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Minutes for HB2702 - Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications
Short Title
Registration of meteorological evaluation towers.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 14, 2018
Chair Seiwert opened the hearing.
Matt Sterling, Assistant Revisor of Statutes presented a bill brief. (Attachment 19) The bill amends K.S.A. 66-1281 concerning meterological evaluation towers. Under current law a tower, guy wires, and accessory facilities are required to have certain safety markings to make the towers identifiable from a distance. He stood for questions.
Proponent testimony was presented by Barbara Rankin. (Attachment 20) Kansas enacted legislation in 2011 to require marking of meterological evaluation towers (MET). However, the agency realized that legislation had not been enacted for a registration and directory requirement. The bill provides the opportunity to pass the legislation that has previously been recommended by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). If this bill is enacted into law, KDOT's Division of aviation is willing and able to expand its current database to include the location of towers under 200 feet in height. She stood for questions.
Written only proponent testimony was provided by Steve Hitchcock, Government Affairs, Kansas Agricultural Aviation Association. (Attachment 21)
Chair Seiwert closed the proponent portion.
There was no opposition testimony provided. Chair Seiwert closed the opponent portion.
Neutral testimony was presented by Kimberly Svaty. (Attachment 22) The Wind Coalition respectfully takes a neutral, but positive, position on this measure. The bill as written is an extension of key safety recommendations encouraged by our federal regulators and at least four other states have passed legislation requiring development of a state locational MET database of those towers currently in use. She stood for questions.
Chair Seiwert closed the neutral portion. Chair Seiwert then closed the hearing.
Representative Mason made a motion to suspend the rules and work the bill. Representative Garber seconded, motion passed.
Representative Mason made a motion to favorably pass HB2702, Representative Gartner seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.