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Minutes for HB2333 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Audits of election results; voting machine requirements; timing of the canvass.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 13, 2017
Mike Heim, Senior Assistant Revisor, provided descriptions of both HB2333 and HB2251, dealing with election audits, pointing out the differences between the two bills.
There were no questions from the Committee for Mr. Heim.
Representative Esau, Chair, opened the hearing on HB2333.
Kris W. Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, provided testimony on HB2333, stating the Secretary of State's Office was in favor of both HB2333 and HB2251, preferring HB2333, requiring manual post-election audit of a subsection of ballots in each county. He stated the best time to do the audit is between the election and the canvass, and that both bills include a requirement for all future election machinery in Kansas to have a paper trail (Attachment 1).
Secretary Kobach and Bryan Caskey, Director of Elections, answered questions from the Committee.
Cille King, substituting for Marge Ahrens, Co-President, League of Women Voters of Kansas, provided testimony in support of both HB2333 and HB2251 (Attachment 2), referencing data analysis and survey done by Dr. Beth Clarkson following two elections in Sedgwick County.
Ms. King answered questions from the Committee, stating information on Dr. Clarkson's work would be provided to the Committee at a later date.
Davis Hammet, Topeka, Kansas, provided testimony on HB2333, preferring the entire ballot be audited rather than just one office (Attachment 3).
Mr. Hammet and Secretary Kobach answered questions from the Committee.
There being no further opponents and no neutral testimonies, the hearing on HB2333 was closed.