Senate Status:
2024 Statute
KAN-ED ACT State Board of Regents, this index KANSAS, INC. See, also, Commerce, State Department of, this index; Kansas Statewide Risk Capital System, this index; Technology Enterprise Corporation, Kansas, this index; Venture Capital Company Act, Kansas, this index Abolished, 74-8001a Actions and proceedings, continued, rights preserved, 75-3702p Bioscience authority, See, also, Bioscience Authority Act, this index Community Strategic Planning Assistance Act, generally, this index Film Services Commission, Kansas, generally, this index Orders, directives, rules and regulations, continued, 75-3702k References, statutes, other documents, 75-3702k Seed Capital, Local Pools, this index Transfers, 75-3702k et seq. Conflicts, resolutions, 75-3702o Funds and liabilities, 75-3702n Officers and employees, 75-3702k Powers, duties and functions, 75-3702k Real property, 75-3702l Records, other property, 75-3702m KANSAS ADVOCACY BOARD Retirement and pensions, Kansas public employees retirement system, eligible employer, 74-4910a KANSAS AND MISSOURI METROPOLITAN CULTURE DISTRICT COMPACT Generally, 12-2536 et seq. Advisory Committee, 12-2536 Bonds, 12-2536 Commission, 12-2536 Expenses, 12-2538 Powers and duties, 12-2536 Compact, text of, 12-2536 Nullification or voidance, 12-2536, 12-2540 Creation, 12-2536 Definitions, 12-2536 Expiration of act, 12-2540 Financing, 12-2536 Sales tax, 12-2539 Nullification or voidance of compact, 12-2536, 12-2540 Sales tax, 12-2539 Tort claims, 12-2537 KANSAS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES KANSAS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS Dues, payment, 72-1145 KANSAS BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Bureau of Investigation, Kansas, generally, this index KANSAS CHEMICAL CONTROL ACT Generally, 65-7001 et seq. KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Unified government, 12-340 et seq. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Waterworks system, tax exemptions, 79-201a KANSAS CITY AREA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Generally, 12-2529 et seq. KANSAS CITY AREA TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT AND AUTHORITY COMPACT Generally, 12-2524 et seq. Transportation department, assistance to, 75-5013 KANSAS COMMEMORATIVE COIN DESIGN CONCEPT ACT Commemorative coin, Design, 73-2501 Duties of, Historical society, 73-2504 Humanities council, 73-2504 Kansas arts commission, 73-2504 Kansas commemorative coin design commission, 73-2502 Election to select final design, 73-2502, 73-2503, 73-2504 Membership, 73-2502 Powers and duties, 73-2502 Procedure, 73-2502 KANSAS COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1983 Coordinate System of 1983, Kansas, this index KANSAS CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL Generally, 74-9501 KANSAS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE AUTHORITY Advisory board, venture capital funds, 74-8905 Audits, 74-8913 Board of directors, 74-8903, 74-8910, 74-8915 Expenses, 74-8903 Meetings, 74-8903 Officers and employees, 74-8903, 74-8904, 74-8910, 74-8915 President, 74-8903, 74-8910, 74-8915 State agencies, rendering of services, 74-8914 Bond guarantees, authorization and approval, 74-8903, 74-8904, 74-8905 Bonds, 74-8903 et seq. Authorized projects, 74-8905 Biomass-to-energy plants, 74-8949b Bioscience activity, 74-99b10 Capital improvement project for Kansas national bio and agro defense facility, 74-8963 Bond payments, 74-8967 Pledge agreements for bond payments, 74-8966 State pledge and covenant, 74-8964 State taxing power, 74-8965 Capital improvement project for state capitol, 75-2262 Capital improvement project for Wilson county, 74-8961 Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5077 Community correctional conservation camp, Labette county, 75-52,132 Electric transmission facilities, 74-8946 Energy conservation measures, financing, certain federal facilities, 74-8960 Execution, 74-8907 Hydroelectric power generation facilities, 74-8939 Integrated coal gasification power plants, 74-8947 Integrated coal or coke gasification