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Minutes for HB2103 - Committee on Insurance
Short Title
Providing insurance coverage for amino acid-based elemental formula.
Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 23, 2018
Chairperson Vickrey recognized Mike Michael, Director of the State Employee Health Plan, who proceeded to present a report on the Social and Financial Impact of HB2103, which was requested by the committee in 2017. (Attachment 2) Mr. Michael responded to questions from the committee members. Chairperson Vickrey asked Melissa Renick of Legislative Research to explain the mandates law. Ms. Renick proceeded to explain the mandates law requires a one year study that can be extended if 12 months is not sufficient data. Then a report would be sent to the President of the Senate and the presiding Speaker of the House to evaluate and determine if it's necessary for language to go forward for coverage for all private insurance subject to state law. Ms. Renick added that any employer that has an ERISA plan would be exempt as they are self-insured and have their own requirements. Mr. Michael answered additional questions from committee members.
Meeting adjourned at 9:33 am. A subcommittee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 25, 2018, at 9:00 am in room 281-N.