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Minutes for HB2481 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Updating the Kansas adoption and relinquishment act.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 15, 2018
Chairman Wilborn opened the hearing on HB2481 - Updating the Kansas adoption and relinquishment act. Jason Thompson provided an overview of the bill. (Attachment 1)
Representative Susan Humphries spoke in favor of HB2481 and explained the bill would codify case law which has developed over the past twenty years. The Representative commented on the review process carried out by the committee created by the Kansas Judicial Council and indicated the goal of their work was to update the statutes without changing the essence of them. (Attachment 2)
Kent Vincent represented the Kansas Judicial Council in giving support for HB2481. Mr. Vincent, a member of the Judicial Council review committee, provided background on the committee and its work and indicated this bill would provide the first major revision to Kansas adoption statutes since 1990. Changes provided for in the bill would allow Kansas adoption decrees to be given full credit in other states. (Attachment 3)
Proponent conferees answered questions from committee members.
The Chairman noted written testimony in favor of HB2481 submitted by Jill Bremyer (Attachment 4) and Martin Bauer (Attachment 5), members of the Judicial Council Adoption Law Advisory Committee.
Chairman Wilborn also pointed out testimony submitted in opposition to HB2481 by Debbie Snapp, Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas, Dodge City (Attachment 6), and by Dr. Bud Dale, concerned citizen (Attachment 7).
There being no more testimony to consider, the Chairman closed the hearing on HB2481.