nitrogen fertilizer plant, 74-8949a Intermodal transportation projects,75-5085 Kansas partnership fund, 74-5055 Kansas public employees retirement system, Unfunded liability, 74-49,129, 74-49,130, 74-49,131a Requirements and procedures, 74-49,130, 74-49,131a Limitations, 74-8905 Multi-sport athletic complex, Kansas City community college, 74-8936 et seq. National bio and agro defense facility, 74-8963 Notice to political subdivisions, 74-8905 Obligation of authority, 74-8907 State not obligated, 74-8907 Oil and gas pipelines, New qualifying, 74-8949 Oil refineries, 74-8948 Out-of-state project, 74-8904 Pollution control devices, certain electric generation facilities, 74-8940, 74-8941 Public broadcasting services, grants, 75-4912 Purposes issued for, 74-8905, 74-8912 Refinancing pooled money investment board loans, 75-4262 Refineries, 74-8948 Refunding of, 74-8912 Renewable electric cogeneration facilities, 74-8949c Renewable electric generators, financing, certain community colleges, 74-8949e Reports to governor and legislature, 74-8913 Research and development facilities, educational institutions, 76-783 Aviation research facilities, 76-789 Resort, jurisdiction of wildlife and parks, 32-869, 32-873 Resort facilities, 74-8905 Sale, 74-8907 Security, 74-8905, 74-8906, 74-8907, 74-8911 State agency projects, conditions, 74-8920 Swine production facilities, agricultural land, 74-8905 Taxation, exemption from, 74-8908 Terms and conditions, 74-8906, 74-8907 Tire manufacturers, certain, 74-8942 et seq. Authorization, 74-8943 Contract, debt service obligation, 74-8944 Definitions, 74-8942 Tax credits, certain, disallowance, 74-8945 Terms and conditions, 74-8943 Transportation, comprehensive program, 68-2331 Transportation revolving fund, 75-5067 Types, 74-8906 University research and development facilities, 76-783 Waste heat utilization systems, electric generation facilities, 74-8949d Community organizations, loans to, Drug and alcohol abuse services, 74-8917 Mental health and mental retardation services, 74-8917 Financial interest in, prohibited, 74-8915 Electric transmission facilities, Marketing, 66-1241 Fees and charges, 74-8904 Gifts, grants and loans, acceptance of, 74-8904 Governor, Appointments, 74-8903 Reports to, 74-8913 Housing, Accessibility standards, 58-1401 Rules and regulations, 58-1407 Division of, 74-8950 et seq. Administration, 74-8957 Director, 74-8950 Establishment, 74-8950 Powers and duties, 74-8957, 74-8958 Federal programs, administration, 74-8957, 74-8958 Gifts, grants, donations, 74-8959 State plan, 74-8957 Tax credits, Rules and regulations, power to amend, 74-5002q Trust fund, 74-8959 IMPACT act, 74-50,102 et seq. Projects, bonds, conditions precedent to issuance, 74-8920 Kansas Housing resources corporation, Instrumentality of state, 74-8904 Leases, authorization of, 74-8903, 74-8904, 74-8905 Legislature, 74-8903 Reports to, 74-8913 Senate confirmations, 74-8903 State agency projects, approval of, 74-8905 Liens, pledges by authority, 74-8909 Basic enterprises loan program, 74-8917, 74-8918 Local government infrastructure improvement projects, 74-5055 et seq. Minority businesses, assistance, 74-8904 Public housing authorities, powers of, 74-8904 Redevelopment district, Agreements to implement, 74-8928 Approval, 74-8921 Bonds, Issuance authorized, 74-8905 Maturity, maximum, 74-8921 Proceeds, use of, 74-8923 Repayment, revenues, 74-8921, 74-8924, 74-8927 Establishment, 74-8921 Feasibility study, 74-8921 Fund, redevelopment bond finance, Establishment, 74-8927 Sources, 74-8921, 74-8925, 74-8929, 74-8927 Redevelopment plan, Approval, 74-8921 Local governing bodies, transmittal to, 74-8926 Preparation, 74-8922 Requirements, 74-8922 Reimbursement, 74-8930 Taxation, 74-8925, 74-8926, 74-8929 Rules and regulations, 74-8904 Sales tax and revenue bonds, Major professional sports franchise STAR bond project, 12-17,164, 12-17,168, 12-17,169, 12-17,170, 12-17,174, 12-17,181 Seal of authority, 74-8904, 74-8907 State agencies, recognition of services to, 74-8919 State agency projects, bonds, conditions precedent to issuance, 74-8920 