment, 13-1275 et seq. Treatment, 65-163 Urban renewal, construction of facilities, 17-4754 Variances, primary drinking water standards, 65-171p Water and sewage department, creation, 12-859 Water and sewage fund, combined system, 12-858 Water assurance program act, 82a-1330 et seq. Contracts for storage, 82a-1332 Definitions, 82a-1331 Water assurance districts, 82a-1333 et seq. Rules and regulations, 82a-1345 Water Districts, generally, this index Water Office, Kansas, generally, this index Water plan storage act, 82a-1301 et seq. See, also, Waters and Watercourses, this index Water resources division, jurisdiction, 12-2713Water rights conservation program, 82a-741 Water supply fee fund, 65-163c Water supply storage assurance fund, 82a-1349 Water wells. See subhead Groundwater Exploration and Protection Act under Waters and Watercourses, this index Watershed Districts, generally, this index WATER WELLS Abandonment, safety measures, 19-2504 et seq. Artesian wells, Certificates, filing, 42-330 et seq. Inspection, waste, 42-398, 42-399 Records, boring, 42-330 et seq. Waste, 42-399 Inspection, 42-398 Cities, 12-694 Drilling rigs, motor carrier exemption, 66-1,109 Drought relief, counties, 19-3001 et seq. Groundwater exploration and protection act. Waters and Watercourses, this index Withdrawal and transportation of groundwater for use in adjoining states, 82a-726 WATERCRAFT Boats and Boating, generally, this index WATERS AND WATERCOURSES See, also, Rivers and Streams, generally, this index; Dams and Reservoirs, generally, this index; Lakes and Ponds, generally, this index Abandoned channels, Condemnation proceedings, 82a-203 Conveyance, Certain land in Leavenworth county, 76-182 Ogden, 82a-217 Sale, duties of secretary of state, 82a-202 Acquisition of new channel, 82a-201 Adjoining landowners, obstructions, 82a-308 Alteration of channels, 24-407 Flood or avulsion, secretary of state, fee title, 82a-202 Appraisement, abandoned channels, 82a-204, 82a-209 Appropriation of water, 12-809, 82a-701 et seq. Abandonment, 82a-718 Exception, 82a-718 Acquisition of rights, 74-2609, 82a-705 Actions and proceedings, Damages, 82a-721a Reference, 82a-725 Administration of act, 82a-706 Appeal and review, 82a-724 Abandonment of rights, 82a-718 Change of diversion point, 82a-708b Report of referees, 82a-725 Vested rights, 82a-704a Application, fees, 82a-708b Arkansas river compact, 82a-520 Attorney general, 82a-706d Augmentation, 82a-706b Banking of water. Water banking act, post Certificates, 82a-714 Civil penalties, 82a-737 Commissioner, field offices, 82a-706e Common-law claimants, Complaints, 82a-717a Damages, 82a-716 Diversion, 82a-717a Injunction, 82a-712 Investigation, 82a-717a Orders, 82a-717a Conditions, 82a-711a Licenses and permits, 82a-712 Minimum streamflows, 82a-703b Conservation plans and practices, 82a-733, 82a-736 Construction of act, 82a-721, 82a-721a Damages to owner of estate, 82a-721a Definitions, 82a-701 Distribution, judgments and decrees, 82a-719 Diversion, unlawful, 82a-706b Due consideration, 82a-745 Enforcement, civil, 82a-737 Extension of time, 82a-714 Field inspection fee, 82a-714 Flex account, 82a-736 Gravel pits, 82a-734 Legislative report, 82a-738 Rules and regulations, prohibition on, 82a-734a Impairment, vested rights, 82a-703 Injunction, 82a-706d Common-law claimant, 82a-712 Subsequent diversion, 82a-716 Inspection, diversion works, 82a-714 Interference, 82a-706b Application for, 82a-708a Fees, 82a-708a Judgments and decrees, Distribution, 82a-719 Forwarding to division of water resources, 82a-720 Licenses and permits, Application, 82a-709 Approval or disapproval, chief engineer, 82a-711, 82a-712 Conditions, 82a-711a Time for filing, 82a-709 Validation, 82a-715 Changes or additions to existing obstructions, 82a-301 Diversion of waters, 82a-717a Injunction, subsequent diversion, 82a-716 Temporary permit, 82a-727 Unlawful acts, penalties, 82a-728 Limited transfer permit, 82a-743 Maps, plans or plats, application for permit, 82a-710 Measuring devices, 82a-706c Minimum streamflows, 82a-703a, 82a-703b, 82a-703c Multi-year flex account, 82a-736, 82a-774 Notice, unlawful diversions, 82a-706b Objections, report of referees, 82a-725 Obstruction, 82a-706b Application, 82a-302 Penalties, civil, 82a-737 Perfecting appropriation, 82a-713 Prevention, 82a-706b Priorities and preferences, 82a-707 Application for permit, 82a-710 Applications, validating acts, 82a-715 Change of location of diversion point, 82a-708b Diversion of waters, 82a-717a Injunction, 82a-716 Quality checks, 82a-706c Register of deeds, recording certificate of appropriation, 82a-714 Report, annual, 82a-732 Rules and regulations, 82a-303, 82a-702, 82a-706, 82a-706a Sand pits, 82a-734 Legislative report, 82a-738 Term permit, application fee, 82a-708a, 82a-708c United States courts, reference, 82a-725 Unlawful acts, penalties, 82a-728 Unlawful diversion, 82a-706b Use subsequent to June 28, 1945, 82a-705a Vested rights, 82a-703 Determination, 82a-704a Diversion, 82a-717a Waste, injunction, 82a-706d Water banking act, post Water office, acquisition of rights, 74-2609 Withdrawal and transportation for use in adjoining states, 82a-726 Arkansas river compact, 82a-520 Bank stabilization, 82a-1101 et seq. Administrative costs, 82a-1103 Approval of projects, 82a-1101, 82a-1102, 82a-1103 Federal participation, 82a-1102 State participation, 82a-1102 Water plan, state, 82a-1101 Water resources board, 82a-1101, 82a-1103 Boats and Boating, generally, this index Boundaries of drainage districts, 24-453 Sale of abandoned channel, 24-453 Channels, Abandoned channels, appraisement, 82a-204, 82a-209 Acquisition of new, 82a-201, 82a-203 Alteration of, 24-407 Flood or avulsion, title to, 82a-202 Changing, cities, 12-694 Condemnation of new, 82a-203 Cities of second class, 14-701a et seq. Civil penalties, 82a-737 Classification of stream segments, 82a-2001 et seq. Classification of streams, 82a-2001 et seq. Classified stream segments, 82a-2001 Collection of water, 82a-405 et seq. Certificate of completion, 82a-407 Plans, approval, 82a-406 Conservation, Agricultural machinery, permit for moving, 8-1911 Conservation reserve enhancement program, 2-1933 Plans and practices, 82a-733 Practices, guidelines, 74-2608 Conservation easements. Easements, this index Contracts, foreign municipalities, 24-111 et seq. Counties, Boundaries, 18-201 Cleaning and maintaining banks and channels, 82a-307 et seq. County general fund, expenses and damages of cleaning and maintaining, 82a-308 Crimes and punishments, Flowage rights, 12-853, 12-854 Obstructing ditch, drain or stream, 24-206, 24-307 Offenses committed over or on water, jurisdiction and venue, 22-2605, 22-2606 Damages, Cleaning and maintenance, counties, 82a-308 Liability for, 65-171u Dams and Reservoirs, generally, this index Deeds and conveyances, new channels, 82a-202 Defined, 65-161 Division of water rights, 82a-742 Drainage Districts, generally, this index Drains and Drainage, generally, this index Drought emergencies, access to collections of water, 82a-408 Dry watercourses, collection and storage of water, Certificate of completion, 82a-407 Plans, approval, 82a-406 Easements, Collection and storage, 82a-409 Tax exemptions, 82a-409 Conservation easements. Easements, this index Emergency management boat ramp, 82a-221 Streambank, 82a-220 Eminent domain, 12-809 Taking water from streams, 17-618 Environment, liability for damages to, 65-171u Establishing new channels, 24-407 Expenses, cleaning and maintenance by counties, payment, 82a-308 Federal reservoirs, Agreements with federal government to pay for storage features, 82a-934 Areas surrounding, regulations, 65-184 et seq. Fines and penalties, obstructing, 24-206, 24-307 Fishing. Wildlife, this index Flowage rights to waterworks system intake, 12-852 Groundwater, withdrawal and transportation for use in adjoining states, 82a-726 Groundwater exploration and protection act, 82a-1201 et seq. Abandoned holes, plugging, 82a-1213 Administration and enforcement of act, 82a-1205 Advisory council, water well contractors, abolished, 75-5622 Appeal from decisions of secretary, 82a-1211 Civil penalties, 82a-1216 Contractors. Licenses, this subhead Definitions, 82a-1203 Education, continuing, 82a-1205, 82a-1209 Fund, water program management, 82a-1206 Injunctions, 82a-1214, 82a-1217 Inspection, 82a-1205 Licenses, 82a-1205 et seq. Appeals, 82a-1211 Application, fees, 82a-1206 Complaints against licensees, 82a-1210 Examination, 82a-1207 Fees, 82a-1205 Hearing on revocation, 82a-1210 Qualifications, 82a-1207 Revocation, 82a-1209, 82a-1210, 82a-1211 Term, renewal, fee, 82a-1209 Without examination, 82a-1206 Log of drilling, boring or digging, 82a-1212 Penalties, 82a-1214 Rules and regulations, 82a-1205 Sand or well points, 82a-1218 Secretary of health and environment, administration, 82a-1201 et seq. Unlawful acts, penalties, 82a-1214 Water well contractors, licensing, 82a-1206 et seq. Groundwater management districts, 82a-1020 et seq. Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Annual meetings of eligible voters, 82a-1026 Change of number of directors, 82a-1026 Annual report to legislature, 82a-1043 Assessments, 82a-1030 Audit of accounts, 82a-1030 Authority of district, 82a-1028 Board of directors, 82a-1026 Compensation, 82a-1027 Dissolution of district, duties, 82a-1034 Election, 82a-1027 Functions and duties, 82a-1029 Management program, 82a-1029 Membership, 82a-1027 Officers, 82a-1027 Powers and duties, exercise, 82a-1027 Prohibition against farming district-owned land, 82a-1045 Exceptions, board request for proposal, 82a-1045 Quorum, 82a-1027 Rules and regulations, 82a-1028 Standards, 82a-1028 Terms, 82a-1027 Vacancies, 82a-1027 Budget, 82a-1030 Conservation practices, guidelines, Kansas water office, 74-2608 Contracts, 82a-1028 Projects, Bids and bidding, mistakes, procedures, 75-6901 et seq. Retention of moneys, satisfactory completion, 75-6909 Declaration of intent, 82a-1022 Definitions, 82a-1021 Disorganization of district, 82a-1034 Dissolution of district, 82a-1034 Eminent domain, 82a-1028 Entry on property, 82a-1028 Expenses, proposed district, 82a-1035 Extension or reduction of territory, 82a-1033 Finance of operation, 82a-1030 et seq. Funds, disposition upon dissolution, 82a-1034 Hearings, extension or reduction of territory, 82a-1033 Home office, 82a-1028 Improvement bonds, 82a-1031, 82a-1032 Incorporation, 82a-1025 Inspections, right of entry, 82a-1028 Intensive groundwater use control areas, 82a-1038 Conditions existing, 82a-1036 Designation as, 82a-1038 Duties of chief engineer, 82a-1036 Hearings, 82a-1037 Petitions, 82a-1036 Local enhanced management areas, 82a-1041 Legal counsel, 82a-1028 Management program, 82a-1029 Map of proposed district, 82a-1022 Meetings, annual, 82a-1026 No-fund warrants, 82a-1030 Notification, 82a-1906, 82a-1042 Officers, 82a-1027 Orders, extension or reduction of territory, 82a-1033 Organization, 82a-1022 Actions to attack legality, 82a-1025 Certificate of incorporation, 82a-1025 Election for approval, 82a-1025 Expenses of defeated proposed district, 82a-1035 Meeting to elect initial board, 82a-1026 Procedure for, 82a-1022 et seq. Petition for formation, 82a-1023 et seq. Criteria for approval, 82a-1024 Extension or reduction of territory, 82a-1033 Filing, 82a-1023 Signatures, 82a-1023 Sufficiency of, 82a-1024 Powers, 82a-1028 Priority areas of concern action plans, 82a-1044 Criteria, 82a-1044 Submission and review, 82a-1044 Purpose of act, 82a-1020 Resident office, 82a-1028 Rules and regulations, 82a-1042, 82a-1903, 82a-1904, 82a-1905 Sales tax exemption, 79-3606 Seal, 82a-1028 Special assessments, 82a-1032 Steering committee, 82a-1022 Sue and be sued, 82a-1028 Tax exemption, 79-201a Territory, extension or reduction, 82a-1033 Order, 82a-1033 User charges, 82a-1028 Water user, defined, 82a-1021 Water user charges, 82a-1030 Health nuisance, 65-159 Horsethief reservoir benefit district act, 82a-2201 et seq. Impounding of waters, 82a-405 et seq. Plans, approval, 82a-406 Improvements, generally, this index Injunctions. Appropriation of water, ante Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, generally, this index Kansas water banking act. Water banking act, post Land produced by accretion, sale, 82a-216 Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index Licenses and permits, Limited transfer permit, 82a-743 Licenses and permits. Appropriation of water, ante Limited transfer permit, 82a-743 Local enhanced management areas, 82a-1041 Maintenance of banks and channels, 82a-307 Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-408 Minimum streamflows, 82a-703a, 82a-703b, 82a-703c Missouri river boundary line agreement, 82a-521 et seq. Multipurpose small lakes program, 82a-1601 et seq. Application for participation, 82a-1607 Cost benefit analysis of alternatives required, 82a-1609 Definitions, 82a-1603 Department of agriculture, division of conservation, administration, duties, 82a-1602, 82a-1607, 82a-1608 Renovation projects, state participation, 82a-1604, 82a-1605, 82a-1606 Rules and regulations, 82a-1602, 82a-1604, 82a-1605 State participation in projects, 82a-1604, 82a-1605, 82a-1606 Navigable Waters, generally, this index New channels, streams, Acquisition, 82a-201 et seq. Payment for, 82a-204 Obstructions, 82a-301 et seq. Adjoining landowners causing, 82a-308 Application for permit, 82a-302 Fees, 82a-302 Keeping free of, 82a-307 Maps and plans, 82a-302 Permits, rules and regulations, 82a-303 Plans and specifications, 82a-302 Poles and wires, 17-1901 et seq. Pollutant discharge, cleanup operations, 65-171v Pollution. Water Pollution, generally, this index Ponds, pollution. Water Pollution, generally, this index Price, abandoned channels, 82a-204, 82a-209 Priorities and preferences. Appropriation of water, ante Private water fishing impoundments. Wildlife, this index Purchase price for new channel, limitation, 82a-202, 82a-203 Quality, protection for beneficial use, 65-171h Railroads, construction across or along, 66-501 Reclaimed land, suit by state to recover land wrongfully reclaimed, 24-102 Republican river compact, 82a-518 Research, water office, Kansas, 74-2608 Reservoir improvement district act, 82a-2401 et seq. Board of directors, 82a-2409, 82a-2410, 82a-2412 Definitions, 82a-2402 Dissolution, 82a-2418, 82a-2419, 82a-2420 General plan, 82a-2414, 82a-2415, 82a-2416 Meetings, 82a-2410, 82a-2411, 82a-2412, 82a-2415 Organization, Certificate of incorporation, 82a-2407 Election, 82a-2407 Expenses if disapproved, 82a-2408 Investigation by water office, 82a-2406 Petition, 82a-2403, 82a-2404, 82a-2405, 82a-2406 Report by water office, 82a-2406 Steering committee, 82a-2404 Petition, Approval by water office, 82a-2406 Circulation, 82a-2405 Requirements, 82a-2404 Sufficiency, 82a-2405 Powers and duties, 82a-2413 Reservoirs, Dams and Reservoirs, generally, this index Water Plan, generally, this index Rivers and Streams, generally, this index Sales, abandoned channels, 82a-204, 82a-205, 82a-209 Disposition of proceeds, 82a-204, 82a-210 Duties of secretary of state, 82a-204, 82a-209 Sand and gravel, 70a-101 et seq. Compensation state for taking, 70a-102 Failure to pay, interest and penalties, 70a-102a Diversion works, notice of deficiency, 82a-734 Proceeds from sale of sand products, 82a-309 Rules and regulations, prohibition on, 82a-734a Surveys, 82a-311 Secretary of state, procuring title to new stream channel, 82a-202 Sewers and Sewer Systems, generally, this index Soil Conservation Districts, generally, this index State water plan. See, Water Plan, this index Storage of waters, 82a-405 et seq. Certification of completion, 82a-407 Drought emergency, access, 82a-408 Plans, approval, 82a-406 Water plan storage act, post Water supply storage assurance fund, 82a-1349 Storage Tanks, generally, this index Stream segments, classification of, 82a-2001 et seq.Streambank easements, 82a-220 Streams, classification of, 82a-2001 et seq. Survey, Abandoned channels, 82a-204, 82a-209 Proceeds from sale of sand products, 82a-311 Taxes, Adjoining landowners causing obstructions, 82a-308 Cleaning and maintaining, 82a-308 Public utility property, 79-422 Telegraph, telephone and transmission lines, 17-1901 et seq. Term permits, 82a-736 Safe deposit account prohibition, 82a-774 Transfers of water, 82a-1501 et seq. Appeal to district court, 82a-1504, 82a-1505 Applications, 82a-1503 Approval of, 82a-1502, 82a-1503, 82a-1504 Conservation plans, 82a-1503 Definitions, 82a-1501 Emergency approval, when, 82a-1502 Hearings, 82a-1503 Presiding officer, 82a-1501a Rules and regulations, 82a-1506 Water transfer hearing panel, 82a-1501a Vested rights determination, 82a-704a Notice, 82a-704b Wastewater management plans, 65-3308 et seq. Water appropriation certification fund, creation, 82a-731 Water bank, Annual reports, 82a-766 Charter approval, 82a-765 Charter, extension or lapse of, 82a-767 Evaluation of, 82a-767 Extension or lapse of charter, 82a-767 Flex account prohibition, 82a-774 Payment of costs for assistance and services, 82a-771 Restrictions, 82a-763 Services, 82a-763 Water banking act, Application of law relating to abandonment of water right, 82a-768 Bankable water right, determination of, 82a-764 Chief engineer, division of water resources, 82a-762 et seq. Rules and regulations, 82a-769 Citation, 82a-761 Definitions, 82a-762 Deposits, 82a-763 Terms and conditions, 82a-763 Enforcement of act, 82a-770 Evaluation of water banks, evaluation team, 82a-767 Flex account prohibition, 82a-774 Implementation, 82a-761 Lease of water, 82a-763 Rules and regulations, 82a-769 Safe deposit accounts, 82a-763 Sand and gravel pits, legislative report, 82a-738 Water bank authority, 82a-763 Water office cost fund, 82a-773 Water resources cost fund, 82a-772 Water rights, application of law relating to abandonment, 82a-768 Water conservation areas, 82a-745 Water flow measurement device, Cedar Bluff reservoir, 82a-739 Water plan storage act, 82a-1301 et seq. Acquisition of water, 82a-1315b Amendment or revocation of contract, 82a-1316 Assignment, sale or transfer of contract or interest, approval required, 82a-1316 Attorney general, duties, 82a-1318 Charges for water, Deferred payments, 82a-1306 Disposition, 82a-1315a, 82a-1315b Surplus waters, 82a-1305 Conduct and withdrawal of water, 82a-1314 Conservation storage water supply fund, creation, 82a-1315b Contracts, 82a-1305 et seq. Amendment or revocation of, 82a-1316 Approval by authority, 82a-1311a Approval of assignment, sale or transfer, 82a-1316 Authorization, conditions, 82a-1305 Disapproval and revocation by legislature, 82a-1307 Expiration, opportunity to refuse new contract, 82a-1305 Failure to make payment for water, 82a-1317 Interest, 82a-1317 Filing, Chief engineer, 82a-1312 Secretary of state and legislature, 82a-1307 Interest, approval of assignment, sale or transfer of, 82a-1316 Provisions, 82a-1306 Definitions, 82a-1301 Disposal of certain water, 82a-1305 Enforcement of claim or right under act or rules, 82a-1318 Exercise and protection of rights, 82a-1313 Failure to make payment for water, 82a-1317 Financing, 82a-1370 Interest on overdue payment, 82a-1317 Meters, gauges or other measuring devices, 82a-1309 Repair or replacement, 82a-1309 Out of state acquisitions, 82a-1303 Overdue payment, interest, 82a-1317 Rate of charges for water. Charges for water, ante Release of water, 82a-1314 Rights authorized to be acquired, 82a-1303 Rules and regulations, 82a-1319 Surplus waters, disposition, 82a-1305 Use of water, 82a-1305 Water marketing fund, 82a-1315c Water reservation rights, 82a-1303, 82a-1304 Water subject to act, 82a-1302 Withdrawal and use of water, 82a-1305 et seq. Application for, 82a-1310a Contracts, 82a-1305 et seq. Exercise and protection of rights, 82a-1313 Request for, 82a-1314 Water Pollution, generally, this index Water rights conservation program, 82a-741 Watershed Districts, generally, this index Wells. Groundwater exploration and protection act, ante Wells. Water wells, generally, this index Withdrawal and transportation of groundwater for use in adjoining states, 82a-726 WATERSHED DISTRICTS Generally, 24-901 et seq., 24-1201 et seq. Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index Actions and proceedings, Attacking legality of incorporation, 24-1207 Contesting special assessments, 24-1217 Assessments. Special assessments, post Bids and bidding, generally, this index Board, defined, 24-1202 Bonds, 24-1219 et seq. Elections, 24-1215 Limitation on bonded indebtedness, 24-1220 Maturity, 24-1220 Resolutions, 24-1214 Transfer of territory between districts, 24-1226 Bridges, intermittent closing, 24-1234 et seq. Certificate of incorporation, 24-1207 Chief engineer, defined, 24-1202 Compensation and salaries, Directors, 24-1210 Judges and clerks of elections, 24-1207 Conservation easements. Easements, this index Definitions, 24-1202 Directors, Election, 24-1207, 24-1210, 24-1211 Organization petition, 24-1204 Term of office, 24-1210 Unsuccessful organization proceedings, duties, 24-1208 Dissolution, 24-1228 et seq. Certificate of dissolution, 24-1228 Partial dissolution, 24-1229 Disposition of funds, 24-1231 Effective date, 24-1230 Minutes and records of district, disposition, 24-1232 Notification, directors, 24-1230 Partial dissolution, 24-1229 et seq. White Clay watershed district no. 26, Transfer of responsibilities, City of Atchison, 24-123 Easements, Conservation easements. Easements, this index State lands, 75-2130 et seq. Elections, Dissolution of district, 24-1228 Judges and clerks of elections, 24-1207 Municipal territory, inclusion, 24-1205 Organization, 24-1207 Proposed projects, 24-1215 Qualified voter, defined, 24-1202 Entry on land, damages, 24-1218 Extension of territory, 24-1227 Financial statements and reports, 24-1211 Financing projects or improvements, 24-1214 et seq. Flood control, contracts, 12-635, 12-638 Flooding, closing roads, bridges, 24-1234 et seq. Funds, Disposition, dissolution of district, 24-1231 General fund, 24-1219 Structure maintenance fund, 24-1219 General plan, 24-1202 Financing proposed projects, 24-1213 et seq. Review by board of directors, 24-1216 Revisions, 24-1216 Hearing, Partial dissolution of district, 24-1229 Transfer of territory between districts, 24-1224, 24-1225 Improvements, generally, this index Interest, bonds, 24-1220 Limitation of actions, contesting special assessments, 24-1217 Municipal territory, inclusion, 24-1202 Names, 24-1204 No-fund warrants, 24-1219 Officers and employees, 24-1207 Entry on land, 24-1218 Plans and specifications, preparation, 24-1216 Organization, 24-1201a County commission, initiated by, 24-1203a Elections, 24-1207 Expenses of unsuccessful organization proceedings, payment, 24-1208 No-fund warrants, organizational expenses, 24-1219 Petition, 24-1203 Approval, 24-1206 Circulation, 24-1205 Validation, 24-1233 Projects, 24-1213 et seq. Real property, defined, 24-1202 Records, ownership of land, organization proceedings, 24-1203 Reports, Chief engineer of water resources division, 24-1206 Proposed projects and improvements, 24-1213, 24-1216 Special assessments, apportionment, 24-1217 Roads, intermittent closing, 24-1234 et seq. Special assessments, Bond issue elections, 24-1215 Bonds, 24-1217 Resolutions, 24-1214 Specific project, defined, 24-1202 Steering committee, defined, 24-1202 Subwatersheds, defined, 24-1202 Surveys, proposed projects, 24-1216, 24-1218 Taxation, 24-1219 et seq. Expenses of unsuccessful organization proceeding, 24-1208 Increase of levy, procedure, 24-1219 Resolutions, 24-1214 Transfer of territory between districts, 24-1222 et seq. Watershed, defined, 24-1202 WATERSHEDS Defined, watershed districts, 24-1202 Development plans, 74-2608 State plan, Kansas water office, 74-2608 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Legislature, this index WEAPONS Cadet corps, 48-203 Concealed handguns, licensing, 75-7c01 et seq. Attorney general, Authority, limitations, 75-7c17 Duties, Licenses, 75-7c03, 75-7c04, 75-7c05, 75-7c07 Records, 75-7c06 Renewal licenses, 75-7c08 Reports, 75-7c16 License, issuance, 75-7c03, 75-7c04 Rules and regulations, 75-7c04, 75-7c07, 75-7c16, 75-7c17 Construction of act, 75-7c17 Corrections officers, 75-7c05 Costs of, 75-7c13 Definitions, 75-7c02, 75-7c20, 75-7c22 Employees, possession by, 75-7c10, 75-7c20 Disclosure of license to employer, 75-7c23 Firearms, possession, criminal, Government property, 21-6309 Funds, Law enforcement equipment fund, 75-7c14 Licensure fund, 75-7c13 Law enforcement officers, foreign, 75-7c22 Law enforcement officers, retired, 75-7c05, 75-7c22 Liabilities, 75-7c10 License, Application, 75-7c05 False statements, 75-7c09 Destruction, 75-7c06 Fee, 75-7c05 Fingerprints, 75-7c05 Form, 75-7c03 Loss, 75-7c06 Provisional, 75-7c04 Qualifications, 75-7c04 Recognition of when issued by other jurisdiction, 75-7c03 Renewal, 75-7c08 Revocation, 75-7c07 Suspension, 75-7c07 Training, 75-7c04 Violations, prosecution, 75-7c17 Military personnel, 75-7c05 Parole officers, 75-7c05 Personal and family protection act, 75-7c01 et seq. Possession under the influence, 21-6332 Private employees, possession by, 75-7c10 Prohibitions, 75-7c10 Mentally ill and substance abusers, 75-7c25 Public buildings and public areas, possession in, 75-7c20 Public employees, possession by, 75-7c10, 75-7c20 Disclosure of license to employer, 75-7c23 Records, 75-7c06 Licenses issued to public employees, 75-7c23 Rules and regulations, 75-7c07, 75-7c16 Limitation on authority, 75-7c17 Training, 75-7c04 Sheriff, Duties, Renewal licenses, 75-7c08 Restraining orders, 75-7c07 Report, 75-7c05 State or municipal building and public areas, possession in, 75-7c20 State capitol, 75-7c21 Training, 75-7c04 Instructors, Liability insurance, 75-7c15 Qualifications, 75-7c04 Reciprocal requirements in other jurisdicitons, 75-7c04 Violations, penalties, 75-7c10 Control, criminal code, 21-6301 et seq. Crimes and Punishments, this index Criminal discharge, 21-6308 Criminal use, 21-6302 Aggravated by a convicted felon, 21-6305 Firearms, Appropriations, concerning use of, 75-6705 Buyback programs, use of tax proceeds, 12-16,124b Certification for transfer of, 48-1906 Chief law enforcement officer, transfer certification, 48-1906 Civil cause of action against firearm or ammunition manufacturers, 60-4501 Defacing identification marks, criminal code, 21-6306 Discharge, criminal, 21-6308 Imitation firearms, Sale, manufacture, distribution of, Allowed, when, 12-16,115 Civil penalty, 12-16,115 Limitations on liability of municipalities, 12-16,124a Manufacturers, civil cause of action against, 60-4501 Mentally ill persons, Petition for relief from prohibition, 75-7c27 Possession prohibited, 75-7c25 Mentally ill persons, petition for relief of firearm prohibitions, 75-7c27 Open possession in certain buildings, prohibited, 75-7c24 Permits, detectives, private, 75-7b17 Possession, criminal, Convicted felon, 21-6304 Juvenile, 21-6301 School grounds, 21-6301 State capitol, 21-6309 Under the influence, 21-6332 Regulation of, Cities, 12-16,124 Counties, 12-16,124 Open possession in certain buildings, 75-7c24 Transfer of firearms, 48-1906 Rifles and shotguns, Shotgun, gift to state, title transfer, 75-139 Seizure prohibited during official state of emergency, 48-959 State law enforcement agencies, retirement or resignation, personal sidearm purchase, 75-6613 Unlawful discharge in a city, 21-6308a Use in commission of crime, Parole eligibility, 22-3717 Highway patrol, 74-2111 Independent military organizations, 48-203 Knives, regulation of, prohibited, 12-16,134 Possession by convicted felon, 21-6304 Rifles, civilian rifle teams, 48-253, 48-254 Schools, weapon-free, 72-6131 et seq. Second amendment protection act, 50-1201 et seq. Certain actions, federal officials, Criminal penalties, 50-1207 Certain federal laws, inapplicable, 50-1206 Definitions, 50-1203 Firearms, component parts and ammunition; manufacturing, Exemption, interstate commerc, 50-1204 Legislative declaration, 50-1202 State law enforcement agencies, retirement or resignation, personal sidearm purchase, 75-6613 Unlawful discharge of firearm in a city, 21-6308a WEARING APPAREL County home inmates, 39-714 Firemen. See subhead Townships under Firemen, this index State supervision, 44-603 Tax exemptions, 79-201c Uniforms, generally, this index WEATHER Modification, 82a-1401 et seq. Actions for damages, license or permit no defense, 82a-1422 Administration, 82a-1403 Appeals to district court, 82a-1410 Definitions, 82a-1402 Director, water office, powers and duties, 82a-1405 Enforcement of orders, 82a-1421 Fees, 82a-1408 Exemption from payment, 82a-1406 Immunity from liability, 82a-1420 Injunctive relief, license or permit no defense, 82a-1422 License for activities, 82a-1405 et seq. Application, 82a-1407 Fees, 82a-1408 Exemption from payment, 82a-1406 Issuance and limitations, 82a-1405 Liability, 82a-1422 Qualifications of applicant, 82a-1407 Renewal, 82a-1408 Denial of, 82a-1418 Suspension or revocation, 82a-1409, 82a-1415, 82a-1419 Term, 82a-1408 Orders, enforcement, 82a-1421 Permit for project or program, 82a-1405, 82a-1411 et seq. Application, 82a-1411 Emergencies, 82a-1414, 82a-1415 Fees, 82a-1413 Exemption from payment, 82a-1406 Financial responsibility, 82a-1411 Limitations, 82a-1416 Qualifications of applicants, 82a-1411 Renewal, 82a-1414 Denial of, 82a-1418 Fees, 82a-1413 Revision, 82a-1415 Suspension or revocation, 82a-1415, 82a-1418, 82a-1419 Term, 82a-1414 Terms and conditions, 82a-1416 Reports of activities, 82a-1417 Representation of state in matters concerning weather modification, 82a-1405 Research and development programs, 82a-1405 Specific projects, permits, issuance and conditions, 82a-1405 State and local officers immune from liability, 82a-1420 Studies, hearings and investigations, 82a-1405 Tax levy, counties, 82a-1425 Unlawful acts, 82a-1423 Violations, penalty, 82a-1422 Water authority, powers and duties, 82a-1403, 82a-1405, 82a-1406 WEEDS Generally, 2-1313a et seq. Accounts, costs of control, 2-1320, 2-1332 Actions, charges for material or equipment, 2-1321 Agricultural machinery and equipment, 2-1327 Blowing, soil erosion, 2-2001 et seq. Cemetery associations, 2-1319 Chemicals, Costs, private lands, 2-1319 Purchase, 2-1322 Cities, Abatement of nuisance, 12-1,115, 12-1617e Cutting, 12-1617f General operating fund, expenditures, 2-1318 Tax levies, 2-1318 Conferences, 2-1317 Contracts or agreements, Federal agencies, 2-1315 Weed control materials, landowners, 2-1320 Control and eradication, General operating fund, cities, 2-1318 Official methods, 2-1331 Tax levies, 2-1318 Costs, Machinery or equipment, 2-1322 Counties, tax levies, 2-1318 County agricultural agent, 2-1315 County fund, 2-1316 County weed supervisor, powers and duties, 2-1318 Crimes and punishments, 2-1323, 2-1325 et seq. Discount program, noxious weed control, 2-1333 Emergency declarations, 2-1314c Enforcement, 2-1316 Federal agencies, cooperation, 2-1315 Feed, animal feed, 2-1328, 2-1329 Funds, 2-1319 Generally, 2-1313a et seq. Infested fertilizers, nursery stock, packing materials, soil or sod, 2-1326 Irrigation districts, 2-1319 Land, entry to control and eradicate, 2-1331 Landowners, costs, control and eradication, 2-1319, 2-1320, 2-1322, 12-1,115 Lien, cost of control and eradication, 2-1319, 2-1320 Notice, 2-1331 Noxious weeds, Control and eradication, 2-1313a et seq., 2-1314 Funds, 2-1318 Insufficient funds, 2-1318 Methods, 2-1315 Official methods, 2-1331 Tax levies, 2-1318 Declaration, 2-1314 Notice of infestation, 2-1331 Retention of records, 2-1318 Seeds of, defined, 2-1415 Sericea lespedeza, Research, Kansas state university, 76-4,102 Nuisance, abatement, 12-1,115, 12-1617e Payment, costs, control and eradication, 2-1319 Collect as taxes, lien, 2-1320, 2-1332 Prevention, spread of infestation, 2-1317 Publication, control and eradication methods, 2-1315 Purchase, equipment and material, 2-1322 Records, Correction, 2-1321 Purchases and sales, 2-1322 Reports, Control and eradication, 2-1317 Progress report, 2-1316 Restricted weed seed, defined, 2-1415 Roads and Highways, this index Rules and regulations, publication, 2-1315 State agency lands, 2-1319 Certified weed free, 2-1319a State departments, 2-1319 Certified weed free, 2-1319a State noxious weed advisory committee, 2-1314d Declaration of noxious weeds, approval of, 2-1313a Emergency declaration of noxious weeds, 2-1314c Statement, cost of control and eradication, 2-1319, 2-1320 Streets and alleys, 2-1319, 2-1322 Supervisors, Compensation, 2-1316 Entry on premises, 2-1330, 2-1331 Notice of infestation, 2-1331 Powers and duties, 2-1316 Tax collection, costs of control and eradication, 2-1320, 2-1332 Tax levy, 2-1318 Tax roll, costs, 2-1319 Townships, tax levies, 2-1318 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Generally, 83-201 et seq. Administrator of program, 83-205 Agricultural products, defrauding shipper, 50-131 Bulk sales, delivery ticket required, 83-212 Charges, providing weights, 83-214 City or county department of public inspection of weights and measures, 83-304, 83-305, 83-404, 83-405, 83-409 Civil penalties, 83-501, 83-502 Commercial feeds, tags or labels, 2-1002 Consumer protection act, violation of, 83-219 Continuing education seminars, scales, 83-302 Dispensing devices, 83-402 Scales, 83-302 Contraband, rejected devices, 83-216 Contracts, sales or purchases, weight or measure standards, 83-204 Coordinate system, Kansas, 58-20a01 et seq. Cosmetics, misbranded, 65-671 Crimes and penalties, 83-208, 83-219, 83-220 Dispensing devices, 83-409, 83-410 Liquefied petroleum gas, 83-149 Scales, 83-311 Cubic foot indicator, 83-145 Damages, Rejected devices, 83-217 Defacement, rejected tags, liquefied petroleum gas, 83-145 Definitions, 83-201 Dispensing devices, Civil penalties, 83-501, 83-502 Continuing education seminars, 83-402 Crimes and penalties, 83-409, 83-410 Definitions, 83-401 Entry upon private premises, 83-403 Inspection, testing and certification, 83-221, 83-402 et seq. Inspections, 83-403, 83-404, 83-405 Jurisdiction of secretary of agriculture, 83-321 Notice, out of compliance, 83-404 Reports, retention of, 83-404 Rules and regulations, 83-403 Service company, license, 83-402 Revocation or suspension, 83-407 Technical representative, license, 83-402 Revocation or suspension, 83-407 Testing, 83-405 Drugs and medicine, misbranded, 65-669 Enforcement orders, 83-209 Entry upon premises for inspection, 83-208 Farm trailers, 8-142 Fee fund, moneys credited, 83-302, 83-402 Feeds, commercial, tonnage report, 2-1004 Fertilizers, this index Fines and penalties. Crimes and penalties, ante Food adulteration, 65-664 Gasoline, 83-143 et seq. Head house scale program, 83-214 Injunctions, 83-223 Inspection program, 83-205, 83-206 Labeling requirements, 83-213 Large-capacity scales. Scales, large-capacity, post Licensed service company, 83-225 Liquefied motor fuel containers, 79-34,101 Liquefied petroleum gas, 83-143 et seq. Civil penalties, 83-501, 83-502 Continuing education seminars, 83-302 Crimes and punishments, 83-149 Entry upon private premises, 83-303 Inspections, 83-303 Labels and marks, 83-144 Notice, out of compliance, 83-304 Refilling containers, credit for unused portion, 83-148 Rejected devices, 83-145 Reports, retention of, 83-304 Rules and regulations, 83-303 Sales, Invoices, 83-146 Testing, 83-145 Secretary of agriculture, duties, 83-302 Service company, license, 83-302 Revocation or suspension, 83-308 Tare weight, 83-144 Technical representative, license, 83-302 Revocation or suspension, 83-308 Tests, 83-305 Liquid fuels, measuring. See, Motor vehicle fuels and liquid fuels, post Liquid meter, use when equipped with ticket, liquefied petroleum gas, printer, 83-145, 83-146 Local departments of weights and measures inspection, authorities and functions, 83-210 Meters, Liquefied petroleum gas, testing, 83-145 Vapor meters, liquefied petroleum gas, conversion factor to cubic feet or gallons, 83-146 Metric system recognized, 83-202 Motor vehicle fuels and liquid fuels, dispensing devices, 83-401 et seq. Notice, out of compliance, 83-304 Nuisances, rejected devices, 83-216 Orders, enforcement, 83-209 Out of tolerance devices, 83-214 Package sales, declaration of contents required, 83-213 Penalties. Crimes and penalties, ante Pesticides, label, 2-2203 Point-of-sale systems, 83-201 et seq. Poultry and poultry products, increase, 2-1113 et seq. Proving weights, 83-214, 83-401 et seq. Railway track scale, exclusion, 83-307 Rejection of weighing or measuring devices, 83-215, 83-216, 83-225 Repairing devices, prohibition, exceptions, 83-214 Rules and regulations, 83-207, 83-213, 83-221, 83-222, 83-403 Sales, Gasoline, 83-143 et seq. Liquefied petroleum gas, ante Scale tickets, Alteration, 83-154 Requirements, 83-155 Scales, 83-301 et seq. Civil penalties, 83-501, 83-502 Continuing education seminars, 83-302 Crimes and penalties, 83-311 Definitions, 83-301 Entry upon private premises, 83-303 Inspections, 83-304 License, testing and service, 83-302 Revocation or suspension of licenses, 83-308 Notice, out of compliance, 83-304 Rejection tag or mark, removal for purpose of testing or repairing, 83-225 Reports, retention of, 83-304 Rules and regulations, 83-303 Secretary of agriculture, duties, 83-302 Service company, license, 83-302 Revocation or suspension, 83-308 Technical representative, license, 83-302 Revocation or suspension, 83-308 Tests, 83-305 Secretary of agriculture, duties for inspection program, 83-206 Service company, license, 83-225, 83-302, 83-308, 83-402 Servicing devices, prohibition, exceptions, 83-214 Standards for weights and measures, 83-203 Standards used, 83-202 System of weights and measures, recognition, Customary use in U.S., 83-202 Metric system, 83-202 Testing or proving of weights and measuring devices, 83-214 Transfer of powers, duties and functions to secretary of agriculture, 83-321 et seq. Unlawful acts, 83-219, 83-311, 83-409, 83-410 et seq. Use of weighing or measuring devices for commercial purpose, presumption, 83-218 Ticket printer, use with liquid meter required, 83-145 Liquefied petroleum gas, 83-145, 83-146 Tickets, Sale of liquefied petroleum gas, 83-146 Vapor meter dial, use, liquefied petroleum gas, 83-145, 83-146 Vehicle tank meter, Civil penalties, 83-501, 83-502 Continuing education seminars, 83-302 Entry upon private premises, 83-303 Inspections, 83-304 Notice, out of compliance, 83-304 Reports, retention of, 83-304 Rules and regulations, 83-303 Secretary of agriculture, duties, 83-302 Service company, license, 83-302 Revocation or suspension, 83-308 Technical representative, license, 83-302 Revocation or suspension, 83-308 Tests, 83-305 Violation of consumer protection act, 83-219 Volumetric provers, 83-304 Water, appropriation, installation, 82a-706c WELFARE Social Welfare, this index WELLS Oil and Gas, generally, this index Water Wells, generally, this index WHARVES, DOCKS AND PIERS Acquisition by city, 12-672, 12-673 Bonds, 12-673, 13-1238 et seq. Cities over 115,000, 13-1241 Cities over 115,000, revenue bonds, 13-1241 Elevator terminal docks, cities of first class, revenue bonds, 13-1241 Levees, bonds, 13-1241 Municipal corporations, bonds, 12-673 River terminals, Bonds, 13-1241 Cities of first class, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq. Storage facilities, bonds, 13-1241 WHEAT See, also, Agricultural Products, generally, this index Adulteration, 21-5837 Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index Fairs and expositions, counties over 50,000, 2-301 Flour, enrichment, 65-2301 et seq. Threshing lien, 58-203 et seq. WHEAT CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Wheat commemorative building, Acceptance and expenditure of funds, 2-218 Agreement with board of state fair managers, 2-217 WHISTLEBLOWERS Kansas whistleblower act, 75-2973 State officers and employees, 75-2973 WHOLESALERS Drugs and medicine, 65-1627, 65-1635, 65-1645, 65-1655 Farm equipment and parts, repurchase obligation upon cancellation of contract to maintain for resale, 16-1001 et seq. Intoxicating Liquors, this index Sales, this index WICHITA, CITY OF Abuse, protection from, program grants, 74-7325 Airport authority, 3-162 et seq. Corporation commission, conservation division, offices, 74-606 Land, dedicated by state board of regents, certain tracts, 76-3a25 Retirement plan, employees, transfer of function, Kansas public employees retirement plan, membership, 74-4912b Purchase of forfeited service credit, 74-4919g United States buildings, 27-111 WICHITA COUNTY Boundaries, 18-1,102 Conveyance of land to Leoti, 19-26,101 Conveyances, irrigation purposes, 42-613, 42-617 Sales, irrigation farms, 42-618 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY Colleges and Universities, this index WIFE Husband and Wife, generally, this index WILD TURKEY Turkeys. Fish and Game, this index WILDLIFE See, also Parks, generally, this index; Wildlife and Parks, Department of, generally, this index Aged persons. Senior citizens, post Agricultural extension service. See subhead Kansas state university under Colleges and Universities, this index Amphibian, state, official, 73-2301 Art series, 74-7901 et seq. Big game, Clothing, visibility, 32-1015 Crimes, punishments and penalties, post Deer management plan, 32-966 Duties of secretary of wildlife and parks, 32-967 Motor vehicle accidents, 32-966 Definition, 32-701 Game tags. