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Senate Status:
Minutes for HB2234 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Setting a time in which infectious disease testing of certain offenders must take place.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 16, 2017
Jason Thompson gave a briefing on the bill saying it was amended by the House Committee, and sets a time frame in which infectious disease testing of certain offenders must take place. He then went on to describe exactly what this bill does.
Brad Burke shared support (Attachment 9) for the bill after the federal administrator of the Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program informed the department that they were unable to utilize 5 percent of the total funds allocated under the "Arrest Program" grant unless the State amended its law to come into conformity with the federal laws. He concluded by saying that it is critical for victims to find out if have been infected, and this bill will help provide that peace of mind without costing Kansas more money.
Chairman Wilborn then noted the written proponents, which included testimony from Gary Mason (Attachment 10), Shawn Cowing (Attachment 11), Steve Kearney (Attachment 12), and Joyce Grover (Attachment 13).
Seeing no further conferees, questions or discussion, Chairman Wilborn closed the hearing.