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Minutes for SB56 - Committee on Government, Technology and Security

Short Title

Streamlining filing requirements for reports of campaign contributions immediately preceding an election.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 21, 2018


The Chair called the meeting to order and announced that two bills the Committee had previously passed (Sub for SB2332 and Sub for SB2359) were stalled in the Senate and that, to assure that the Committee's work on the bills was not lost, the contents of the two bills would be amended into SB56 - Streamlining filing requirements for reports of campaign contributions immediately preceding an election.  Representative Esau explained that the contents of SB56 were amended into another bill during the 2017 legislative session; the bill is now a statute, thus making SB56 irrelevant to its original purpose.

Staff Jenna Moyer distributed a copy of the proposed bill, House Substitute for SB56, which reflected the contents of the Information Technology Executive Council reorganization (Sub for HB2332) and the Cybersecurity bill (Sub for HB2359) (Attachment 1).

A motion was made by Representative Lewis and seconded by Representative Esau to amend SB 56 by removing its original language and inserting the contents of Sub for HB2332 and Sub for HB2359 to create House Substitute for SB56.  The motion passed.  Representative Probst was recorded as voting no.

A motion was made by Representative Lewis and seconded by Representative Esau to consider House Sub for SB56 favorable for passage as amended.  The motion passed.  Representative Probst was recorded as voting no.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 a.m.


The Chair called a second meeting at 12:14 p.m. following adjournment of the House.  The Committee met at the Rotunda Rail.  All members were present, as were all staff.  Representative Koesten proposed an amendment to House Sub for SB56 that would provide monetary protection for the state in the event of a cybersecurity breach.  Staff Jenna Moyer distributed the proposed amendment, which would add sub-section 7 to the bill (Attachment 2).  Representative Koesten explained that the amendment would add a layer of insurance to mitigate any liability the state might incur from a security breach.  A member noted that the state is already financially protected under the Claims Against the State statutes.   Another member commented that the amendment simply creates an opportunity for executive-branch agencies to contribute to the proposed fund.

The Chair, noting the complexity of recalling House Sub for SB56, since it had already been passed out of the Committee, requested an informal vote on the proposed amendment before calling for a motion to reconsider the previous action on House Substitute for SB56.  There were six members in favor of the amendment and six members opposed.  Both proponents and opponents agreed that the amendment needed more support.  The Chair cast the deciding vote, confirming the consensus of the Committee..  The meeting was adjourned at 12:21 p.m.