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Minutes for SB398 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare
Short Title
Lowering requirements for a cosmetology senior status license.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 15, 2018
Chairperson Schmidt opened the hearing on SB398. Scott Abbott, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill.
Chiquita Coggs testified in support of SB398 stating that its passage provides a reduction in the cost of living for licensees who retire after age 60 and who have practiced as licensees in Kansas for a minimum of ten years. It will also provide an opportunity for licensees who have moved into Kansas from other states and who practice in Kansas for at least 10 years to benefit from the senior license status. (Attachment 3)
Questions were asked by the committee.
Chairperson Schmidt closed the hearing on SB398.
Chairperson Schmidt asked for a motion to pass SB398. Senator Bollier moved, Senator Kelly seconded, to recommend SB398 favorably for passage. Motion carried.
Senator Pettey introduced her pages from Rosedale Middle School - Isabelle Bounds, Jackie Vizcarra and Habiiba Sidi.