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Permits. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Boats and Boating, generally, this index Bonds, 32-857 et seq. Hatcheries, 32-876 et seq. Catfish, imported, 65-6a53, 65-6a54, 65-6a55 Children. Minors, post Collections, permits, 32-952 Commercial activities, Commercial harvest permits. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Crimes, punishments and penalties, post Dog training, commercial, Live animals, use in, 32-1002 Permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Fur dealer license. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Game breeder permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Commission permits. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Conservation easements. Easements, this index Conservation officers and service. Wildlife and Parks, Department of, this index Controlled shooting areas, 32-943 et seq. Application of license, 32-944 Hunter education course, 32-920 Inspections, 32-945 Conveyance for public recreational use, state historical society land in Wabaunsee county to Audubon of Kansas, 75-2731 Coyotes, Display of, 32-1007 Taking of, 32-1006 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 32-1001 et seq. Appearance bond, 32-1050 Arrest, 32-1048 Clothing, visibility, 32-1015 Bond, appearance, 32-1050 Buying wildlife, 32-1002, 32-1005 Citations, 32-1049 Failure to comply, penalties, 32-1049a Clothing, visibility, 32-1015 Commercialization of wildlife, 32-1005 Complaint, 32-1052 Damage control, 32-1002, 32-1006 Endangered species, 32-1011, 32-1012, 32-1033 Explosives, use of, 32-1003 Firearms, 32-1003 Forfeiture, equipment, firearms and devices, 32-1005, 32-1047 Furbearing animals, habitat, destruction, 32-1015 Habitat, destruction, 32-1015 Importing wildlife, 32-1004 Inspection, refusal to allow, 32-1004 Licenses, permits and stamps, Controlled shooting area license, 32-949, 32-950 Dog training permit, commercial, 32-954 Failure to obtain or carry, 32-1001 Falsely obtaining, 32-1001 Field trial permit, 32-954 Forfeiture, 32-1041 Game breeders permit, 32-951 Refusal to exhibit, 32-1001 Revocation, 32-949, 32-950, 32-951, 32-954, 32-1005, 32-1041 Suspension, 32-949, 32-950, 32-951, 32-954, 32-1041 Light, use of, 32-1003 Minors, 32-1034 Nongame species, 32-1009, 32-1012 Obstruction of hunting, fishing or furharvesting, 32-1014, 32-1034 Penalties, 32-1031 et seq. Poison, use of, 32-1003 Possession of wildlife, 32-1002, 32-1004, 32-1005 Procedure, 32-1047 et seq. Prosecutions, reports, 32-1054 Prosecutor's duties, 32-1053 Radio, use of, 32-1003 Restitution, 32-1005 Rules and regulations, violation, 32-1015 Selling wildlife, 32-1002, 32-1005 Statute, violation, 32-1031 Taking of wildlife, 32-1002, 32-1003, 32-1005, 32-1015 Criminal hunting, 21-5810 Posted land, 21-5808, 32-1013 Threatened species, 32-1010 Transporting wildlife, 32-1004, 32-1005 Trophy big game animal, 32-1032 Vehicle, use of, 32-1003 Waterfowl, migratory, 32-1008 Wild turkeys, 32-1032 Wildlife violator compact, 32-1063 Crossbow, Permit, 32-932 Pilot project, 32-937 Damage control, 32-1002, 32-1006, 76-459, et seq., 80-1201 et seq. Permit, 32-955 Deer, landowner management program, report, 32-968 Pilot project, 32-968 Deer management plan, 32-966 Definitions, 32-701 Disabled permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Dogs, Field trials, post Training. Commercial activities, ante Donations, 32-807 Fund, 32-994 Educational permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Endangered species. Nongame and endangered species, post Exhibition permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Extermination. Damage control, ante Federal programs, Migratory birds, 27-115 Wildlife and Parks, Department of, this index Fees. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Field trials, Live animals, use in, 32-1002 Permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Fishing, Boats and Boating, generally, this index Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Definition, 32-701 Fees. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Hatcheries, bonds, 32-876 et seq. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Obstruction of, 32-1014, 32-1034 Signs or markings authorizing, 32-1013 Funds, Gifts, 32-994 Fur dealer license. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Furbearing animals, 32-701 Furharvesting, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Fees. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Licenses, permits and stamps, post Obstruction of, 32-1014, 32-1034 Signs or markings authorizing, 32-1013 Game animals, defined, 32-701 Game permits and tags, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Licenses, permits and stamps, post Game warden dog, harming, 21-6416 Gifts. Donations, ante Gophers, taking of, 32-1006 Handicapped permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Hatcheries, bonds, 32-876 et seq. Hunting, Clothing, visibility, 32-1015 Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Crossbow, Permit, 32-932 Pilot project, 32-937 Definitions, 32-701 Dogs, ante Fees. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Licenses, permits and stamps, post Migratory waterfowl stamp, 32-939 Motor vehicles, post Obstruction of, 32-1014, 32-1034 Signs or markings authorizing, 32-1013 Importation, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, post Income tax checkoff, nongame wildlife, 79-3221d Federal moneys, use of, 79-3221h Indians, licenses, 32-929 Law enforcement officers. See subhead Conservation officers under Wildlife and Parks, Department of, this index Licenses, permits and stamps, Apprentice hunting license, 32-920 Big game control permit, 32-965 Big game permits, 32-937, 32-947, 32-970 Military personnel, 32-938 Bullfrogs, 32-906 Certificate of competency or education, Furharvesting, 32-912 et seq. Hunting, 32-920 et seq. Commercial dog training permit, 32-954 Commercial harvest permits, 32-941 Commission permits, Big game, 32-970 Limitations, 32-970 Controlled shooting area license, 32-943 et seq. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Crossbow permit, 32-932 Damage control permit, 32-955 Denial, Child support arrearage, 32-918 Commercial dog training permit, 32-954 Controlled shooting area, 32-949, 32-950 Field trial permit, 32-954 Game breeder permit, 32-951 Lifetime license, child support arrearage, 32-918, 32-930 Disabled veterans, 32-934 Dog training permit, commercial, 32-954 Duplicates, 32-981 Educational permit, 32-952 Furharvesting, 32-912 et seq. Hunting, 32-920 et seq. Endangered species permit, 32-961 Exhibition permit, 32-952 Fees, 32-985, 32-988, 32-989, 32-9,100 Disposition, 32-984, 32-985, 32-990, 32-992, 32-993 Lost or stolen, 32-983 Field trial permit, 32-954 Fishing, 32-906 Bullfrogs, 32-906 Commercial harvest permit, 32-941 Disabled permit, this subhead Exemptions, 32-906, 32-974, 32-975 Handicapped permit, this subhead Indians, licenses, 32-929 Lifetime license, 32-930 Kansas kids, 32-9,101 Military personnel, 32-980 Permanent license, 32-929, 32-934 Forfeiture, 32-1041 Fur dealer license, 32-942 Furharvesting, 32-911 Certificate of competency, 32-912 et seq. Commercial harvest permit, 32-941 Exemptions, 32-911 Indians, licenses, 32-929 Permanent license, 32-929 Game breeder permit, 32-951 Hatchery stamps, 32-877 Hunting, 32-919 Apprentice hunting license, 32-920 Big game permits, 32-937, 32-947 Military personnel, 32-938 Commercial harvest permit, 32-941 Controlled shooting area, 32-946 Disabled permit, this subhead Education requirements, Controlled shooting areas, 32-920 Educational requirements, 32-920 et seq. Exemptions, 32-919 Handicapped permit, this subhead Indians, licenses, 32-929 Kansas farmers and hunters feeding the hungry, voluntary contribution authorized, 32-980 Lifetime license, 32-930 Kansas kids, 32-9,101 Military personnel, 32-980 Permanent license, 32-929, 32-934 Private game preserve, 32-946 Waterfowl, Permit, 48-hour, 32-919 Stamp, migratory waterfowl, 32-939 Wild turkey, 32-969 Youth hunt of a lifetime deer permit, 32-971 Wounded warrior deer permits, 32-971 Importation permit, 32-956 Indians, licenses, 32-929 Issuance, 32-980 Agents, 32-985 Refunds, 32-986 County clerk, 32-984 Department, 32-983 Lifetime license, 32-930 Disposition of fees, 32-992 Lost or stolen, 32-981, 32-983, 32-987 Migratory waterfowl stamp, 32-939 Military personnel, 32-938, 32-980 Big game permits, 32-937 Permanent disability permit, 32-931 Assistance hunting or fishing, 32-933 Crossbow, 32-932 Permanent license, 32-929 Prairie rattlesnake harvesting, 32-941 Private game preserves, 32-943 et seq. Rattlesnake harvesting, 32-941 Rehabilitation permit, 32-953 Commercial dog training permit, 32-954 Controlled shooting area license, 32-949, 32-950 Field trial permit, 32-954 Game breeder permit, 32-951 Scientific permit, 32-952 Suspension, 32-1041 Commercial dog training permit, 32-954 Controlled shooting area license, 32-949, 32-950 Field trial permit, 32-954 Game breeder permit, 32-951 Threatened species permit, 32-961 Unlawful acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Vendors, 32-985 Refunds, 32-986 Waterfowl, Permit, 48-hour, 32-919 Stamp, migratory waterfowl, 32-939, 32-993 Minors, Fishing, 32-906 Furharvesting, 32-911 Penalties, 32-1041 Moles, taking of, 32-1006 Motor vehicles. Vehicles, post Nongame and endangered species, Advisory committees, 32-960a Conservation, 32-959, 32-960, 32-962 Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Definitions, 32-958 Endangered species, conservation, 32-960 Enforcement, guidelines, 32-960a Improvement program, income tax checkoff, 79-3221d Federal moneys, use of, 79-3221h Licenses, permits and stamps, ante Listing of species, 32-960, 32-960a Nongame species, conservation, 32-959 Permits. Licenses, permits and stamps, ante Recovery plans, 32-960a, 32-961 Reports to legislature, 32-961 Threatened species, conservation, 32-960 Nonresidents, 32-701 Landowner, 32-937 Licenses, permits and stamps, 32-980 Ownership, 32-703 Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Permits. Licenses, permits and stamps, ante Poison, Crimes, 32-1003 Permit, 32-955 Policy, 32-702 Preserves, Controlled shooting areas, ante Refuges and preserves, post Private game preserves, 32-943 et seq. Private water fishing impoundments, 32-701, 32-974, 32-975 Private water impoundments, stocking, 32-976 Prohibited wildlife, 32-956 Rattlesnake harvesting, 32-941 Refuges and preserves. Controlled shooting areas, ante Rehabilitation permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, ante Rules and regulations. Wildlife and Parks, Department of, this index Sales tax, exemptions, 79-3606 Food and component parts, 79-3602, 79-3606 Scientific permit. Licenses, permits and stamps, ante Secured transactions, attachment of interest, 84-9-204 Senior citizens, Fishing, 32-906 Hunting, 32-919 Signs or markings authorizing hunting, fishing, trapping and furharvesting, posting, 32-1013 Small game, defined, 32-701 Sparrows, 32-1002 Stamps. Licenses, permits and stamps, ante Starlings, 32-1002 State ownership, 32-703 State sovereignty over non-migratory wildlife act, 32-1071 et. seq. Authority, 32-1072 Construction of act, 32-1077 Definitions, 32-1073 Enforcement, 32-1076 Lesser and greater prairie chickens, Nature of, 32-1074 Regulation, 32-1075 Severability, 32-1078 Threatened species. Nongame and endangered species, ante Trapping, Furharvesting, ante Signs or markings authorizing, 32-1013 Trophy big game animal, unlawful taking, 32-1032 Unlawful acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante Value of, commercialization, 32-1005 Vehicles, Motor vehicle, 32-701 Taking wildlife from, Crime, 32-1003 Permit, 32-931 Water impoundments, private, Boats and Boating, this index Private water fishing impoundments, ante Waterfowl, Crimes, 32-1008 Licenses, permits and stamps, ante Wildlife Violator Compact, 32-1061 et seq. WILDLIFE AND PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF See, also, Boats and Boating, this index; Parks, generally, this index; Wildlife, this index Generally, 32-801 et seq. Agritourism promotion act, this index Assistant secretaries, 32-802, 32-811 Bonds, 32-857 et seq. Hatcheries, 32-876 et seq. Cabins, Authorization and limitations, 32-999 Fees, 32-999 Resorts, post Cities. Local governments, post Citizen support organizations, cooperation, 32-832 Commission, wildlife and parks, 32-805 Commission permits, 32-970 Kansas wildlife arts council, 74-7901 Commission permits. Wildlife, this index Conflicts, resolution of, 32-816 Conservation officers, 32-808 Police and firemen's retirement system, entry into, 74-4978n Powers and duties, 32-808, 32-1051 Arrest, 32-1048 Citations, 32-1049 Examination of license, permit or stamp, 32-1001 Inspection, 32-1004 Prohibition on conduction certain surveillance on private property, 32-1055 Counties. Local governments, post Crimes, punishments and penalties. Wildlife, this index Dangerous wild animals, reports to, 32-1310 Deeds and conveyances, Decatur county, city of Oberlin, 74-3322 Deer, landowner management program, report, 32-968 Deer management plan, 32-966 Department, renamed, 32-810 Donations, 32-807 Fund, 32-994 Land, remission of taxes, 32-841 Educational benefits, deceased, injured or disabled public safety officer dependents, 75-4364 Eminent domain, 32-840 Employees, 32-802, 32-807, 75-2935 Conservation officers, ante Prohibition on conduction certain surveillance on private property, 32-1055 Establishment, 32-801 Federal programs, Conservation, 32-824 et seq. Fish restoration, 32-829 Land acquisition, 32-842, 32-843 Legislative approval, 32-845 Milford lake wetlands, agreement and lease, 32-846 Natural resources, development of, 32-827 Resort, selected site, 32-874c Wildlife restoration, 32-828, 32-829 Fish and game commission, transfer of, 32-803 Fish hatcheries, bonds, 32-876 et seq. Flint Hills advisory council, 32-847 Forester, state. State Forester, generally, this index Funds, Feed the hungry fund, 32-995 Gifts and donations, 32-994 Migratory waterfowl, 32-993 Oil and gas leases, 76-112f Park fees, 32-991 Sport fish restoration fund, 32-997 State agricultural production fund, 32-809 Wildlife and parks nonrestricted fund, 32-998 Wildlife conservation, 32-992 Wildlife fees, 32-990, 32-992, 32-993 Wildlife restoration fund - federal, 32-996 Gifts. Donations, ante Governmental operations accountability law, applicable to, 32-801 Hatcheries, bonds, 32-876 et seq. Income tax information disclosure, 79-3234 Interest, credit of, 32-858, 32-990, 32-992, 32-994 Intergovernmental relations, 32-824 et seq. K-GOAL, applicable to, 32-801 Kansas wildlife arts council, 74-7901 Kansas wildlife arts series, 74-7901 et seq. Land, acquisition, 32-807, 32-833 Army corps of engineers, license, 32-842, 32-843 Cherokee county, 32-835 Conditions and limitations, 32-833 County park land, 19-2803b Donation, remission of taxes, 32-841 Eminent domain, 32-840 Jefferson county, 32-834 Legislative approval, 32-845 Pottawatomie county, 32-836 Sherman county, 32-891 Law enforcement officers. Conservation officers and service, ante Legal actions and proceedings, Rights saved, 32-817 Liability insurance, vessels, 74-4722 Licenses, permits and stamps, Wildlife, this index Lloyd, Steve, wetlands, 32-839 Local government outdoor recreation grant program act, 32-1201 et seq. Milford lake wetlands, agreement and lease, federal program, 32-846 Mined land wildlife area, Bob Grant bison herd, 32-890 Mineral leases, 32-850 et seq. Proceeds, disposition, 76-112f Park and resources authority, transfer of, 32-804 Parks. See subhead State parks under Parks, this index Conveyances to department, 32-830 Cooperation with, 32-831 Permits, Parks. See subhead State parks under Parks, this index Wildlife. See subhead Licenses, permits and stamps under Wildlife, this index Prairie chickens, State sovereignty over non-migratory wildlife act, 32-1071 et seq. Private water impoundments, stocking, 32-976 Powers, duties and functions, 32-810 Resolution of conflicts, 32-816 Property rights and records, Successor to, 32-816 Resorts, bonds, 32-857 et seq. Rules and regulations, 32-807, 32-810, 32-814 Boats and boating, 32-1103 Capacity, 32-1126 Clothing, visibility, 32-1015 Controlled shooting areas, 32-948 Dangerous animals, 32-1310 Endangered species, 32-960, 32-963 Fees, 32-988 Licenses, permits and stamps, 32-918, 32-980 Nongame species, 32-959, 32-963 Numbering, 32-1111 Prohibited wildlife, 32-956 Scuba diving, 32-1150 Threatened species, 32-961, 32-963 Violations, crime, 32-1015, 32-1031 Water events, 32-1149 Wildlife damage control permits, 32-955 Wildlife violator compact, 32-1062 Secretary, 32-801 Boater safety education course, 32-1140 Boats, property tax, reports, 32-1104 Deer management plan, 32-966 Duty to reduce populations, 32-967 Eminent domain, 32-840 Film services commission, ex officio membership, 74-9201 Film services commission, membership, 74-9201 Grape and wine industry advisory council, appointments, 74-552 K-GOAL, applicable to, 32-801 Leases, compensation from, 32-806 Organization, 32-806 Policies, 32-806 Powers, 32-807 Eminent domain, 32-840 Mineral leases, 32-850 et seq., 76-112f Parks, 32-901 Real estate transaction report, 32-844 Report to legislature concerning feed the hungry fund, 32-995 Resort, Community involvement, 32-874b Federal agency contract and negotiation, 32-874c Incentive plan, 32-874a Report to the legislature, 32-874e Requests for proposals, 32-874d Site selection, limitations, 32-873 Rules and regulations, ante Sport fish restoration fund, 32-997 Federal moneys, 32-997 Use, 32-997 Water authority, member, 74-2622 Wildlife restoration fund - federal, 32-996 Federal moneys, 32-996 Use, 32-996 Wildtrust program, 32-802 Sport shooting ranges. Recreation, this index Stamps, wildlife. See subhead Licenses, permits and stamps under Wildlife, this index State agencies, cooperation with, 32-831 State Forester, generally, this index State parks, listing, 32-837 Steve Lloyd wetlands, 32-839 Tax exemptions, Recreational rail trail state parks, 79-201a Townships. Local governments, ante Travel and tourism, see Commerce, State Department of, this index Wildlife and parks license plate, 8-1,206, 32-901 Wildlife conservation fund - federal. Secretary, ante Wildlife damage control, cooperation with Kansas state university, 76-463 Wildlife violator compact, 32-1061 et seq. Administrator, Appointment, 32-1066 Compensation, 32-1065 Compact administration, information sharing, 32-1064 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 32-1063 Licensing authority, 32-1064 Rules and regulations, 32-1062 Wildtrust program, 32-802 WILLS Generally, 59-601 et seq. Acknowledgment, 59-606 Administrators. See subhead Executors and administrators under Probate Proceedings, this index Adopted children, deceased child's, considered as issue, 59-615 After-acquired property, 59-613 Age, testator, 59-601 Alteration, 59-611 Anatomical gift act, revised uniform, 65-3220 et seq. Attestation, 59-606 Attorney, beneficiary, 59-605 Barring from rights, beneficiary withholding will, 59-618 Bequests, Adopted child or blood relative, issue take upon death, 59-615 School district, legal successor, 72-1142 Bona fide purchaser, withheld will, 59-618 Capacity of testator, 59-601 Certificate of officer taking acknowledgments, 59-606 Charitable organizations, foreign countries, 59-602 Compensation of executor, provision, 59-1504 Competency, witnesses, 59-607 Consent, spouse, Notice, 59-2222 Petition, 59-2220 Contrary to petition, 59-2225 Custodian, duties, 59-621 Damages, withholding, 59-618 Death with dignity, withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures, 65-28,101 et seq. Declaratory judgments, 60-1701 et seq. Defending wills, compensation and expenses, 59-1504 Definitions, 59-102 Delivery to probate court by custodian, 59-621 Depositions, perpetuation of testimony, 60-227 Destruction, 59-611 Devises, adopted child or blood relative, 59-615 Digital assets, revised uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act, 58-4801 et seq. Disclaimer to succession, 59-2291 et seq. Doctrine of worthier title abolished, 58-506 Educational organizations, foreign countries, 59-602 Election to take under will. Probate Proceedings, this index Elective share of surviving spouse, 59-6a201 et seq. Estate passing whole, 59-614 Estate taxes, generally, this index Execution of will, 59-606 Evidence, 59-2224 Foreign state or country, 59-609 Executors and administrators. Probate Proceedings, this index Failure of issue, 58-504 Fairs and expositions, county free fair, fairground, 2-132 Feloniously killing testator, incapacity to take, 59-513 Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 17-4903 et seq. Filing with court, 59-618a Foreign, Requirements, 59-609 Validation, 59-622 Foreign countries, devises or bequests, 59-602 Homes for the aged, 19-2111 Indefinite failure of issue, 58-504 Inheritance. Estate Taxes, generally, this index Issue, 59-615 Joint tenancy, 58-501 Liability, withholding, 59-618 Life Estates, generally, this index Limitation on testamentary power, 59-602 Living will, withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures, 65-28,101 et seq. Lost or destroyed, probate proceedings, 59-2228 Mentally deficient and mentally ill persons, 59-601 Municipal universities, bequests, 13-13a13 Municipalities, property by bequest, 12-101 Natural death, withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures, 65-28,101 et seq. Necessity of probating will, 59-616 Oral wills, 59-606, 59-608, 59-619 Personal property list, reference to in will, 59-623 Physician-patient privilege, 60-427 Possession, withholding, 59-618 Preparation by beneficiary, 59-605 Presented after probate, 59-2226 Probate of, Decree, 59-2249 Informal administration, 59-3304 Notice, 59-2222 Petition, 59-2220 Probate Proceedings, generally, this index Procedure, 59-103 Religious organizations, foreign countries, 59-602 Remainderman's interest in personal property, protection, 59-1506 Revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3220 et seq. Reviving of wills, 59-612 Revocation, 59-610 et seq. Birth or adoption of child, 59-610 Manner, 59-611 Marriage or divorce, 59-610 Second will revoked, revivor of first, 59-612 Right to die, withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures, 65-28,101 et seq. Rule in Shelley's case, 58-502 Rule in Wild's case, 58-505 Safe-deposit boxes, delivery on death of lessee, 9-1504 Sale pursuant to wills, 59-1413 Self-proved wills, 59-606, 59-2224 Signatures, 59-606 Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq. Spouse, consent to will, Notice, 59-2222 Petition, 59-2220 Subscribing witnesses. Witnesses, post Tangible personal property, lists of, 59-623 Tenancy in common, 58-501 Testamentary additions to trusts act, 59-3101 et seq. Effect on prior wills, 59-3102 Supplemental to probate code, 59-3105 Uniformity of interpretation, 59-3103 Testamentary trusts. Trusts and Trustees, generally, this index Time of filing, validation of foreign, 59-622 Title to property, withheld will, 59-618 Trusts and Trustees, generally, this index Validation, foreign, 59-622 Withholding, liability, 59-618 Witnesses, Competency, 59-607 Devise or bequest to witness, 59-604 Examination, 59-2224 Oral will, reducing to writing, 59-608 Republication of first will, revocation of second will, 59-612 Testator attesting and subscribing in presence, 59-606 Testimony unnecessary, 59-606 WILSON COUNTY Boundaries, 18-1,103 County buildings, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187 Emergency medical and ambulance services, 12-187 Road construction, improvements to federal highway, industrial park, other infrastructure, emergency medical and ambulance services, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 WIND Anemometer towers, requirements and penalties, 66-1281 Instruments conveying interest involving wind resources and technologies, 58-2272 Wind energy conversion systems, lighting requirements, 66-1289 WINERIES, FARM Intoxicating Liquors, this index WINFIELD, CITY OF Soldiers' monument, 73-423 WINFIELD STATE HOSPITAL AND TRAINING CENTER Acquisition of land, 76-1622 Administration, 76-12a06 Closure, certain state institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq. Drug and alcohol abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Educational service agreements, community colleges, municipal universities, 75-3099 Employees, 76-12a05 Fees, deposits and expenditures, 76-1614a Fees and charges, outpatients, 76-170 Grants and gifts, 76-12a08 Kansas soldiers' home, transfer of patients, 76-1936 Kansas veterans' home, Location of home, 76-1951 Transfer of patients to, 76-1958 Land, Conveyance to dept. of corrections and commission on veteran's affairs, 75-3370 Deed, custody of, 75-3307 Lease of, 75-3307 Sale of, 75-3315 Use of proceeds, 75-3316 Title, 75-3314 Medical reports of patients, fees, disposition, 76-12a10 Name, change of name from Winfield state training school, 76-1613 Parking and operation of vehicles, 76-12a12 et seq. People with intellectual disability. See subhead State institutions under People with Intellectual Disability, this index Physician, 76-12a03 Purpose, 76-1615 Real estate. See Land, ante Records of residents, privileged, exceptions, 76-12b11 Rehabilitation of inmates, 76-1615 Sale of certain building, 76-1621 Security police officers, 76-12a16 Training, 76-12a17 Staff personnel, 76-12a04 Superintendent, 76-12a02 Acting superintendent, 76-12a02 Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Transfers to state security hospital, 76-1307 Trust fund, persons under custody, 76-172 et seq. WIRE SERVICES Sale of news without discrimination, 50-201 et seq. WIRES State highways, removal, 68-415 WIRETAPPING Eavesdropping. Crimes and Punishments, this index; Criminal Procedure, this index WITHHOLDING TAX Generally, 79-3294 et seq. Income Tax, this index WITNESSES See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index; Criminal Procedure, this index Generally, 60-417 et seq. Adultery, marital privilege, 60-428 Alienation of affections, marital privilege, 60-428 Arbitration and award, disobedience of process, penalty, 5-205 Attachment, Corporation commission, compelling attendance, 66-150 Attendance, 60-245 Compelling attendance, post Attorney-client privilege, 60-426 Attorney general, fees, 28-125 Barber shop regulation, 65-1824, 65-1826 Bigamy, marital privilege, 60-428 Character, manner of proof, 60-446 Clergymen, privilege, 60-429 Commissions, housing investigations, 17-2345 Compelling attendance, Parole board, state, 22-3720 Competency, County inhabitants, 19-107 Depositions, objections, 60-232 Determination, 60-243 Contempt, monopolies and unfair trade, failure of witness to testify, 50-110 Contradiction, 60-243 Costs, fees and mileage, 60-2003 County attorney, fees, 28-125 County surveyors, 19-1405, 19-1419 Credibility, 60-420 Admissibility of evidence, limitations, 60-422 Conviction of crime, 60-421 Hearsay evidence, 60-462 Criminal conversation, marital privilege, 60-428 Cross-examination, Adverse party, 60-243 Best evidence, documentary originals, 60-467 Masters, 60-253 Scope, 60-243 Dairies and dairy products, unfair trade practices, 50-507 Deeds and conveyances, 58-2216, 58-2219 Depositions, generally, this index Desertion of spouse or child, marital privilege, 60-428 Discrimination, 44-1004, 44-1005 Disqualification, 60-407, 60-417 Preliminary inquiry by judge, 60-408 Education and experience, qualifications, 60-419 Emergency preparedness, investigations and surveys, 48-912 Employment Security Law, 44-709, 44-714 Essential witness, defined, 22-3211 Exclusion and separation, preliminary examinations, 22-2903 Execution, proceedings in aid of, 60-2419 Experience, 60-419 Expert witnesses, 60-456 et seq. Medical malpractice, 60-3412 Pretrial procedure, limitation on number, 60-216 Affidavits, 28-141 Barbers, investigations, 65-1826 Certified bill, 28-142 City officers, 28-126 Civil actions against certain state officials, 75-4360 Corporation commission, 66-150 County officers, 28-126 Employment Security Law, 44-709 Food and lodging expenses in criminal cases, when authorized by county, 28-125 Healing arts board proceedings, 65-2846 Municipal officers, 28-126 Payment, 28-150 Public officers, 28-126 Secretary of labor, 44-635 Sheriff, 28-126 Taxation of costs, 60-2003 Tender, service of subpoena, 60-245 Grand jury, 22-3007 et seq. Hostile witness, interrogation, 60-243 Husband and wife, privilege, 60-407, 60-423, 60-428 Illness, deposition, waiver of signature, 60-230 Impeachment, 60-243 Inconsistent statements, 60-462 Inquisitions, criminal procedure, 22-3101 et seq. Interpreter, Appointment for deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired and non-English speaking persons, 75-4351, 75-4355a Qualifications, 60-417, 75-4355b Intimidation of, 21-5908 et seq. Judge testifying as witness, 60-442 Knowledge, qualification, 60-419 Leading questions, 60-243 Masters, 60-253 Material witness, Indigent, appointment of counsel, 22-2805 Release of, 22-2805 Medical malpractice, 60-3412 Barbers, investigations, 65-1826 Emergency preparedness, investigations and surveys, 48-912 Employment Security Law, 44-709 Official travel, 75-3203 Out-of-state witnesses, 22-4203 Taxation as costs, 60-2003 Tender, service of subpoena, 60-245 Motor vehicles, Drivers' licenses, fees and mileage, 8-255 Nursing board hearings, 65-1120 Municipal courts, expenses, 12-4411 Nursing board proceedings, 65-1120 Oaths and affirmations, 60-418 Fees claimed, 28-125 Officers, adverse party interrogation, 60-243 Oil and gas, investigations and hearings, 55-605, 55-706 Open court, 60-243 Optometrists, hearings, 74-1504 Ouster of public officials, 60-1208 Out-of-state, 22-4201 Partnership, adverse party interrogation, 60-243 Physician-patient privilege, 60-427 Pooling agreements, agricultural products, 50-137 Prior inconsistent statements, 60-422 Prisoners, subpoena, 60-245 Privileges and immunities, 60-407 Alienation of affections, martial privilege, 60-428 Clergymen, 60-429 Discrimination, 44-1004 Impeachment of public officers, 37-108 Informer, disclosure of identity, 60-436 Official information, 60-434 Political affiliation, 60-431 Secret of state, 60-433 Waiver, 60-437 Property valuation proceedings, 79-1403, 79-1404 Public corporations, adverse party interrogation, 60-243 Qualifications, 60-407, 60-417 Knowledge and experience, 60-419 Records, attendance and fees, 28-138 Referees, 28-125 Refusal to testify, arguments of counsel, 60-439 Religious belief, 60-430 Reports, mileage, 28-139 Reputation, manner of proof, 60-446 Sales tax, 79-3611 Scope of examination, 60-243 Subpoenas, Criminal procedure, 22-3214 Protection of persons subject to subpoena, 60-245 Threats against, 21-5908 et seq. Trade secret, privilege, 60-432 Travel expenses, Mileage, ante Uniform Act to Secure Out-of-state Attendance, 22-4201 et seq. Uniform Rendition of Prisoners as Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings Act, 22-4207 Waiver, privilege, 60-437 Warehousemen, hearings, 34-230a WOODSON COUNTY Agreements, expanded or new state correctional facilities, 75-52,146 Boundaries, 18-1,104 WORDS AND PHRASES 988 suicide and crisis lifeline, 75-5964 et seq. A.D., statutory construction, 77-201 Abandoned, veterinary registration, 47-835 Abandoned cemetery, 17-1366 Abandoned underground storage tanks, 65-34,102 Abandoned well, oil and gas, 55-191 Abatement, waste tire disposal, 65-3424 Abode, usual place of, statutory construction, 77-201 Abortion, 65-4a01, 65-6701, 65-6723, Elective abortion, 65-4a01 Partial birth, 65-6721 Aboveground storage, hazardous waste, 65-3430 Aboveground storage tanks, 65-34,102 Absentee, probate proceedings, 59-2701 Abstract of votes, 25-2507 Abuse, Address confidentiality program, 75-452 Employment security insurance act for domestic violence survivors, 44-760 Protection from abuse act, 60-3102 Reporting of, 39-1401 Academically talented pupil, 72-3903 Acceptance, Negotiable instruments, 84-3-409 Sales act, 84-2-606 Accepted credit card, 16-844 Acceptor, negotiable instruments, 84-3-103 Lower smoky hill water supply access program, 82a-2301 Accessible to persons with a disability, income tax credits, 79-32,175 Accession, 84-9-102 Access violation, 60-5005 Accident, workers compensation, 44-508 Accommodations broker, Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1692, 12-1696 Account, 84-9-102 Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-104 Kansas postsecondary education savings program, 75-643 Life and health insurance guaranty association, 40-3005 Title IV-D, social welfare, 39-7,138 Account debtor, 84-9-102 Accounting, 84-9-102 Accounting period, principal and income, 58-9-102 Accredited independent institution, 72-3222, 74-32,241 Accredited nonpublic school, Hearing testing programs, 72-6228 Textbook purchases, 72-3356 Accused person, 12-4113 Acknowledgment, uniform law on notarial acts, revised, 53-5a02 Acquire, improvement and assessment law, 12-6a01 Acquiring party, insurance holding companies, 40-3304 Acre-foot, Republican river compact, 82a-518 Acting as a journalist, privilege, 60-480 Action, Arson reporting-immunity act, 31-402 Residential landlord and tenant act, 58-2543 Uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Warehouses, 34-223 Active ingredient, Pesticides, 2-2202 Soil amendment act, 2-2803 Active site, surface-mining, 49-603 Activities, High school activities association, 72-7117 School activity funds, 72-1178 Activities of daily living, 39-923 Acts, local governmental ethics, 75-4301a Actuarial equivalent, public employees retirement system, 74-4902 Actuarial method, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Adapt, 65-1501a Adaptive behavior, 39-1803 Additional compensation, workers compensation, 44-511 Adequate consideration, social welfare, 39-702 Adequate notice, credit cards, 16-844 Adequate security measures, 75-7c20 Adequate veterinary medical care, pet animal act, 47-1701 Adjacent area, highway advertising control, 68-2232 Adjacent property owner, liability, recreational trail, 58-3211 et seq. Adjoins, municipalities, annexation of territory, 12-519 Adjusted enrollment, 72-5132 Administer, Chemical control act, 65-7003 Controlled substances act, 65-4101 Pharmacy act, 65-1626 Administering carrier, uninsurable health insurance plan act, 40-2118 Administrative employee, professional negotiation, schools and community colleges, 72-2218 Administrative expenses, Nonprofit dental service corporations, 40-19a11 Nonprofit medical and hospital service corporations, 40-19c10 Administrative officer, board of barbering, 65-1809 Administrator, Coordinated transit districts act, 75-5053 Admitted assets, Insurance fees and taxes, 40-252c Limitations on insurance company investments, 40-2a26, 40-2b27 School retirement system, 72-2634 Adult, Pupil expulsion, suspension, 72-6121 Transfers to minors, 38-1702 Adult basic education program, 74-3201b Adult cabaret, sexually-oriented highway signs, 68-2255 Adult care home, 12-4901, 39-785, 39-923, 39-1401, 65-3501, 75-1517 Adult day care, 39-923 Adult family home, 39-1401, 39-1501 Adulterated, Dairy products, 65-771 Meat and poultry inspection, 65-6a18 Pesticides, 2-2202 Soil amendment act, 2-2803 Advance listing fee, real estate, 58-3035 Advanced emergency medical technician, 65-6112 Advanced practice registered nurse, 65-1113 Advanced recycling, 65-3402 Adverse action, Kansas insurance score act, 40-5103 Adverse claim, investment securities, 84-8-102 Adverse influences, agricultural land valuation, 79-1476c Adverse tier placement, active military service health insurance, 48-291 Advertisement, Consumer lease-purchase agreement act, 50-681 Food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 Healing arts, 65-2837 Optometry law, 65-1501a Seeds, 2-1415 Adviser, 84-5-102 Affected land, surface-mining, 49-603 Affiliate, Control share acquisition, 17-1297 Developmental disabilities reform act, 39-1803 Insurance holding companies, 40-3302 Kansas insurance score act, 40-5103 Mutual medical malpractice companies, 40-12a01 Small employer health benefit plans, 40-2209d Affiliated company, captive insurance companies, 40-4301 Affiliated interests, Public utilities, 66-1216 Public utility holding companies, 66-1401 Affiliated licensee, real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Affirmation, statutory construction, 77-201 After market parts, consumer protection, 50-660 Afternoon, bank deposits and collections, 84-4-104 Age, Discrimination, 44-1112 School retirement system, 72-2624 Aged, act on aging, 75-5902 Agencies of the United States, conservation districts, 2-1903 Agency, County law enforcement agency, 19-4402, 19-4425, 19-4469 Information network of Kansas, 74-9301 Real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Review and enforcement of agency actions, 77-602 Special education for exceptional children, 72-3404 Urban renewal law, 17-4760 Agency action, review and enforcement of, 77-602, 77-607 Agency agreement, real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Agency head. See, also, Head of a state agency, post Administrative procedure, 77-502 Architectural, engineering and land surveying services, 75-1251 Engineering and land surveying services for state projects, 75-5802 Out-of-state travel approval, state personnel, 75-3208 Review and enforcement of agency actions, 77-602 State energy conservation improvements, 75-37,111 Agency of this state, conservation districts, 2-1903 Agency payroll deduction, 75-5536 Agent, Bureau of investigation, retirement, 74-4980 Campaign finance, 25-4143 Chemical control act, 65-7003 Controlled substances act, 65-4101 Insurance, 40-239 Pharmacy act, 65-1626 Public employees' retirement system, 74-4902 Aggregate lifetime limit, accident and sickness insurer, 40-2258 Aggregate recapture rate, financial institutions recapture tax, 79-1120 Aggrieved party, 84-1-201 Aggrieved person, interception of communications, criminal procedure, 22-2514 Agreement, IMPACT act, 74-50,103 Municipalities, annexation of territory, 12-519 Payments by United States in lieu of taxes, 27-201 Sales, 84-2-106 Uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Agri-chemical businesses, seasonal commercial drivers' licenses, 8-2,146 Agricultural activity, nuisance law suits, 2-3203 Agricultural building, 74-7003 Agricultural building, technical professions, 74-7031 Agricultural business enterprises, Kansas development finance authority act, 74-8902 Agricultural chemicals, Economic poisons, 2-2202 Liens, 58-241 Pesticides, 2-2202 Agricultural crop production, 2-2803 Agricultural employee, 44-819 Agricultural employer, 44-819 Agricultural ethyl alcohol, 79-3401 Agricultural labor, employment security law, 44-703 Agricultural land, Agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Industrial training and retraining program, 74-5065 Landowner liability, recreational areas, 58-3202 Agricultural lien, 84-9-102 Agricultural production loan deposit, 75-4269 et seq. Agricultural production loan deposit loan package, 75-4269 Agricultural products, Cooperative marketing, 17-1602 Labeling, 2-2301 Agricultural purpose, consumer protection act, Kansas, 50-624 Agricultural seed, 2-1415 Agricultural societies, 2-125 Agricultural use, water impoundment areas, 65-185 Agricultural water supply use, 82a-2001 Agritourism activity, 32-1432, 79-1476 Agronomic application rates, chemigation safety law, 2-3302 AIDS, 65-6001 Air contaminant, 65-3002 Air gun, weapon-free schools, 72-6131 Aircraft, 3-201 Airport hazard, zoning regulations, 3-701 Airport hazard area, zoning regulations, 3-701 Alcohol, liquor control act, 41-102 Alcohol concentration, Boating under influence, 32-1130 Driving under the influence, 8-1013 Alcohol or other drug addiction, 65-4024a Alcohol or substance abuse problem, 59-29b46 Alcoholic beverage, 8-1599 Alcoholic candy, 41-102 Alcoholic liquor, Liquor control act, 41-102 Taxation, sale by clubs, 79-41a01 Alcoholism, 40-2,105, 40-2,105a, 40-2209, 40-2258 All-terrain vehicles, 8-1402a All-union agreement, labor organizations, 44-802 Alley, traffic regulations, 8-1402 Allotment, administration, state department of, 75-3701 Alter, air quality, 65-3002 Alteration, negotiable instruments, 84-3-407 Alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 Alternative security, Fairness in private construction contract act, 16-1802 Alternative service provider, Kansas universal service fund, 66-2009 Alternative technology, Kansas universal service fund, 66-2009 Alternative-fueled vehicle, Alternative fuels loan program,75-37,116 Ambulance, 65-6112 Ambulance service, 65-6112 American Indian, Ethnic minority fellowships, 74-32,113 Wildlife licenses, 32-929 Amount financed, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Amusement ride, 44-1601 Amusement ride insurance act, 40-4801 Anatomical gift, revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3221 Ancillary personnel, 65-5601 Ancillary services, attendant care, 65-6201 Ancillary state, insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 