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Dec. 15, 2019
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Minutes for HB2053 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Requiring defendants to pay for the cost of collection in domestic cases.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 16, 2017

Jason Thompson gave a brief on the bill saying that as amended by the House Committee, this bill requires payment of the cost of collection, by a person ordered to pay, when collection services are used to recover debts owed to the court and restitution. 


Allie Devine spoke in support of the bill (Attachment 14) on behalf of Todd Butler of Butler and Associates, PA.  Ms. Devine introduced Zach King from Butler and Associates and stated that money from fees collected goes to the State General Fund, not court finances.  Ms. Devine went on to explain that they have fixed some language issues and the Revisors have an amendment to finish fixing language.

Topics that were clarified and discussed  included, the amount of the fee, language indicating an increase from 25% to 33% of said fee, and where and how the money is allocated in the General Fund.

Seeing no further conferees, questions, or discussion, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing.