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Minutes for HB2648 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Including federal law enforcement officers in assault and battery against a law enforcement officer.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 21, 2018
Chairman Wilborn opened the hearing on HB2648 - Including federal law enforcement officers in assault and battery against a law enforcement officer. Jenna Moyer provided an overview of the bill and answered questions from the committee. (Attachment 3)
Zac Howard expressed appreciation for the legislative system and gave support for HB2648. Mr. Howard provided background information on his experience as a federal law enforcement officer and gave examples of incidents when, while working with officers from state agencies, his life and the lives of the other officers were in danger as they sought to arrest an offender. In those settings, the offender did not distinguish between the state and federal officers when attacking their lives; however, current Kansas statutes do not allow charges to be brought in state court for the attack on the federal officers. Passage of the bill would assure equal status under the law for federal and state officers. (Attachment 4)
Chris Conn spoke in support of HB2648 and agreed with Mr. Howard's comments. Mr. Conn believes the bill provides an extra tool for deterring assaults, thus providing extra protection for federal officers. (Attachment 5)
Ed Klumpp supported HB2648 and pointed out the bill would not expand the authority of federal officers in Kansas; it targets only the two specific crimes of assault and battery of a law enforcement officer. Mr. Conn strongly supports the bill as a fair step that brings equality to all officers as they provide protection for Kansas citizens. (Attachment 6)
Proponent conferees answered questions from committee members.
There being no other conferees on the bill, the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2648.