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Minutes for SB275 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions
Short Title
Relating to mid-term appointments of credit union council council members.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 5, 2018
David Wiese, staff revisor, reviewed the bill and addressed questions from Committee members.
Chairperson Kelly opened the hearing on SB275.
Stephanie Mulholland testified in support of SB275 (Attachment 1) saying that adoption of the bill would clarify term limits of members of the Credit Union Council and ensure that Kansans volunteering to serve on the Council are not penalized for stepping up to fulfill a mid-term vacancy, retaining their ability to serve two full terms at the Governor's discretion.
Jerel Wright, who was present in the gallery, spoke in favor of SB275, agreeing with Ms. Mulholland's testimony and saying the KDCU is in full support of the bill.
There being no further conferees, Chairperson Kelly closed the hearing on SB275.