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Minutes for HB2472 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare
Short Title
Relating to organ donation, amending the uniform anatomical gift act.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 6, 2018
Chairperson Schmidt opened the hearing on HB2472.
Scott Abbott, Staff Revisor, gave an overview of the bill and answered questions from committee members.
Colleen Jamison presented proponent testimony. She stated that the passage of HB2472 will make it easier for applicants to indicate on their driver's license or state-issued identification card whether they wish to be, upon their death, an organ, eye, or tissue donor in accordance with the revised uniform anatomical gift act. (Attachment 1)
Elliott Whisenant gave testimony in support of HB2472. In his testimony he stated that over 120,000 Americans require an organ transplantation, with only approximately 30,000 receiving a new organ in 2016 alone. About 60 per cent of those people needing organs will die while waiting. He gave examples of different systems - Explicit consent, Presumed (or Implied Consent), Mandated Choice, and/or Routine Removal and the pros and cons of each. He discussed the impact that Next-of-Kin can have on decisions that donors had made. Included in his testimony was the dispelling of some of the myths that cause some potential donors to not donate their organs.He concluded that by implementing small, smart changes, the passage of HB2472 can save lives, generate tax income, reduce the size of the government, and create a positive influence for other states to follow Kansas' lead. (Attachment 2)
Questions were posed by committee members.
Chairperson Schmidt closed the hearing on HB2472.