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Minutes for SB252 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare
Short Title
Expanding medical assistance eligibility and implementing a health insurance plan reinsurance program.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 20, 2020
Iraida Orr, Principal Research Analyst distributed an explanation to the question that Senator Pettey had asked in a previous meeting regarding which states use state funds to pay for abortions under Medicaid Expansion. (Attachment 1) She then answered questions from committee members.
Adam Proffitt, State Medicaid Director, who was in the audience, answered questions from committee members.
Discussion and action on SB252 began with an amendment offered by Senator Berger that would prohibit the use of Medicaid funds for abortions. (Attachment 2) He moved his amendment with a second by Senator Masterson. On a voice vote of aye, amendment passed.
Senator Baumgardner offered an amendment that would establish a 20 hour per week participation requirement for able-bodied adults. (Attachment 3) She moved her amendment with a second by Senator Masterson. Senator Baumgardner answered questions from committee members. On a voice vote of aye, amendment appeared to pass. Senator Hensley asked for division. Amendment was approved 5 aye, 3 no.
Senator Baumgardner offered an amendment that would protect conscience and religious exemptions for providers. (Attachment 4) She moved her amendment with a second by Senator Masterson. Senator Baumgardner answered questions from committee members. On a voice vote of aye, amendment passed.
Senator Masterson offered an amendment that would make the enactment of Medicaid expansion contingent upon passage of the constitutional amendment and the outcome of the Texas v. United State lawsuit. (Attachment 5) He moved his amendment with a second by Senator Thompson. Senator Masterson answered questions from committee members. On a voice vote of aye, amendment appeared to pass. Senator Pettey asked for division. Amendment was approved 5 aye, 3 no. Senator Hensley and Senator Pettey requested to be recorded as no votes.
Senator Masterson offered an amendment that would state that the previous amendments are non-severable. (Attachment 6) He moved his amendment with a second by Senator Thompson. Senator Masterson answered questions from committee members. On a voice vote of aye, amendment passed.
Senator Hensley moved to pass out SB252, as amended without recommendation, with a second by Senator Pettey. Motion failed on a voice vote.
Senator Hensley moved to pass out SB252, favorably as amended, with a second by Senator Pettey. Motion fails on a division vote, 5 no, 4 aye.
Chairman Suellentrop adjourned the meeting at 10:32 a.m. The next scheduled meeting is February 24, 2020.