State energy conservation improvements, 75-37,111 et seq. State finance council, approval of state agency projects, 74-8905 State general fund, repayments deferred, 74-8919 State tax credit equity funds, 74-8904 Subsidiary corporations, 74-8904 Taxation, bonds and interest exempt from, 74-8908 Trust indentures, 74-8906 Venture capital funds, 74-8905 Venture capital investments authorized, 74-8905 Water supply systems, loans, 74-8918 Wilson county capital improvements fund, 74-8962 KANSAS EXPORT FINANCE ACT Export Finance Act, Kansas, this index KANSAS FRONTIER HISTORICAL PARK Custody and management, 76-2007 Lease of certain lands to city of Hays, 76-2007a et seq. KANSAS GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS ACCOUNTABILITY LAW (K-GOAL) Administration, department of, 75-3702a Aging and disability services, Kansas department for, 75-5903 Agriculture, Kansas department of, 74-562 Audits, performance, Number of audits required, 74-7285 Scope and objectives, 74-7285 Time frame for completion, 74-7285 Children and families, Kansas department for, 75-5301 Citation of act, 74-7283 Commerce, department and secretary, 74-5002a Corporation commission, 74-601 Corrections, department of, 75-5201 Education, state department of, 72-408 Health and environment, department of, 75-5601 Intention of act, 74-7284 Labor, department of, 75-5701 Legislative review and evaluation, 74-7287 Public hearings, 74-7287 Purpose of state government declared, 74-7284 Revenue, department of, 75-5101 State agencies, Audits of, 74-7285 Responsibilities, 74-7287 Review and evaluation, 74-7284, 74-7287 State programs, audits of, 74-7285 Transportation, department of, 75-5001 Water authority, Kansas, 74-2622 Water office, Kansas, 74-2613 Wildlife and parks, department and secretary, 32-801 KANSAS GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM Annual audit, 74-9606 Appropriations, state treasury, 74-9606 Board of directors, 74-9603 Appointment, organization, 74-9604 Bylaws, 74-9603 Duties, powers, 74-9602 Executive director, 74-9605 Reports, annual, 74-9603 Terms of office, 74-9604 Travel expense policies, 74-9605 Employees, Employment, 74-9603 Public retirement system eligibility, 74-9605 Executive director, 74-9605 Appointment, 74-9605 Duties, 74-9605 Expenditures, monthly report, 74-9606 Goals, 74-9602 Guardian or conservator service providers, tort claims coverage, 75-6102 Program created, body politic and corporate, 74-9603 State telecommunications facilities and services, 74-9605 Travel expenses, 74-9605 KANSAS HEALTH POLICY AUTHORITY Health Policy Authority, Kansas, this index KANSAS HOUSING RESOURCES CORPORATION Adoption of rules and regulations, 58-4218 Department of revenue as agent, 58-4218 Installation of standards, 58-4218 Kansas rural home loan guarantee act, 12-5259 et seq. Annual report, 12-5263 Definitions, 12-5260 Loan quarantees, 12-5261 State housing trust fund, backing by 12-5262 Powers and duties of president, 58-4218 KANSAS INSURANCE GUARANTY ASSOCIATION Guaranty association. Insurance, this index KANSAS LUNG ASSOCIATION Southeast Kansas tuberculosis hospital, patient benefit fund moneys transferred to, 76-1529 KANSAS MEDICAL SOCIETY See, generally, Medical Society, this index KANSAS NEUROLOGICAL INSTITUTE Neurological Institute, Kansas, generally, this index KANSAS PROFESSIONAL REGULATED SPORTS ACT Generally, 74-50,181 et seq. Athletic commission, Appointment of boxing commissioner, 74-50,184 Background investigation, 74-50,184 Athletic fee fund, 74-50,188 Compensation, 74-50,183 Established, 74-50,183 Exemption from regulation, certain sports, 74-50,195 Inspectors, agents, other personnel, 74-50,185 Rules and regulations, 74-50,185 Licensing, post Members, 74-50,183 Powers and duties, 74-50,186 Subpoenas, 74-50,186 Qualifications, 74-50,183 Rules and regulations, 74-50,187 Certification and payment of inspectors, 74-50,185 Tax and fee structure, setting, 74-50,186 Terms, 74-50,183 Athletic fee fund, 74-50,188 Boxing commissioner, 74-50,184 Background investigation, 74-50,184 Civil penalties, 74-50,197 Definitions, 74-50,182 Licensing, 