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Minutes for HB2577 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Emergency responders and creating the Kansas right-to-know fee fund.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 21, 2018
Chairperson Kerschen reopened final action on HB2577.
Tamera Lawrence of the Revisor of Statutes Office updated the committee on current status of the bill. There was a motion from Senator Francisco that was seconded by Senator Rogers to add a balloon amendment pending before the committee when it adjourned at the last meeting.
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Berger seconded to withdraw her balloon amendment from the previous meeting.
Senator Francisco then offered another balloon amendment which Tamera Lawrence explained.(Attachment 1)
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Berger seconded the balloon amendment. Motion carried.
Senator Francisco then moved and Senator Rogers seconded to recommend the bill favorably for passage. Motion carried.
With no further business before the committee, Chairperson Kerschen adjourned the meeting.