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Minutes for SB357 - Committee on Education
Short Title
Continuing the study of the cost of career technical education programs and report by the department of education.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 14, 2018
Tamera Lawrence, Office of Revisor of Statutes, gave a brief overview of SB357. She also discussed the fiscal note and presented a copy for the Committee. (Attachment 1)
Senator Alley questioned who would provide the cost. Ms. Lawrence stated that the KSDE would collect the cost. Chairperson Baumgardner commented that Dale Dennis, Deputy Commissioner of the Kansas Department of Education, had provided information in a recent past meeting. She noted this was just to provide a snap shot of the report. Ms. Lawrence noted that if no action is taken the whole bill would die from lack of legislative action.
Senator Pettey asked for clarification on the expenditure of writing and passing bills and asked what this bill is providing. Ms. Lawrence stated that they would only have one year of data unless they pass this bill to expand the data collection for another year. Senator Pettey asked about the data being already available. Chairperson Baumgardner stated it would include the change in weightings, and there has been questions on what the career technical education (CTE) weightings should be. She stated we do not have a means to get the data and have it presented in a consistent way to the Legislature.
Senator Pyle asked if there were any changes in this bill that would show changes in future years data. Chairperson Baumgardner responded that if there is a change in the school funding formula, we would want data to compare. Chairperson Baumgardner commented that feedback she has received indicated that the legislature should extend the data collection. Senator Pettey clarified that last year this was included in SB19, and this year it is a stand alone piece of Legislation. Senator Alley stated he didn't see where it was detailed who would be required to submit the data. Chairperson Baumgardner responded that if the Committee wanted to include a number of student participants there could be an amendment. Senator Alley also questioned if we received a report of how much the CTE received in funding. Chairperson Baumgardner stated it would be a good idea to get the amount from CTE programs. Senator Fitzgerald stated that these changes would be a good idea, and he would like a better track on funding. Senator Fitzgerald noted that if we don't have the data we are looking for in this bill, there may be issues in the future.
Chairperson Baumgardner requested Committee members to get with the Revisors to make amendments, and we would work on them if brought to the Committee.
Chairperson Baumgardner called for a motion to approve minutes from January 9th and January 11th.
Senator Bollier made a motion to approve the minutes and Senator Fitzgerald seconded the motion. Minutes from these two dates were approved in an unanimous vote, with the exception of Senator Hensley, who was absent.