74-50,186 Complaints against licensee, 74-50,193 Conditions of issuance, 74-50,189 Contestant, license required, 74-50,194 Exemption from regulation, certain sports, 74-50,195 Refusal to issue, 74-50,193 Grounds, 74-50,193 Revocation, 74-50,186 Suspension, revocation, 74-50,193 Unlicensed regulated sports, Injunctions, restraining or other orders, 74-50,192 Medical retirement, 74-50,191 Medical suspension, 74-50,191 Penalties, civil, 74-50,197 Promoters, liability insurance required, 74-50,196 Sports contests, decisions, 74-50,190 Title and citation of act, 74-50,181 KANSAS PRUDENT INVESTOR ACT, UNIFORM Generally, 58-24a01 et seq. Application of act, when, 58-24a11 Conservators, prior authorization to invest funds, 58-24a15 Fiduciary, standard of care for trust investments, 58-24a02 Beneficiaries, impartiality, 58-24a06 Compliance with act, 58-24a04 Costs, reasonableness, 58-24a07 Delegation of functions, standards, 58-24a09 Diversification of trust investments, 58-24a03 Investment of trust funds, 58-24a05 Compliance with authorizing document, 58-24a18 Deviations, 58-24a18, 58-24a19 Investment company or trust, 58-24a18 Credit unions, 58-24a16 Federally chartered savings banks, 58-24a16 Loans, 58-24a17 Savings and loan associations, 58-24a16 Prudent investor rule compliance, 58-24a08 Standards, 58-24a18 Standards of act, required language to authorize, 58-24a10 Trust assets, investment and management, 58-24a05 Written directions, 58-24a02 Severability, 58-24a14 Title of act, 58-24a13 Uniformity of interpretation, 58-24a12 KANSAS PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index KANSAS REGISTER Generally, 75-430 et seq. Agency liaison, 75-431 Bills and resolutions, publication, 45-312 Contents, 75-430 Distribution, state officers and agencies, county clerks, 75-430 Fees, fixing and disposition, 75-433 Fund, fees, 75-433 Laws, publication, 45-312 Legislative bills and resolutions, 45-312, 75-430 Liaisons, designation by agencies, 75-431 Notices, Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,143 Contracts, Actuarial, auditing or accounting services, 75-430a Architectural, engineering, ancillary technical services, 75-430a Exemption, certain historic buildings, 75-3685 Highway contracts, 68-408 Reclamation of land, bids, 49-417 Examinations, abstracters' board, 58-2805 Hearings, 75-430 Rules and regulations, 75-430 Investment rate, municipal idle funds, 75-4210 Mineral production leases, state lands, 75-430a Negotiated purchases and sales, 75-430a Oil and gas leases, state owned lands, 76-112e Purchases, bids advertisements, state agencies, 75-3739 Real property, state, Sale by secretary of transportation, 68-423a Sale or lease, 75-430a Reclamation of land, Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act, 49-417 Rules and regulations, comment period on proposed changes, 75-430 State warrants, funds available to redeem, 75-606 Official state paper, references to, 75-434 Omissions, notice, 75-430 Optometry, notice of examinations, 74-1504 Permanent register, 75-431 Publication intervals, 75-430 Purchases, state agencies, advertisements, 75-430, 75-3739 Rules and regulations, Cumulative index, 75-430 Delivery, method of, 75-431 Format, 75-431 Hearings, 75-430 Public comment period, proposed changes, 75-430 Secretary of state, duties, 75-430 et seq. State agencies, 75-430 Filings required, certification, 75-431 State board of tax appeals, 75-430 Subscriptions, 75-433 KANSAS REINVESTMENT HOUSING INCENTIVE DISTRICT ACT Generally, 12-5241 et seq. Acquisition of property, 12-5247 Certain cities, major disaster area, Exemption from housing needs analysis, 12-5252 City incentive districts, 12-5244a Creation of districts, 12-5244 Definitions, 12-5242 Development or redevelopment plan, 12-5245 Hearing, 12-5246 Purpose, 12-5243 Special obligation bonds, issuance, 12-5248 Bond proceeds, limitations, 12-5249 State economic development initiatives fund transfers, State housing trust fund, 12-5256 Taxation within district, 12-5250 KANSAS REPORTS Generally, 20-201 et seq. KANSAS RIVER Rivers and Streams, this index KANSAS RURAL WATER