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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for HB2205 - Committee on Taxation

Short Title

Creating the Udall area public library district act, requiring an election for the creation of such district and authorizing unified school district No. 463 to levy a tax on behalf of the library district.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 7, 2023

Chairperson Smith opened the hearing for HB2205.

Mr. Siebers provided an overview for HB2205 that would authorize the Board of Trustees of the Udall Public Library to adopt a resolution to create a library district and propose a tax levy amount for the library district. Mr. Siebers stated the structure of HB2176 and HB2205 are identical but instead of Arkansas City it would be Udall Area Public Library district.  The current Udall library for the city would be absorbed into the Udall Area Public Library district and a Board of Trustees would be formed.  Mr. Siebers stood for questions from Committee members. (Attachment 12)


Monica Rupp, Udall Public Library, testified as a proponent for HB2205 noting to the restricted budget very few books and other materials were being purchased.  The change in their budget from $10,000 to $22,000 between 2021 and 2022 was to cover the increase in salary to provide the open hours promised to the city in order for the library to move into its new Wellness Center building.  Last year's budget provided only $800 for new books which most of them were purchased through grant funds, or donated. 

As of January, 2023, there are 155 patrons living inside the city's taxing area, 169 outside the city but within the school district boundaries, and 26 patrons living outside the school district.  With 48.0 percent living outside the city but within the school district and 44.0 percent living in the city, Ms. Rupp noted the taxing would be more fairly divided if the taxing area became the school district.  Ms. Rupp stood for question from Committee members. (Attachment 13)

Written testimony was submitted by the following as proponents for HB2205:

Lulita Hopkins, Citizen Udall, Kansas, (Attachment 14)

Norma Ciskowski, Udall Public Library, (Attachment 15)


Written testimony was submitted by the following as neutral to HB2205:

Paul Hawkins, on behalf of South Central Kansas Library System Board & Executive Committee, (Attachment 16)

Chairperson Smith closed the hearing for HB2205 .