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Minutes for HB2472 - Committee on Health and Human Services
Short Title
Relating to organ donation, amending the uniform anatomical gift act.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 12, 2018
The Chairperson called for final action on HB2472. He requested the Revisor's Office present an overview of the bill for the committee.
Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes, said this bill relates to organ donation, and amends the anatomical gift act. She explained the proposed amendment which changes the language to all or part of the body, revocation of the organ gift and immunity from civil action (Attachment 23).
Representative Barker offered the motion to pass out favorably HB2472, Representative Eplee seconded the motion.
Representative Barker made a motion to amend HB2472, Representative Dove seconded the motion.
After debate concluded, Representative Barker moved his amendment and the amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
Representative Barker made a substitute motion to pass out favorably HB2472 as amended, Representative Dove seconded and the amended bill passed out of committee on a voice vote.