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Minutes for SB48 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Remedies for the impairment of a valid water right or permit to divert and use water.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 20, 2017
Chairman Kerschen called for action on SB48.
Tamera Lawrence of the Revisor's Office explained the bill.
Committee members had several questions on the bill. Members of the Department of Agriculture addressed these concerns.
Senator Francisco proposed a balloon amendment which she explained. (Attachment 3)
Senator Francisco moved and Senator Taylor seconded to adopt the balloon amendment Motion carried.
Senator Billinger moved revising the amendment by putting the word curtails back into the bill. After some discussion, the motion carried.
Senator Berger moved and Senator Rogers seconded SB48 as amended be recommended favorably for passage. Motion carried.
Chairperson Kerschen adjourned the meeting at 9:10.