Ancillary technical services, Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,142 Bioscience authority act, 74-99b16 Anesthesia, Active anesthesia practice, 65-1151 General, 65-1151 Regional, 65-1151 Angel investor, 74-8132 Animal, Pesticide law, 2-2438a Veterinarians, 47-816 Animal breeder, Kansas pet animal act, 47-1701, 47-1733 Animal control officer, pet animal act, 47-1701 Animal distributor, Kansas pet animal act, 47-1701, 47-1702 Animal facility, 47-1826 Animal food manufacturer, meat and poultry inspection, 65-6a18 Animal shelter, Kansas pet animal act, 47-1701, 47-1704 Animal unit, feedlots, 47-1503 Animal unit, water pollution, 65-171d Animal units, meat and poultry inspection act, 65-6a34 Animal waste, truck washing facility for, 65-166a Annual limit, group hospital, medical and surgical insurance, 40-2258 Annual payroll, employment security, 44-703 Annual percentage rate, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Annuity, retirement system for justices and judges, 20-2601 Annuity savings account, KPERS act of 2015, 74-49,302 Antidote, pesticides, 2-2202 Antipollution devices, chemigation safety law, 2-3302 Antique amusement ride, 44-1601 Antique, registration of antique vehicles, 8-166 Antique dealer, junk dealer regulation, 50-619 Antique military vehicle, 8-166 Antiquities, antiquities commission, 74-5401 Apartment house, fire safety and prevention, 31-132a Apartment owner, apartment ownership act, 58-3102 Apartments, Apartment ownership act, 58-3102 Lien of innkeepers, 36-201 Applicant, Employment agencies, 44-401 Health care provider insurance availability act, 40-3401 Letters of credit, 84-5-102 Long-term care insurance, 40-2227 Social welfare, 39-702 Application, swine facilities, 65-1,178 Applied research, Kansas technology enterprise, 74-8103 Appointive authority, temporary absence of public officers and employees in military service, 73-213 Apportioned fleet registration, 8-1,143 Appraisal foundation, 79-504 Appraised value, Housing finance law, 12-5221 Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Apprentice, cosmetology, 65-1901 Appropriate court, agreement on detainers, 22-4402 Appropriate person, investment securities, 84-8-107 Appropriation right, appropriation of water, 82a-701 Appropriator, appropriation of water, 82a-701 Approved postgraduate residency training program, medical student loan act, 76-381 Aquaculture, 47-1901 et seq. Aquatic life support use, 82a-2001 Aquifer, groundwater management, 82a-1021 Arabic figures, statutory construction, 77-201 Arbitration, public employment, 75-4322 Architect, state board of technical professions, 74-7003 Architectural services, Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,142 Bioscience authority act, 74-99b16 State, repetitive project, 75-1253 State services, 75-1251, 75-1269 Architecture, practice of, 74-7003 Area of operation, Municipal housing law, 17-2339 Urban renewal law, 17-4760 Area professional development center, School districts, professional development, 72-2545 Area voting places, 25-2506 Arising out of and in the course of employment, workers compensation, 44-508 Armed forces, 44-706 Armed nuclear security guard, 66-2302 Army and air national guard, 48-101 Arraignment, criminal procedure, 22-2202 Arrearage, Support order, 23-3102 Title IV-D, social welfare, 39-7,138 Arterial street, Improvement and assessment law, 12-6a19 Traffic regulations, 8-1403 Articulation agreement, career technical education, 74-32,422 As-extracted collateral, secured transactions, 84-9-102 Asbestos, 72-53,113 Silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 Asbestos claim, 60-4901 Asian, Ethnic minority fellowships, 74-32,113 Assessment revenues, 65-6207 Assessment services, adult care home clients, 39-968 Assignment, uniform act for simplification of fiduciary security transfers, 17-4903 Assistance, social welfare, 39-702 Assisted living facility, 39-923, 75-1517 Assistive technology, disabled persons, 65-7102 Associate of applied science degree program, 74-32,407 Associated person, state governmental ethics, 46-227 Association, Association assistance plans, 75-7433 Board of trade, 2-1601 Cooperative marketing, 17-1602 Homeowners association, 44-1017a Insurance law, 40-2903 Uninsurable health insurance plan act, 40-2118 Mutual medical malpractice companies, 40-12a01 University of Kansas endowment, 76-345 Association lands, 76-345 Assuming insurer, 40-5202 Assumption reinsurance agreement, 40-5202 At-need solicitation, 65-1751 At-risk student, 72-5132 Athlete agent, 44-1517 Athletic director, 44-1517 Athletic officials, immunity from liability, 60-3606 Athletic trainer, 65-6902 Athletic training, 65-6902 Attained age, school retirement system, 72-2624 Attendant care services, 65-5101, 65-6201 Persons appointed to provide, 75-5309a Audiologists, 65-6501 Audiology, 65-6501 Audiology, practice of, 65-6501 Audiology assistant, 65-6501 Audit, County auditors duties, 19-622 Information technology, 46-1135 Payment of municipal claims, 12-105a Reports, legislative post audit, 46-1128 Response to legislative post audit survey, 46-1129 Auditing agency, Kansas whistleblower act, 75-2973 Aural transfer, interception of communications, 22-2514 Authenticate, 84-9-102 Authority, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Bioscience research and development voucher program act, 74-99b63 Bioscience research matching funds act, 74-99b83 Emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 University of Kansas Hospital Authority, 75-3303 Authority employee, bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Authorized account, funds transfers, 84-4a-105 Authorized distributor of record, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Authorized driver, 50-656 Authorized educational agencies, school districts, 72-2545 Authorized electronic monitoring, 39-981 Authorized emergency vehicle, traffic regulations, 8-1404 Authorized farm corporation, agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Authorized officer, uniform facsimile signature of public officials act, 75-4001 Authorized person, overhead power line accident prevention act, 66-1710 Authorized personnel, personal and family protection act, 75-7c20 Authorized trust, agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Auto race track facility, Kansas expanded lottery act, 74-8702 Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,162, 12-17,177 Tax increment financing, 12-1770a, 12-1771b Automated license plate recognistion system, open public records act, 45-217 Automatic dialing-announcing device, telemarketing, consumer protection act, 50-670 Auxiliary personnel, law enforcement training, 74-5602 Available technology, best, swine facilities, 65-1,178 Awarding authority, public project bids, correction of mistakes, 75-6901 Bailee, 84-7-102 Bank, Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-105 Funds transfers, 84-4a-105 Public moneys, 9-1408 Secured transactions, 84-9-102 Uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Bank charter, water banking act, 82a-762 Bank holding company, 9-519 Bankable water right, water banking act, 82a-762 Banking boundary, water banking act, 82a-762 Banking day, bank deposits and collections, 84-4-104 Banking industry, center for entrepreneurship act, 74-99c02 Banking organization, unclaimed property act, 58-3934 Barber college, 65-1809 Barber school, 65-1809 Barber shop, 65-1809 Barbering, 65-1809 Barrel, severance tax, 79-4216 BASE aid, 72-5132 Base average usage, appropriation of water, 82a-736 Base eligibility period, economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136 Base jurisdiction, apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,100 Base period, employment security, 44-703 Alternative base period, 44-703 Base plate, apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,100 Base point, apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,100 Base year taxation, emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 Based, apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,100 Basic attendant care services, 65-6201 Basic research, Kansas technology enterprise, 74-8103 Bearer, 84-1-201 Bearer form, 84-8-102 Bee, 2-2113 Beneficial consumptive use, Republican river compact, 82a-518 Beneficial interest, club and drinking establishment act, 41-2601 Beneficial use, waste tire disposal, 65-3424 Beneficiary, Funds transfers, 84-4a-103 Letters of credit, 84-5-102 Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 Retirement system for justices and judges, 20-2601 Beneficiary, principal and income, 58-9-102 Beneficiary's bank, funds transfers, 84-4a-103 Benefit, office of inspector general, 75-7427 Benefit, religious student association, 60-5311 Benefit contract, fraternal benefit societies, 40-741 Benefit cost payments, employment security law, 44-701, 44-703 Benefit funds, canteen and benefit funds at state institutions, 75-3728e Benefit member, fraternal benefit societies, 40-741 Benefit plan, transfers to minors, 38-1702 Benefit year, employment security, 44-703 Benefits, employment security, 44-703 Bet, gambling, 21-6403, 74-8702 Bid, motion picture bidding, 51-201 Biennial due date, 40-4902 Biennium, 40-4902 Big game animal, 32-701 Bill, Kansas prompt payment act, 75-6402 Billboard, liquor advertising, 41-714 Billing cycle, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Bills of lading, 84-1-201 Bind over, criminal procedure, 22-2202 Bingo, 75-5173 Biological product, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Biological sex, Fairness in women's sports, 60-5602 School district sponsored travel, 72-6286 Statutory construction, 77-207 Biomass-to-energy plants, financings, 74-8949b Biometric data, student privacy, 72-6313 Bioscience, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Bioscience research and development voucher program act, 74-99b63 Bioscience research matching funds act, 74-99b83 Emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 Tax increment financing, 12-1770a Bioscience business, angel investor tax credit act, 74-8132 Bioscience company, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 Bioscience development and investment fund, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 Bioscience development project, 74-99b03 Bioscience employee, emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 Bioscience research, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Bioscience research and development voucher program act, 74-99b63 Bioscience research matching funds act, 74-99b83 Bioscience research institutions, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Bioscience research and development voucher program act, 74-99b63 Bioscience research matching funds act, 74-99b83 Biotechnology, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Bioscience research and development voucher program act, 74-99b63 Bioscience research matching funds act, 74-99b83 Emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 Tax increment financing, 12-1770a Birth defect, Birth defects information system, 65-1,241 et seq. Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative act, 73-1222 Birthing hospital, paternity acknowledgment, 23-2202 Black, non-Hispanic, Ethnic minority fellowships, 74-32,113 Blanket royalty or fee, musical composition, 57-201 Blend, seeds, 2-1415 Blighted area, Community strategic planning assistance act, 74-5093 Tax increment financing, 12-1770a, 12-1771 Blighting influence, 12-1750 Blind bidding, motion picture bidding, 51-201 Blind persons, 39-702 Schools, instruction in Braille, 72-3471 Vending facilities, 75-3338 Blindness, Homestead property tax refund act, 79-4502 Block of business, health insurance, 40-2255 Board, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Bioscience research matching funds act, 74-99b83 Emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 Kansas oil and gas resources board, 55-1626 Board member district, state board of education, 72-244 Board member position, state board of education, 72-244 Boarding care home, nursing homes, 39-923 Boarding house, lodging inspection act, 36-501 Boarding or training kennel operator, Kansas pet animal act, 47-1701, 47-1723 Boarding School, 65-503, 65-508 Bodily function, abortion, 65-4a01, 65-6701, 65-6723 Body fluid, disease tests, 65-6015 Body piercing, 65-1940 Body piercing establishment, 65-1940 Boiler, 44-914 Bona fide association, motor vehicle insurance, 40-276a Bonds, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Horsethief reservoir benefit district, 82a-2202 IMPACT act, 74-50,103 Improvement and assessment law, 12-6a01 University research and development enhancement act, 76-779 Born alive, infants, 65-6752 Borrower, bank loans, 9-1104 Bottle rocket, 31-507 Bout, Kansas professional regulated sports act, 74-50,182 Boycott, coercion and intimidation, insurance, unfair trade practices, 40-2404 Braille, instruction in schools, 72-3471 Branch, 84-1-201 Public moneys, 9-1408 State depositories, 75-4201 Branch banking, 9-1111 Branch broker, real estate, 58-3035 Branch office, Real estate, 58-3035 Brand, Agricultural liming materials act, 2-2902 Agricultural seeds, 2-1415 Fertilizers, 2-1201 Livestock, 47-414 Brand exchange, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Brand name, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Breakage, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Bridges, 68-1101 County bridges, 68-1107 Statutory construction, 77-201 Broadband, Telecommunications services, 66-1,187 Broadband network, telecommunications, 66-2005 Broadband technology-based video communication, 75-7222 Broker, Insurance, 40-4902 Investment securities, 84-8-102 Real estate, 58-3035, 58-30,102 Transfers to minors, 38-1702 Vehicles, 8-2401 Brokerage firm, real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Building, Apartment ownership act, 58-3102 Handicapped persons' accessibility, tax credit, 79-32,175 Sales tax, 79-3603 Technical professions, 74-7031 Building and housing codes, Mobile home parks residential landlord and tenant act, 58-25,103 Building construction, architectural, engineering and land surveying services, state, 75-1251 Buildings, Colleges and universities, bond issues, 76-6a13 Revenue bonds, state education institutions, 76-6a13 Bulk, soil amendment act, 2-2803 Bulk milk pick up tanker, 65-771 Bulk plant, Kansas storage tank act, 65-34,102 Bundled transaction, 79-3686 Bundles of services, telecommunications, 66-2005 Burden of establishing a fact, uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Burden of producing evidence, 60-401 Burden of proof, 60-401 Workers compensation, 44-508 Burglary, criminal code, 21-5807 Burial grounds, prevention of unintended uses by cities and counties, 12-1441 Burial lot, 17-1301c Burial space, 16-320, 17-1301c Burnt lime, agricultural liming materials act, 2-2902 Bus, School transportation, 72-6486 Traffic regulations, 8-1406 Business, Fire protection, 31-133a Hearsay evidence, 60-459 Kansas enterprise zone act, 74-50,114 Local governmental ethics, 75-4301a Mobile home parks residential landlord and tenant act, 58-25,103 Municipal improvement districts, 12-1782 State governmental ethics, 46-230 Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1692, 12-1696 Business area, highway advertising, 68-2232 Business combinations with interested stockholders, 17-6427 Business day, Funds transfers, 84-4a-105 Open public records act, 45-217 Title IV-D, social welfare, 39-7,138 Business district, traffic regulations, 8-1407 Business entity, state board of technical professions, 74-7003 Business firm, Kansas community services program act, 79-32,195 Business income, uniform division of income for tax purposes, 79-3271 Business records, subpoena, 60-245a Business support services, regional business development fund, 74-50,154 Business trust, 17-2028 Buyer, Sales act, 84-2-103 Buyer in ordinary course of business, 84-1-201 Leases, 84-2a-103 Buyer's agent, real estate transactions, 58-30,102 By-product material, nuclear energy development and radiation control act, 48-1603 C. & F., sales act, 84-2-320 C.I.F., sales act, 84-2-320 Cafe, sports authority, 19-28,105 Cafeteria, sports authority, 19-28,105 Calendar quarter, employment security, 44-703 Calibration device, chemigation safety law, 2-3302 Call management services, telecommunications, 66-2005 Campus, community colleges, 71-701, 71-1402 Campus property, Wichita state university, 76-3a01 Cancellation, Leases, 84-2a-103 Nondriver identification cards, 8-1332 Orally administered, 40-2,184 Sales act, 84-2-106 Cancer screenings, 65-1,174a Candidate, Campaign finance, 25-4143 Election crimes, 25-1124, 25-2430, 25-2437 Local governmental ethics, 75-4301a State governmental ethics, 46-221 Candidate committee, campaign finance act, 25-4143 Canteen fund, state institutions, 75-3728e Capital, bank loans, 9-1104 Capital cost, water plan storage act, 82a-1301 Capital improvement project, 76-759 Capital improvements, Kansas development finance authority act, 74-8902 Capital stock tax, multistate tax compact, 79-4301, Art. II Capitol complex, 75-4514 Captive insurance company, 40-4301 Captive insurer, 40-37a02 Captured license plate data, open public records act, 45-217 Carcasses of domestic animals, disposal, 47-1201 Card issuer, credit cards, 16-844 Cardholder, Credit cards, 16-844 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 65-4941 Care, people with intellectual disability, 76-12b01 Career technical education, 74-32,407 Credential, 74-32,434 Institution, 74-32,417 Program, 74-32,417 Career technical education school, 74-3201b Caretaker, reporting abuse or neglect, 39-1401, 39-1430 Carrier, Cigarette tax, 79-3301 Documents of title, 84-7-102 Health care insurance, 40-2255 Kansas business health partnership act, 40-4701 Oil and gas field equipment, 55-1501 Small employer health benefit plans, 40-2209d, 40-2239 Carton, cigarette tax, 79-3301 Cash asset, title IV-D, social welfare, 39-7,138 Cash investment, Angel investor tax credit act, 74-8132 Kansas venture capital company act, 74-8303 Cash price, Consumer lease-purchase agreement act, 50-681 Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Cash proceeds, 84-9-102 Cashier's check, negotiable instruments, 84-3-104 Catastrophic disaster, 40-5502 Catchment area, mental health reform act, 39-1602 Caterer, club and drinking establishment act, 41-2601 Caustic substances, 65-643 Cellulose film, 19-4107 Cemetery, prevention of unintended uses by cities and counties, 12-1441 Cemetery association, cities of second class, 14-1047 Center, Center for entrepreneurship act, 74-99c02 Day care, exceptional children, 76-519 Early childhood development center, inc., 76-519 Center line of highway, advertising control, 68-2232 Centralized securities depository, Public moneys, 9-1408 State depositories, 75-4201 Cereal malt beverage, sales tax, 79-3602 Certificate, Long-term care insurance, 40-2227 Rural Kansas self-help gas act, 66-2101 Certificate inspection, boiler safety act, 44-914 Certificate of authority, banks and banking, 9-701 Certificate of deposit, negotiable instruments, 84-3-104 Certificate of title, secured transactions, 84-9-102 Certificated personnel, school districts, 72-2545 Certification, Credentialing health care personnel, 65-5001 Seeds or plant parts, 2-1430 Certified check, negotiable instruments, 84-3-409 Certified public accountant, 1-401 Certified territory, retail electric suppliers, 66-1,170 Certifying agency, seeds, 2-1415 Chain pharmacy warehouse, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Charge, Criminal procedure, 22-2202 Landowner liability, recreation area, 58-3202 Charitable gaming, 75-5173 Charitable health care providers, 75-6102, 75-6115 Charitable privacy act, 17-1779 et seq. Charitable purpose, uniform prudent management of institutional funds act, 58-3612 Charitable raffle, 75-5173 Charter school, 72-4206 Chattel paper, 84-9-102 Chattels, statutory construction, 77-201 Check, Negotiable instruments, 84-3-104 Payment of municipal claims, 12-105a Chemicals, chemigation safety law, 2-3302 Chief law enforcement officer, 48-1906 Chief state election official, 25-2504 Child, Child support, 23-3102 Crimes against persons, 65-6753 Foster care, 38-134 Interstate compact for juveniles, 38-1008 Interstate compact on placement of children, 38-1202 Placement in private homes, 75-3329 Services to children and their families, state budget estimates, 75-3717 With special health care needs, 65-5a01 Child care facility, 65-503 Child care institution, food service programs, 72-17,144 Child care resource and referral agency, 65-503 Child placement