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Minutes for SB267 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance
Short Title
Updating the effective date of risk-based capital instructions.
Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 17, 2018
The Chairperson turned the Committee's attention to and opened the hearing on SB267.
Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor of Statutes, presented an overview of the bill.
Clark Shultz, Assistant Insurance Commissioner for the Kansas Insurance Department (KID), presented oral testimony supporting adoption of SB267. Mr. Shultz told the committee that this bill is an annual date-change bill, which changes the date and updates the rules and instructions for risk-based capitol that are used for domestic insurance companies. He urged the committee to recommend the bill favorably for passage. (Attachment 1)
There being no questions, and no other proponent, opponent or neutral testimony submitted, Chairperson Longbine closed the hearing on SB267.