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Minutes for HB2767 - Committee on Appropriations
Short Title
Reinstating the enterprise zone program.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 21, 2018
Chairman Waymaster opened the hearing on the bill.
David Weise, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, presented the bill brief (Attachment 9): The bill would reinstate the Enterprise Zone Program in FY 2019. In response to a question from the committee, he stated that this applies to certain counties not specific zip codes.
Janae Talbott, Russell County Economic Development and CVB, presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 10) .This bill would help grow rural areas, create a friendlier business environment, and aids in expanding the tax base as businesses expand or relocate their facility, promotes job growth, and is an investment in our communities. In response to questions from committee members, she stated that monitoring companies in fulfillment of the their obligations is conducted locally and with the Chamber of Commerce at the end and beginning of each year until the incentive is utilized.
Heather Morgran, Project 17, presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 11). A review of the summary of Enterprise Zone Incentives followed (See attachment 11). This is a flexible tool to spur economic development in rural areas.
Rob Fillion, Smokey Hill Development Corp, presented testimony as an opponent of the bill (Attachment 12). He emphasized the importance of the Enterprise Zones as the tool to help grow and sustain our economy, and the program is much more effective than the Rural Opportunity Zones. In response to questions from committee members, he reviewed the bill that replaced the Enterprise Zone with the ROZ program. It was noted that this bill would not impact the ROZ program,
Written testimony as proponents of the bill were provided by Sandy Rupp, Ness County Commissioner (Attachment 13), Melissa Roberts, Enterprise Center (Attachment 14) and Christy Hopkins, Kansas Rural Economic Development Alliance (Attachment 15).
Chairman Waymaster closed the hearing on the bill.
Chairman Waymaster reviewed the agenda for the next committee meeting.
Meeting adjourned at: 10:25 a.m.