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Minutes for HB2496 - Committee on Health and Human Services
Short Title
Enacting the nurse licensure compact.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 15, 2018
Chairperson Hawkins opened the hearing on HB2496.
Norm Furse, Revisor Emeritus, Office of Revisor of Statutes was called upon to review HB2496. He directed attention to the proposed balloon amendment that was distributed to the committee that authorizes criminal history background checks, which would amend the nurse licensure compact bill (Attachment 2).
Several questions were asked with answers, comments and discussion concerning background checks, the severability clause and requirements for licensure.
Representative Barker, because of the size and changes in the balloon amendment, made a motion to table HB2496 until a later date; the motion was seconded by Representative Eplee. Chairperson Hawkins said the motion was not debatable and called for a up or down voice vote. Representative Barker's motion to table was adopted on a voice vote and the bill was tabled until a later meeting.