agency, 65-503 Child pornography, 60-5001 Children, Intestate succession, 59-501 Labor and industry, 44-637 Children with disabilities, special education for exceptional children, 72-3404 Chlorinated drycleaning solvent, drycleaner environmental response act, 65-34,142 Church plan, 40-2118 Citizen support organizations, 32-832 City connecting link, state highway system, 68-406 City election, 25-2103, 25-2503 City office, 25-2505 City elections, 25-2105 City officer, 25-2505 City elections, 25-2105 Civil action, silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 Claim, Cash-Basis law, 10-1101 Kansas health care prompt payment act, 40-2440 Kansas long-term care insurance prompt payment act, 40-2228f et seq. Liability for claims arising from obesity, 60-4801 Office of inspector general, 75-7427 Payment of municipal claims, 12-105a Claim of beneficial interest, uniform act for simplification of fiduciary security transfers, 17-4903 Claimant, Homestead property tax refund act, 79-4502 Matching child support debtors and liability insurance claimants, 75-5367 Museum property act, 58-4001 Claimants adjustment factor, financial institutions recapture tax, 79-1120 Class A roads, 68-101 CLASS services, telecommunications services, 66-1,187 Class III gaming, 46-2301 Class III gaming, tribal gaming, 74-9802 Classified stream segments, 82a-2001 Clean claim, 40-2440 Clean rubble, solid waste disposal, 65-3402 Clear and proper identification, fair credit reporting act, 50-702 Clearing corporation, Investment securities, 84-8-102 Life insurance company, 40-2b20 Clearinghouse, bank deposits and collections, 84-4-104 Clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, Open records act, 45-217 Client, Attorney-client privilege, 60-426 Office of inspector general, 75-7427 Private detectives and agencies, 75-7b01 Real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Client lessee, employment security, 44-703 Clinic, pupils, health assessments, 72-6267 Closed block of business, health care insurance, 40-2255 Closed end credit, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Closing costs, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Closure, Radioactive waste disposal sites, 48-1603 Solid waste disposal areas, 65-3402 Closure plan, hazardous waste, 65-3430 Club, club and drinking establishment act, 41-2601 Taxation, alcoholic liquor, sale by clubs, 79-41a01 Co-licensed partner, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Co-management, optometry law, 65-1501a Co-management period, optometry law, 65-1501a Code mortgage rate, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Collateral, 84-9-102 Collecting bank, bank deposits and collections, 84-4-105 Collector, registration of motor vehicles, 8-194 et seq. College district, community colleges, 71-1402 Collision damage waiver, rental motor vehicles, 50-656 Color additive, Food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 Meat and poultry inspection, 65-6a18 Commencement of commercial operations, job expansion and investment credit act, income tax, 79-32,154 Commercial channels, Kansas grain commodity commissions act, 2-3001 Commercial domicile, Multistate tax compact, 79-4301, Art. IV Uniform division of income for tax purposes, 79-3271 Commercial electronic mail message, 50-6,107 Commercial motor vehicle, interstate motor fuel use tax, 79-34,108 Commercial or industrial activities, highway advertising control, 68-2232 Commercial tort claim, 84-9-102 Commercial unit, Leases, 84-2a-103 Sales act, 84-2-105 Commercial vehicle, apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,100 Commission, Kansas professional regulated sports act, 74-50,182 Commission earned, 44-341 Commission salesperson, 44-341 Commissioned inspector, 31-702 Commodities, fair trade law, 8-601 Commodity account, 84-9-102 Commodity contract, 40-3607, 84-9-102 Commodity customer, 84-9-102 Commodity intermediary, 84-9-102 Common areas and facilities, Apartment ownership act, 58-3102 Townhouse ownership act, 58-3702 Common carriers, 66-105, 66-105a, 66-1,215 Common expenses, Apartment ownership act, 58-3102 Townhouse ownership act, 58-3702 Common profits, apartment ownership act, 58-3102 Common roads, statutory construction, 77-201 Common source of supply, waste, natural gas, 55-702 Communicate, investment securities, 84-8-102 Communicate, secured transactions, 84-9-102 Communication system equipment, 75-5073 Communications services, Video competition act, 12-2022 Community based mental health services, 39-1602 Community college, 74-3201b Community college, Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 Community developmental disability organization, 39-1803 Community facilities for people with intellectual disability, 65-4412 Community health center, 65-7402 Community health charities, state employee payroll deductions, 75-5531 Community mausoleum, 17-1301c Community mental health center, 65-5601 Community service organization, Kansas community services program act, 79-32,195 Community service programs, schools, 72-3232 Community service provider, 39-1803, 65-5601 Community service work, 44-508 Offenders performing, 60-3614 Workers compensation, 44-508 Community services, Developmental disabilities, 39-1803 Kansas community services program act, 79-32,195 Compact Administrator, interstate compact for adult offender supervision, 22-4110 et seq. Companion animal, 47-816 Company, examination of insurance companies, 40-222f Comparative negligence, 60-258a Compelling governmental interest, 60-5301 et seq. Compensation, Income tax of income of military personnel, prisoners or missing in action, 79-32,117c Local governmental ethics, 75-4301a Multistate tax compact, 79-4301, Art. IV Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 Act of 2009, 74-49,202 School retirement, 72-2624, 74-4932 State governmental ethics, 46-216 Uniform division of income for tax purposes, 79-3271 Competitive video service provider, Video competition act, 12-2022 Complaint, criminal procedure, 22-2202 Complete medical report, workers compensation, 44-508 Completion percentage, public innovative district, 72-4222 Composting facility, solid waste disposal, 65-3402 Compounding, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Comprehensive zoning, highway advertising control, 68-2232 Computation date, employment security law, 44-710a Computational period, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-2-201 Concessionaire licensee, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Conditioned, agricultural seeds, 2-1415 Conditions of employment, Agricultural employment relations, 44-819 Public employment, 75-4322 Conduct, Evidence, 60-401 Confidential data, cancer registry, 65-1,168 Confidential employee, public employment, 75-4322 Confidential information, real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Confined feeding facility, water pollution, 65-171d Confirmed credit, sales act, 84-2-325 Confirmer, 84-5-102 Conflict of interest, long-term care ombudsman act, 75-7303 Conforming, sales act, 84-2-106 Conforming goods or performance, leases, 84-2a-103 Consent decree agreement, 75-5671 Conservation area, tax increment financing, 12-1770a, 12-1771 Conservation district, 2-1903 Conservation easement, uniform conservation easement act, 58-3810 Conservation element, water banking act, 82a-762 Conservation pool, Arkansas river compact, 82a-520 Conservation project, streambank easements, 82a-220 Conserve, conserving, conservation, 32-958 Consideration, Fetal organs and tissue, 65-67a01 Negotiable instruments, 84-3-303 Consignee, 84-9-102 Consignment, 84-9-102 Consignor, 84-9-102 Consolidation, mutual insurance companies, 40-1216 Conspicuous, Uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Construct, Kansas development finance authority act, 74-8902 Construction, Fairness in private construction contract act, 16-1802 Fairness in public construction contract act, 16-1902 Construction administration, 74-7003 Construction and demolition waste, landfill, 65-3402 Construction defects, 60-4701 Construction management at-risk services, bioscience authority act, 74-99b16 Construction related packaging, solid waste disposal, 65-3402 Consultant, 75-37,131 Improvement and assessment law, 12-6a01 State governmental ethics, 46-284 Consumer, Cigarette tax, 79-3301 Consumer lease-purchase agreement act, 50-681 Consumer protection act, Kansas, 50-624 Credit services organization act, 50-1117 Drug abuse and prevention, citizens' advisory committee, 75-5384 Fair credit reporting act, 50-702 Kansas Insurance Score Act, 40-5103 Odometer fraud, civil remedies, 50-647 Telemarketing, consumer protection act, 50-671 Uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Consumer advocate, drug abuse and prevention, citizens' advisory committee, 75-5384 Consumer debtor, 84-9-102 Consumer goods, 84-9-102 Consumer lease, leases, 84-2a-103 Consumer loan, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Consumer obligor, 84-9-102 Consumer reporting agency, Kansas insurance score act, 40-5103 Consumer telephone call, telemarketing, consumer protection act, 50-670 Consumer transaction, 84-9-102 Consumer protection act, Kansas, 50-624 Consumer-goods transaction, 84-9-102 Consummation, consumer lease-purchase agreement act, 50-681 Contact lenses, person dispensing, 65-4967 Contaminant, voluntary pollution clean up, 65-34,162 Contaminated waste tire, 65-3424 Contaminated with filth, food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 Contamination site, oil and gas, 55-191 Contest, Kansas professional regulated sports act, 74-50,182 Contestant, Kansas professional regulated sports act, 74-50,182 Contiguous acres of land, industrial district, 19-3802 Contingency reserve, 40-3502 Continuation statement, 84-9-102 Continuing care, 40-2231 et seq. Continuous quality improvement program, 65-1695 Contraband, Kansas standard asset seizure and forfeiture act, 60-4102 Contract, Fairness in private construction contract act, 16-1802 Fairness in public construction contract act, 16-1902 Lawn and garden equipment, 16-1402 Local governmental ethics, 75-4301a Outdoor power equipment act, 16-1302 Parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Sales, 84-2-106 State governmental ethics, 46-231 Uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Warranty repair work, 16-120 Contract for invention promotion services, invention promotion services, 50-666 Contract for sale, sales act, 84-2-106 Contract holder, 40-3005 Contractor, Fairness in private construction contract act, 16-1802 Fairness in public construction contract act, 16-1902 Groundwater exploration and protection, 82a-1203 Kansas storage tank act, 65-34,102 Nonresident contractor, taxation, 79-1008 Office of inspector general, 75-7427 Regulation of oil and gas production activities, 55-150 Swine marketing pools, 16-1501 Contractor files, office of inspector general, 75-7427 Contractual obligation, insurance guaranty association, 40-3005 Contractual relationship, commission salespersons, 44-341 Contribution, Campaign contributions by state employees, 75-2974 Campaign finance act, 25-4143 Center for entrepreneurship act, 74-99c02 Limited partnerships, 56-1a101 Contribution of revenue, state setoff program, 75-6203 Contributions, employment security, 44-703 Contributor, center for entrepreneurship act, 74-99c02 Control, Insurance holding companies, 40-3302 Public moneys, 9-1408 Control share acquisition, 17-1287 Control shares, control share acquisition, 17-1286 Controlled insurance program, 40-5402 Controlled insurer, producer controlled insurers, 40-37a02 Controlled substance analog, controlled substances act, 65-4101 Controlling person, reinsurance intermediary regulation, 40-4502 Controlling producer, producer controlled insurers, 40-37a02 Convention and tourism promotion, 12-1692, 12-1696 Converter, first and second stage, vehicles, 8-2401 Converter gear, apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,100 Convertible land, apartment ownership act, 58-3102 Conveyance, Kansas standard asset seizure and forfeiture act, 60-4102 Conviction, Automobile injury reparations act, 40-3118 Drivers' licenses, 8-253 Law enforcement training center qualification, 74-5605 Cooperative, 17-1602 Electric cooperative, 17-4603 Renewable engery electric generation cooperative act, 17-4651 et seq. Cooperative agreement, 65-4956 Cooperative plan, cooperative societies, 17-1501 Coordinated transit district, 75-5053 Coordination, Coordinated public transportation assistance, 75-5034 Coordinated transit districts act, 75-5053 Co-paying agents, 10-501, 10-503 Copyright owner, musical work, 57-221 Corporation, Agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Cemetery corporations, 17-1312f Kansas technology enterprise corporation, 74-8103 Uniform act for simplification of fiduciary security transfers, 17-4903 Water supply, 12-2701 Corpus, business trusts, 17-2028 Correct, weights and measures, 83-201 Correctional institution, penal reform act, 75-5202 Corrections employees, disease tests, 65-6015 Corrections officer, penal reform act, 75-5202 Corrective action, drycleaner environmental response act, 65-34,142 Corrective plan, drycleaner environmental response act, 65-34,142 Corrosive substances, 65-643 Cosmetic, food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 Cosmetic tattoo artist and tattoo artist, 65-1940 Cosmetology, 65-1901 Council, physical therapy advisory council, 65-2901 Counsel, pupil expulsion or suspension, 72-6121 Counseling, professional, 65-5802 Counselor, abortion counseling, 65-6701 Counterfeit substance, controlled substances act, 65-4101 County average wage, promoting employment across Kansas act, 74-50,211 County election officer, 25-2504 County major collector roads, 68-516, 68-592 County office, 25-2505 County officer, 25-2505 County way, statutory construction, 77-201 Course of dealing, 84-1-303 Court of record, uniform criminal extradition act, 22-2701 Cover, sales act, 84-2-712 Covered entity, Business entity standard treatment act, 17-7902 Health information technology act, 65-6822 Pharmacy benefits manager licensure act, 40-3822 Covered multifamily residential real property, discrimination, 44-1016 Covered person, Pharmacy benefits manager licensure act, 40-3822 Covered position, KPERS act of 2015, 74-49,302 Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 Act of 2009, 74-49,202 COVID-19 vaccine requirement, 44-663 Created, port authorities, 12-3401 Credentialed, health care personnel, 65-5001 Credentialing, health care personnel, 65-5001 Credit, Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Loan broker, regulation, 50-1001 Credit agreement, 16-117 Credit card, 16-844 Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Credit card issuer, telemarketing, consumer protection act, 50-671 Credit for reinsurance, 40-221a Credit hour, community colleges, 71-601 Credit information, Kansas insurance score act, 40-5103, 40-5115 Credit score, 40-5115 Credit services organization, regulation, 50-1117 Credit union, 17-2231 Corporate credit union, 17-2231 Not-for-profit association, 17-2231 Credit union services organization, 17-2204a Creditable coverage, 40-2118 Credited service, County law enforcement, 19-4419, 19-4441, 19-4484 Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 School retirement, 74-4936 Creditor, 16-117 Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Credit agreements, 16-117 Insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 Loan broker, regulation, 50-1001 Uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Cremated remains, 65-1760 Cremation, 65-1760 Cremation chamber, 65-1760 Crematory, 65-1760 Crematory operator, 65-1760 Crematory operator in charge, 65-1760 Crime prevention, Kansas community services program act, 79-32,195 Criminal investigation records, open public records act, 45-217 Critical access hospital, 65-425, 65-468 Crop production input, liens, 58-241 Crossover employment, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Crosswalk, traffic regulations, 8-1411 Cryogenic branding, 47-414 Cultivate, controlled substances, 65-4101 County culverts, 68-1107 Township culverts, 68-1107 Cumulative cost, state information technology projects, 75-7201 Curator, curators for veterans, 73-501 Current expenses, revenue bonds for medical center, 76-811 Current model, contracts to maintain farm equipment and parts for resale, 16-1001 Current net price, Contracts to maintain farm equipment and parts for resale, 16-1001 Lawn and garden equipment, 16-1402 Outdoor power equipment act, 16-1302 Current service, retirement system for justices and judges, 20-2601 Current support, title IV-D, Social welfare, 39-7,138 Custodial bank, state depositories, 75-4201 Custodial parent, title IV-D, social welfare, 39-7,138 Custodial property, transfers to minors, 38-1702 Custodian, Open public records act, 45-217 Transfers to minors, 38-1702 Custody, Criminal procedure, 22-2202 Municipal code, 12-4113 Customer, Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-104 Funds transfers, 84-4a-105 Letters of credit, 84-5-103 Real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Tampering with utility equipment, 66-1601 Daily capacity, intoxicating liquors, license fees, 41-310 Dairy manufacturing plants, 65-771 Dairy products, 65-771 Dam, stream obstructions, 82a-301 Damage, Kansas underground utility damage prevention act, 66-1802 Dams and reservoirs, drainage districts, 24-403 Dangerous drugs, searches and seizures, 22-2512 Data, medical research studies, 65-177 Dating relationship, protection from abuse act, 60-3102 et seq. Day care facility, 65-503 Day care programs, 39-1006 Dead body, uniform vital statistics act, 65-2401 Dead human body, 65-1760 Dealer, Warranty repair work, 16-120 Dealership agreement, 16-1202 Death, 77-205 Debt, setoff, state program, collection of, 75-6202 Debt management service, credit services organization act, 50-1117 Debtor, Credit agreements, 16-117 Secured transactions, 84-9-102 Setoff, state program, collection of amount owed, 75-6202 Decedent, revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3221 Deciview, air quality, 65-3002 Declarant, Do not resuscitate directive, 65-4941 Hearsay evidence, 60-459 Declaration, Apartment ownership act, 58-3102 Townhouse ownership act, 58-3702 Withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures, 65-28,102 Declaratory judgments, 60-1701 et seq. Decommissioning, nuclear energy, 48-1603, 66-128l Deductions, school retirement system, 72-2624 Deeds, statutory construction, 77-201 Defamation, Insurance, unfair trade practices, 40-2404 Default, self-service storage act, 58-814 Defective corporate act, 17-6428, 17-6429 Defendant, 84-1-201 Defoliant, Pesticide law, 2-2438a Pesticides, 2-2202 Delinquency proceeding, insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 Deliver, Controlled substances act, 65-4101 Pharmacy act, 65-1626 Delivery, 84-1-201 Warehouses, 34-223 Delivery order, 84-7-102 Delivery service, 65-67a01 Demand draft, negotiable instruments, 84-3-104 Density figure, school district finance, 72-5148 Dentally indigent persons, 65-1466 Dependent, Deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, educational benefits, 75-4364 Kansas business health partnership act, 40-4701 Persons deceased, Vietnam conflict, benefits, 73-1218 Small employer health benefit plans, 40-2209d Workers compensation, 44-508 Dependent, Personal and family protection act, 75-7c02 Dependent children, social welfare, 39-702 Deposit, water banking act, 82a-762 Deposit account, 84-9-102 Depository bank, 84-4-105 State depositories, 75-4201 Depository institutions, uniform securities act, 17-12a102 Derivative, Municipalities, investments, 10-131 State depositories, investments, 75-4209 Desiccant, Pesticide law, 2-2438a Pesticides, 2-2202 Designated agent, real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Designated physician, physician assistants, 65-28a02 Designated uses of classified stream segments, 82a-2001 Designee, state governmental ethics, 46-282 Detention, Criminal procedure, 22-2202 Municipal code, 12-4113 Developer, Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,162 Tax increment financing, 12-1770a Water impoundment areas, 65-185 Developmental disability, 39-1803 Device, food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 Diagnosis, nursing, 65-1113 Diagnostic licensee, optometry law, 65-1501a Dialing parity, telecommunications services, 66-1,187 Dietetics practice, 65-5902 Dietitians, 65-5902 Digital assets, revised uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act, 58-4801 et seq. Direct care employee, closure of certain