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Minutes for SB46 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Water conservation area findings, notice and management plans.
Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 14, 2017
Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on SB46.
Tamera Lawrence of Revisor of Statutes Office reviewed the bill.
Aaron Popelka testified in support of the bill. He believes that it provides livestock facilities more flexibility in the use of their existing water rights while also advancing the goal of groundwater conservation. (Attachment 1)
Susan Metzger testified in support of the bill. She believes that this bill will work because it is the result of direct interaction between agricultural stakeholder organization and groundwater management districts. (Attachment 2)
Sean Miller testified in support of the bill. He believes the bill preserves the legislative policy for local groundwater management districts management programs and the rules necessary to implement them.(Attachment 3)
Tracy Streeter testified in support of the bill. He believes that the flexibility offered in this bill affords the producer the opportunity to seek the highest economic value of the water pumped while staying within the overall WCA water allocation. (Attachment 4)
Kent Askren testified in support of the bill. He supports the bill because he believes it provides greater flexibility in exercising water rights so higher value outcomes can be achieved with the use of less water. All this can be done remaining consistent with state water law. (Attachment 5)
Written testimony in support of the bill was provided by:
John Donley-Kansas Corn Growers Association (Attachment 6)
Greg Graff-Groundwater Management District 1 (Attachment 7)