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Minutes for HB2614 - Committee on Taxation
Short Title
Providing a child tax credit.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 13, 2018
Scott Wells, Senior Assistant Revisor provided an overview on HB2614 stating it would provide for a $200 child tax credit beginning in tax year 2018. In order to qualify for the credit the child would have to be a descendant of the taxpayer and to meet other requirements in the bill including having the same principle place of residence as the taxpayer for more than 1/2 of the taxable year. Mr. Wells stood for questions from the Committee.
Kathleen Smith, Department of Revenue provided an overview on the fiscal note stating the estimated amount for HB2614 is $81.2 million for fiscal year 2019.
Representative Tim Hodge testified as a proponent for HB2614 (Attachment 1). Representative Hodge stood for questions from the Committee.
In response to a question, Mr. Wells stated as written in HB2614 the excess amount would be refunded to the taxpayer. Any amount in excess of the taxpayers liability would be refunded.
Jeanette Proyer, Kansas Catholic Conference testified as a proponent for HB2614 stating the Kansas Catholic Conference advocates for public policy on behalf of the bishops and the population served by the Catholic church in Kansas (Attachment 2). Ms. Proyer stood for questions from the Committee.
Hearing closed on HB2614.