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Senate Status:
Minutes for HB2583 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Relating to the control and eradication of noxious weeds in the state of Kansas.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 22, 2018
Chairperson Kerschen called for final action on HB2583.
Tamera Lawrence of the Revisor of Statutes gave an update on the bill.
Senator Estes proposed an amendment which Tamera Lawrence explained. The amendment basically struck the word "article" as well as section 4 of the bill. (Attachment 1)
Senator Estes moved and Senator Billinger seconded to pass the amendment. Motion carried.
Senator Kerschen proposed a balloon amendment that one of the three private landowners on the Advisory Committee would be a certified organic farmer and that the Advisory Committee would meet at least once a year, but no more than four times in a year.(Attachment 2)
Senator Pyle questioned the term "private landowner. This led to discussion among the committee on what the term "private landowner" actually means. Senator Billinger asked if a minimum amount of acres should be determined to qualify as a "private landowner". Senator McGinn pointed out that a "private landowner" could be anyone who owned land, not necessarily a farmer. After more discussion, the language in the amendment was changed to read that three members shall be involved in the production of agriculture, one of whom shall be a certified organic farmer.
Senator Kerschen moved and Senator Estes seconded to pass the amendment as changed. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco proposed a series of balloon amendments which she explained.(Attachment 3)
Discussion followed. Senator Billinger asked for input from the Kansas Department of Agriculture on the proposed amendments. Chad Bontrager said that as a whole, the department was fine with it. Senator Pyle expressed concerns with and stated he could not support all of the balloon amendments. Senator Billinger asked to reconsider the balloon amendment on page 11 and revert back to the existing language of giving a 15 day notice instead of the proposed 21 day noticed.
Senator Francisco then changed the number of days notice back to 15 and moved her amendment. Senator Pyle then moved to vote on each balloon separately. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Rogers seconded the balloon amendment on pg. 1 of the bill be passed. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Rogers seconded the balloon amendment on page 6 of the bill be passed. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Rogers seconded the balloon amendment on page 8 of the bill be passed. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Rogers seconded the balloon amendment on page 11 of the bill be passed. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Rogers seconded the balloon amendment on page 16 of the bill be passed. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Rogers seconed the balloon amendment on page 17 of the bill be passed. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Rogers seconded an amendment to change the word highways to right of ways in section 12 on page 10 of the bill be passed. Motion carried.
Senator Pyle suggested that the committee consider a substitute bill to reflect all of the changes made in the bill.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Rogers seconded the bill ,as amended, be recommended favorably for passage. Motion carried.
Chairperson Kerschen thanked the committee for all of their work this session and announced this was the last meeting for the 2018 session. He then adjourned the committee.