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Senate Status:
Minutes for SB100 - Committee on Education
Short Title
Allowing scholarships for mental health nurses in the nursing service scholarship program.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 2, 2017
Chairperson Baumgardner introduced Nick Myers with Revisor of Statutes. Mr. Myers gave a brief overview of SB100 and distributed a Memorandum. SB100 incorporates mental health nurses into the nursing service scholarship program and specifics were incorporated into the bill language. The memorandum gives a general overview of sponsors, financing, number of scholarships and amendments that were made. (Attachment 6)
Dr. Blake Flanders, President and CEO of Kansas Board of Regents, gave the first oral testimony. He discussed being a proponent of this bill and provided written testimony. (Attachment 7)
Tim Keck, Secretary of Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services, gave second oral testimony as a proponent. Secretary Keck discussed staffing issues with hospitals and how this bill could benefit them. He believes it will help in recruiting efforts for nurses. Senator Taylor asked Secretary Keck if he thought this would have a cost savings. Secretary Keck concurred and stated he was trying to create a career path for nurses. He noted that this bill would be beneficial for this cause and hoped by summer to be full staffed. (Attachment 8)
Matt Lindsey, President of Kansas Independent College Association, spoke as a strong proponent on this bill. (Attachment 9)
Bonnie Sowers, Pat George and Kimberly Shankman provided written testimony. (Attachment 10) (Attachment 11) (Attachment 12)
Senator Fitzgerald asked if this was for Kansas residents or for residents of neighbor states. Dr. Flanders stated that the students needed to be in state residents. Fitzgerald questioned whether it was a good idea to open this up to capture students that come from other states. Dr. Flanders stated this would be a good idea. Nick Myers stated that he didn't see anything in the bill that would require students to become residents.
Chairperson Baumgardner stated that the committee would be looking into these questions and would discuss this further at next week's meeting. Chairperson Baumgardner then thanked all conferees and adjourned the meeting.