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Minutes for HB2583 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Relating to the control and eradication of noxious weeds in the state of Kansas.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 19, 2018
Chairperson Kerschen continued the hearing on HB2583.
Zack Pistora presented neutral testimony on the bill. In his written testimony he stated that he was in opposition to the bill, however, he asked to have it changed to neutral. This is not reflected in his attached testimony. He believes that noxious weed management is critical and he supports reforms to better manage noxious weeds, including greater use of integrated biological approaches for weed control. However, care must to be taken to make sure that this does not cause more problems for our agricultural industry and our environment.(Attachment 1)
Zach also provided the committee with a packet of information on Pesticides, Noxious Weeds, and Chemical Drift in Kansas.(Attachment 2)
Kenny Baccus of the County Weed Directors Association of Kansas submitted neutral testimony on the bill.(Attachment 3)
Paul Johnson spoke in opposition to the bill. His organization takes issue with parts of the bill. He believes a year should be spent researching noxious weeds, drift and pesticide law to develop a comprehensive proposal to protect public health, promote the safest noxious weed control, and promote improvements in integrated pesticide management strategies for the future.(Attachment 4)
Ed Reznicek testified in opposition to the bill. He is concerned that the increase in weed spraying on more property will increase the vulnerability of pesticide drift to organic farmers near the area that is sprayed. He also objects to shifting the authority to deal with these weeds from the legislature to the Kansas Department of Agriculture without evidence that the Department will adopt a more comprehensive and ecological approach toward pest control and management.(Attachment 5)
Jackie Keller testified in opposition to the bill. Her major concern is the potential for more chemical spraying which will lead to drift damage.She also believes that more readily available education is needed for land-owners/operators who may want to implement non-chemical weed control policies.(Attachment 6)
After some questions for the conferees from the committee, Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on HB2583 and adjourned the meeting.