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Minutes for SB55 - Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
Short Title
Public construction contracts and performance and payment bonds.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 22, 2017
The hearing was opened. Chuck Reimer, Assistant Revisor, gave an overview.
Brad Miller, Midwest Crane and Rigging, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 1)
Nathan Buhrmester, American Subcontractor Association, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 2)
Sheila Ohrenberg, Sorella Group Inc, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 3)
Larry Baer, League of Kansas Municipalities, gave neutral testimony. (Attachment 4)
Mike Gibson, Association of General Contractors of Kansas, gave neutral testimony, explaining there is no public-private partnership (P3) statutes in Kansas. Mr. Gibson gave a brief account of the controversy involving a capital project involving Kansas University. Chairperson Mason requested Mr. Gibson provide the Committee with written testimony. At the time the minutes were approved, no additional testimony was provided.
The hearing was closed.