state institutions, benefits, 75-4375 Direct cost, research projects, state educational institutions, 76-739 Direct discharge, water supply and sewage, 65-161 Direct mail, sales tax, 79-3602 Direct supervision, Chemigation Safety Law, 2-3302 Pharmacy Act, 65-1626 Direction, Physical Therapy, 65-2914 Physician Assistants, 65-28a02 Disability, Correctional employees, state, benefits, 74-4914e Discrimination law, 44-1002, 44-1015 Homestead property tax refund act, 79-4502 Occupational disease, 44-5a04 Police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4952 Disabled person, See, also, Persons with disabilities, post Vocational rehabilitation, 76-12c02 Disablement, occupational disease, 44-5a04 Disaster, 48-904 School districts, Relief programs, 72-9937 Volunteer service, leave, state employees, 75-5547 Disaster relief, school districts, participation, 72-9937 Disbursement, state depositories, 75-3201, 75-4201 Discharge, Alcohol or substance abuse, 59-29b46 Care and treatment act for mentally ill persons, 59-2946 Emergency involving hazardous materials, 65-3471 Water supply and sewage, 65-161 Disciplinary action, Kansas whistleblower act, 75-2973 Discover, 84-1-202 Discrimination, 44-1002 Dishonesty, fraud, regulation of private detectives, 75-7b01 Dishonor, Uniform commercial code, 84-5-102 Disinterested witness, revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3221 Dismemberment abortion, 65-6742 Dispense, Chemical control act, 65-7003 Controlled substances act, 65-4101 Optometry law, 65-1501a Pharmacy act, 65-1626 Dispense as written or D.A.W., 39-7,121a Dispensing contact lenses, person, 65-4967 Dispensing device, petroleum products inspection laws, 55-422 et seq. Display fireworks operator, licensed, 31-502 Disposable earnings, garnishment law, 60-2310 Disposal, Hazardous waste, 65-3430 Solid waste, 65-3402 Dispute resolution, 5-501 et seq. Disruption of production, 79-4216 Distance education, Kansas private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institution act, 74-32,163 Distinguished Kansas scholar, 74-3278 Distressed area taxpayer, uniform division of income for tax purposes, 79-3271 Distressed community, center for entrepreneurship act, 74-99c02 Distribute, Chemical control act, 65-7003 Controlled substances act, 65-4101 Pharmacy act, 65-1626 Soil amendment act, 2-2803 Distribution, vehicles, 8-2401 Distribution line, retail electric suppliers, 66-1,170 Distributor, bingo, 75-5173 Distributor branch, vehicles, 8-2401 Distributor representative, vehicles, 8-2401 District method, Community college, 71-1402 School election act, 25-2004 District office, filling vacancies in offices and candidacies, 25-3901 Diversion, 22-2906 Divert, 66-1601 Division order, oil and gas production, 84-9-319 DNA, 21-2511 DNA testing, certain criminals, 21-2512 DNR directive, 65-4941 DNR identifier, 65-4941 DNR order, 65-4941 Do not resuscitate directive, 65-4941 Do not resuscitate order, 65-4941 Document, Letters of credit, 84-5-102 Secured transactions, 84-9-102 Document of gift, revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3221 Documentary draft, Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-104 Document of title, 84-1-201 Doing business, Foreign corporations, general corporation code, 17-7932 Insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 Doing business in this state, funeral contracts and plans, 16-309 Domestic abuse, 74-7325 Domestic animal, 2-2301, 47-229 Domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq. Domestic animal activity, domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq. Domestic animal activity sponsor, domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq. Domestic animal professional, domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq. Domestic corporation, corporate reports, fees and franchise taxes, 17-7501 Domestic fortified wine, 41-102 Domestic insurer, insurance holding companies, 40-3304 Domestic service, employment security, 44-703 Domestic uses, Appropriation of water, 82a-701 Groundwater exploration and protection act, 82a-1203 Domestic violence, 44-1131 Address confidentiality program, 75-452 Employment security insurance act for domestic violence survivors, 44-760 Misdemeanor crime of, law enforcement officers, 74-5602 Protection from abuse program grants, 74-7325 Domestic water supply, classified stream segments, 82a-2001 Domesticated deer, 47-1001, 47-2101 et seq. Risk retention and purchasing groups, 40-4101 Domiciliary resident, State educational institutions, student tuition, 76-729 Domiciliary state, insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 Donor, revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3221 Donor registry, revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3221 Dormitory, student union and other buildings, 76-6a01 Down syndrom, 65-1,259 Draft, Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-104 Drained weight, 83-201 Drawee, Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-104 Negotiable instruments, 84-3-103 Drawer, negotiable instruments, 84-3-103 Drinking establishment, club and drinking establishment act, 41-2601 Driveaway-towaway operations, traffic regulations, 8-1415 Driver, traffic regulations, 8-1416 Driver training motor vehicles, 72-4005 Driver training schools, 8-273 Drop shipment, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Drop-in program, 65-527 Drug, Nonprescription, 65-650 Drug abuse, 40-2,105, 40-2,105a, 40-2209, 40-2258 Drug offender, Kansas offender registration act, 22-4902 Drug room, institutional, 65-1626 Drug store, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Drugs, Controlled substances act, 65-4101 Food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 Pharmacy act, 65-1626 Drycleaning facility, drycleaner environmental response act, 65-34,142 Drycleaning solvent, drycleaner environmental response act, 65-34,142 Drycleaning unit, drycleaner environmental response act, 65-34,142 Dual racetrack facility, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Due process, 72-2262 Duly ordained minister of religion, 60-429 Durable medical equipment, pharmacy act, 65-1626, 65-1643 Duty to support, title IV-D, social welfare, 39-7,138 Dwelling, Accessibility standards, 58-1401 Urban renewal, 17-4759 Dwelling unit, Mobile home parks residential landlord and tenant act, 58-25,103 Residential landlord and tenant act, 58-2543 E85 fuels, motor-fuel tax law, 79-3401 Early intervention services, 75-5648 Earned commissions, 44-341 Earnings, Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Garnishment law, 60-2310 Economic loss, medical malpractice actions, 60-3406 Economic opportunity, state governmental ethics, 46-217 Ecosystem, 32-958 Educational alternatives, 72-3120 Educational and training program for advanced registered nurse practitioners, 74-32,132 Educational facilities, Kansas development finance authority act, 74-8902 Educational institution, Employment security, 44-703 IMPACT act, 74-50,103 Kansas technology enterprise, 74-8103 National guard assistance, 74-32,146 Educational program, national guard assistance, 74-32,146 Educational scholarship, 72-4352 Elderly person, Coordinated public transportation assistance, 75-5034 Coordinated transit districts act, 75-5053 Municipal housing law, 17-2339 Elected and management officials, public employment, 75-4322 Electing carrier, telecommunications, 66-2005 Election at large, Community college, 71-1402 School election act, 25-2004 Elective share of surviving spouse, 59-6a201 et seq. Electors, legally qualified, 25-3607 Electric-assisted bicycle, 8-126, 8-1489 Electric-assisted scooters, 8-126, 8-1498 Electric personal assistive mobility device, 8-126, 8-1491 Electric public utility, 66-101a Electric transmission lines, 66-128, 66-1,177, 66-1240 Electric utility, 66-2302 Electric transmission lines siting act, 66-1,177 Nuclear generation facility siting act, 66-1,158 Electrologist, 65-1901 Electronic certificate of title, 8-126 Manufactured homes, 58-4202 Electronic chattel paper, 84-9-102 Electronic citation, 8-2119 Electronic communication, interception, criminal procedure, 22-2514 Electronic communication service, interception of communications, criminal procedure, 22-2514 Electronic means, Income tax return filing, 75-5151a Electronic poll books, 25-4401 Electronic products, nuclear energy development and radiation control act, 48-1602, 48-1603 Electronic storage, interception of communications, criminal procedure, 22-2514 Electronic transactions act, Definitions, 16-1602 Electronic transmission, Corporation code, 17-6522 Pharmacy act, 65-1626Eligible, civil service, 75-2926 Eligible agricultural borrower, agricultural production loans, 75-4269 Eligible aviation business, economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136 Eligible aviation project, economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136 Eligible business, economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136 Eligible career technical education program, performance-based incentive payments, 74-32,434 Eligible developer borrower, housing loan deposit program, 75-1251 Eligible educational institution, Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 Eligible employee, Kansas business health partnership act, 40-4701 Military reserves activation fee, 75-3228 School retirement, 74-4935 Small employer health benefit plans, 40-2209d Eligible employer, County law enforcement, 19-4419, 19-4441, 19-4484 Police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4952 Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 Small employer health benefit plans, 40-2239 Eligible guard member, educational assistance, 74-32,146 Eligible infrastructure system investments, gas safety and reliability policy act, 66-2202 Eligible institution, state scholarship act, 74-32,233 Eligible lending institution, Agricultural production loans, 75-4269 Eligible person, adult education, 74-32,253 Eligible postsecondary educational institution, 72-3222 Performance-based incentive payments, 74-32,434 Eligible project, economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136 Eligible student, low income students scholarship program, 72-4352 Eligible voter, groundwater management, 82a-1021 Eligible water right holder, lower smoky hill water supply access program, 82a-2301 Eligible water right holder, reservoir improvement, 82a-2402 Eligible wind or solar energy business, economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136 Eligible wind or solar energy project, economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136 Embalming, 65-1703 Emergency, Kansas underground utility damage prevention act, 66-1802 National guard mutual assistance compact, 48-1701, Art. III Emergency management, 48-904, 48-941 Emergency medical condition, 40-4602, 40-22a13 Emergency medical responder, 65-6112 Emergency medical service provider, 65-6112 Emergency medical services attendant, education benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled, 75-4364 Emergency medical technician, 65-6112 Emergency planning zone, emergency preparedness, 48-941 Emergency safety intervention, 72-6152 Emergency services, 40-4602 Eminent scholar, Bioscience authority act, 74-99b03 Emerging industry investment act, 74-99b33 Emission, air quality, 65-3002 Employ, minimum wage and maximum hour law, 44-1202 Employee, Age discrimination, 44-1112 Airport authority, 27-318 Authorized, home health agency or hospice, 65-1659 City-county, 27-329 Corporations, 17-6910 Discrimination, 44-1002 Group life insurance, 40-433 Group sickness and accident insurance, 40-2209 IMPACT act, 74-50,103 KPERS act of 2015, 74-49,302 Long-term care insurance, state employees health care benefits program, 75-6521 Minimum wage and maximum hour law, 44-1202 Negotiable instruments, 84-3-405 Police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4952 Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 Act of 2009, 74-49,202 School personnel evaluation, 72-2408 School retirement, 74-4932 Cities between 80,000 and 120,000, 72-2693 Cities under 120,000, 72-26,100, 72-26,110 Consolidation with state system, 74-4932 Silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 Tort claims act, 75-6102 Withholding tax, 79-3295 Workers compensation, 44-508 Employee organization, Agricultural employment relations, 44-819 Public employment, 75-4322 Employer, Age discrimination, 44-1112 Discrimination, 44-1002 Employment agencies, 44-401 Employment security, 44-703 IMPACT act, 74-50,103 Minimum wage and maximum hour law, 44-1202 Wage payment, 44-313 Withholding tax, 79-3295 Workers compensation, 44-508 Employing unit, employment security, 44-703 Employment, Employment security, 44-703 Old age and survivors insurance for public employees, 40-2302 School, school retirement, 74-4932 Employment agency, Age discrimination, 44-1112 Discrimination, 44-1002 Employment office, employment security, 44-703 Employment purposes, fair credit reporting act, 50-702 Encumbrance, 84-9-102 End intake air probes, 2-1116 Endangered species, 32-958 Endorsement, negotiable instruments, 84-3-204 Endorsement contract, uniform athlete agents act, 44-1517 Endorser, negotiable instruments, 84-3-204 Endowed professorship, Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 Endowment association, 76-756, 76-773 Endowment fund, uniform prudent management of institutional funds act, 58-3612 Energy conservation measure, 75-37,125 Energy star, 75-37,126 Enforcing officer, repair of unsafe structures, 12-1750 Engages in a domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq. Engineering, practice of, 74-7003 Engineering services, 75-1269, 75-5802 Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,142 Bioscience authority act, 74-99b16 State services, 75-1251 Repetitive project, 75-1253 Enhanced universal services, telecommunications services, 66-1,187 Enriched, flour and bread, 65-2301 Enrollee, health maintenance organization act, 40-3202 Enrollment, 72-5132 Entering or remaining unlawfully, nuclear generating facility, 66-2302 Enterprise, Kansas technology enterprise, 74-8103 Enterprise risk, 40-3302 Enterprise risk report, 40-3305 Entitlement holder, investment securities, 84-8-102 Entitlement order, investment securities, 84-8-102 Entrusting, sales act, 84-2-403 Entry date, County law enforcement, 19-4419, 19-4441, 19-4484 Police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4952 Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 Act of 2009, 74-49,202 Environmental, social and governance criteria, 75-42a01 et seq. Environmental audit, 60-3332 Environmental audit report, 60-3332 Environmental law, environmental audits, 60-3332 Environmental review agencies, 82a-326 Environmental rule and regulation, 77-415 Environmental use control, 65-1,221 Ephemeral stream, classified stream segments, 82a-2001 Epinephrine kits, 65-1680 Equipment, Lawn and garden equipment, 16-1402 Pesticide law, 2-2438a Secured transactions, 84-9-102 Warranty repair work, 16-120 Equity, Cooperative marketing, 17-1602 Kansas venture capital company act, 74-8303 Equity security, investment in insurance companies, 40-269 Equity skimming, 60-1011 Erect, highway advertising control, 68-2232 Erroneous payment, 44-710 Essential parts, traffic regulations, 8-1418 Essential witness, 22-3211 Established business relationship, telemarketing, consumer protection act, 50-670 Established name, food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-669 Established place of business, vehicles, 8-2401 Established standard, labeling of agricultural products, 2-2301 Estate, curators for veterans, 73-501 Esthetician, cosmetology, 65-1901 Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,113 Euthanasia, pet animal act, 47-1701 Evaluation, Special education for exceptional children, 72-3404 Unmarked burial sites preservation, 75-2743 Every child can read act, 72-3262 Evidence, 60-401 Evidence-based instruction, at-risk education, 72-5153 Evidences of indebtedness, statutory construction, 77-201 Examination, 65-1136 Examiner, Drivers' license act, 8-234a Insurance company examinations, 40-222f Excavation, Kansas underground utility damage prevention act, 66-1802 Excavator, Kansas underground utility damage prevention act, 66-1802 Exceptional children, special education for exceptional children, 72-3404 Exchange, Board of trade, 2-1601 Real estate, 58-3035 Exclusive agency agreement, real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Exclusive distributor, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Exclusive right to sell agreement, real estate transactions, 58-30,102 Execution, funds transfers, 84-4a-301 Execution date, funds transfers, 84-4a-301 Executions, 60-2401 Executive agency, state information technology projects, 75-7201 Executive authority, uniform criminal extradition act, 22-2701 Executive director, Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 Executive head, driver license compact, 8-1215 Executive officer, bank or bank holding company, 9-701 Executor, statutory construction, 77-201 Exercise of religion, 60-5301 et seq. Exhaustee, employment security law, 44-704a Exhibit or exhibition, motion picture bidding, 51-201 Exhibitor, motion picture bidding, 51-201 Existing, swine facilities, 65-1,178 Existing distribution line, retail electric suppliers, 66-1,170 Existing gas service utility, 66-2101 Exit tap on a gas gathering system, 55-1,101 Expanding industry, industrial training and retraining program, 74-5065 Expected aquatic life use waters, 82a-2001 Expenditure, campaign finance act, 25-4143 Experimental use pesticide, 2-2207 Explosives, Traffic regulations, 8-1419 Export transaction, Kansas, export finance act, 74-5070 Extended benefit period, employment security law, 44-704a Extended benefits, employment security law, 44-704a Extended entitlement period, employment security law, 44-704a Extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, 38-2347 Extraordinary declining enrollment, 72-5464 Extraordinary or severe, state employee leave sharing program, 75-5549 Extraordinary school program, 72-3239 Eye bank, revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3221 F.A.S., sales act, 84-2-319 F.O.B., sales act, 84-2-319 Facilities, Kansas development finance authority act, 74-8902 Facilities based carrier, telecommunications, 66-2005 Facility, 58-1301b Air quality, 65-3002 Handicapped persons' accessibility, tax credit, 79-32,175 Hazardous waste, 65-3430 Industrial revenue bonds, 12-1740 Job expansion and investment credit act, income tax, 79-32,154 Kansas storage tank act, 65-34,102 Kansas underground utility damage prevention act, 66-1802 Long-term care ombudsman act, 75-7303 Port authorities, 12-3415 Resort, 32-867 Sales tax, 79-3603 Facility manager licensee, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Facility owner licensee, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Facsimile signature, uniform facsimile signature of public officials act, 75-4001 Fact-finding, Professional negotiation, schools and community colleges, 72-2218 Public employment, 75-4322 Factory, labor and industry, 44-637 Factory branch, vehicles, 8-2401 Factory representative, vehicles, 8-2401 Fair association, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Fair consideration, insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 Fair market value, property taxation, 79-503a, 79-1450 Fair plan act, 40-2142 Fair value, control share acquisition, 17-1296 Fairs, fair associations and fairgrounds, 2-125 False advertisement, Healing arts, 65-2837 Optometry law, 65-1501a False membership claim, 21-6410 False statements and entries, insurance, unfair trade practices, 40-2404 Familial status, discrimination law, 44-1015 Family, Discrimination law, 44-1015 Member, transfers to minors, 38-1702 Workers compensation, 44-508 Family farm corporation, agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Family member, small employer health benefit plans, 40-2239 Family members, Kansas soldiers' home, single-family dwellings, 76-1941 Family trust, agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Fantasy sports league, gambling, 21-6403 Farm, agricultural employment relations, 44-819 Farm animal and research facilities protection act, 47-1825 et seq. Farm custom harvesting operations, 8-143j, 8-143k Farm equipment, agricultural equipment dealership act, 16-1202 Farm equipment dealer, agricultural equipment dealership act, 16-1202 Farm equipment manufacturer, agricultural equipment dealership act, 16-1202 Farm machinery and equipment, sales tax, 79-3606 Farm products, secured transactions, 84-9-102 Farm retail outlets