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Minutes for HB2480 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Changing the definition of "misdemeanor crime of domestic violence" in the Kansas law enforcement training act.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 13, 2018
Chairman Wilborn opened the hearing on HB2480 - Changing the definition of "Misdemeanor crime of domestic violence" in the Kansas law enforcement training act. Jason Thompson provided an overview of the bill and answered questions from the committee. (Attachment 9)
Michelle Meier supported HB2480 and indicated the bill would deal with inconsistencies created when the Kansas domestic battery statute was broadened to include dating relationships. Ms. Meier answered questions from committee members. (Attachment 10)
The Chairman pointed out written testimony supporting HB2480 submitted by Joyce Grover for the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence. (Attachment 11)
There being no other conferees, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing on HB2480.