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Minutes for SB263 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Creating a program to research the use of industrial hemp.
Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 17, 2018
Chairperson Kerschen called on Shahira Stafford from Kansas Feed and Grain Association to introduce the members of the Tomorrow's Agribusiness Leaders program who were guests at the committee meeting.
Chairperson Kerschen reopened the hearing on SB263.
Nick Reinecker testified in opposition to the bill. He is opposed to this bill because he feels that if it passes and a research program is implemented, there is no way to know how long this research program will take. He wants farmers to be able to plant it as soon as possible. He also spoke in favor of legalizing the cannabis plant. Chairman Kerschen informed him at the end of his testimony that SB263 dealt with industrial hemp and the Committee would not hear any other testimony about cannabis during the hearing on this bill.(Attachment 1)
Rock Gagnebin spoke in opposition to the bill. He pointed out the many products that can be produced from hemp and stated that he cannot support this bill because it will only prolong the passage a "real industrial hemp bill" that would allow farmers to legally grow hemp.(Attachment 2)
Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on SB263.
Representative Willie Dove introduced Kashif Shan with Folium Biosciences, a Colorado Company that is licensed to grow, process, and distribute industrial hemp. Mr. Shan gave some introductory comments and then was available to answer questions from the committee. (no written comments were submitted).
After some discussion, Chairperson Kerschen adjourned the meeting.