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Minutes for HB2273 - Committee on Utilities
Short Title
Kansas no-call act; restrictions on use of automatic dialing-announcing devices.
Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 18, 2018
Chairman Olson opened the hearing on HB 2273 - Kansas no-call act; restrictions on use of automatic dialing-announcing devices and called on Matt Sterling for an Office of Revisor of Statutes overview of the bill. (Attachment 1)
Chairman Olson called for testimony requesting that all questions be held until the end of all testimony.
Proponent: Rep. Dennis Highberger presented the case of constituents Ken and Bettie Treadway from Lawrence, KS. (Attachment 2)
Proponent: Rep. Susie Swanson discussed her personal concerns and experiences with automated calling devices. (Attachment 3)
Opponent: Rob Reynolds established that CTIA members are concerned regarding language in the bill. He indicated that his industry has invested heavily in technology to better manage automated calling. He explained that the technology is being developed to allow the consumer to avoid these calls. He added that only 10% of customers have taken action or requested assistance to avoid automated calls. Chairman Olson requested that the presenter provide information regarding tools that might be helpful in better managing automated calls. (Attachment 4)
Rob Reynolds responded to the Chairman's request with the following two online sources:
1.) The CTIA web site has some steps listed under the Consumer Tips category. https// )
2.) The Nomorobo web site. ( )
Opponent: Laura Lutz related concerns that language in the bill seemed to create a conflict with federal law and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). (Attachment 5)
Testimony submitted as Written Only:
Written Only Neutral: Doug Smith - Kansas Collectors Association and Kansas Credit Attorneys Association. (Attachment 6)
Written Only Opponent: John Federico - Kansas Cable Telecommunications Association (KCTA) (Attachment 7)
Seeing no additional testimony, Chairman Olson closed the hearing on the bill.