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Minutes for HB2516 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Providing immunity from civil liability for damage to a motor vehicle related to the rescue of a person or animal.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 20, 2018
Chairman Wilborn opened the hearing on HB2516 - Providing immunity from civil liability for damage to a motor vehicle related to the rescue of a person or animal. Jenna Moyer provided an overview of the bill and answered questions from the committee. (Attachment 1)
Senator Lynn Rogers stood in support of HB2516 and commented on the protections provided in the bill for both the car owner and the person seeking to effect a rescue. (Attachment 2)
Representative Shelee Brim gave support for HB2516 and indicated statistics show a need for this legislation. She wants people to be empowered to help when they see a person or animal in danger. (Attachment 3)
Amber Andreasen supported HB2516 and expressed her belief that the bill is not as much about protecting citizens from liability as it is about help for people and animals who are in danger. (Attachment 4)
Teresa Taylor spoke in favor of HB2516 and explained what happens in a child's body during hyperthermia. Because the bill would alleviate concern about litigation, she believes the bill would result in more people being willing to initiate a rescue attempt. (Attachment 5)
Katie Barnett supported HB2516 as beneficial to animals. She noted that the five requirements included in the bill assure that immunity is not granted to those who make a hasty or needless decision about breaking into a car. (Attachment 6)
Terry Humphrey gave support for HB2516 and suggested the legislature has an opportunity with this bill to effect changes in behavior which can create a better community for all. (Attachment 7)
Midge Grinstead spoke in favor of HB2516 and informed the committee animal control officers do not have authority to break into cars to rescue an endangered animal. Under this legislation an animal control officer could aid a citizen in a rescue attempt that would meet the requirements of the bill. (Attachment 8)
The Chairman noted written testimony in support of HB2516 submitted by Brandon Beck, President of the Kansas Emergency Medical Services Association (Attachment 9), by Amy Heggestad, Founder of Beauties and Beasts (Attachment 10), and by Carla Lewis, Board President of the Kansas Animal Control Association. (Attachment 11)
Proponents answered questions from committee members.
There being no other conferees on HB2516, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing.