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Minutes for SB316 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare
Short Title
Providing medicaid coverage for tobacco cessation.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 8, 2018
Chairperson Schmidt opened the hearing on SB316.
Scott Abbott, Staff Revisor, gave an overview of the bill.
Dr. Kimber Richter presented proponent testimony that included both personal experience and research evidence. She spoke of both her parents' deaths from tobacco-related illnesses. She also shared her experiences with her sons' smoking and their attempts and ultimate success with quitting smoking. As a health care professional, she spoke of how medications and support in quitting doubles smokers' odds of quitting on any given attempt. Because tobacco is so addictive and withdrawal is so bad, it takes multiple quit attempts for most people to quit. (Attachment 1)
Rick Cagan testified in support of SB316. He stated that smoking is the number one cause of death in people with mental illness or addiction. Tobacco use reduces the efficacy of psychiatric medications. Once they are able to quit, they are able to take less medication and achieve better symptom reduction. Lifting the limit on quit attempts per year is a simple way to improve utilization and outcomes. (Attachment 2) (Attachment 3) (Attachment 4)
Tami Gurley-Calvez testified as a proponent to SB316. As an expert in health economics she stated that the provision of smoking cessation services in Medicaid yields large economic benefits. The estimated state economic benefits are positive for the first round of treatment and each additional round of treatment. (Attachment 5)
Amy Campbell testified that for individuals with a mental illness, the success rate of going "cold turkey" is between zero and three percent, but success rates rise dramatically when counseling and medication are added to the equation. Quality cessation treatment includes medication, peer support, and counseling. (Attachment 6)
Proponent written testimony was submitted by:
Irene Caudillo, Health Communities Wyandotte (Attachment 7)
Carolyn Gaughan, Kansas Academy of Family Physicians (Attachment 8)
Steve Coen, Kansas Health Foundation (Attachment 9)
Christi Nance, Oral Health Kansas (Attachment 10)
Edward Ellerbeck, The University of Kansas School of Medicine (Attachment 11)
Roy Jensen, The University of Kansas Cancer Center (Attachment 12)
Shalae Harris, March of Dimes (Attachment 13)
James Gardner, Tobacco Free Kansas Coalition (Attachment 14)
Hilary Gee, Cancer Action Network (Attachment 15)
Tracy Russell, American Heart Association (Attachment 16)
Jeanette Metzler, Shawnee Misision Health (Attachment 17)
Colin Thomasset, Association of Community Mental Health Center of Kansas Inc. (Attachment 18)
Denise Cyzman, Kansas Association for the Medically Underserved (Attachment 19)
Steve Denny, Kansas Association of Addition Professionals (Attachment 20)
There was not any opponent or neutral testimony submitted.
Chairperson Schmidt closed the hearing on SB316 and adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m.
The next scheduled meeting is February 9, 2018 at 9:30 a.m.