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Dec. 15, 2019
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Minutes for SB124 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Amending factors considered in determinations of child custody, residency and parenting time.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 16, 2017

Jenna Moyer briefed the Committee on the bill saying that it amends two sections of the Family Law Code as it concerns legal custody and evidence of domestic abuse as it pertains to custody.


Senator Pilcher Cook shared her support (Attachment 15) for the bill saying that this legislation was introduced last year. The House sent the bill to the Judicial Council for review, and this bill is a result of that. She said that the court should not hold protecting parents' actions against them when considering what's best for the children.

Crystalee Protheroe gave testimony in support (Attachment 16) of the bill using her own example of an abusive former spouse that was given custody of her children.

Kathy Ray shared her support (Attachment 17) of the bill saying that defining abuse is a good first step. She continued on by sharing statistics about domestic abuse and abusive parents as it relates to custodial rights.

Issues concerning the court's ability to be able to protect children and abused spouses was addressed.

Chairman Wilborn directed the attention of the Committee to the written proponents testimony submitted by Laura Nordgren (Attachment 18) and Gillian Chadwick (Attachment 19).

Chairman Wilborn closed hearing on the bill.


Chairman Wilborn asked for a motion to approve the minutes for January 24, 2017; January 25, 2017; January 26, 2017; January 31, 2017; February 1, 2017; February 2, 2017; February 7, 2017; and February 8, 2017.

Senator Fitzgerald moved to approve minutes, Senator Haley seconded. Motion carried.

Chairman Wilborn adjourned the meeting at 12pm.