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Minutes for SB217 - Committee on Health and Human Services

Short Title

Updating certain statutory references relating to the Kansas department for aging and disability services.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 22, 2018

Chairperson Hawkins opened the hearing on SB217.

Norm Furse, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, gave the review of SB217.  He said that this bill relates to the Department for Aging and Disability Services, and the changes being made are mostly technical in nature, and the bill changes some wording to what being used in current law (Attachment 2).


Charles L Wheelen, Executive Director, Kansas Health Care Stabilization Board, requested as spokesperson for the Stabilization Board of Governors,  favorable consideration of SB217 because it updates a couple of minor technical amendments.  When they prepared their annual report last fall, it was suggested the next time there is a bill available that amends the statute, they should request an amendment that would ratify their customary practice (Attachment 3).

Kimberly M.J. Lynch, Chief Counsel, Kansas Department of Aging and Disability, said this bill makes technical changes to a number of statutes with changes to the Kansas statutory language that falls in line with Federal law and provides a more appropriate, accurate and kind way to reference individuals with intellectual or other disabilities (Attachment 4).


There were no opponents to SB217 appearing before the committee.


There were no neutral parties that testified on SB217.

After a brief question and answer period, the Chairperson closed the hearing on SB217.