and suppliers, seasonal commercial drivers' licenses, 8-2,146 Farm tractor, Registration of motor vehicles, 8-126 Traffic regulations, 8-1420 Farm trailer, registration of motor vehicles, 8-126 Farmers' market, 2-3802 Farmers' market operator, 2-3802 Farming, Agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Landowner liability, recreational areas, 58-3202 Farming operation, secured transactions, 84-9-102 Farmland, nuisance lawsuits, 2-3203 Fault, 84-1-201 Leases, 84-2a-103 Feasibility study, Risk retention and purchasing groups, 40-4101 Tax increment financing, 12-1770a, 12-1771 Federal area, intoxicating liquor gallonage tax, 41-501 Federal entity, Kansas development finance authority act, 74-8902 Federal funds, research, state educational institutions, 76-739 Federal government, Aid to public agencies, 12-1662 No-fund warrants, federal dam or reservoir construction, 68-151n Prison-made goods act, 75-5274 Urban renewal law, 17-4760 Water plan act, 82a-902 Federal government sponsored health insurance program, active military service health insurance, 48-291 Federal impact aid, 72-5132 Federal law, special education for exceptional children, 72-3404 Federal poverty level, 65-7102, 75-650 Federal reservoir, water impoundment areas, 65-185 Federal services, persons in, absentee voting, 25-1214 Federally defined eligible individual, 40-2118 Federally defined eligible individual for FTAA, 40-2118 Federally-qualified health center look-alike, 65-7402 Fee, invention promotion services, 50-666 Fee agency account, state depositories, 75-4201 Feed, agricultural production input lien, 58-241 Feed yard feeding, livestock, 47-1501 Feedlot, Agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Livestock, 47-1501 Fees, career technical education, 72-3810 Female, statutory construction, 77-207 Feral swine, 47-1809 Fertilization, 65-6701, 65-6732 Fertilizer materials, 2-1201 Fertilizers, commercial and bulk, 2-1226 et seq. Fetal tissue, 65-67a01 Fiduciary, Negotiable instruments, 84-3-307 Probate proceedings, 59-102 Revised uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act, 58-4802 Uniform act for simplification of fiduciary security transfers, 17-4903 Fiduciary, principal and income, 58-9-102 Fiduciary abuse, 39-1430 Fiduciary capacity, agricultural corporation, 17-5903 Fiduciary commitment, 75-42a01 File, fair credit reporting act, 50-702 File number, secured transactions, 84-9-102 Filing office, secured transactions, 84-9-102 Filing-office rule, 84-9-102 Final average salary, Correctional employees, state, disability benefits, 74-4914e Local police and fire pension plans, 12-5003 Police and firemen's pension system, 74-4952, 74-4978e Public employees retirement system, 74-4902, 74-4935a Act of 2009, 74-49,202 Retirement system for justices and judges, 20-2601 Final judgment, consumer protection act, Kansas, 50-624 Finance charge, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Finance lease, leases, 84-2a-103 Financial asset, investment securities, 84-8-102 Financial assets, public moneys, 9-1408 Financial exploitation, reporting of, 39-1401, 39-1430 Financial institution, Abuse of certain persons, 39-1401 Apportionment and allocation of income, 79-1128 Assistive devices accounts, 65-7102 Credit agreements, 16-117 Title IV-D, social welfare, 39-7,138 Transfers to minors, 38-1702 Financial interest, title insurance, 40-2404 Financial interest, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Financial need, Education opportunity scholarships, 74-3284 Honors scholarships, 74-32,241 Kansas comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 State scholarship act, 74-32,233 Financial organization, Multistate tax compact, 79-4301, Art. IV Uniform division of income for tax purposes, 79-3271 Financial responsibility, Kansas storage tank act, 65-34,102 Financial security, automobile injury reparations act, 40-3118 Financing, motor vehicle fair trade law, 8-601 Financing agency, sales act, 84-2-104 Financing statement, 84-9-102 Finding of fact, evidence, 60-401 Fineness, agricultural liming materials act, 2-2902 Fire control, fire rescue or emergency medical services equipment, tort claims act, 75-6102 Fire extinguisher, automatic, commercial cooking equipment, 31-133a Fire insurance, 40-952 Firearm or ammunition manufacturers, civil cause of action, 60-4501 Firearms, Buyback program, 12-16,124b Private detectives and agencies, 75-7b01 Firefighter, Act against discrimination, 44-1112 Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled, 75-4364 Local pension plans, 12-5001 Fireman or firemen, police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4952 Fireworks display, 31-502 Fireworks season, 31-502 Firm, Architectural services, state, 75-1251 Bioscience authority act, 74-99b16 Engineering and land surveying services for state projects, 75-5802 Engineering services, state, 75-1251 Kansas whistleblower act, 75-2973 Land surveying services, state, 75-1251 Legislative post audit, 46-1112 Firm gas service, 66-2101 First employed, KPERS act of 2015, 74-49,302 First employed, public employees retirement system act of 2009, 74-49,202 First mortgage, uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 First purchaser, Kansas grain commodity commissions act, 2-3001 Oil and gas production, 55-1626, 84-9-319 Fiscal agent, Office of inspector general, 75-7427 Fiscal year, Health care provider insurance availability act, 40-3401 Political subdivisions, 79-2934 Public employees retirement system, 74-4902 School districts, 72-1161, 79-2934 State, 75-3002 State financial assistance to local health departments, 65-241 Fish, 32-701 Fixed charges, insurance company investments, 40-2a05, 40-2a07, 40-2b05, 40-2b06 Fixture filing, 84-9-102 Fixtures, 84-9-102 Flammable liquid, traffic regulations, 8-1421 Fleet, apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,100 Food, Club and drinking establishment act, 41-2601 Food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 Sports authority, 19-28,105 Food additive, Food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-656 Meat and poultry inspection, 65-6a18 Food animals, pet animal act, 47-1701 Food processing plant, defined, 65-688 Food service program, schools, 72-17,132, 72-17,145 Foreign corporation, Corporate reports, fees and franchise taxes, 17-7501 Foreign country, insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 Foreign covered entity, business entity standard treatment act, 17-7902 Foreign decree, 40-2706 Foreign judgment, uniform enforcement of foreign judgments act, 60-3001 Foreign protection order, interstate enforcement of domestic violence protection orders act, 60-31b01 et seq. Foreign state or foreign state agency, setoff, collection of amounts owed, 75-6202 Foreign vehicle, Registration of motor vehicles, 8-126 Traffic regulations, 8-1422 Forensic DNA testing, certain criminals, 21-2512 Forfeiture of office, temporary absence of public officers in military service, 73-214 Former resident, voting, 25-1801 Foster family, home, parent, 38-134 Fraternal benefit society, 40-738 Fraud, Regulation of private detectives, 75-7b01 Fraudulent endorsement, negotiable instruments, 84-3-405 Free appropriate public education, 72-3404 Freeholders, drainage districts, 24-101a Freeway, highway advertising control, 68-2232 Fresh pursuit, Criminal procedure, 22-2404 Jurisdiction of law enforcement officers, 22-2401a Fresh water, regulation of oil and gas production activities, 55-150 Frontage road, controlled-access facilities, 68-1901 Frozen dairy dessert, 65-771 Frozen dairy dessert mix, 65-771 Fruits, searches and seizures, 22-2502 Fueling station, alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 Fuels supply fund, Kansas storage tank act, 65-34,102 Full-time, in-state student, Kansas comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 State scholarship act, 74-32,233 Full-time, law enforcement training, 74-5602 Full-time employee, Kansas enterprise zone act, 74-50,114 Full-time employment, State educational institutions, student tuition, 76-729 Full-time hourly employee, workers compensation, 44-511 Fulfillment house, 41-102 Fumigants, economic poisons, 2-2202 Functional impairment, 39-923, 44-508 Fund, budgets of taxing bodies, 79-2925 Fund manager, 74-8319 Funding agreement, 40-401, 40-436 Funds, improvement districts, investments, 19-2765c Funds transfer, 84-4a-104 Funds transfer systems, 84-4a-105 Funeral benefits, automobile injury reparations act, 40-3103 Funeral director, 65-1760 Funeral establishment, 65-1713a, 65-1760 Funeral processions, 8-1349 Fungi, 2-2202 Fungible, 84-1-201 Fungible grain, warehouses, 34-223 Fungicides, 2-2202 Fungus, pesticide law, 2-2438a Furbearing animal, 32-701 Furharvest, 32-701 Future goods, sales act, 84-2-105 Future use public water supply storage, 82a-1603 Gallon, Intoxicating liquors gallonage tax, 41-501 Liquefied petroleum motor fuel tax, 79-3490 Game animal, 32-701 Game birds, 32-943 Gaming compact, 46-2301 Gaming zones, lottery, 74-8702, 74-8734 Garbage, 47-1301 Refuse collection and disposal, 12-2101 Garden mausoleum, 17-1301c Gas, 66-2101 Severance tax, 79-4216 Gas gathering services, 55-1,101 Gas gathering system, 55-150 Gas provider, 66-2101 Gas supply system, 66-2101 Gateway, information network of Kansas, 74-9301 General anesthesia, 65-1151 General assets, insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 General election, 25-2502 City elections, 25-2102 Filling vacancies in offices and candidacies, 25-3901 School election act, 25-2006 Statutory construction, 77-201 General execution, 60-2401 General intangible, 84-9-102 General partner, limited partnership act, 56-1a101 General plan, watershed district, 24-1202 Generator, Hazardous waste, 65-3430 Solid waste, 65-3402 Generic name, pharmacy act, 65-1626 Genetic screening or testing, insurance, 40-2259 Genuine, 84-1-201 Geographic information, 74-99f03 Geographic information systems, 74-99f03 Geologist, Licensing, 74-7003 Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-403 Geology, Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-403 Practice of, licensing, 74-7003 Germination, seeds, 2-1415 Gestational age, 65-6701 Gift card, 50-6,108, Gift certificate, 50-6,108, Gift instrument, uniform prudent management of institutional funds act, 58-3612 Gifted child, 72-3404, 72-3222 Special education for exceptional children, 72-3404 Gives notice, 84-1-202 Giving district, public schools, 72-521 Glaucoma licensee, optometry law, 65-1501a Good cause, 44-706 Good faith, Documents of title, 84-7-102 Letters of credit, 84-5-102 Residential landlord and tenant act, 58-2543 Uniform commercial code, 84-1-201 Good time credits, 22-3717 Goods, Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-1-301 Documents of title, 84-7-102 Leases, 84-2a-103 Prompt payment act, 75-6402 Sales act, 84-2-105 Secured transactions, 84-9-102 Statutory construction, 77-201 Government agency, Alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 Pesticide law, 2-2438a Government records, government records preservation act, 45-402 Government records with enduring value, government records preservation act, 45-402 Governmental agency, Noxious weeds, 2-1331 Prompt payment act, 75-6402 Governmental assistance provider, 39-1401 Governmental entity, Tort claims act, 75-6102 Governmental plan, 40-2118 Governmental subdivision, local ethics, 75-4301a Governmental unit, Intermodal transportationtion projects, 75-5082 Secured transactions, 84-9-102 Telecommunications services, 75-4717 Transportation revolving fund, state aid, 75-5064 Governor, uniform criminal extradition act, 22-2701 Governor's hometown, governors of Kansas hometown heritage act, 75-5072 Grade, Fertilizers, 2-1201 Labeling of agricultural products, 2-2301 Grade A pasteurized milk, 65-771 Grade A pasteurized milk products, 65-771 Grade A raw milk for pasteurization, 65-771 Grain, 79-201n Warehouses, 34-223 Grain bank grain, 34-223 Gratuity, minimum wage and maximum hour law, 44-1202 Greenfield area, Kansas universal service fund, 66-2009 Greyhound, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Greyhound owners' group, recognized, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Grievance, Agricultural employment relations, 44-819 Public employment, 75-4322 Gross advance amount, Structured settlement protection act, 40-461 Gross compensation, economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136 Gross earnings, car company taxation, 79-907 Gross misconduct, employment security, 44-706 Gross receipts, sales tax, 79-3602 Gross receipts tax, multistate tax compact, 79-4301 Art. II Gross revenue, revenue bonds for medical center, 76-811 Gross value, severance tax, 79-4216 Gross vehicle weight, state motor pool, 75-4601 Gross wages, state leave payment reserve fund, 75-5543 Gross weight, Registration of motor vehicles, 8-143 Traffic regulations, 8-1423 Ground anchor, mobile homes, 75-1226 Groundwater recharge use, classified stream segments, 82a-2001 Group-funded self-insurance plan, workers compensation, 44-508 Group health plan, 40-2118 Grower, Kansas grain commodity commissions act, 2-3001 GSRS, gas system reliability surcharge, 66-2202 GSRS revenues, gas safety and reliability policy act, 66-2202 Guaranteed investment contract, 40-401, 40-436 Guarantor, Kansas storage tank act, 65-34,102 Guaranty association, insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings, 40-3607 Guardian, Evidence, 60-401 Guardian or conservator act, 59-3051 Statutory construction, 77-201 Guest, alcoholic liquor, 41-104 Guide dog, 39-1113 Gulf War syndrome, Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative act, 73-1222 Habitable structure, water pollution, 65-171d Habitual violator, operation of motor vehicles, 8-285 Hard-to-fill teaching discipline, teacher service scholarship program, 74-32,101 Harm, product liability, 60-3302 Hatchery, Fish hatchery revenue bonds, 32-876 Poultry disease control act, 2-909 Hazardous financial condition, risk retention and purchasing groups, 40-4101 Hazardous household article, 65-2701 Hazardous locations, 65-3801 Hazardous material, 48-904, 65-3471 Hazardous materials, searches and seizures, 22-2512 Hazardous waste, 65-3430 Acutely hazardous waste, 65-3430 Hazardous waste facility, 65-3430 Hazardous waste injection well, 65-3430 Hazardous waste management, 65-3430 Hazardous waste storage area, 65-3430 Hazardous working conditions, employment security, 44-706 Head of a state agency, write-off of accounts of taxes receivable, 75-3728a See, also, Agency head, ante Head of family, statutory construction, 77-201 Head of treatment facility, 59-29b46, 65-5601 Healing arts, 65-2802 Healing arts school, 65-2802 Health assessment, pupils, admission to school, 72-6267 Health benefit plan, 40-2,186, 40-2256 Kansas business health partnership act, 40-4701 Small employer, 40-2209d, 40-2239 Health care employees, unclassified civil service, 75-2935 Health care entity, 65-2837 Health care facilities, Kansas development finance authority act, 74-8902 Health care facility, laetrile, 65-6b01 Health care institution, insurance, 40-2,111 Health care personnel, credentialing, 65-5001 Health care provider, Associations of, 65-4909 Attorney fees in damage actions, 7-121b Cancer registry, 65-1,168 Charitable, tort claims act, 75-6102, 75-6115 Do not resuscitate orders, 65-4941 Emergency care, 65-2891 Employment security law, 44-706 Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4956 Health information technology act, 65-6822 Installment payment of judgments, 60-2609 Insurance, 40-2,111 Insurance availability act, 40-3401 Limitation of actions, 60-513d Mutual medical malpractice companies, 40-12a01 Office of inspector general, 75-7427 Optometry law, 65-1501a Peer review, 65-4915 Records of patient, abandonment, 65-28,128 Risk management, medical care facility, 65-4921 Rural health networks, 65-468 Utilization review organization act, 40-22a03 Workers compensation, 44-508 Health care provider group, 65-4915 Health care services, Health maintenance organization act, 40-3202 Kansas community services program act, 79-32,195 Healthcare benefits coverage, 40-2222 Health facility, Health services by professional provider, 40-2,116 Health information, individually identifiable, 65-6822 Health information, protected, 65-6822 Health information organization, 65-6822 Health information technology, 65-6822 Health insurance, uninsurable health insurance plan act, 40-2118 Health maintenance activities, 65-6201 Health maintenance organization, Health maintenance organization act, 40-3202 Uninsurable health insurance plan act, 40-2118 Health officer, 65-116a Health partnership, Kansas business health partnership act, 40-4701 Health plan, active military service health insurance, 48-291 Health savings account, 40-2209d Small employer health benefit plans, 40-2239 Health sciences schools, university of Kansas Hospital Authority, 75-3303 Health status-related factor, accident and sickness insurer, 40-2257 Health-care insurance receivable, 84-9-102 Hearing, evidence, 60-401 Hearing assistance dog, 39-1113 Hearing instrument, 74-5807 Heating boiler, 44-914 Hemophilia, 65-1,131 Herbicides, economic poisons, 2-2202 High deductible health plan, 40-2209d High-impact project, promoting employment across Kansas act, 74-50,211 High-level radioactive waste, nuclear energy development and radiation control act, 48-1603 High pressure, high temperature water boiler, 44-914 High voltage, overhead power line accident prevention act, 66-1710 Highway, Abandonment of motor vehicles, 8-1101 Automobile injury reparations act, 40-3103 Duties and liabilities during repair or improvements, 68-2101 Highway advertising control, 68-2232 Interstate motor fuel use tax, 79-34,108 Registration of motor vehicles, 8-126 Traffic regulations, 8-1424 Traffic violations, bond, 22-2818 Highway authorities, controlled-access facilities, 68-1901 Hispanic, Ethnic minority fellowships, 74-32,113 Historic building, state, certain bidding and other project exemptions, 75-3685 Historic preservation, 75-2716, 75-2726 Historic property, 75-2716, 75-2726 Historic theater, Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,162 Tax increment financing, 12-1770a Historical horse race machine, 74-8802 HIPAA privacy rule, health information technology act, 65-6822 Hobby breeder, Kansas pet animal act, 47-1701, 47-1719 Hobbyist manufacturer, fireworks, 31-502 Hog-tight fence, railroads, 66-308 Holder, 84-1-201 Title IV-D, social welfare, 39-7,138 Uniform conservation easement act, 58-3810 Warehouses, 34-223 Holder in due course, negotiable instruments, 84-3-302 Holdover member, school election act, 25-2003 Home, Housing finance law, 12-5221 Home and community based services programs, 39-7,100 Home for the aged, 12-4901 Home health agency, 65-1659, 65-5101, 65-5116 Home health services, 65-5101 Home mortgage loan, housing finance law, 12-5221 Home plus, 39-923 Home school district, 76-1006, 76-1102 Home state, 40-4902 Homeless children, special education, 72-3404 Homeopathic preparations, 65-7202 Homestead, homestead property tax refund act, 79-4502 Honor, 84-5-102 Horsemen's association, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Horsemen's group, recognized, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Horsemen's nonprofit organization, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Hospice, 65-1659 Hospital, 65-425a Anatomical gift act, revised uniform, 65-3221 Employment security law, 44-703 Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4956 KAN-ED act, 75-7222 Medical care facility licensing, inspection and regulation, 65-425 Moratorium on construction, 65-450 et seq. Statewide trauma system, 75-5663 Hospital assets, university of Kansas Hospital Authority, 75-3303 Hospital employee, university of Kansas Hospital Authority, 75-3303 Hospital obligations, university of Kansas Hospital Authority, 75-3303 Hospital provider, 65-6207 Hospitalization, indigent persons, 39-415 Host, plant pest and agricultural commodity certification, 2-2113 Host facility, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Host families, 38-2401 et seq. Host jurisdiction, parimutuel racing act, 74-8802 Hot water supply boiler, 44-914 Hotel, Liability for property of guests, 36-401 Lodging inspection act, 36-501 Sports authority, 19-28,105 Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1692, 12-1696 House, housing loan deposit program, 75-4277 House trailer, traffic regulations, 8-1425 Household, Homestead property tax refund act, 79-4502 Household goods, 66-1,108 Household goods and personal effects, tax exemptions, 79-201c Household income, |