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Minutes for SB394 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Ensuring transparency in state government contract decisions and other actions.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 12, 2018
Mike Heim, Revisor, presented a brief overview of SB394, stating he believed the supplemental note gave an excellent summary of the bill.
There were no questions for Mr. Heim from the Committee.
Senator Susan Wagle, Kansas Senate, provided testimony in support of SB394 (Attachment 1), discussing the history and purpose of the bill, which was to bring uniformity to all branches of state government by expanding the definition of lobbying to include the lobbying of an executive or judicial agency on any administrative matter.
Senator Wagle answered questions from the Committee.
Senator Anthony Hensley, Kansas Senate, provided testimony in support of SB394 (Attachment 2), stating that requiring individuals seeking to influence the executive and judicial branches of government to register as lobbyists is long overdue, and no one should be allowed to work behind the scenes to influence the executive branch to obtain state business.
Senator Hensley answered questions from the Committee.
There were no testimonies provided in opposition to SB394.
Mark Skoglund, Executive Director, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission, provided neutral, informational testimony on SB394 (Attachment 3), noting three major areas covered by this bill, comparing current law to SB394: 1) lobbyist registration, 2) reporting requirements, and 3) gift limits. He discussed the categories of gifts on the chart on page 2 of his testimony.
Mr. Skoglund answered questions from the Committee, stating an individual or independent contractor lobbying the executive branch or any other for a contract would be required to register as a lobbyist and pay the filing fee.
There were no further neutral testimonies provided on SB394.
Representative Esau, Chair, closed the hearing on SB394.
Representative Randy Garber commented it would be helpful to have information on other states in this regard.
Representative Esau, Chair, requested the Legislative Research Department provide information from NCSL about other states (Attachment 4). (This information was provided via email by the Legislative Research Department and attached to the minutes the day following the meeting.)