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Minutes for SB255 - Committee on Utilities
Short Title
Kansas 911 act; audits by legislative post audit.
Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 16, 2018
Chairman Olson opened the hearing on - SB 255 - Kansas 911 act; audits by legislative post audit. He called on Matt Sterling for an Office of Revisor of Statutes overview on the bill. (Attachment 1)
Proponent Scott Franks explained that the bill would change the law to require that the frequency of Legislative Post Audits change from every three years to every five years. (Attachment 2)
Seeing no additional testimony Chairman Olson closed the hearing on the bill.
Chairman Olson opened the discussion on the bill. Senator Hawk motioned to pass favorably the bill out of committee to be placed on the consent calendar. Senator Petersen seconded the motion. The motion passed to accept the bill to be placed on the consent calendar. Chairman Olson closed the discussion on the bill.
Members of the committee commended Scott Franks for his service to the state.