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Minutes for SB251 - Committee on Senate Select Committee on Education Finance
Short Title
Creating the Kansas school equity and enhancement act.
Minutes Content for Tue, May 23, 2017
Baumgardner presented a clarification document for amendment #14. (Attachment 10)
Senator Baumgardner motioned to move the previously discussed amendment as revised. Senator Pettey seconded the motion. The amendment passed.
Senator Bollier motioned to adopt amendment #19. Senator Baumgardner seconded the motion. (Attachment 11)
Senator Bollier discussed her amendment that requires a Legislative review of certain reports and analysis of weightings and the formula for reasonableness and changes dates on LPA studies. Tamera Lawrence addressed dates and dates that were associated with the LPA report. Senator Baumgardner had a concern with the at-risk review date and questioned if they would have adequate information by then. Senator Baumgardner discussed her concerns with virtual dates, noting she would like the Legislature to address virtual schools sooner rather than later. Senator Pettey concurred with Senator Baumgardner. Senator Bollier discussed her intent of switching the date.
Discussion ensued. Senator Bollier stated she would like to strike the dates on the amendment and change the date back to 2020. Senator Baumgardner requested the Committee adopt the bilingual date as 2018 and stated that LPA noted they would be willing to switch the dates between transportation and bilingual, so as to accommodate the change and not have more than one audit at a time. Tamera Lawrence summarized the changes to the amendment and discussion ensued. Chairperson Denning stated the Revisors would make the changes agreed upon.
Senator Bollier moved the amendment as revised. The amendment passed.
Senator Goddard motioned to adopt amendment #24. Seconded by Senator Estes. (Attachment 12)
Senator Goddard offered an amendment that removes out-of-state student exclusion and who shall be counted and not counted as a student. Senator Goddard stated that this mainly addresses students that live along the borders and noted that these families generally pay taxes in Kansas. He commented that it would be detrimental to school districts and employers to exclude these students. Senator Pettey asked for clarification on the cost of these students. Mr. Penner responded that, based on comments from Dale Dennis, he believed it to be a high of $3.5 million. Senator Pettey asked if this continues to allow school districts to make decisions about whether to accept such students and it was clarified that they could. Senator Baumgardner discussed weightings and how they address what is required by the Court to adequately address funding for Kansas. She noted that a district can allow out-of-state students, but that Kansas should not fund them through the formula, noting that, for students who are children of employees, this can be a benefit provided by distinct-employers. Discussion ensued on the dollar amounts pertaining to these out-of-state students.
Senator Goddard moved amendment #24. A vote by show of hands was requested. The amendment passed by a vote of 4-2.
Senator Estes motioned to adopt amendment #7. Seconded by Senator Pettey. (Attachment 13)
This amendment is to change language of the tax credit scholarship program to say that on and after July 1st, 2020 a qualified school should be accredited by the State Board or a national or regional accrediting agency. Mr. Myers summarized these changes and a discussion ensued. Senator Pettey asked if this would be taking away accountability from the State Board of Education. She questioned if the KSBE needs to evaluate outside accreditation agencies to ensure they are a reputable nationally recognized accreditation agency. Senator Baumgardner stated that the KSBE has a list of nationally accredited organizations that can be found on their website. Discussion ensued to clarify language and dates of accreditation, as well as what is classified as a recognized accreditation. Mr. Myers stated the new language after discussion would read on or after July 1st, 2020, a qualified school shall be accredited by the State Board or a national or regional accrediting agency that is recognized by the State Board.
Senator Bollier motioned to adopt a substitute amendment to amendment #7 to change the date to July 1st, 2018. Seconded by Senator Pettey.
Senator Baumgardner and Senator Goddard questioned if accreditation can be accomplished in a year. A discussion ensued on the work and position of the House K-12 Budget Committee.
Senator Bollier moved her amendment. The amendment failed.
Senator Estes moved his amendment. The amendment passed.
Senator Pettey motioned to adopt a conceptual amendment that gives schools 3 years to be accredited. Seconded by Senator Bollier.
This amendment would reverse Senator Estes' amendment. It addresses the tax credit scholarship grandfather schools and would require that these schools be accredited by 2020 by the Kansas State Board of Education. Mr. Myers gave a summary of the amendment. Senator Pettey noted the difference in her amendment and Senator Estes' amendment, stating that who the school is accredited by is different. Senator Estes commented that private schools that want to become certified should not be limited, and he stated he will not vote yes on this amendment. Senator Pettey stated her amendment addresses non-public schools that are not accredited.
Senator Pettey moved to adopt the amendment. The amendment failed.
Chairperson Denning adjourned the meeting until 9am Wednesday morning.