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Minutes for HB2764 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions
Short Title
Affiliation with the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system by the Kansas department of wildlife, parks and tourism for membership of certain law enforcement officers and employees.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 12, 2018
David Wiese, staff revisor, reviewed the bill and addressed questions from Committee members.
Chairperson Kelly opened the hearing on HB2764.
Alan Conroy provided informational testimony on HB2764 (Attachment 1) and addressed questions from Committee members.
Secretary Robin Jennison testified in support of HB2764, agreeing with the written testimony provided by Chris Tymeson (Chief Legal Counsel, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism). (Attachment 2) saying that adoption of the bill would provide a retirement benefit that would aid in recruitment and retention of Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism law enforcement officers. Secretary Jennison addressed questions from Committee members.
Jesse Gehrt testified in support of HB2764 (Attachment 3) saying that adoption of the bill would bring his members to an equal footing with other law enforcement officers throughout the state, emphasizing the recruitment and retention of employees. Mr. Gehrt addressed questions from Committee members.
Chairperson Kelly asked if there were any more proponents who wished to speak on HB2764.
Randy Benteman provided oral testimony in support of the bill saying that he agreed with previous speakers' testimony and adding that KDWPT officers also provide back up for the Kansas Highway Patrol, county sheriffs and other law enforcement units throughout the state.
There being no further conferees Chairperson Kelly closed the hearing on HB2764.