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Legislative Deadlines
Jan. 20, 2025
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2024 Statute

Section Number

79-1604 - Abstract of assessment rolls for state director of property valuation; forms; valuation of certain motor vehicles credited as supplementary assessments.
79-1605 - Abstract of assessment rolls; penalty for failure of county clerk to comply.
79-1606 - Appeals to hearing panels or officers; procedure and forms; hearings and disposition; duties of county clerk.
79-1608 - Transfer of general fund moneys to special assessment equalization fund; use of moneys; retransfers, when.
79-1609 - Appeals to state board of tax appeals; notice, requirements; procedure; limit on increased appraised valuation by the board.
79-1610 - Decision of hearing officer or panel; notice to taxpayer; change in assessment of class of property; appeal not heard is denied.
79-1611 - Appointment of hearing officers and panels to hear appeals from valuation and classification of property; qualifications and salary; removal of appointees, when.
79-1612 - Military service, deployment outside United States; property tax deferral; rules and regulations.
79-1613 - Homestead or building or improvement destroyed or substantially destroyed by natural disaster; abatement of tax.
79-1614 - Business shutdown or restricted by government entity related to state of disaster emergency; reimbursement of tax.
79-1615 - COVID-19 retail storefront property tax relief act; title and purpose of act.
79-1616 - Definitions.
79-1617 - Eligibility; amount of refund, computation; maximum amount of refund.
79-1618 - Claims payable from American rescue plan-state fiscal relief-federal fund; no warrant issued for less than $5; no interest allowed on claim.
79-1619 - Only one claimant per retail storefront permitted.
79-1620 - Deadline for filing claim; exception.
79-1621 - Forms and instructions; rules and regulations.
79-1622 - Information required in support of claim.
79-1623 - Amount of claim may be applied against outstanding tax liability; payment of refund to county treasurer, when.
79-1624 - Claimant not eligible for refund, when.
79-1625 - Excessive claims; disallowance or recovery; fraudulent intent, misdemeanor; correction of certain excessive claims.
79-1626 - Disallowance of claim if title received by claimant was primarily for purpose of making claim.
79-1627 - Appeals process.
2025. Powered by KLISS. Rendered: 2025-01-20T16:10:16. Head Rev No: 817952(I)