FINANCING AUTHORITY Loan program, 65-163d KANSAS SENTENCING COMMISSION Sentencing Commission, Kansas, this index KANSAS SOLDIERS' HOME Soldiers' Home, generally, this index KANSAS STATE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Colleges and Universities, this index KANSAS STATEWIDE RISK CAPITAL SYSTEM See, also, Commerce, State Department of, this index; Kansas, Inc., this index; Technology Enterprise Corporation, Kansas, this index; Venture Capital Company Act, Kansas, this index Generally, 74-8201 et seq. Annual report, contents, form or manner of reporting, 74-8204 Publishing on internet, 74-8204, 75-3048 Submission on CD-ROM, electronically readable media, 74-8204, 75-3048 Audits, 74-8209 Damages, investors, state not liable, 74-8208 Definitions, 74-8202 Expiration, certain provisions, 74-8211 Investments, 74-8203 Pooled money investment board, 74-8203 Redemption of stock from, 74-8203 Expiration, 74-8211 Stock redemption,74-8203 Expiration, 74-8211 Tax credits, 74-8205, 74-8206, 74-8207 Investors, damages to, state not liable, 74-8208 Risk capital, Private capital, 74-8201 Venture capital, inc., Kansas, post Venture Capital Company Act, Kansas, generally, this index Seed Capital, Local Pools, this index Small business investment act, not compromised, 74-8203 Stock redemption, 74-8203 Expiration, 74-8211 Tax credits, 74-8203, 74-8205, 74-8206, 74-8207 Venture capital, inc., Kansas, Annual report, contents, form or manner of reporting, 74-8204 Publishing on internet, 74-8204, 75-3048 Submission on CD-ROM, electronically readable media, 74-8204, 75-3048 Audits, 74-8209 Business entity information report, exemption, 17-7512 Board members, 74-8203 Investment in stock of, 74-8203, 74-8208 Tax credit, 74-8205, 74-8206, 74-8207 President, 74-8203 KANSAS STATUTES ANNOTATED Generally, 77-131 et seq. Statutes, generally, this index KANSAS TAXPAYER TRANSPARENCY ACT Citation of act, 74-72,122 et seq. Expiration of act,74-72,126 Implementation of act, 74-72,125 Public finance transparency board, Organization and duties, 74-72,124 Searchable website, Revenue and funds, State employee compensation, 74-72,123 KANSAS TECHNICAL INSTITUTE GROUNDS (SHAWNEE COUNTY) Custody and care, 75-3762 Fees and moneys, 76-901 KANSAS TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE CORPORATION Technology Enterprise Corporation, Kansas, this index KANSAS TERRITORIAL SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMISSION Expiration, 73-2406 KANSAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY Generally, 68-2001 et seq. Turnpike authority. Roads and Highways, this index KANSAS UNIVERSITY University of Kansas. Colleges and Universities, this index KANSAS WATER AUTHORITY Water Office, Kansas, this index KANSAS WATER OFFICE Water Office, Kansas, this index KANSAS YOUTH AUTHORITY See, also, Juvenile Justice Authority, generally, this index Abolished, powers, duties and functions transferred, 75-7012 Advisory group on juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, Kansas, 75-7007 Creation, 75-7007 Successor to Kansas youth authority, 75-7012 KAW VALLEY SCENIC HIGHWAY Designation and marking of K-32, 68-1026 KEARNY COUNTY Boundaries, 18-147 Kansas state university, branch experiment station, 76-430 Name changed from Kearney county, 18-147a KEROSENE Environmental assurance fee, 65-34,117 Storage tanks, generally, this index Transportation by motor carriers, licenses, 55-506 et seq. KIDNAPPING Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index Jurisdiction and venue, 22-2614 KINDERGARTENS See, also, Schools and School Districts, generally, this index Age, pupils, 723118 Attendance, age of pupils, 723118 Unified school districts, 72-3216 KING, DR. MARTIN LUTHER, Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., highway designation, 68-1028, 68-1030, 68-1031, 68-1040 KINGMAN COUNTY Boundaries, 18-148 County buildings, roads and bridges, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 Norwich hospital district No. 1, 80-2555 Orsemus townsite, vacation, 58-2616 KIOWA COUNTY Boundaries, 18-149 KNIVES Weapons, generally, this index |