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Minutes for SB423 - Committee on Senate Select Committee on Education Finance
Short Title
Amending the Kansas school equity and enhancement act by eliminating the 10% at-risk floor and expanded uses of capital outlay.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 12, 2018
Chairperson Baumgardner called the meeting to order.
The Committee heard SB423. Tamera Lawrence, Kansas Office of Revisor of Statute, provided an overview of the bill and the fiscal note. She discussed that SB423 would eliminate the 10% at-risk floor and the expanded uses of capital outlay. (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2)
Mike O'Neal, Kansas Policy Institute, presented proponent testimony for SB423. (Attachment 3) In his testimony Mr. O'Neal stated that if the proxy of free and reduced lunches is not the proper criteria for determining the student count for purposes of a weighting, then the Legislature needs to say so, rather than creating potentially dis-equalizing carve-outs for certain districts.
Senator Bollier commented that she felt it was important to look at this as well. Senator Pettey commented that Dr. Taylor stated that free and reduced lunch is the standard and that she would only be looking at this.
Mark Tallman, Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB), presented additional proponent testimony. (Attachment 4) He stated that KASB has long believed that free and reduced lunch is what should be looked at, but that they do not feel it is the only thing that should be looked at. He noted that the definition can be confusing, but for purposes of funding we use the label of free and reduced lunch services. Mr. Tallman stated that KASB does not have an issue with the utility piece, and he feels that this bill solves this issue.
Chairperson Baumgardner asked if the school board members have identified if there is a greater participation in free lunch in the elementary schools and how does this change as they move from middle school to high school. She noted that parents are more likely to participate when children are younger. Mr. Tallman stated that they did not have that data, but that KASB has heard the same thing in that participation drops off as the grade of the student increases. Chairperson Baumgardner commented that it concerns her that more information or data has not been collected. Mr. Tallman responded that they believe the idea of looking at free and reduced free lunch is not the only factor that they feel is an indicator of at-risk students and he discussed KASB concerns.
Senator Hensley asked procedural questions in reference about HB2466 and if this is on the agenda. Chairperson Baumgardner responded that this month agenda will be subject to change. She stated that what officially occurs will be published in the official agenda. Senator Hensley stated that he had brought this to the attention of House members. Chairperson Baumgardner clarified that there was no intention to strip the bill.
With no further questions, Chairperson Baumgardner adjourned the meeting.